I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 6

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 6

Wei Manor.

Just as Xiao Feng was hurrying towards this place, Wei Changtian and Lu Jingyao had just come out of Qin Cai’s place.

From noble mtl dot come

Lu Jingyao’s status was that of a concubine, so the wedding ceremony was very simple.

The sedan chair was lifted into the door, and after paying respects to the Wei family’s ancestors, it was basically over, not even allowing the guests who came to congratulate them to see her, with everything handled by Wei Xianzhi.

Lu Jingyao was quite cooperative today, although she had secretly wiped away tears several times, but didn’t try to seek death, it seemed she had made up her mind.

However, there was one thing she couldn’t let go of.

“Wei Changtian, I have something to say to you.”

When they reached a fake hill, she suddenly stopped, her expression struggling, her voice very small.

Wei Changtian followed and stood still, turning his side face to her with a cold reminder: “What should you call me?”


Lu Jingyao’s expression instantly froze, and after a long while, she gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and trembled as she changed her address.

“Lord… Husband…”


Got it!

He got it!

As soon as the two words, as soft as a mosquito’s hum, left his mouth, Wei Changtian couldn’t help but burst into laughter on the spot.

He seemed to suddenly understand why “men don’t badmouth women who don’t love them.”

The harder it is to conquer, the more sense of accomplishment, and the easier it is to get, the less it’s cherished.

So… being a lapdog is absolutely impossible!

Although he was secretly pleased, Wei Changtian’s expression remained calm, and he instructed the few maids in front of him: “You all step back.”

“Yes, young master.”

These maids knew that their young master and the lady were not “emotionally compatible,” so they immediately retreated, fearing they might overhear something they shouldn’t and get into trouble.

After they left, Wei Changtian finally walked to a pavilion and sat down, looking at Lu Jingyao’s slender figure and asking, “What do you want to say?”

“Say it… as long as it’s not to plead for Xiao Feng.”


Lu Jingyao’s words were blocked, and she lowered her head in silence for a moment. Then, she suddenly took a step forward and sat beside Wei Changtian, her jade-like hand gently stretching out to hold his arm.

Soon, gentle whispers echoed in Wei Changtian’s ear.

“My lord, actually, I and Xiao Feng are just acquaintances.”

“I previously said that only because I didn’t want to marry into the Wei family.”

“But now that I’ve already married you, and especially after last night’s conversation, I know you’re not as brutal as the rumors say. You’ve already entrusted your true heart to me.”

“So… Xiao Feng’s life or death doesn’t matter, but I don’t want you to kill an innocent person because of me…”


Good grief! This woman actually had such cunning?

As the gentle breeze blew, Wei Changtian was surprised after listening to Lu Jingyao’s “deep confession.”

Although her words were full of loopholes, they might be the only way to save Xiao Feng’s life.

After all, Lu Jingyao didn’t know about the deep-seated hatred between the Wei family and Xiao Feng, and thought that Wei Changtian only wanted to kill Xiao Feng because of “jealousy” towards her.

It was fortunate that he was a transmigrator; if he were the original host, he would have been deceived and lost his way.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, no wonder Lu Jingyao could help Xiao Feng manage his forces so neatly in the novel. It seemed she wasn’t just a flower vase who only knew how to recite poetry and play the zither.

To deal with a woman like her, he had to appear even more unfathomable!

After a moment of contemplation, Wei Changtian didn’t directly expose Lu Jingyao’s scheme. Instead, he slowly opened her hand, which was grasping his clothes, and smiled lightly: “You don’t need to be so tense.”

Lu Jingyao trembled slightly, trying to hide the panic on her face: “It’s my fault, I’m afraid of being punished by you, so I’m naturally tense.”

“Heh heh.”

Wei Changtian glanced at her sideways: “There’s mutual affection between us; what’s wrong with that?”

“I-I and Xiao Feng really have nothing between us, where’s the emotion?”

Lu Jingyao’s tone seemed somewhat aggrieved: “Don’t you believe me, my lord?”

“Believe or not, that’s another matter.”

Wei Changtian shook his head, withdrew his arm from Lu Jingyao’s soft embrace, and turned to look at the blooming flowers outside the pavilion.

The dense branches and leaves were neatly trimmed, almost blocking half of his view.

“Today, no matter what, is our wedding day. I don’t want to talk about Xiao Feng.”

“If you still want to plead for him… wait until tomorrow.”

Wei Changtian thought that if nothing unexpected happened, Xiao Feng would be dead by tonight, so he didn’t bother to argue with Lu Jingyao anymore.

But the latter didn’t know that her beloved was already in a life-or-death crisis, and thought that her words had taken effect, so she couldn’t help but feel overjoyed.

Just as she was about to say something to consolidate her “victory,” a loud, fierce barking suddenly came from not far away.

“Woof! Woof woof!”

That dog’s barking was extremely mournful, as if it was suffering some kind of inhumane abuse.

Wei Changtian and Lu Jingyao turned their heads simultaneously, only to see the branches and leaves in the flowerbed suddenly go wild, and then a person and a dog burst out of the embroidered flower cluster.

“Hehehe! Big Ghost, run fast!”

“Big Brother, look! I’m riding a dog!”


Wei Changtian stared, mouth agape, at the little girl riding the big black dog with an air of triumph, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a “gulp”.

If he wasn’t mistaken, this little girl with such a cool entrance should be his only brother or sister, Wei Qiaoling.

There was no description of this character in the novel, and Wei Changtian had originally hoped for a gentle and soft little loli, but…

Which loli would ride a dog?

And what’s with the dog’s name?

Big Ghost?

Are you serious?

Wei Changtian’s heart shattered into a thousand pieces, while Wei Qiaoling didn’t know she had already been disliked by her big brother, and she jumped off the dog, her little short legs “trotting” over, her big black eyes full of curiosity.

“Big Brother! Who is this?”


Wei Changtian tactfully dodged a small demon claw trying to wipe its nose on his clothes: “This is your sister-in-law.”


Wei Qiaoling “failed her mission”, and could only wipe her nose on the big black dog’s head, then asked with some doubt: “What is a sister-in-law?”

Wei Changtian explained helplessly: “A sister-in-law is your brother’s wife.”

“Wife! I know!”

Wei Qiaoling clapped her little hands, proudly showing off: “Grandpa’s wife is Grandma! Father’s wife is Mother! Big Brother’s wife is Sister-in-law! Big Ghost’s wife is Big Meow!”

“Big Meow?”

Wei Changtian felt a sense of foreboding: “Big Meow is……”

“It’s that big fat cat that often lies on the roof!”


It’s true! He shouldn’t have asked!

Even a dog could be so abnormal, so did the Wei family, apart from himself, still have any normal creatures left?

Wei Changtian was afraid that if he continued to talk, he would hear even more unbelievable things, so he hurriedly changed the subject and asked: “How did you get here?”

Wei Qiaoling counted on her fingers and replied truthfully: “Father told me to come and call Big Brother over.”

“Okay, I’ll go now.”

Wei Changtian knew that Wei Xianzhi must want to discuss killing Xiao Feng with him, so his expression immediately turned serious, and he turned to Lu Jingyao and said: “You play with Qiaoling for a while, okay?”

“Okay, I know.”

Lu Jingyao no longer disliked Wei Changtian much, let alone “hate the entire Wei family” like Wei Qiaoling, this little girl who didn’t understand anything.


After Wei Changtian left, Lu Jingyao smiled and bent down to ask: “Do you want to play with me?”


Wei Qiaoling nodded her head like a little chicken pecking at grain, looking quite adorable: “Sister-in-law, let’s catch frogs!”

“Catch frogs?”

Lu Jingyao, who had learned music and poetry since childhood and only did needlework in her free time, had never done such a thing, and was a bit curious: “What’sůsobing frogs for?”

“Fetch the little Qing!”

“Little Qing?”

“It’s my raised long worm! Its body has grown so long!”


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