I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 63

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 63

The two black and one red demon pellets in the box could sell for two to three hundred silver coins on the market.

“You misunderstood, Zhang.”

Wei Changtian stuffed all three demon pellets into his pocket and handed the empty box back to Zhang Dajin: “We’re here to exterminate demons, indeed.”


Zhang Dajin looked at Wei Changtian’s bulging chest with a pained expression, begging: “Sir, I really don’t have any demons here!”

How can you not believe me?

Wei Changtian shook his head, too lazy to persuade him further, and directly asked: “Zhang, has your manor lost any valuables recently? Have there been any cases of people going missing?”


Zhang Dajin stuttered, not saying a word.

Zhou Cheng immediately jumped out to play the “white-faced” role: “You’re not recognizing our kindness! Hiding demons without reporting is a serious crime, enough to get you beheaded!”

“Furthermore, this mouse demon is extremely dangerous. If we don’t kill it this time, when it comes out to eat people next time, it’ll be too late!”

“Please, sir, spare your anger! Please, sir, spare your anger!”

Scared by Zhou Cheng’s two sentences, Zhang Dajin “thudded” to his knees, shouting loudly: “I’m innocent! I really don’t know where the demon is!”

“Answer my question from earlier!” Wei Changtian shouted sternly.

“Ah, yes…”

Zhang Dajin hastily stuttered: “Well, our manor has indeed lost some scattered silver coins recently, but I didn’t take it too seriously.”

“As for people going missing… there have been a few servants who disappeared in the past few months…”


Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes: “Did you report it to the authorities?”

“No… I didn’t…”

“Why not?”

“Sir, you’re being unfair! I thought they just ran away back to their hometowns! I had no idea there were demons!”

“Didn’t you ever think about why they would run away so suddenly?”


Zhang Dajin’s face turned red as he struggled to speak.

The three of them looked at him and knew that the Zhang family’s servants were oppressed daily, and it was likely that some had already escaped.

However, this had nothing to do with their current mission, and Wei Changtian was too lazy to bother with such trivial matters.

“Alright! Tell us every detail about these incidents!”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

At this point, Zhang Dajin was convinced that there was indeed a monster in his household and hastily recounted all the strange occurrences that had happened recently.

After finishing, he wailed, “Three esteemed gentlemen, please, you must kill that rat monster!”

“I’ll do whatever it takes, I’ll cooperate fully!”


Wei Changtian furrowed his brow, thought for a moment, and then waved his hand: “You don’t need to worry about killing the monster, we have our own methods.”

“But you need to take us to a place first.”

Zhang Dajin hastily asked, “Where? Please, esteemed gentlemen, tell me!”

Wei Changtian smiled slightly: “Your family’s treasury.”

Zhang Dajin: “……”

As night fell, at the hour of hai.

It turned out that Wei Changtian’s intention was not to embezzle more money from the treasury.

Looking at the stacks of silver and copper coins in front of him, he explained to Zhou Cheng and Xu Qingwan:

“This rat monster isn’t interested in eating humans, but it’s particularly fond of gold, silver, and precious jewels.”

“As long as we hide and wait here, it’s likely to appear soon.”

“Is there such a monster?”

Zhou Cheng was surprised: “No wonder the Zhang family’s silver often goes missing; it must have been stolen by this rat monster!”

“Yes, in this vast world, there’s nothing strange or unusual.”

Wei Changtian chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Zhou Cheng.


Little Xu naturally understood their intentions and felt like she was about to die from embarrassment.

She wanted to explain, but didn’t know what to say, and eventually remained silent, quickly hiding in a dark corner.

It wasn’t until then that Wei Changtian and Zhou Cheng heard a faint sentence.

“I’ll hide first…”


The two men struggled to hold back their laughter, exchanging a glance before finding their own hiding spots.

The treasury soon returned to silence, and the entire Zhang household was quiet as well.

Although the Zhang family’s servants were told to do as they pleased, no one dared to venture out after hearing about the monster, and they were all hiding in their rooms.

The moon above slowly moved, and the only sound was the rustling of the wind through the trees.

It was unclear how much time had passed when Wei Changtian, who was getting impatient, finally detected a strange noise.

“Scritch, scritch…”

It was a faint sound, similar to fingernails scraping against a wall, coming from a nearby well.

Could it be that the rat monster was hiding in the well?

Wei Changtian fixed his gaze on the well, and soon saw a pair of blood-red eyes flashing by.

Indeed! The wait was not in vain!

This beast is actually digging a hole in the well!

A surge of excitement arose in my heart, but my body remained still.

Rat holes are generally very deep, and this one was dug by a demonic rat, making it even more formidable.

Therefore, we had to settle the battle outside the hole, and absolutely couldn’t let it escape back into the hole.

Time ticked by, and the three of us, led by Wei Changtian, remained still, holding our positions.

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The demonic rat was also extremely cautious, poking its head out of the well and then retracting it, repeating this process seven or eight times before slowly revealing its true form.

It wasn’t as large as Wei Changtian had imagined, roughly the size of a medium-sized dog, with features that were basically indistinguishable from those of an ordinary rat.

In simple terms, it was an oversized rat.

A faint scent of blood lingered in the wind, and the large rat circled the well twice before finally dashing towards the gap in the treasury gate that had been deliberately left open.

Now was the time!

As planned, Wei Changtian slowly got up from his hiding spot, moving silently towards the treasury.

Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng didn’t fall behind, almost simultaneously appearing from two other angles to form a pincer movement around the treasury gate.

But the demonic rat wasn’t stupid, quickly sensing that something was off.


A clamorous noise came from within the treasury, and the next second, Wei Changtian encountered the large rat, which was about to make a desperate escape, right at the treasury gate.

Without hesitation, he instinctively drew his sword, and the Dragon’s Roar knife swiftly charged towards the rat’s head, carrying an aura that seemed capable of cutting through anything.

Gui Chen knife enters the gate realm – severing gold!


The sword blade fiercely slashed at the bluestone ground, leaving behind a crack over an inch deep amidst the scattered debris.

He missed.

The demonic rat successfully changed direction at the last moment, leaving behind only a small portion of its tail.

However, this wasn’t a major issue, as Xu Qingwan had arrived from another direction.

The familiar chirping sound rang out, followed by the swift arrival of the cold blade.

Compared to Wei Changtian, her sword strike was clearly more experienced.

She didn’t make a direct, vertical slash, but instead swung her sword horizontally, aiming to cover a larger area.

After all, the demonic rat wasn’t very large, so to hit the target, she had to maximize her attack range.

The facts proved that this choice was correct.


The sword blade tore through the skin, and the seemingly indestructible demonic skin instantly ripped open a large gash.

The demonic rat let out a shrill cry as it rolled back into the treasury, but Xu Qingwan didn’t immediately give chase. Instead, she first closed the treasury gate, then charged towards the demonic rat with Zhou Cheng, which was now frantically scurrying around the room.

Wei Changtian didn’t rush to help, standing behind and watching the fiercely attacking silhouette for a while.

This was the first time he had seen Xu Qingwan take action seriously.

She was cold, ruthless, and vicious enough…

Hey! This was vastly different from her usual demeanor!

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