I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 75

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 75

Late at night, in the Chunshen Bookstore.

By the candlelight, Wei Changtian casually picked up a few books and flipped through them, feeling a mix of emotions.

This was his first time here, and unexpectedly, it would be his last visit for a long time.

“Journey to the West” was selling very well, and playing cards were even more popular, having already formed a sweeping trend throughout the capital.

It was said that many brothels no longer played traditional games like “Flying Flowers” or “Tossing Cups” during tea gatherings, but instead played “Demonic Heads”.

Who knew what the scene would be like when Mahjong was invented?

Wei Changtian put the simplified edition of “Journey to the West” back on the shelf, while Li Yang arrived with Yang Liu’s poem at the same time.

“Brother Wei, I’ll leave first. It’s absolutely safe here, so you can speak your mind.”

Li Yang was very considerate, sending the person away before withdrawing through the hidden door.

Wei Changtian casually found a chair to sit down and asked Yang Liu, who looked somewhat surprised.

“How’s life been living here?”

“It’s been great.”

Yang Liu sat down beside him, covering her mouth to laugh: “Young Master Li has been taking good care of me, always pampering me with delicious food and drinks.”

From noble mtl dot come

“Hasn’t Fengzhiguan found you?”

“How could they not find me? But where could they possibly find me?”


Wei Changtian nodded, paused for a moment, and then sighed: “Ah, you must have heard about my situation.”

“I’ll be leaving the capital the day after tomorrow. As for what you’ll do in the future, I had a rough plan when I was in prison.”

“You can listen for now. If you’re willing, I can arrange everything for you. If you have other plans, then let’s just forget I said anything…”

Wei Changtian originally wanted to arrange for Yang Liu to join the yet-to-be-exposed Tongji Society, but before he could say anything, the latter interrupted him:

“I want to follow you, Young Master.”

“Follow me?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback: “You know where I’m going and you still want to follow me?”

“No matter where you go…”

Yang Liu suddenly leaned in, almost whispering sweet nothings into Wei Changtian’s ear: “I’ll follow you anywhere.”


Wei Changtian turned to look at those affectionate, sparkling eyes and couldn’t help but laugh: “Aren’t you supposed to rescue your Demon King’s son?”

“That’s right, so I must follow you, Young Master.”

Yang Liu nodded matter-of-factly: “You promised to help me, and if I don’t follow you, what if you go back on your word?”

“Cough, of course I remember that.”

Wei Changtian’s whole body felt hot and dry, and he slightly turned his head: “Since I promised to help you rescue him within a year, I’ll definitely do it.”

“I naturally believe you, but…”

Yang Liu lowered her head, speaking softly: “But you haven’t said whether you’re willing to take me with you or not, Young Master.”


Wei Changtian didn’t care either way; if Yang Liu really followed him to Shu State, it would add some fun to his “hardship” on the border.

“Alright, that’s enough for today. I’ll leave first…”

After finishing their business, Wei Changtian prepared to leave.

However, before he could stand up, Yang Liu suddenly stretched out her small foot and gently rubbed it against his leg twice.

“Young Master…”

The thin silk slid down halfway, revealing her fragrant shoulder and a spring-like atmosphere.

“You’ve been in that prison for over half a month. Don’t you miss my body?”


This question was too much!

Was he looking down on people or not?!

Wei Changtian’s face turned serious: “Every day is a struggle to survive. Who has the time to think about such things?”

The silk skirt slid down a few inches.

“I think I miss my lord…”


For the first time, the Chunshen Bookstore truly lived up to its name.

The tall, majestic chair swayed violently.

An hour later, Wei Changtian stepped down from the carriage, under Li Yang’s admiring gaze.

On their way back to the Wei Manor, the two chatted quite a bit.

Li Yang patted his chest, guaranteeing that he would open branches of the Chunshen Bookstore all over the world within three years, and promised to visit Wei Changtian in Shu State when he had the time.

Wei Changtian gave his full approval and suggested that he would go to Shu State to explore the route first, and when Li Yang came, he would definitely take him on a thorough tour of the southern ladies’ charm.

Li Yang mentioned that there were also many southern ladies in the capital’s brothels, and sighed that it had been a long time since he last visited a brothel with Wei Changtian.

Wei Changtian felt the same way, and immediately turned his head and got back into the carriage, performing a “passing by one’s own door without entering” act.

In ancient times, there was the Great Yu controlling the floods; now, there was Wei Changtian accompanying his brothers to visit brothels.

Who wouldn’t praise this scene – the bond between brothers was truly deep!


Another two hours passed, and the carriage stopped in front of the Wei Manor again.

Wei Changtian dragged his tired body back to the courtyard, and soon saw Lu Jingyao, who had been waiting anxiously for a night, in the outer room.

She immediately came over, her small nose twitching twice, clearly having smelled the scent of another woman.

However, this time Lu Jingyao didn’t ask “Where did you go?” or get angry, only softly asking:

“Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something else?”

“I’m not hungry.” Wei Changtian waved his hand.

“Then I’ll have someone prepare hot water for a bath…”

“No need, I just washed up.”


Lu Jingyao’s cherry lips opened and closed, and a soft, pitiful “oh” sounded.

Wei Changtian couldn’t help but laugh at her expression, and turned his head to say: “Come in with me.”


Lu Jingyao was startled, her face immediately flushing red, her heart in turmoil.

After a long while, she finally made up her mind, but found that Wei Changtian had already walked a distance away, and so she hurriedly called out from behind:

“W-wait for me a bit!”

“I-I need to go back to my room first…”

An incense stick later, Lu Jingyao pushed open Wei Changtian’s door, her lips bitten tight, as if going to war.

Her face was clearly made up, and she had a piece of white silk hidden in her sleeve.

“Come in? Sit down.”

The candlelight in the room wasn’t very bright, so Wei Changtian didn’t notice these details, only waving his hand to indicate for Lu Jingyao to sit.

“Are you tired? If not, then listen to me finish telling the story of Journey to the West; there’s not much left.”


Lu Jingyao’s butt had just touched the chair, and upon hearing this, she immediately stood up again.

“D-did you call me in just to tell me the story of Journey to the West?”

“Right, what did you think?”

“Uh, nothing…”

Lu Jingyao shook her head crazily, then quickly reached for the pen, ink, and paper beside her, preparing to take notes.



A white silk handkerchief slipped out of her sleeve and landed right between the two of them on the floor.

Lu Jingyao: “……”

Wei Changtian: “……”

Please, just give me a break!

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