I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 67

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 67

The top of Yudou Mountain.

Yangliu Shi stood in a red dress at a pavilion, staring blankly at the flickering firelight below.

The distant sounds of battle were vague and unclear, and it wasn’t until after a while that she finally opened her red lips, asking a strange question of Wei Changtian, who stood beside her.

“How did you guess he would make a move there?”

“What’s the point of asking?”

Wei Changtian shook his sleeve, his expression indifferent.

Yangliu Shi pouted, “I’m just curious, you can ignore it if you don’t want to say.”

“Actually, I didn’t guess he would make a move there.”


Yangliu Shi was taken aback, muttering discontentedly, “If you don’t want to say, then don’t…”

“I didn’t lie to you.”

Wei Changtian looked at Yang Liushi, who had a disbelieving expression, and casually gave an answer: “I just made arrangements at every possible ambush spot along the way… including here.”


For a moment, Yang Liushi’s face was filled with shock.

She subconsciously glanced around, then asked in an incredulous tone: “You mean… you set up ambushes all along the way?”

“More or less.”

“How many experts did it take?”



Yang Liushi fell silent, or rather, didn’t know what to say.

It wasn’t surprising, as this kind of maneuver was indeed beyond the capabilities of ordinary people.

Hundreds of experts had silently set up ambushes from the Wei Manor to here, which was no longer just a matter of manpower.

This was a complete display of the Wei family’s hard power.

Cough, Wei Xianzhi was a bit pitiful.

He didn’t stay hidden here, but instead followed the carriage all the way…

The mountain wind swept past the two, blowing Yang Liushi’s silk dress.

It took her a good half day to ask her second question.

“So, the carriage must have been followed by spies from the Xuantian Sect. How did you get off the carriage, and how did the two dead men get on?”

“I didn’t get off, and they didn’t get on.”

Wei Changtian was in a good mood, so he didn’t hide anything and continued to answer: “We were on two separate carriages.”

“……I understand!”

Yang Liushi let out a soft cry, and a scene unfolded in her mind.

One carriage stopped at a blind spot, while another carriage that had already stopped here took over…

The principle wasn’t difficult to understand, but it was indeed able to confuse people.

At this moment, her gaze at Wei Changtian had become increasingly complex, with a mix of admiration, confusion, softness, and longing.

If one had to say, the “longing” emotion might be more prominent.

“I… I have one more question…”

“Not you, why do you have so many questions?”

Wei Changtian turned to look at Yang Liushi, who had suddenly become a question-asking baby, and said irritably: “Think for yourself if you have questions!”

“Last one, I promise!”

Yang Liushi hugged Wei Changtian’s arm and acted coquettishly.

Feeling the indescribable softness and the small, hard bumps on his arm, Wei Changtian finally couldn’t resist the temptation and reluctantly gave in.

“Ask away.”

“Okay! I promise it’s the last one!”

Yang Liushi nodded repeatedly and leaned into Wei Changtian’s ear to ask softly: “Who were the scapegoats on the carriage?”

When Wei Changtian heard this question, he first froze, then calmly answered: “One was his savior, and the other was his woman.”


The delicate body leaning against him trembled slightly, and the little rabbit didn’t move anymore.

A hint of long-forgotten fear suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes, even more intense than on the Mid-Autumn Night.

Yang Liushi didn’t move, but Wei Changtian didn’t care about her thoughts at the moment and simply pulled his arm out of the valley.

He gazed up at the flames at the foot of the mountain, his eyebrows gradually furrowing.

The battle should have ended, but why were there still several torches moving rapidly?

Could it be… that Xiao Feng had not died again???

As it turned out, the reality was similar to what Wei Changtian had guessed. Although Wei Xianzhi had rushed towards Xiao Feng after finishing his harsh words, the latter indeed had not died.

In fact, even after half a day had passed, Xiao Feng had only suffered minor injuries.

It was impossible for Xiao Feng to grow strong enough to confront Wei Xianzhi within a month, no matter how talented he was.

The reason Xiao Feng was still unscathed was entirely due to the high-ranking expert borrowed from the Liu family –

“Chen Jie!”

Wei Xianzhi glared at the robust man in front of him, his face filled with malice: “I never thought that a renowned general like you would become a lapdog for Liu Yuanshan!”

“You misunderstand me, Wei sir,” the man called Chen Jie replied, his expression calm.

“I don’t want to take sides between Liu and Wei. I came here today to repay a personal favor to Liu Yuanshan.”

“Ha ha ha ha! How ridiculous!”

Wei Xianzhi pointed at Chen Jie’s nose, cursing loudly: “Do you know what these people are here for today?!”

“They’re here to ambush my son!”

“You’d better get out of here right now! Otherwise, don’t blame me for killing you along with them!”

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It was clear that Wei Xianzhi was extremely furious at this moment, but Chen Jie remained unmoved, still standing in front of Xiao Feng.

“Wei sir, I don’t care what they’re here for. I’m only here to fulfill my duty to protect this person, as entrusted by the Liu family.”

“After tonight, whatever happens between him and the Liu family has nothing to do with me.”

“What if I don’t make it till tomorrow?” Wei Xianzhi spat out a few words from between his teeth.

“Then, Wei sir, you’re welcome to try.”

Chen Jie slightly bent his knees, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword: “Although I know I’m not your match, I’m confident I can hold you off for a while.”

He intentionally emphasized the word “hold,” and Xiao Feng, upon hearing this, immediately understood the implication and turned to flee without hesitation.

The surrounding Wei family warriors quickly gave chase, but their speed was noticeably slower, and they were likely to lose him soon.

“Chen Jie, you’re quite good,” Wei Xianzhi said, glancing in the direction where the others had disappeared, his tone extremely chilly.

“You’ve managed to hold me off today, but you should understand that you also have a wife and children… If something happens to them in the future, will you be able to protect them?”

“I’ll give you three breaths to consider. If you still don’t let go, then you should know what will happen next.”

“Three, two…”

The night was as dark as water, with black clouds covering the moon.

The conversation had already turned into an overt threat.

In reality, top experts like Wei Xianzhi and Chen Jie would never say such things to each other, unless they had a deep-seated vendetta.

Because you could kill each other’s family, and the other could kill your loved ones.

If they really started killing each other, the likely outcome would be mutual destruction, with both families ending up in shambles.

So although Chen Jie was furious upon hearing this, he had no words to say, thinking about the person he was supposed to protect, who was the murderer of Wei Xianzhi’s son.

The air between the two was almost frozen, just as Wei Xianzhi was about to utter the final “one.” Chen Jie finally let out a long sigh and slowly said:

“Wei sir, the Liu family’s favor is too great, and I must protect this person.”


He looked at Wei Xianzhi and softly reported an address.

“Stone Lane, Shunlong Gambling House.”

“There’s someone from the Wei family being held captive there… You should hurry, it’s not too late yet.”

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