I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 61

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 61

Compared to playing cards, Wei Changtian believed that mahjong, although slightly more complex, would definitely be more popular in this world.

From noble mtl dot come

Eating, drinking, and playing mahjong was the essence of Eastern culture, while playing cards… was still lacking.

It would take a few days to make mahjong, and since his injuries had already healed, Wei Changtian wouldn’t waste his time. Instead, he would continue with his plan.

Now that he had the “Demon-Sealing” technique, he could finally start “Seizing the Demon’s Head”!

The first target chosen by Wei Changtian was a 40-year-old mouse demon.

One reason was that this mouse demon was a monster that Xiao Feng would kill in the novel… if this plot hadn’t been revealed in advance.

Two was that this demon was relatively easy to lure, unlike the wild chicken demon last time, which took half a day to find, only to discover it had already been eaten.

Three was that its cultivation level was suitable, not too strong or too weak, with minimal risk and high returns.

With his mind made up, Wei Changtian went to tell Kong Changgui about the situation the next day.

“…Kong sir, it’s roughly like this.”

Sitting in Kong Changgui’s office, Wei Changtian wore a serious expression: “This mouse demon’s cultivation level is extremely deep, and its harm is immense. I suggest we eliminate it as soon as possible!”

“You’re right, young master!”

Kong Changgui was a bit puzzled about where this information came from, but he didn’t ask and instead immediately expressed his stance: “We can’t delay, I’ll send people to follow you and kill this demon together!”

“This is for the best!” Wei Changtian nodded, very satisfied with Kong Changgui’s understanding.

Kong Changgui saw the situation and immediately shouted, “Come here!” and then gave instructions to the servant who had just entered: “Go notify Kang Tie, Shen Zhanhong, Cheng Dafei, Shang Guanyu, and Luo Jing, and have them bring their people to see me!”

“Oh, and also summon Xu Zongqi and Zhou Cheng. Have them come too!”

“Yes, sir!”

The servant memorized the names and was about to leave to call the others, but Wei Changtian suddenly stopped him: “Wait a minute!”

“What’s wrong, young master?” Kong Changgui asked.

“Kong sir…”

Wei Changtian looked puzzled: “How many people do you plan to send?”

“Not many, just… twenty or thirty people, I suppose!”

“…Kong sir, this mouse demon is 40 years old, not 140…”

“I know, but sending more people will still be safer.”


Good grief, does this guy really think he can gain wisdom from one setback? This Kong Changgui is indeed steady!

If it were before, Wei Changtian would have been happy to have more people, but not now.

Because this time, he was going to experiment with his “demon-absorbing” ability, and when he absorbed the demon’s cultivation, it was uncertain what kind of scene would unfold.

What if the commotion was too great and others detected something unusual? Wouldn’t that be a disaster?

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian hurriedly advised: “Kong sir, it’s really not necessary! A few people will be enough!”

“Wei young master, I think it’s better to be cautious! Oh, and I’m free right now, so why not come with you?”


After a round of debate, Kong Changgui finally agreed to Wei Changtian’s request and only sent Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng to accompany him to kill the demon.

The three of them met up, then got into a horse-drawn carriage and headed towards the demon’s hiding place – a certain landlord’s house in Nanling County.

It had been over ten days since they last went on a mission together, and the atmosphere inside the carriage was finally relaxed and normal.

“Brother Wei, Xu Zongqi, your knives…”

Zhou Cheng looked at the Dragon’s Roar and the Swallow’s Cry at their waists, his face filled with envy.

Xu Qingwan felt a bit embarrassed and hid her knife away.

Wei Changtian, however, didn’t care and directly handed his knife over, saying: “Hey, it’s not much different from using a willow leaf knife.”


Zhou Cheng unsheathed the knife a few inches, and a long, golden sword sound echoed in his ears.

The envy in his eyes intensified: “This unsheathing sound… it’s an unparalleled treasure! Brother Wei, does this knife have a name?”

Wei Changtian smiled and nodded: “Long Yin.”


Zhou Cheng stretched out his thumb to return Long Yin to Wei Changtian, then gazed at Xu Qiu with a thoughtful expression, asking: “Xu Zongqi, this knife… is it a pair with Long Yin?”


Xu Qingwan’s silence was tantamount to confirming the guess.

Zhou Cheng’s excitement surged, and he hastily asked: “Wei brother, Xu Zongqi, you two wouldn’t be…”

He originally wanted to say “together,” but felt it was a bit rude, and couldn’t think of a suitable phrase due to his cultural limitations, so he forced himself to hold back the second half of the sentence.

However, the three of them understood the implication.

Xu Qingwan’s face turned red, and Wei Changtian glanced at her before directly and frankly admitting: “Zhou brother, I indeed have feelings for Xu… ah, Qingwan.”


Zhou Cheng’s eyes widened, and he then excitedly slapped his thigh, exclaiming: “Hahaha! I’ve long guessed it would be like this, now I’ll make a fortune!”

“A fortune?”

Wei Changtian was puzzled: “Zhou brother, what fortune are you making?”

“You don’t know yet!”

Zhou Cheng smugly said: “Since the incident with the yao, people in the bureau have been placing bets on whether you’ll marry Xu Zongqi, and many have already placed their stakes. The deadline is just a few days away.”

“This time, when we return, I’ll put all my assets on it! Won’t I make a huge profit? Hahaha!”

Zhou Cheng laughed wildly, while Wei Changtian was left stunned.

Good grief, they’re even taking bets on this?!

Indeed, anything can be gambled on!

If he were to put down a few thousand taels…

“Wei brother, don’t think about placing a bet yourself.”

Zhou Cheng seemed to have guessed his thoughts: “Those who take bets aren’t fools, they won’t let you make easy money.”

“Besides, one person can only bet up to thirty taels, do you think that’s a significant amount?”

“That… is true.”

Wei Changtian’s plan to freeload failed, and he let out a disappointed sigh.

Just then, Xu Qingwan, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly coughed, instantly drawing the attention of the two men.

They only then realized that Xu Qingwan, no matter what, was a lady, and it was indeed too embarrassing to discuss such matters in front of her.

“What… Xu Zongqi, I don’t know how to speak properly.”

Zhou Cheng hurriedly made amends: “Just pretend you didn’t hear it! Don’t take it to heart!”


“It’s okay…”

Xu Qingwan remained silent for a moment before finally speaking, waving her hand slightly: “Zhou Cheng, you…”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Zhou Cheng exchanged a glance with Wei Changtian, both their eyes filled with doubt: “Xu Zongqi, you can say anything, if there’s anything I can help you with, I definitely won’t refuse!”


Xu Qingwan finally made up her mind, took a deep breath, and pulled out a small, heavy pouch from her bosom.

“This… here is twenty taels, can you place a bet for me?”


The carriage fell silent, with only the sound of the wheels rolling over the road echoing in their ears.

Zhou Cheng and Wei Changtian both wore stunned expressions, never expecting Xu Qingwan to want to join in the betting as well.

Especially for Zhou Cheng, there were a million question marks in his mind.

You’re about to marry into the Wei family, can you still care about money?

Besides, a person can only suppress thirty taels, so you must take away more than half from me?

Is this woman crazy about money?

Zhou Cheng didn’t answer for a long time. Xu Qingwan couldn’t wait and was about to directly hand over the money bag to him, but she suddenly withdrew her hand halfway.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked at Wei Changtian and softly confirmed:

“That… will you marry me?”

“Ah? Ah…”

Wei Changtian nodded dumbly.

After hearing the answer, Xu Qingwan felt relieved.

She immediately stuffed the money bag into Zhou Cheng’s arms and seriously instructed:

“Remember to suppress it all.”

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