I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 71

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 71

Pingchang Pavilion, Yingchun Building.

Yingchun Building was the most renowned “budget-friendly” brothel in the area, and even the entire capital city.

Low consumption, good service, although the women weren’t proficient in all four arts, they were all gentle and considerate, giving customers a sense of coming home.

At this moment, in one of the embroidery rooms of Yingchun Building, a man and a woman were embracing, their ears touching.

“Official, it must be very dangerous to work in the Suspense Mirror Agency, you must be careful, or else I’ll worry…”

The woman’s soft voice entered the ears of the large man who had already removed his outer clothes, making him feel extremely comfortable.

“Don’t worry, my wife, I’m known for being cautious, I won’t do anything reckless.”

“By the way, I recently got a windfall from an official, and soon I’ll be able to save up enough money to redeem you!”

“Ah! Is it true…?”

The woman let out a soft cry, tightly wrapping her arms around the strong man’s neck: “I’ll definitely serve you well from now on, official!”

“Hehe, you should also do well today…”

The man only managed to say half a sentence before closing his mouth, his face suddenly turning strange.

“What’s wrong, official?”

“…Nothing, I have something to attend to.”


The woman was taken aback, turning to look at the dark night outside the window: “It’s so late, what do you need to do, official?”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask!”

The man had already quickly put on his tiger- patterned robe, grabbed the long sword leaning against the wall, and was about to head out the door.

However, just as he was about to leave, he turned back to remind her.

“Lock the doors and windows tightly, I’m afraid something big is going to happen tonight.”

“What…what big thing?”


The woman didn’t get an answer, leaving her with only a tightly closed door.

The man left just like that, not even bothering to retrieve the silver coins he had already given out.

At this moment, countless similar scenes were unfolding in every corner of the capital city.

If one looked down from a high vantage point, they would see countless black shadows emerging from all directions, darting through the streets and rooftops.

The night was deep, with dark clouds pressing down on the city.

The sound of “pattering” raindrops mixed with the chaotic footsteps, creating a cacophony.

It was raining.

An hour later, the Mirror Platform of the Suspended Mirror Agency was lit up.

Wei Changtian stood tall on the high platform, letting the rainwater fall freely on his body.

Behind him stood a group of high-ranking officials from the Suspended Mirror Agency, looking puzzled, while in front of him were rows of attendants dressed in tiger-patterned robes.

Thanks to their excellent professional training, despite everyone being unaware of what was happening, not a single whisper was exchanged among the over 2,000 people.

Everyone stood upright, their eyes fixed on Wei Changtian.

It was time.


Wei Changtian’s voice was clear amidst the rain.

From noble mtl dot come

“I am Wei Changtian, the overall commander of the Suspended Mirror Agency’s Liu Ye division!”

“Burning the ancestral jade was an unavoidable necessity, but I had to make this choice!”


Wei Changtian swept his gaze across the platform, his voice loud and confident: “Because I have obtained irrefutable evidence!”

“The current Prime Minister, Liu Yuanshan, will launch a rebellion tonight!!”


The heavy rain poured down, the commotion growing even louder.

No matter how strict the Suspended Mirror Agency’s discipline was, it was hard for anyone to remain calm at this moment.

Liu Yuanshan’s rebellion?

This was no joke!

At the critical moment of the dispute between Liu and Wei, few people would believe such words.

Even though Wei Changtian had correctly predicted the incident of the Zhang family’s demonic pet last time.

“Lord Wei!”

Someone on the stage stepped forward, shouting loudly: “This matter cannot be discussed recklessly!”

“I haven’t spoken recklessly.”

Wei Changtian’s expression remained calm: “Whether it’s true or false, let’s go to the Liu residence with Lord Cao and find out.”


The person was slightly speechless, but Wei Changtian didn’t give anyone else a chance to question him again, shouting loudly to the crowd below:

“This matter is of great importance! I’ve already sent someone to report to the Emperor!”

“But if we’re late, it will lead to chaos!”

“The Liu family already has the intention to rebel, and once they find out, they will definitely fight to the death!”

“Please, fellow officials, come with me to the Liu residence and capture the traitors!”

“To prevent the Liu family from causing chaos in the capital and to ensure the safety of the Taiping River Mountains!”


After shouting the last sentence, Wei Changtian jumped down from the stage and walked out, step by step.

As he passed by, the crowd parted to let him through, but no one followed him for a while.

It’s not surprising that everyone reacted this way, after all, this matter would require careful consideration from anyone.

The scene fell silent, until someone finally shouted: “I believe in Lord Wei! I’ll go with him!”

Looking at Zhou Cheng, who was pushing his way through the crowd from afar, Wei Changtian thought that old friends were still reliable.

He continued walking without stopping, and after Zhou Cheng’s lead, the voices of approval from the surrounding crowd grew louder.

The Suspense Agency had been controlled by the Wei family for many years, and everyone had already been dissatisfied with the Liu family.

Adding to that, Wei Changtian’s recent image in everyone’s minds was quite good… from solving the Zhang family’s demonic pet case, to becoming the champion of the poetry competition, to heroically saving the beauty and killing the demon.

Oh, and there was also the wooden plaque standing in the martial arts hall, recording his wins from 58 to 90…

All of this added up to make many people finally willing to follow Wei Changtian to the Liu residence at this moment!

If the Liu family’s rebellion was true, then so be it.

Even if Lord Wei wanted to “settle personal scores,” this busy old man would help him with it!

With this thought, countless people either shouted loudly or followed silently behind Wei Changtian, like a black flood rushing towards the Liu residence.

And their actions quickly spread to the ears of various factions.

In the capital, at the Sixth Gate.

Ji Hong’an had just gathered around 200 subordinates and was preparing to head straight to the Liu residence.

He wasn’t exactly a member of the Liu family, but as the Sixth Gate was the main institution responsible for maintaining peace in the capital, they had to be present when such an incident occurred.

However, just as he was about to give the order to depart, a young guard rushed over, asking in a low voice: “Lord Ji, do you still remember the favor you owe my master?”


Ji Hong’an’s eyes narrowed, knowing that this person was definitely a spy sent by some family to infiltrate the Sixth Gate.

“Who is your master?”

The guard didn’t answer directly, but smiled and said: “August 21st, at the Vegetable Market.”


Ji Hong’an took a deep breath: “What does Lord Wei want me to do?”

“Lord Ji, don’t worry, it won’t be difficult for you.”

The officer leaned in close to Season Hong’an’s ear and whispered, “You just need to wait another quarter of an hour before heading to the Liu Manor.”


The Six Doors, the City Guard, and the Metropolitan Government… all the armed forces in the capital suddenly became inactive due to various reasons, but there was one elite force that couldn’t be stopped – the Wei Changtian…

The Grand Ning Imperial Palace, nearly a thousand imperial guards rushed out with magnificent momentum.

Unlike the inner guards who were only responsible for security affairs, the imperial guards were equivalent to the Emperor’s private army, the organization with the highest combat power in the entire Grand Ning.

As the deafening sound of horse hooves gradually faded away, Ning Yongnian finally pushed open the door and reappeared before Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan.

“Minister Wei, Lady Qin…”

He stared at the two people with bewildered expressions, taking a long time to open his mouth and speak in a complicated tone:

“Your son, accompanied by over a thousand people from the Xuanjing Bureau… has surrounded the Liu Manor.”

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