I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 86

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 86

After leaving Zhongling County, Wei Changtian’s group quickly exited Tanzhou and entered the territory of Luzhou.

This time, they chose a route that would take them through four state capitals: Tanzhou, Luzhou, Peizhou, and Anzhou, covering a distance of nearly 10,000 li.

Although this distance seemed far at first, in the world of cultivation, even for those with low martial arts skills, it wasn’t too difficult to reach.

Fast horses could travel a thousand li in a day, and high-ranking cultivators above the fifth rank could even run faster than horses.

Hundreds of years ago, during the great war between Daming and Western Da Feng, a second-rank cultivator had once rushed back to the capital overnight to report the good news.

Therefore, Wei Changtian’s group, although taking a leisurely “tour” while hurrying on their journey, would likely arrive in Shuzhou in about ten days.

“Snatch the demon’s head!”

“No snatching!”


In the slightly swaying carriage, Wei Changtian was playing cards with Yang Liu Shi and Yuan Er.

Last night, they had rested in Luzhou City and were now heading towards Anyi County.

It had been almost ten days since they left the capital, and Wei Changtian, who was almost always “on the road,” had long lost his enthusiasm for appreciating the scenic views along the way. Moreover, the weather had gradually turned cold after the beginning of winter, so he was basically in a state of “sleeping in the carriage, playing cards, eating, and using the restroom.”

It was just like an old-age travel group from his previous life.

“Sir, it’s your turn.”

Yang Liu Shi gently placed a stack of cards on the table, and Wei Changtian casually glanced at the cards in his hand, shaking his head and saying:


“Then I’ll win, oh!”

Yang Liu Shi laughed and put down the last three cards, applauding herself.

Wei Changtian pouted, washing the cards while yawning.

He didn’t know why, but he felt that playing cards wasn’t as enjoyable as before after Lu Jing Yao left.

“Zhang San, you come and play, I’ll take a break.”

He let Zhang San, who rarely had the opportunity to play cards due to his exceptional memory, take his place and sat down by the window, stretching his waist lazily.

“Master, would you like some tea…”

A timid voice sounded beside him, belonging to Ah Chun, who was holding a teacup.

This little girl had originally been taken in by Liang Qin, but later Liang Zhen felt that his daughter’s maids were too many, so he gave her to Wei Changtian.

However, Wei Changtian wasn’t quite used to being served by a girl who wasn’t even ten years old, and since Yang Liu Shi didn’t bring any servants this time, he simply gave Ah Chun to Yang Liu Shi.

So Ah Chun was now actually Yang Liu Shi’s little maid.

After taking the teacup and sipping the tea, which was just the right temperature, Wei Changtian casually asked, “Ah Chun, how did your parents die?”

“My father was bitten by a poisonous snake while hunting in the mountains…”

Ah Chun bit her lip and answered in a small voice: “My mother died of illness afterwards.”

Wei Changtian put the teacup back on the table and asked again, “How old were you then?”

“Six years old…”

“And you’re nine years old now, right?”


“What did you rely on to survive during those three years?”

“The villagers would sometimes give me some food out of pity.”

Ah Chun twisted her small hands: “I would occasionally pick some mountain goods and sell them in the city.”

“Ah, I see…”

Wei Changtian looked at Ah Chun’s small braids and suddenly thought of Wei Qiaoling, who was carefree and well-provided for.

“I have a younger sister, about the same age as you, and she would probably like you a lot.”


Ah Chun didn’t know how to respond to this, so she could only awkwardly lower her head and remain silent.

Seeing her like this, Wei Changtian just smiled and continued, “She has a particularly silly dog named Da Gui.”


Ah Chun stammered: “I had a dog before, named Da Huang.”

“What happened to it later?”

“It ran away one day, and I looked for it for a long time but couldn’t find it.”

“Was it very old then?”

“How did you know, Master?”


Wei Changtian smiled and patted Ah Chun’s little head: “It’s a good dog.”


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Ah Chun didn’t quite understand Wei Changtian’s meaning, but still nodded.

At this time, a sudden noise came from outside the carriage.

“Master Wei! We still have half an hour before reaching Anyi County, and the local magistrate has set up a banquet. The general has asked me to inform you!”

“I know!”

Wei Changtian shouted through the window, and the card game inside the carriage happened to end at the same time.

Without a doubt, “Human Nature Recorder” Zhang San had won again.

Learning they were about to arrive, the three of them didn’t continue playing and simply gathered the cards before resting.

After entering winter, the sky darkened early, and it was already a deep orange outside the window, even though it was only the beginning of the evening.

Scientific research in the past has shown that dusk is the time when people are most likely to feel homesick, as it’s the time to return home for dinner.

However, the few people in the carriage didn’t seem to have such sentimental feelings.

Yang Liu Shi was a demon, Zhang San was an outlaw, and Ah Chun was an orphan… The three of them had special identities and might have already lost the concept of “hometown”.

Wei Changtian was a transmigrator, and if he were to feel homesick, it would be for the blue planet of his previous life.

So, at this moment, it was likely that only Yuan Er was truly missing the big mansion in the capital and the people living there.


She quietly moved to Wei Changtian’s side, her eyes brimming with tears as she whispered: “I miss Madam and Autumn Cloud Sister……”

“Not yet, we’ve only been on the road for ten days.”

Wei Changtian was initially speechless, but then thought that Yuan Er had lived in the Wei Manor since she was a child and had never been on a long journey, so it was normal for her to feel uncomfortable now.

Thinking of this, he tried to crack a small joke to ease the atmosphere: “Cough, my point is, you’re thinking of them, but they might not even be thinking of you?”


Yuan Er’s body stiffened, and her crying became even more intense: “I don’t believe it! Madam and Autumn Cloud Sister must be thinking of me too!”

Damn! How could she have no sense of humor at all?!

Wei Changtian saw that his joke had backfired and quickly tried to comfort her: “Okay, okay, don’t cry. I was just joking with you!”


Yuan Er’s eyes widened, and she soon became angry and shouted: “Master, this joke isn’t funny at all!”

“Don’t you miss them?”


Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment, looking out the window at the setting sun between the mountains.

A thousand miles of autumn geese, a shared evening sun.

To say he didn’t miss them at all would be a lie.

Not just Lu Jingyao and Autumn Cloud, but also Xu Qingwan, Wei Qiaoling, and others…

Yes, besides them, there was one person he missed the most – Xiao Feng!

Wei Changtian couldn’t possibly leave Xiao Feng in the capital to harm the Wei family. As for how to get him to Sichuan…


The capital, the Mystical Heaven Sect, the entrance of the Qingmu Hall.

Xiao Feng walked through the dark doors into the secret room, his face looking terrible.

His recent days had been really tough.

First, his plan to assassinate Wei Changtian had failed, almost losing all of Qingmu Hall’s high-ranking members. He himself had been pursued by the Mirror Surveillance Bureau for over ten days, and although he had managed to evade them each time, the process was really too nerve-wracking.

Next was Wei Changtian, who inexplicably went to kill Liu Yuanshan, whom he had just managed to get on good terms with, and even survived!

This was unbelievable!

Xiao Feng felt that his luck had never been this bad since his parents’ death, and now he hated Wei Changtian to the core.

“Wei Changtian! I’ll definitely kill you with my own hands!”


He punched the wall, his ordinary but extraordinary face filled with ferocity.

However, just then, the door to the secret room was suddenly pushed open, and a burly man walked in, holding something in his hand.

“Master, there’s a letter here, saying it’s for you…”

“A letter?”

Xiao Feng tried to calm down, turned around, and asked, “Who sent it?”

“I don’t know, but the signature on the envelope…”

“Whose signature is it?”

“Wei… Wei Changtian…”

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