I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 69

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 69

At the hour of Zi, in the Wei Manor.

At this time, the entire manor should have been asleep, but today, no one could fall asleep.

“Big brother! The big demon is dead! The big demon is dead!”

Holding the little maid who was wailing and crying, Wei Changtian turned to look at Qiuyun, who was lying on the bed in a coma, and Lu Jingyao, who was like a lost soul beside her, with a gloomy expression.

From the interrogation results of the group of bandits, it was clear that the mastermind behind this kidnapping incident was the Liu family.

It was estimated that their initial target was Lu Jingyao, Qiuyun was just a collateral, and Wei Qiaoling was an unexpected bonus.

After all, their final order was “kill the big one, spare the small one”, which showed that they were very clear about Wei Qiaoling’s identity and understood the consequences of killing her.

Killing a maid was no big deal, killing Lu Jingyao could be considered as equivalent revenge for beating Liu Zongliang half to death, but if they killed Wei Qiaoling… that would be a totally irreconcilable situation.

Wei Xianzhi might have thought so too, which was why he wasn’t furious enough to immediately storm the Liu Manor for revenge.

But to Wei Changtian, whether it was Wei Qiaoling, Lu Jingyao, Qiuyun, or Yue’er, they all weighed the same.

“Lord Wei, I’ve done my best.”

The imperial physician by the bed raised his head, looking at Wei Xianzhi with a sigh.

“Alas, this young lady’s internal organs are all severely damaged, and she’s not a cultivator, so she can’t rely on inner strength to heal her wounds.”

“To be honest, if she hadn’t taken that life-saving medicine earlier, she would have died long ago.”

“The medicine’s effect can only last for two more hours.”

“After two hours, if her damaged internal organs still can’t recover, even gods and immortals can’t save her.”


A sorrowful atmosphere filled the room.

Wei Xianzhi shook his head, about to speak, when Lu Jingyao suddenly came back to her senses, asking anxiously:

“Is there really no way to cure her internal injuries? We can spend as much money as needed!”

“This isn’t a matter of money.”

The imperial physician smiled bitterly: “As far as I know, only one kind of divine medicine can cure this injury, and that’s the Yunmu fungus from the extreme north Tian Shan Mountains.”

“Yunmu fungus……”

Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan exchanged a glance, clearly having never heard of this name: “Guo Imperial Physician, where can we find this?”

“It’s hard to find, I haven’t seen it in many years… Ah?”

The imperial physician suddenly hesitated, thinking for a while before speaking uncertainly: “Lord Wei, you’re lucky, there might still be one in the capital city.”


“The Imperial Palace.”


Wei Xianzhi thought for a moment, then stood up and said in a deep voice: “In that case, I’ll go to the Imperial Palace!”

“I’ll go with you!” Qin Caijuan also stood up.


Wei Xianzhi nodded, patted Wei Changtian’s shoulder, and instructed: “Take care of your sister and Jingyao.”

After giving his instructions, he and Qin Caijuan hastily left, seemingly heading to the Imperial Palace to see the emperor.

A Mirror Constellation Commander and a Heavenly Church Saint, the two of them were actually going to the Imperial Palace in the middle of the night to beg the emperor for medicine for a maid.

This matter sounded ridiculous at first, but Wei Changtian understood clearly that—

Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan’s trip to the palace was just an excuse to pressure Ning Yongnian.

Moreover, Wei Changtian had a vague feeling that—

This medicine, they wouldn’t be able to get it.

At least if it were him sitting on the dragon throne, he shouldn’t have taken out this medicine.

Sigh, I hope Ning Yongnian’s thoughts are different from mine…

With a silent sigh, I gazed at Lu Jingyao, who was anxiously waiting for the divine medicine at the door, and the system interface appeared in my mind.

[Cloud Mother’s Divine Herb: Spirit Medicine (Heavenly Grade), can reshape the flesh, cure all diseases, 400 points]

400 points, I earned a total of 180 points after killing the demon a few days ago, still short of 220 points.

A bit too short.

Wei Changtian gently handed the crying Wei Qiaoling, who had fallen asleep, to Yuaner, then walked to the bedside and gazed silently at the faintly breathing Qiuyun.

Her eyes were lightly closed, her face devoid of any color, even her lips were a pale white.

Unlike Yuaner, who occasionally showed a playful side, Qiuyun always had a submissive and obedient demeanor.

Even when cheating at cards, she would unhesitatingly stand on my side.

I had promised to give her and Yuaner a name, but I forgot in the midst of busyness…

Damn the Liu family…

Wei Changtian gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

Just then, a blood-stained dress piled in the corner caught his attention.

This was Qiuyun’s dress, which she must have changed out of for treatment, and it seemed to have a crumpled, blood-stained letter tucked inside.

What is this? Qiuyun can’t read, can she?

Wei Changtian curiously pulled out the letter, unfolding it in his palm.

But when he saw the crooked, childish handwriting, he froze.

[Gift to Qiuyun and Yuaner]

[The misty valley’s gentle breeze, Qiuyun sends it to the jade stage.]

[The thread of fate is broken, the blue sea and sky are free to come and go.]

These childish characters didn’t come from Wei Changtian’s hand, but they shared some similarities.

It’s likely that Qiuyun kept his “authentic” writing and then copied it out character by character for Yuaner.

The entire poem, including the title, had thirty-four characters, with only two instances of “Qiuyun” written particularly neatly.

Because Qiuyun could only write two characters: her own name.


Wei Changtian read the poem several times, smoothed out the letter, and slowly placed it beside Qiuyun’s pillow.

“wang Er.”

“I’m here, young master.”

“Prepare the carriage, I’m going to the Xuanjing Temple.”

Wei Changtian didn’t even turn his head: “And, you’ll go to the imperial palace right now.”

“I don’t care what method you use, just find out if my father hasn’t obtained the Cloud Mother’s Divine Herb and inform me immediately.”


Wang Er didn’t ask any questions, turned around, and left the room.

Meanwhile, Lu Jingyao, who had been waiting for the Cloud Mother’s Divine Herb at the door, hurried over after hearing these words, asking anxiously and tearfully:

“Young master, what are you going to do?”

“Will the emperor not give us the Cloud Mother’s Divine Herb?”

“Will something happen to Qiuyun?”

“Young master, please speak…”


Compared to others who were still considering the impact of this kidnapping incident on the overall situation, Lu Jingyao’s thoughts were very simple.

She didn’t even want to know who had kidnapped them, her mind was only filled with concerns about Qiuyun’s safety.

Although she often got annoyed with Qiuyun for always helping Wei Changtian during card games.

Although she occasionally got jealous when she saw Qiuyun sneaking into Wei Changtian’s room at night.

Although Qiuyun was illiterate, and didn’t know the first thing about music, chess, calligraphy, or painting, and she had almost no common language with him except for card games…

But the life and death of this servant was making her heart tremble with anxiety.

Lu Jingyao could only rely on Wei Changtian, so now she was especially afraid of hearing a negative answer, or even worse, silence.

“Sir, sir, tell me! Qiuyun won’t die, right?!”

“You, you tell me…”

“Please, please tell me…”

Under the hazy moonlight, with chrysanthemums blooming all over the city,

Lu Jingyao clutched Wei Changtian’s clothes tightly, asking repeatedly with a tone that was almost pleading.

Until a gentle, yet trustworthy voice sounded from beside her ear.

“Don’t worry, Qiuyun will be fine.”

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