I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 60

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 60

This wave of impeachment was like a typhoon, although it came fiercely, it left quickly.

In the following days, the matter was as if it had never happened, with neither those who sided with the Liu family nor those who sided with the Wei family saying a word.

Although everyone kept silent about it, they probably knew that this was just the beginning.

The capital city had returned to its usual tranquility, or rather, it had always been so peaceful.

Taking advantage of this peace, Wei Changtian had also passed a few days with a very regular routine.

He would practice martial arts in the morning, practice Tian Luo Fist and Gui Chen Knife with Xu Qingwan in the afternoon, practice calligraphy at dusk, and continue telling stories about monkeys at night.

Oh, he would occasionally go to find Yang Liu Shi to exchange pointers.

After all, Xiao Feng had let Yang Liu Shi seduce him, so he had to make some effort to show off.

To demonstrate that he had been “seduced” successfully, Wei Changtian would swagger every time he went to the Phoenix Pavilion, which, apart from having to endure the jealous glances of others, would also inevitably lead to rumors spreading to Lu Jingyao.

Wei Changtian never denied it, which made Lu Jingyao almost furious every day.

Just like that, until August 28, two notable events finally occurred.

One was that Li Kan was officially promoted to the position of Da Li Temple, and the system rewarded him with 100 points. Wei Changtian cleared his remaining balance and successfully purchased the second main character’s golden finger, “Photographing Demons”.

The other was that the Chun Shen Bookstore officially opened for business today.

This was not something Wei Changtian could attend in person, but Lu Jingyao couldn’t resist going to join in the excitement and didn’t return until evening, with the setting sun on her head.

“You missed it, what a pity! There were so many people!”

In the study, Lu Jingyao sat opposite Wei Changtian, enthusiastically reporting on the “grand occasion” of the day.

“Li Yang even invited the head of the Yun Yan Poetry Society, and many readers went to watch the excitement. Later, they even gathered together to recite poetry and compose couplets…”

This Yun Yan Poetry Society was quite famous in the capital, gathering many literati.

However, in Wei Changtian’s view, all literary organizations only served the purpose of exchanging information about which brothel’s girls were good, and did not help to improve cultural refinement in the slightest.

He looked at Lu Jingyao, who was still chattering away, and sighed, “What’s the use of having so many people, the key is how the books sell?”

“Of course, it was great!”

Lu Jingyao exclaimed, “The first print of 500 copies of ‘Journey to the West’ sold out, and several hundred copies of the collected poems and essays were also sold…”

“Indeed, not bad.”

Wei Changtian nodded.

Since it was a bookstore, they couldn’t just sell one book; they had to prepare some famous poetry collections and essay collections to sell.

Anyway, there was no concept of copyright protection in this era, and most of the authors were already deceased, so it didn’t matter.

The only thing was that other bookstores also sold these books, so to increase the uniqueness of the Chun Shen Bookstore, Wei Changtian had to think of something. In the end, he came up with the concept of “collector’s edition”.

Books didn’t have to be read; they could also be collected!

This novel idea was immediately admired by Li Yang, who took action and produced a batch of collector’s edition books.

The cost was ten or more times that of ordinary books, the price was several dozen times that of ordinary books, and the profit was over a hundred times that of ordinary books.

That they could still sell several hundred copies made Wei Changtian sigh that people in any era couldn’t escape the magic of intelligent tax products.

“Oh, right, I brought back a collector’s edition of ‘Journey to the West’ for you!”

On the other side, Lu Jingyao suddenly remembered this important thing and quickly got up to retrieve it from her room. She soon returned with a brocade silk bag.

The bag was completely made of silk, embroidered with a clear and elegant cloud pattern, with four small characters arranged vertically in the center – Chun Shen Bookstore.

Wei Changtian was greatly surprised to receive the bag, never expecting Li Yang to take the concept of “luxury” to such an extent.

Although the concept of collector’s edition was his own idea, he had always thought that adding a slightly harder cover to the book would be enough to make it luxurious…

It seemed that as a pseudo-rich second-generation, he still had a long way to go in the aspect of “spending money”!

Wei Changtian felt a sense of awe, stretched out his hand to open the top of the bag, and gently shook out the contents.

A beautifully crafted ‘Journey to the West’ with a cover painting.

A wooden small box, neatly arranged with a deck of cards.

A folded instruction manual for the cards, detailing the rules of five games, including “Demonic Head”, “Fake Golden Flower”, and “Plowing the Earth”.

Everything had the “Chun Shen Bookstore” logo on it, and aside from that, there was a small silver swallow in the bag.

It was only the size of a thumb, but the craftsmanship was exquisite.

“What’s this thing?”

Wei Changtian played with the silver swallow, asking casually.

“This is the token of the Chun Shen Poetry Society.”

Lu Jingyao explained, “Only those who buy the collector’s edition of Journey to the West will receive this, and with this, you’re considered a member of the Chun Shen Poetry Society.”

“Chun Shen Poetry Society? When did this start?”

Wei Changtian looked puzzled.

“Hehe, it was Li Yang’s recent idea.”

Lu Jingyao covered her mouth, laughing, “He invited several talented women from the capital, as well as some famous courtesans, to join the poetry society, and many young masters bought the book without hesitation.”


This is crazy! VIP membership and even hiring escorts? Ugh, high-end socializing?

It won’t be long before it becomes a large-scale business social platform!

Li Yang, are you really not from another world?

Wei Changtian was stunned, while Lu Jingyao thought he was interested in the poetry society and quickly snatched the silver swallow away, muttering to herself.

“You can’t go there, it’s not a good place…”

Wei Changtian was still thinking about the bookstore and didn’t mind the silver swallow being taken away. He was in a daze for a while before asking a key question.

“How much does this set cost?”

“Fifty silver coins,” Lu Jingyao said, holding out a small palm.

“Fifty… fifty silver coins?”

Wei Changtian’s eyes widened in shock: “Does anyone really spend fifty silver coins on this thing???”

Lu Jingyao nodded, “Of course, I just told you, many young masters have bought it.”

Wei Changtian opened his mouth, then asked about the price of the simplified edition of Journey to the West, and roughly estimated today’s profit.

Excluding the initial investment in the venue and equipment, the net profit would be around two to three thousand silver coins…

Although it was the opening day, this was still… a bit too much!

If Journey to the West and playing cards really became popular in the future…

Wei Changtian thought to himself, it was time to take out that thing!

He tossed the collector’s edition of Journey to the West aside, looked up, and smiled at Lu Jingyao: “Do you want to play a game more interesting than playing cards?”

“Ah, ah?”

Lu Jingyao’s face turned red, and she lowered her head, stuttering, “I-I-is what…”

Wei Changtian didn’t see her reaction and continued, full of himself:


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