I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 72

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 72

Anhua Gate Street, Liu Manor.

The rain was getting heavier.

The lightning couldn’t pierce through the thick dark clouds, and the thunder rumbled through the low-hanging clouds before transforming into a torrential downpour.

The wind was like a raging mountain, and the rain was like a surging river.

In the midst of the torrential rain, the black umbrellas stretched from the main gate of the Liu Manor to both sides, filling the entire street.

Over a hundred Liu family warriors stood at the gate, holding their swords and facing off against the Xuanjing Bureau officers, who outnumbered them ten to one.

No one knew the true purpose of Wei Changtian’s visit, but it was clear that it wasn’t good.

Therefore, they couldn’t retreat, even if it meant sacrificing their lives. They had to make the Xuanjing Bureau take the blame for breaking into the manor first.

“Lord Wei!”

The leader of the Liu family guards pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword, his eyes fixed on Wei Changtian, who stood at the forefront of the Xuanjing Bureau officers. He shouted in a low voice, “What is the meaning of bringing so many people to surround our manor in the middle of the night?”

“Does the Xuanjing Bureau truly have no regard for the law and the Emperor?”


A foot stomped down, and water splashed everywhere.

In response to the questioning, Wei Changtian took a step forward, his face expressionless, and shouted, “I came tonight for the sake of the law and the Emperor!”

“I have evidence of the Liu family’s treason! And you’re blocking the Xuanjing Bureau’s arrest of the traitors. Are you planning to join them in their rebellion?”

“Lord Wei, you must have evidence to back up your words!”

“I naturally do! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come tonight!”

Wei Changtian shouted again, “Furthermore, the Xuanjing Bureau has the authority to investigate and arrest! Those who resist will be considered accomplices in treason!”


The leader’s face turned iron-green, but for a moment, he couldn’t refute the accusations.

This was the terrifying aspect of the Xuanjing Bureau.

Similar to the former Imperial Censorate, the Xuanjing Bureau was completely independent of the three provinces and six ministries, with independent institutions, personnel, finances, and investigations, not subject to any department’s control.

Moreover, according to the Grand Ning Law, the Xuanjing Bureau had the most flexible independent investigation authority among all judicial departments.

As long as I suspected someone of committing a crime, I didn’t need any evidence, any approvals or warrants, and could directly use search, detention, and interrogation methods against the suspect.

Therefore, Wei Changtian’s claim that the Liu family was treasonous and his intention to bring people into the manor to search did not violate the law.

On the contrary, the Liu family guards who deliberately blocked the Xuanjing Bureau had indeed committed the serious crime of “violent resistance to law enforcement.”


The dark night sky flashed with a curved electric light, trembling twice.

The guard who had spoken earlier saw that he couldn’t argue with Wei Changtian, so he simply closed his mouth and didn’t speak, but his body didn’t move an inch, making it clear that he wouldn’t back down.

Wei Changtian didn’t bother to waste any more words, simply waving his hand lightly. Behind him, hundreds of black shadows burst forth.


The walls, rooftops, and gates in all directions were instantly covered in black tiger-patterned uniforms. The rain pounded against the unsheathed blades, creating a “ding-ding-dong” sound that was like a grand and solemn melody.

“Put down your swords! Kneel!”

“Drop your blades!”

“The Xuanjing Office is investigating! Everyone come out to be questioned!”

“Those who resist will be beheaded according to law!!”

“Get out here, all of you!!”


The intimidating shouts echoed back and forth, throwing the Liu Manor into chaos. The Xuanjing Office personnel and the Liu family guards at the main gate were at the final standoff.

Wei Changtian raised his hand high, the “kill” command on the verge of being uttered.

Just then, a calm and composed voice rang out from within the manor, beating him to the punch.

“Put down your swords! Let them search!”


The clamor ceased for a moment, and everyone turned to look at the white-haired old man walking towards them with a steady pace.

He too wasn’t carrying an umbrella, his clothes already drenched, but he didn’t have the slightest hint of dishevelment. Instead, he exuded an aura that was even more imposing than the torrential rain.

This aura belonged to only two types of people: those who had reached the “overpowering the mountains and rivers” level of martial prowess, and those who held the power to control the fate of the people.


The over a hundred Liu family guards instantly dropped their swords and knelt to the ground, while the Xuanjing Office personnel, though their eyes were unfriendly, couldn’t help but feel a hint of fear.

However, Liu Yuanshan didn’t even glance at these people, only fixing his gaze on Wei Changtian as he spoke calmly:

“Gravestone Jade, surround the manor.”

“I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve with this.”

“Can only say you’re more daring than your father, but also more foolish.”

A simple sentence, yet it was filled with the condescension of a superior towards an inferior.

Liu Yuanshan was confident that the Xuanjing Office wouldn’t be able to find any evidence in the Liu Manor, and he even hoped that Wei Changtian would make more of a fuss.

Because the more Wei Changtian stirred up trouble, the more difficult the road ahead would be for the Wei family.

The Emperor had indeed leaned more towards the Wei family and needed them more.

But any ruler would never tolerate a “sword” that had slipped out of their control.

So no matter how Wei Xianzhi defended himself in the future, the positions of the Liu and Wei families in the Emperor’s heart would undergo a drastic reversal.

The rain continued to fall, with the faint sound of horse hooves seemingly mixed in.

It wasn’t until much later that Wei Changtian, hidden beneath his black hat, slowly spoke.

“Everyone, put down your swords.”


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The Xuanjing Office personnel looked over in shock, then slowly lowered their blades, their faces red with anger.

Wei Changtian didn’t look at anyone, simply walking past the lowered blades on both sides until he stopped in front of Liu Yuanshan.

“Liu Minister, I’ve come only to seek an explanation.”


Liu Yuanshan’s tone was somewhat playful: “I wonder what the young master of the Wei family means?”

Wei Changtian lightly raised his head, his face still expressionless: “Today’s kidnapping incident, was it the Liu family’s doing?”


Liu Yuanshan let out a light laugh without responding, or perhaps he was too lazy to answer such a question.

Wei Changtian fell silent for a moment, then suddenly asked out of the blue, “Liu, it seems you really don’t know about this… why don’t I tell you how it is?”

“Lord Wei…”

Liu Yuanshan shook his head with a smile: “I’ve already heard about it. They said a servant girl died, and a dog too, I’m not sure if that’s true or not.”

“……Liu, you’re well-informed.”

Wei Changtian took a deep breath: “But that servant girl isn’t dead yet… and she won’t die.”

“Is that so? That’s truly a pity.”

Liu Yuanshan let out a soft sigh: “However, Lord Wei doesn’t need to be too upset. It’s just a servant girl, even if she really did die, what could be done?”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll send some good ones to your estate tomorrow as a welcoming gift.”

“Thank you, Liu, but…”

Wei Changtian gazed at the flames rapidly approaching from a distance and said softly, “But I said I’m only here to ask for an explanation today.”


At this moment, Liu Yuanshan suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of dread and a strong feeling of mortal danger.

“What do you want to do!”

He cried out in disbelief, but the next moment, the scenery before him began to distort, and then rapidly fell apart.


A white-robed figure crashed to the ground, and the filthy water splashed everywhere.

At this moment, countless eyes that had witnessed the scene were wide with shock, and everyone was stunned in place, as if they were in a dream.

Liu Yuanshan, who was lying in the mud, was also filled with confusion and uncertainty.

He had never practiced martial arts, and at this moment, he should have been tossed around like a rag doll.

But the fear of death still made the old man, who had held the position of minister for decades, tremble as he spoke two sentences.

“You dare to kill me?!”

“For the sake of a servant girl, you want to kill me?!”


Another muffled sound, and Wei Changtian stepped on Liu Yuanshan’s chest without hesitation, his right hand lightly grasping the knife handle.

“I said, she won’t die.”

He drew his knife, and the sound of the dragon’s roar echoed through the heavens.


“Hurry up! Faster!!”

In a street alley near the Liu estate, Ji Hong’an led a group of constables in a mad dash.

He urged his subordinates to go faster while constantly gazing towards the distant estate, shrouded in the rain.

There was no movement, and it seemed that the two parties hadn’t really clashed yet.

He let out a slight sigh of relief, but still felt that something was off.

Why did Wei Changtian want him to arrive a quarter of an hour late?

What could be done in that quarter of an hour?

Ji Hong’an couldn’t understand, and could only continue to speed up, until he saw the team of red-armored guards rushing forward in the distance.

Had the Imperial Guards arrived?

At this moment, he suddenly felt a pang of regret.

This emotional debt, he seemed to have owed too much.


Wei Manor.

Lu Jingyao still sat stupidly on the edge of the Qiyun bed, her eyes having lost count of how many times she looked at the timer in the corner.

There was still half an hour left, half an hour……

Qiyun’s breath had weakened to almost nothing, but neither Wei Xianzhi nor Wei Changtian had brought back the cloud-patterned jade yet.

She didn’t know what she should do, so she looked again at the small poem on Qiyun’s pillow.

“Qiyun, I’ll teach you to write once you’re better……”

“I won’t eat your vinegar again……”

“My lord promised me, you’ll definitely be fine……”

“You’ll definitely be fine……”


Fengzhai Pavilion.

“What are you doing, gathering your things, Miss?”

The maid looked at Yangliu Shi, who was rummaging through her boxes, with a puzzled expression.

“How long have you followed me, Xiaoxiu?” Yangliu Shi asked, stopping her hands.

The maid thought for a moment and replied seriously, “Three years now.”

“If I wanted to leave Fengzhai Pavilion, would you be willing to follow me?” Yangliu Shi asked again.


Xiaoxiu, the maid, was taken aback and hastily asked back, “Where are you going, Miss? Why do you want to leave? Has someone redeemed your contract?”

“No redemption.”

Yangliu Shi smiled, captivating and alluring.

“But someone has redeemed my heart.”


The sewing room fell silent for a moment, and Yangliu Shi suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, looking at the stunned maid.

“You haven’t said if you’re willing to follow me or not.”

“I-I’m willing!”

“Is that so?”

Yangliu Shi’s gaze softened, and she gently waved her sleeve.

“Thank you, Xiaoxiu……”

A stick of incense later, the sewing room, considered the ultimate goal of many men, was empty, leaving only a small maid sleeping soundly on the table, her body pressing down a large silver note.


Liu Manor.

Wei Changtian gripped the Longyin sword tightly, the head of Liu Yuanshan, the Prime Minister of the Great Peace Kingdom, falling to the ground behind him.

Not counting his previous master, this was the first time he had killed someone in this life.

He had killed the Prime Minister of the Great Peace Kingdom.

Perhaps because his previous master had seen too many bloody and brutal scenes, Wei Changtian didn’t feel any discomfort at this moment, even feeling a hint of pleasure.

Maybe people were not born equal, their talents were not equal, their opportunities were not equal, their fortunes were not equal… everything was not equal…

Before life, everyone is indeed equal.

Killing a prime minister doesn’t require more effort than killing a beggar, not even one more knife stroke.

As if he had just done something extremely ordinary, Wei Changtian slowly sheathed his Dragon’s Roar and looked up at the night sky.

It had only been over an hour since he left the Wei Manor.

The events had unfolded exactly as planned for the first time, which somehow made him feel uncomfortable.

He didn’t know what he would face in the future, but…


The sudden sound of a bird’s chirp startled him, and Xu Qingwan, who had appeared out of nowhere, was holding a knife to block his path, with the group of guards from the Liu family, who had just regained their senses from shock, rushing towards them.

She looked just like himself back then.

The red ribbon tied in her hair had been soaked by the rain and could no longer flutter in the wind like before.

Wei Changtian opened his mouth to speak but said nothing, instead reaching out to grip the hilt of his knife and taking a step forward to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Xu Qingwan.

The over hundred Liu family guards were getting closer and closer.

But in the next moment, they suddenly flew backward with a deafening explosion.

“Son, escape!!”

Qin Caizhen’s roar was the first to be heard, followed by Wei Xianzhi landing with a thud beside Wei Changtian.

The two of them had finally ignored Ning Yongnian’s delay and arrived ahead of the Imperial Guards.

“Changtian, follow me! I’ll get you out of the city!!”

Without bothering to ask his son why he had killed Liu Yuanshan, Wei Xianzhi grabbed Wei Changtian’s arm, ready to jump away.

But just then, a voice suddenly echoed in his ear.

“Dad, I won’t leave! Help me block them for a bit!”


Wei Xianzhi was taken aback for a moment, and Wei Changtian didn’t have time to explain, quickly ducking behind his back and swiftly opening the system interface in his mind.

【Yunmu Zhi: Spirit Medicine (Heaven-grade), can reshape flesh and cure all diseases, 400 points】

He had 180 previously, and killing Liu Yuanshan had given him 300…

His system balance had become 80, and he now held a vibrant, blood-red spirit mushroom in his hand.

Taking out the letter he had written earlier in the Hanging Mirror Agency, he stuffed it, along with the spirit mushroom, into the stunned Wei Xianzhi’s chest, urgently instructing him:

“Dad, this is the Yunmu Zhi!!”

“Take it back and give it to Qiu Yun to take! I remember the time, we can still make it!!”

“And if Ning Yongnian insists on killing me, show him this letter! It’ll definitely save my life!!”

“But remember! Only take it out when absolutely necessary!!”


Wei Xianzhi took the two items, subconsciously asking, “Changtian, didn’t you plan to escape from the start?”


Wei Changtian glanced at the Imperial Guards who had already reached the door, shaking his head lightly.

He might indeed be able to escape under Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen’s protection.

But the cost would be the entire Wei family bearing the consequences of Liu Yuanshan’s death.

Wei Changtian was unwilling to “sacrifice a whole family to save one person.”

Besides, in his view, he had a 90% chance of not dying.

As the sole son of the Wei family, Wei Xianzhi would definitely go all out to protect him, and with that letter containing secrets of the imperial family… Ning Yongnian would definitely be curious about how he knew these things.

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Of course, there was still a small chance he might die.

However, just like that day, it’s said—

People can never be completely heartless.

Moreover, it’s not easy to make a comeback.

It’s always hesitant and lacking in spirit.

Isn’t that so?



Time rewinds a bit, going back to three hours ago.

It’s currently dusk, and Wei Changtian is preparing to set out to counterattack Xiao Feng; Lu Jingyao is helping Autumn Cloud calculate the accounts at the Chunshen Bookstore; the little girl riding a big black dog is attracting the attention of many customers; Xu Qingwan is hiding in her small room, counting her silver tickets.

Everyone is unaware of what will happen in the next three hours, just like the people strolling in the Pingchang Pavilion, enjoying the chrysanthemum flowers, unaware that it will start raining soon.

Countless literati and scholars are gathering in the densely packed brothels, sipping the fine wine in their cups, loudly reciting their newly composed Mid-Autumn poetry, boasting of the prosperity of the peaceful era.

But in front of a certain brothel, a drunk and disheveled old man is lying there, his presence somewhat discordant with the vibrant scene.

The brothel’s servant is running over, preparing to give the old man a good beating and throw him out the door.

However, the old man is already drunk and unconscious, unaware that he will soon face a painful ordeal, and is simply humming a mountain tune.

The sound is intermittent and faint, drifting towards an unknown distant land.

“A great jar overturns the Yangtze River,”

“I drink the sun and swallow the moon in my chest.”

“A great dream lasts for three thousand years,”

“Sorrow and joy pierce my heart, with no regrets.”

“A great wind blows the waves, revealing the skeleton,”

“I sing wildly, willing to die, and be buried.”

“A great madness makes me forget everything,”

“I don’t know when the eastern sky will be bright…”

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