I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 82

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 82

The beautiful woman had suddenly transformed into a huge spider, reminiscent of the White Bone Demon from Journey to the West.

Liang Qin, who was closest to the demonic corpse, immediately turned pale and retreated several steps, while Wei Changtian didn’t bother with her, instead walking forward to examine the spider demon’s condition.

Its eight long legs were limp on the ground, its body as big as a full-grown pig, with red and yellow patterns resembling skull heads on its back.

There were several stab wounds on the demonic corpse, clearly indicating that it had been thoroughly killed.

Dragon’s Roar flipped over, extracting the demon core from! the spider’s head.

Deep blue in color, with a cultivation level of around 60 years.

Wei Changtian’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the demon core, his heart filled with many doubts.

It was no problem for a demonic creature to transform back into its true form after death.

But why could a 60-year-old spider demon transform into a human?

Creatures with such cultivation levels that could transform into humans were usually high-intelligence demons like foxes, yellow-skinned monsters, or apes, and spider demons were not supposed to be able to transform at all.

Moreover, a 60-year cultivation level was equivalent to the strength of a sixth-rank peak human, and although he had ambushed it, it was still too easy to defeat…

Wei Changtian thought for a while but couldn’t understand, so he decided to ask Yang Liu about it.

As he stood up, Liang Zhen hurriedly asked, “Brother Changtian, how did you discover that the woman was a demon?”

“Uncle Liang, to be honest, I’ve been suspicious since we arrived.”

Wei Changtian sheathed Dragon’s Roar and wiped the bloodstains off the demon core as he replied, “Ordinary bandits are usually a mob, where would they get the courage to fight to the death despite knowing they’re no match?”

“But these bandits were different, each and every one of them fearless and unyielding, not a single one tried to escape or surrender, which clearly indicated that there was something controlling them, likely a demon proficient in manipulation magic.”

“That’s indeed the case…”

Liang Zhen nodded repeatedly as he recalled the events.

Wei Changtian continued, “As for how I discovered that the woman was a demon… I wasn’t too sure myself, just making an educated guess.”

“A guess?”

Liang Zhen hurriedly asked, “How did you make that guess?”

“Firstly, the woman claimed to have escaped by hiding in a haystack.”

Wei Changtian explained, “But haystacks aren’t very concealed, and other villagers would have hidden in similar locations.”

“Why were the others found and killed, but she managed to escape?”

“Secondly, the woman said that her husband and son were killed by the bandits, leaving only her behind.”

“Ordinary people would be overwhelmed with grief at this point, but she seemed unaffected, only worried about her own survival… This was clearly not a normal reaction.”

“So I found her extremely suspicious and thought it better to kill her first and ask questions later.”


Wei Changtian finished explaining his thoughts, and everyone looked at each other in shock, their eyes filled with surprise and admiration.

With such observational and analytical abilities, these warriors indeed felt inferior to themselves.

However, Wei Changtian simply determined that the woman was a demon based on these few points, which seemed a bit insufficient…

“Lord Wei.”

Cao Zhu suddenly asked, “Guessing is just guessing; what if we’re wrong?”

“If we’re wrong, then we’re wrong.”

Wei Changtian replied frankly, “She’s just a peasant woman; even if we kill her by mistake, it won’t be a big deal.”

“But if she’s really a demon and we don’t kill her, then the danger will be ours.”


Cao Zhu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a complex expression: “Indeed, this demon has mastered the art of bewitchment. If we don’t kill her, she’ll become a great threat.”

“Lord Wei’s thoughts are meticulous, Cao admires.”

“Lord Cao is too kind.”

After everyone had asked their questions, Wei Changtian finally turned to look at Liang Qin, who was standing stupidly to the side.

Liang Qin’s expression at this time was a mix of surprise, shame, regret, and embarrassment.

“Brother Changtian…”

Liang Qin was about to speak, but was interrupted by Wei Changtian’s laughter: “Didn’t you say you wouldn’t call me that again?”


Liang Qin’s face turned bright red to the roots of her ears. Wei Changtian roughly knew what she wanted to say, but didn’t have the time to listen, as there were more important things to attend to.

“Alright, I’m not angry with you. We’ll talk about it when we get back.”

With a wave of his hand, Wei Changtian ignored Liang Qin’s embarrassment and turned to Liang Zhen with a serious expression:

“Uncle Liang, although this demon is dead, we must handle the demon’s corpse with caution, or it will bring great harm.”


Liang Zhen had killed many demons, but this was his first time seeing a demon that had taken human form, so he didn’t doubt Wei Changtian’s words at all.

“Nephew, how should we handle the demon’s corpse?”

“This is… very complicated, and I can’t explain it clearly in a short time.”

Wei Changtian’s face remained unchanged as he casually replied, “But I’ve learned a thing or two from my previous experience at the Liu Ye place.”

“You just need to have Uncle Liang and the others step aside, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Step aside?”

Liang Zhen was taken aback: “Changtian, could there be some danger? I’ll stay and help you deal with it.”


Wei Changtian intentionally looked troubled: “There’s no danger, but the method of handling the demon’s corpse is a secret of the Liu Ye place…”

“I understand. In that case, we’ll go wait over there.”

Liang Zhen was very cooperative and agreed with a nod, then immediately led everyone away, leaving only the spider demon’s corpse behind.

As he watched the group walk away slowly, Wei Changtian waited for a while, then carefully moved the demon’s corpse to a half-burned house.

Using the broken walls and ruins as cover, he began to activate the “Demon-Sealing” technique.

From noble mtl dot come

Breathing in, breathing out, breathing in…

After a few breaths, a familiar white mist rose from the spider demon’s corpse.

This mist was thicker and absorbed faster than any Wei Changtian had seen before.

Although this spider demon wasn’t related to the novel’s plot and didn’t have any system rewards, the large amount of internal energy he could convert from his 60 years of cultivation made this trip worthwhile.

The thick mist seeped into his pores, flowed through his meridians, and eventually gathered in his dantian.

Wei Changtian had already reached the seventh-rank peak, and now he suddenly absorbed a large amount of refined inner energy…

It was as if the last drop of water had been added to a full cup, and the powerful inner energy burst forth from his dantian like a dam breaking, quickly filling his entire body.

Wei Changtian’s body trembled violently, and he gritted his teeth to resist the intense pain in his abdomen.

The eight main meridians and 56 secondary meridians all opened up, and he felt like he was in a sauna, with sweat quickly soaking through his clothes.

The darkness outside was like ink, while the white mist inside the room churned and rolled.

No one knew how much time had passed, but the white mist suddenly dispersed, revealing Wei Changtian, who had already opened his eyes.

His face showed some excitement, and after a brief pause, he stretched out a finger and lightly waved it in the air.


A crack instantly appeared on the black earthen wall, about an inch deep, and sand fell down with a rustling sound.

His inner energy was released, and he had reached the sixth-rank realm!

He had succeeded!

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