I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 59

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 59

The next day.

Seven days had passed since the injury, and Wei Changtian decided to continue his training.

Last night’s events had already been forgotten, and he didn’t dwell on them.

Liang Qin was indeed a remarkable woman, but Wei Changtian didn’t think he had to win her over.

Although he was an lsp, he wasn’t desperate enough to fall for a woman at first sight.

That would be too ridiculous.

At this point, Wei Changtian was unaware that he still had a long story to tell with Liang Qin, just like he hadn’t anticipated the Lyu family’s move would come so soon.

“Bang! Bang bang bang!”

The sound of the drums echoed, and two figures were entangled in a fierce battle.

Just as they were in the heat of the fight, Wang Er’s voice suddenly came from afar.

“Master! Stop fighting!”

Wei Changtian immediately frowned and jumped off the ring: “What’s wrong?”

Wang Er’s face looked terrible: “Master, let’s talk outside.”


Wei Changtian had never seen Wang Er like this before and quickly put on his outerwear to leave the training hall.

“What’s going on? Is something wrong with the Gong Ji Association?”

“It’s not that.”

Wang Er’s expression was grave: “Master, it’s the Lyu family.”

“The Lyu family? What are they up to?”

Wei Changtian’s eyes narrowed.

“They want to impeach the old master.”

Wang Er lowered his voice: “Today, during the morning court session, the Ministry of Justice received a letter from Zhang Hongwen, stating that the old master had known about his demonic powers all along but kept it hidden and used it to control him. Later, when he refused to be controlled by the Wei family, the old master turned against him.”

“The letter also listed several tasks he had done for the Wei family, all with evidence to back it up, making it seem very convincing.”

“What the hell! Is this not just nonsense?”

Wei Changtian was shocked, as he knew that Wei Xianzhi had been completely unaware of Zhang Hongwen’s demonic powers.

However, before he could ask further, Wang Er continued:

“It’s not over yet, young master. After the Ministry of Justice takes out this letter, the Censorate, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of Personnel, and Ministry of Revenue, including some local officials, nearly forty people, will jointly submit a memorial to the emperor.”

“The memorial is over a hundred pages long, listing dozens of crimes, including the formation of a clique, accepting bribes, and abusing private punishment.”

“It’s said that when the emperor finished reading it, he was furious on the spot…”

The two chatted as they walked, quickly entering the horse-drawn carriage.

Wei Changtian didn’t interrupt again, waiting for Wang Er to finish before asking, “Where’s my father now?”

“He was just summoned to the palace and should have entered the inner city by now.”

Wang Er asked anxiously, “What should we do now, young master? Will your father be detained directly this time?”

“Don’t worry.”

Wei Changtian glanced at Wang Er, seeing his genuine loyalty to the Wei family.

However, some things can’t be solved with just loyalty.

” Wang Er…”

After frowning for a moment, Wei Changtian suddenly asked, “Which family do you think has more influence, the Liu or the Wei?”


Wang Er hesitated, “Liu Yuanshan is the prime minister and good at winning people’s hearts…”

Wei Changtian cut him off, “No need to say that!”

Wang Er was startled, then nodded affirmatively, “The Liu family has more influence.”

Wei Changtian immediately asked again, “Then, what’s the relationship between the Xu family and the Liu and Wei families?”

Wang Er replied, “The Xu family just wants to make money and doesn’t want to offend either side, so it’s hard to say who they’re closer to.”

“Okay, then there’s no problem.”

Wei Changtian suddenly revealed a hint of a smile, stretching lazily, “Let’s go home and wait. My father will probably be back by tonight at the latest.”


Wang Er was surprised, “Young master, aren’t we going to do something?”

“What can we do?”

Wei Changtian glared at Wang Er, “You tell me what we can do besides waiting?”


Wang Er opened his mouth but couldn’t speak, clearly still unsure about the situation.

Wei Changtian saw his expression and could only explain helplessly:

“Tell me, among the officials in the imperial court today, who is completely clean?”

“Uh… probably none.”

“Then why don’t they have any problems?”


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Wang Er was stunned, seeming to understand a little, “Young master, you mean the emperor…”


Wei Changtian nodded, “Whether my father will get into trouble or not isn’t decided by a single letter or memorial. Ultimately, it depends on what the emperor thinks.”

“Since the Liu family has more influence than us, and the Ning family isn’t on our side, do you think the emperor will help the Liu family or us?”

“But the emperor was very angry today…” Wang Er still had some doubts.

“Sigh, appearances are for others to see…”

Wei Changtian sighed, gazing at the plaque of the Ministry of Justice outside the carriage window, and said softly:

“Remember, if you want to guess what others are thinking, don’t listen to what they say, but look at what they do.”


At this moment, in the Imperial Palace, Stone Canal Pavilion.

An old eunuch stood beside a man in white robes, bowing his head and whispering, “Your Majesty, Lord Wei has arrived at the palace.”


Ning Yongnian nodded, took a sip of tea, and asked, “Old Li, what do you think about today’s events?”

“I dare not say, Your Majesty.”

The old eunuch whispered, “I just can’t understand why the Liu family would suddenly attack. If it’s just a quarrel between the younger generations of the two families, it’s hard to make sense of it.”

“I also can’t understand.”

Ning Yongnian pointed to the scattered notes on the table and asked, “How much of what’s written here do you think is true?”

“Half true, half false, I suppose.”

The old eunuch hesitated, then continued, “Your Majesty, this conflict between the Liu and Wei families may not be as simple as before. If we don’t handle it well, it could lead to big trouble.”

“Hahaha! I hope they fight even harder.”

Ning Yongnian laughed loudly, saying, “If they don’t fight, that’s when we’ll really have big trouble.”

“Your Majesty is wise.”

The old eunuch flattered, already understanding how Ning Yongnian would handle the situation.

However, he still had some concerns in his heart: “Your Majesty, I have one more thing to say, I don’t know if I should say it or not.”

“Say it!”


The old eunuch organized his words, just about to speak, when a sudden shout came from outside the door.

“Your humble servant Wei Xianzhi, requesting an audience with Your Majesty!”

The old eunuch instantly shut his mouth, seeing Ning Yongnian nod, and then walked to the door to usher Wei Xianzhi in.

“Your Majesty! I’ve already heard about what happened at the morning court session!”

Wei Xianzhi burst in, loudly proclaiming his innocence: “It’s completely outrageous, they’re trying to frame me! I’m willing to confront them face-to-face!”

“Hahaha, don’t be anxious, love.”

Ning Yongnian pointed to the seat in front of him, even personally pouring a cup of tea for Wei Xianzhi: “I naturally believe in you, and I summoned you to the palace today to put your mind at ease.”

“I’ll definitely give you an explanation for this matter.”


A quarter of an hour later, Wei Xianzhi hastily left the Stone Canal Pavilion.

Ning Yongnian gazed at his retreating figure through the open door, then turned to ask the old eunuch, who had reappeared beside him.

“Old Li, what were you going to say earlier?”

“I was going to say… although the Liu family’s power surpasses that of the Wei family, the Liu minister is still obedient to Your Majesty. But Lord Wei…”


Ning Yongnian turned his head, looking at the old eunuch with interest, until the latter suddenly knelt down on the ground with a thud.

“Your Majesty, my loyalty to you is as clear as day and night! I said this only for your consideration, with no bias whatsoever, ah!”

“Get up, I didn’t say anything.”

Ning Yongnian withdrew his gaze, muttering to himself.

“The Wei family… it’s not the right time yet.”

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