I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 78

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 78

When Liang Qin pulled Wei Changtian’s hand and appeared in front of Liang Zhen and the others, everyone was only slightly surprised, but didn’t feel that there was anything too unusual.

The people present were all warriors, who didn’t pay much attention to matters between men and women, and since they all knew that the two had a close relationship in the past, they simply pretended not to see.

“Changtian, come quickly!”

Liang Zhen called out, and everyone took their seats around the table.

The tables and chairs, which the stationmaster had just brought from the station, were set up under the shade of a large locust tree, with many dishes already laid out.

Although there wasn’t a luxurious feast, the food was still abundant.

Several people didn’t bother with etiquette, sitting down to eat with gusto, while admiring the distant mountain scenery and chatting idly.

A deputy commander spoke up to report:

“General, young master, we have now entered the territory of Tan Zhou, and we can reach Zhong Ling County by tonight.”

“This county isn’t very large, and I have already sent someone to notify the local authorities.”

“By the way, it’s said that there’s a mountain called ‘Du Tian’ to the west of the county, which the general and young master might be interested in visiting…”

Li Zhen and the others hadn’t taken this route when they returned to the capital, so the scenery they encountered along the way was still fresh and exciting. They would always visit the local scenic spots whenever they arrived at a new place.

What was originally a “prisoner escort” journey to the border had now become somewhat like an autumn excursion…

Of course, this would slow down their progress, but it seemed like no one was too concerned about it.

After all, there was no urgent matter, and taking their time to enjoy the scenery was quite pleasant.

It was just the name “Du Tian” that… Li Qin furrowed her brow, expressing her opposition.

“This mountain isn’t good, its name clashes with Older Brother Chang Tian’s, I think we should skip it.”


Li Zhen also reacted, immediately agreeing: “Qin’er is right! Just hearing the name of this mountain doesn’t make it sound interesting!”

“We won’t stay in Zhong Ling for long, we’ll rest for a night in the county and then continue on our journey!”

“Yes, general!”

That deputy commander hastily put down his chopsticks and bowed to acknowledge his mistake: “Young master, please don’t blame me, it was a thoughtless decision on my part!”

“No worries.”

Wei Chang Tian helplessly shook his head, thinking that the ancients were indeed too particular.

He was actually quite interested in visiting this mountain, but now it wasn’t convenient to say so, and he could only continue eating in silence.

Warriors generally ate quickly, and soon everyone had filled their stomachs to about 80% full.

“Older Brother Chang Tian, are you full?” Li Qin asked softly from the side.

“Yes, I’m full.”

Wei Chang Tian put down his chopsticks, let out a satisfied burp, and casually looked around, his gaze finally stopping at a certain point.

It was a small, thin girl, wearing a clearly oversized linen garment, with disheveled hair.

She seemed to be afraid of people, not daring to get too close to Wei Chang Tian’s group or the inn, and was sitting alone on a stone in between, slowly eating a mixed-grain bun.

Following Wei Chang Tian’s gaze, Li Qin also noticed this pitiful little girl, and a wave of compassion suddenly arose in her heart.

She hesitated for a moment before beckoning a soldier to her side.

“Go bring that little girl over, speak softly so as not to scare her.”


The soldier responded and walked to the little girl’s side, bending down to say something.

It was clear that the girl was afraid, but eventually, she still picked up a large bamboo basket and hesitantly followed the soldier back.

She stopped a few steps away from the group, lowering her head without speaking.

“Don’t be afraid, we’re not bad people.”

Li Qin smiled and waved her hand: “Come a little closer.”


The little girl looked up at Li Qin, possibly feeling that she indeed didn’t seem like a bad person, and finally took a few steps closer.

“How old are you? What’s your name?” Li Qin asked, holding the little girl’s hand.

“I-I’m nine years old, my name is Ah Chun…”

The girl’s voice was very pleasant, but her volume was too soft, as if a gentle breeze could blow it away.

“How did you end up alone here? Where are your parents?” Liang Jin asked again.

“Over there…”

The little girl hesitantly pointed to a nearby hill.


Liang Jin exchanged a glance with Wei Changtian, then looked at the fire starter in the bamboo basket. They both understood that the little girl’s parents were probably gone, and she must have gone to the mountain to visit their graves today.

In this era, it was not uncommon for children to lose their parents at a young age.

If it was a boy, he might still be taken in by other relatives.

But for a girl, she would likely have to rely on herself, and many would eventually starve or freeze to death.


Liang Jin let out a soft sigh and turned around to scoop a large bowl of food from the table, handing it to the little girl.

“Are you hungry? Eat something.”


A Chun tried to swallow her saliva, then pushed the bowl back onto the table: “Madam, I brought my own rations.”


Liang Jin was taken aback for a moment, but quickly understood.

For children living in poor rural areas, “Old Master” and “Madam” were probably the most respectful titles they knew.

Liang Jin smiled and didn’t correct her, instead speaking softly to encourage her: “Don’t be shy, we would have thrown this food away anyway.”


A Chun was startled, her big eyes blinking in confusion, as if she couldn’t understand why such good food would be thrown away.

“Then…then I’ll eat…”

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She hesitated for a while, finally picking up the bowl and chopsticks again, eating quietly under Liang Jin’s encouraging gaze.

Liang Zhen and the others didn’t say anything, continuing their own conversations.

Soon, A Chun finished the entire bowl of food.

Perhaps because she hadn’t eaten so well in a long time, the little girl couldn’t help but let out a loud burp.

“Have some water…are you full?”

Liang Jin smiled and handed her a bowl of clear water.

“I’m full…burp…thank you, Madam…”

A Chun drank the water but still couldn’t stop burping, her face flushing bright red: “Thank you, burp, Madam…”

“No need to thank me.”

Liang Jin wanted to pat her on the back, but A Chun suddenly bent down and took out the few mountain goods from the bamboo basket.

Wild mushrooms, wild wood ears, and some medicinal herbs…she burped while gathering these things together, then carefully tied them up with a grass rope and placed them gently beside Liang Jin’s feet.

“Madam, these are for you.”

“I don’t want your things, take them back.”

Liang Jin picked up the mountain goods, wanting to put them back in the basket.

But A Chun took a step back, bowed her head seriously: “Madam, giving me food to eat is a kind act, not something I deserve.”


Liang Jin’s eyes were surprised.

For a moment, she didn’t know what to say, while A Chun bowed to everyone again, then walked away with her empty bamboo basket.

The slender figure quickly disappeared into the distance, and Liang Jin couldn’t help but sigh to Wei Changtian: “I didn’t expect this child to be so understanding…”


Wei Changtian gazed at the bundle of goods at his feet: “If she sells these and exchanges them for food, she’ll probably be able to eat for a few more days.”


Liang Jin was stunned for a moment.

Wei Changtian didn’t say anything else, only shook his head and pulled out a silver coin from his sleeve, casually tossing it far away.

The coin drew an arc in the air and landed precisely in Ah Chun’s bamboo basket.

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