I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 87

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 87

The flames in the secret room flickered, and the air was almost frozen.


Xiao Feng couldn’t believe it, stretched out his hand to take the envelope, and looked at the “Xiao Feng, personal” written on it, as well as the signature “Wei Changtian” at the bottom. He took a deep breath and asked:

“How did this letter come?”

“It was nailed to the door with a flying dagger in the afternoon.”

The burly man swallowed his saliva and replied truthfully, “You weren’t here at the time, so I took the letter first.”

“Okay… did you read the letter?” Xiao Feng asked casually while opening the letter.


The man’s expression was calm, but sweat was seeping out of his forehead.

Xiao Feng looked at him without saying anything, then bent down to read the letter.

The entire letter was only one page long.

But these few dozen words made Xiao Feng read it repeatedly, his face changing several times.

From doubt to shock, to fear, and finally to gloom.

Dream Path, Demon Capture, Demon-Slaying Disk, Xuantian Sword… all his secrets were written in the letter, most of which he had never revealed to anyone, but now Wei Changtian had exposed them all.

At the end of the letter, Wei Changtian left a sentence—

I’ll be waiting for you in Shu State.

The meaning of this sentence was clear, forcing him to go to Shu State and “fall into the trap”!

Xiao Feng was silent for a long time, gently put the letter back into the envelope, and then looked up at the burly man.

“You actually read the letter.”


The man swallowed his saliva, struggled for a moment, and finally couldn’t resist the pressure, kneeling down and wailing.

“Master! I, I didn’t mean to read it!”

“I was afraid that Wei Changtian might harm you, and I was worried that there might be an emergency, so I opened the letter and took a glance!”

“You, you know my loyalty! Please, please forgive me this time!”

The burly man begged non-stop, while Xiao Feng remained silent, his head bowed, and the Xuantian Sword by his side had already been partially unsheathed.

It’s reasonable to believe what this man said.

If he wasn’t genuinely devoted to me, he wouldn’t have taken such a huge risk to send the letter again.

But from a rational perspective, killing him to silence him would be the most secure approach…

“Clang! Bang!”

A crisp, clear sound echoed through the secret chamber, and the black sword returned to its sheath.

Xiao Feng struggled to suppress the fury in his heart and slowly helped the man up from the ground.

“Ren, my brother, although I’ve only recently taken the position of hall master, I’m clear about who’s trustworthy.”

“And since I trust you, it doesn’t matter if you know the contents of the letter.”

“Hall… master…”

The big man’s face was filled with emotion as he looked up: “I, I’m willing to go through fire and water for you, and I won’t refuse even if it means certain death!”

“Ren, my brother, no need to say such things…”

Xiao Feng shook his head bitterly: “You can leave first; I want to be alone for a while.”


The big man bowed deeply, but before taking two steps, he suddenly turned back and asked: “Hall master, are you really going to Shu Province?”


Xiao Feng hesitated, his expression a mix of reluctance and helplessness.

He had returned to the capital because a fortune-teller had said he would have a great opportunity there.

But now, not only had the opportunity not materialized, but he had also narrowly escaped death at the hands of the Wei family multiple times, and even Lu Jingyao had betrayed him!

It was truly a case of losing both wife and troops.

He had initially wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on the Wei family, but then this letter suddenly appeared…

Xiao Feng now understood clearly that his true arch-nemesis was not Wei Xianzhi, who had ordered the killing of his entire family, but rather Wei Changtian, who seemed to know all his secrets!

Thinking of this, he finally nodded lightly: “Staying in the capital is meaningless; some things need to be settled.”


The big man’s eyes were serious, his tone firm: “Then I’m willing to follow you, hall master, to Shu Province!”

“Ren, my brother.”

Xiao Feng was taken aback, then responded solemnly: “You can rest assured! If you don’t betray me, I won’t betray you!”

Luzhou, Anyi County.

As Xiao Feng used his “charismatic charm” to gain another loyal follower, Wei Changtian was indulging in a sumptuous feast.

Compared to Zhongling, Anyi County was incredibly wealthy.

This was evident from the luxurious degree of the two county magistrates’ residences and the high standards of the banquet.

Not only were there all sorts of exotic delicacies, but there were even young musicians and dancers performing on the side.

“Governor Liang, you’re welcome to stay in Anyi for a few more days.”

The chubby county magistrate’s face was filled with a sincere smile as he raised a cup to Liang Zhen: “It’s a great opportunity for me to fulfill my duties as a host.”

“Ha ha, Governor Chen, you’re too kind.”

Liang Zhen laughed and downed the cup of wine: “However, we’ve already been delayed on the road for some time, so we won’t bother you too much.”

“Yes, I won’t dare to delay your journey.”

The chubby county magistrate glanced at the sky outside, then asked again: “But do you have any plans for tonight?”

“Not tonight.”


The plump county magistrate laughed and said, “Does the lord have any interest in going to see the competition for the flower chart?”

“The flower chart competition?”

Liang Zhen was taken aback, asking subconsciously, “Does An Yi also have such a thing?”

The plump county magistrate chuckled, “Please, don’t be modest, lord. Although our county is not large, it’s located at the intersection of the south and north, and many pitiful women from all over the country have flowed in, making this a place of many taverns and brothels.”

“Don’t be offended, lord, but almost all the wealthy merchants and high-ranking officials in Lu Zhou have purchased residences in An Yi, and they come to stay for a period every year.”

From noble mtl dot come

“With so many women, it’s natural for them to compete with each other. Today is the day when the 99 flower towers in the city compete, with hundreds of courtesans vying for the top spot.”

“I see…”

Liang Zhen nodded, understanding in his heart.

Meanwhile, Wei Changtian, who was eating and listening on the side, was shocked.

Wow, a small county town actually had 99 brothels?

Was this a dream come true?

No wonder An Yi County was so rich.

In this era, others were still struggling in the primary industry, while this place had directly opened the door to making a profit through service industries. It was no wonder they were making a fortune!

“Lord Liang, if you’d like to take a look, I’ll arrange it for you…”

Seeing Liang Zhen’s expression of interest, the plump county magistrate hurriedly whispered, “Since ancient times, beautiful women have been matched with heroes. I believe the winner of today’s flower chart competition will definitely be willing to accompany you for a night…”

Liang Zhen was about to get up and leave upon hearing this, but when he saw Liang Jin’s calm gaze, he suddenly felt a bit deflated.

He would definitely go, but he couldn’t be the one to say it!

“Cough, nephew…”

Liang Zhen coughed lightly and asked Wei Changtian with a raised eyebrow, “You heard what Lord Chen said earlier. I’m not willing to go, but if you want to see the excitement…”

“Uncle Liang, I want to go!”

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes, but at least he didn’t expose him.


Liang Zhen let out a long sigh, as if he was being forced against his will, and nodded reluctantly.

“Since that’s the case, I’ll accompany you begrudgingly.”

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