I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 64

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 64

【Ding! The plot has undergone a change in direction】

【Reward system points: 30】

There was no precarious situation, no desperate reversal.

In fact, Wei Changtian didn’t even need to intervene again, as the demonic rat soon died under the siege of Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng.

This beast was quite interesting, as in its final seconds, it didn’t think of counterattacking, but instead jumped onto an open chest filled with silver coins and ultimately closed its eyes, embracing several silver ingots.

As they witnessed this scene, Wei Changtian and Zhou Cheng unconsciously turned to look at Xu Qingwan again, who instantly reverted to her silly and naive self, blushing and lowering her head in silence.


Wei Changtian laughed twice, kicked the demon’s corpse off the silver platform with one foot, and extracted the demon core with his knife.

The size of a quail egg, the demon core was entirely black, and indeed had a cultivation of around 40 years.

This type of black demon core wasn’t very popular, and was about 30% cheaper than other demon cores of the same size but different colors.

However, this didn’t concern Wei Changtian and the others, as they would have to hand it over anyway and wouldn’t get a single penny.

“Brother Wei, do we need to go check the demon’s lair?”

Zhou Cheng had already opened the door to the treasury, and the fresh night breeze blew away some of the bloody smell inside.

“Let’s take a look, just in case it has any offspring.”

Wei Changtian nodded and instructed, “Call the people from the Zhang residence to come and check the well themselves. We’ll keep watch from above.”


Zhou Cheng walked out to call for people, and Xu Qingwan also sheathed her sword, preparing to leave.

However, she soon discovered that Wei Changtian was still standing in the same spot, unmoving, and couldn’t help but ask in puzzlement, “Why aren’t you leaving?”

“I still have some things to take care of. You go first.”

“What things?”


Wei Changtian didn’t respond, only smiling silently.

Xu Qingwan realized that Wei Changtian didn’t want to tell her, and hesitated for a moment before deciding not to pursue the question further. She only whispered a gentle reminder:

“Be careful, I’ll be waiting outside the door.”

“If you need my help, just call out, and I’ll come in right away.”

“Alright, got it.”

Wei Changtian nodded and saw Xu Qingwan off as she left the treasury, gently closing the door behind her.

She hadn’t completely shut the door, probably thinking that if something happened, she could rush in immediately.

Don’t ask what shouldn’t be asked, and do what should be done.

Look! This is what an excellent and virtuous wife should be like!

Unlike Lu Jingyao, who only knew how to sulk and wouldn’t do anything else!

Hmm… couldn’t say that, at least she could tidy up the manuscripts.

Wei Changtian’s thoughts wandered for a moment before he refocused his gaze on the demon corpse lying on the ground.

Finally, he could experiment with the “Demon Sealing” technique!

He sat down cross-legged, took a deep breath, and slowly began to circulate his spiritual energy.

In just a few breaths, a miraculous thing happened.

The demon corpse, which had been lifeless, suddenly trembled slightly, and a milky white mist rose from its body, enveloping Wei Changtian entirely.

These mists seemed to be attracted to something, desperately trying to penetrate Wei Changtian’s body through his pores.

But unfortunately, most of them failed to do so, and instead gathered together, eventually compressing into a small, crystal-clear pearl.

The surroundings quickly returned to normal, with the demon corpse still lying there, only slightly drier than before.


After absorbing the energy, Wei Changtian didn’t immediately get up, but instead sat for about the time it took to burn an incense stick before slowly opening his eyes.


Indeed, awesome!

Just a single 40-year-old demon had allowed him to increase his cultivation by nearly a year, directly leaping from the mid-seventh rank to the late seventh rank!

At this speed, killing seven or eight more would likely allow me to break through the seventh rank and reach the “inner power outer release” stage of the sixth rank!

The image of Xu Qingwan and Zhou Cheng’s aura surrounding their bodies earlier appeared in his mind, and Wei Changtian couldn’t help but feel a strong desire to go kill another demon right away.

“Snatching demon heads” was really too exciting!

Not only could it quickly improve his cultivation, but it also earned system points, and there were demon spirit pills… Wait, where was the demon spirit pill?

He suddenly remembered and hurriedly looked around, eventually finding the crystal-clear treasure at his feet.

Compared to the two given to Yang Liu by Xiao Feng, this one was a bit smaller, likely containing less than twenty years of Dao cultivation.

It was already not bad, and one shouldn’t be too greedy.

Wei Changtian happily put away the demon spirit pill and walked to the treasury door.

Xu Qingwan was indeed seriously guarding the place, with Zhang Dajin standing beside her, looking anxious.

When Wei Changtian came out, Zhang Dajin quickly thanked him, but his eyes kept glancing towards the treasury.

Wei Changtian knew what he was thinking and couldn’t help but laugh: “Does Lord Zhang want to go in and count the money?”

“Ah, no, no, I wouldn’t dare!”

Zhang Dajin waved his hands repeatedly: “The three of you are my lifesavers, even if you were to take…”

“It’s fine, I didn’t take anything from you.”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes and interrupted: “As officials in the Xuanjing Bureau, how could we be greedy for the people’s wealth?”

“Yes, yes, you are truly noble and upright officials who care for the people!”

Zhang Dajin continued to flatter, but his heart was thinking about the three demon pills taken by Wei Changtian, and his smile was more painful than crying.

Wei Changtian didn’t bother with him and looked around at the situation in the courtyard.

The warriors sent by the Zhang family to investigate the well had just come up, looking quite terrible.

Zhang Dajin was the first to rush over, anxiously asking: “How was it? Did you find the demon’s lair?”

“We found it, just below the water’s surface, about one meter down.”

The warrior took a deep breath and reported: “There were no demons inside, but we found…”

“What did you find?”

“There were over a dozen white bones, and many more scattered at the bottom of the well, but we couldn’t see exactly how many…”

The atmosphere instantly became silent and still.

The people from the Zhang family standing around turned pale, and some even couldn’t help but bend over and vomit.

It was normal to react this way, considering they had been drinking water with human bones in it.

However, Wei Changtian and the others were different, exchanging a glance and sensing that something was off from the warrior’s words.

Zhang Dajin had said that only a few servants were missing, but there were at least over a dozen bodies.

Either the demon had dragged people from elsewhere to eat, or there was another hidden reason.

Xu Qingwan was a bit curious, but Zhou Cheng suggested not getting involved.

Wei Changtian finally made a relatively compromised decision – to privately inform the county officials who came to take over the case.

If they wanted to investigate, they could; if not, there was nothing they could do.

After all, their main job was to slay demons, and investigating cases was a waste of time with little gain.

After handling the matter, it was already late at night, and they declined Zhang Dajin’s enthusiastic invitation to stay. The three decided to head to the official inn in Nanling County to rest for the night.

Sitting in the speeding horse carriage, Wei Changtian happily took out the three “accidentally” obtained demon pills and began to “divide the spoils”.

He and Zhou Cheng both consciously took a relatively cheap black demon pill each, leaving the red one for Xu Qingwan.

But Little Xu was now starting to hesitate.

Like the time in the Zhang family’s treasure trove, she clearly wanted it but felt it was ill-gotten gains…

They had been stuck in this awkward situation for a while before she finally sought help, tugging on the corner of Wei Changtian’s clothes.

“That, that…”

Hmm? Want to wash money?

Got it!

Wei Changtian understood and immediately grabbed the demon bead, stuffing it into Xu Qingwan’s bosom: “This… uh, what’s the excuse this time?”

“It’s the token of love you gave me,” Xu Qingwan reminded him in a soft voice.

“Oh, right!”

Wei Changtian said with a straight face, “This is the token of love I gave you, you must accept it!”

From noble mtl dot come


Xu Qingwan was overjoyed, carefully putting the demon bead away, and revealing a satisfied smile.

Wei Changtian was already used to Xu Qingwan’s “over-the-top” behavior, but Zhou Cheng was seeing it for the first time and was left stunned.

Good grief!

You two are acting like you’re playing a show, aside from intentionally flaunting your love, I can’t think of any other reason!

This carriage, no need to wait!


A black figure suddenly jumped down from the carriage.

Wei Changtian stuck his head out of the window, looking at Zhou Cheng, who was running alongside the carriage, and asked in puzzlement, “Brother Zhou, what are you doing?”

“I, I…”

Zhou Cheng panted angrily, “I’d rather die from exhaustion! I won’t take this humiliation anymore!”

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