I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 9

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 9

The pale moonlight squeezed through the dark clouds, once again casting its glow on the earth.

The surrounding silence was oppressive, and everyone was left speechless by Wei Changtian’s “happy choice” operation.

On one hand was his own life, and on the other was the life of the woman he deeply loved.

The difficulty of this choice was no less than the classic “you and your mom fall into the water at the same time” question.


Xiao Feng gritted his teeth, staring fixedly at Wei Changtian, his eyes filled with hatred.

He knew that Wei Changtian was trying to pierce his heart, to pierce Lu Jingyao’s heart as well.

But he had no way out.

It wasn’t until this moment that Xiao Feng deeply realized that, in fact, open schemes were even more terrifying than secret plots.


The sound of his teeth grinding was somewhat piercing, and he remained silent for a long time.

On the contrary, it was Lu Jingyao, who had just regained her composure from shock, who hastily cried out:

“Lord Xiao! Don’t bother about me!”

“If it weren’t for your help that time, I’m afraid I would have died long ago!”

“Today, being able to see you at the Wei residence, I’m already content, and I have no regrets in dying!”

“Just consider it as me returning this life to you, Lord Xiao……”

Fear of death was a human instinct, and no one was truly fearless.

Lu Jingyao was the same, her voice trembling with fear.

But she still raised her head, looking at Xiao Feng for the last time, before suddenly stretching out her hand to grab the long sword in Wei Changtian’s hand.

It was clear that this silly woman was afraid that Xiao Feng would be troubled, so she was preparing to end her own life.


Wei Changtian let out a quiet sigh, took a slight step back, and Lu Jingyao fell to the ground with a thud, “plop”.

Two guards, who were quick to react, immediately stepped forward and pinned her down, while Wei Changtian turned his gaze to Xiao Feng.

“My patience is limited, I’ll give you three more breaths.”

“After three breaths, if you still haven’t given an answer, then neither of you will live.”

“Three, two……”

“Can you count?”

Xiao Feng suddenly raised his head, his face dark and gloomy.

Wei Changtian smiled lightly: “Of course.”

“Then good……”

Xiao Feng took a deep breath, not daring to look at Lu Jingyao, and instead looked down, struggling to squeeze out a few words from between his teeth.

“Jingyao, I’m sorry……”


From noble mtl dot come

Lu Jingyao’s face turned pale in an instant, feeling as if she had suddenly been drained of all her strength, and she didn’t know whether to cry or laugh at this moment.

Such a result was indeed “to her liking”, but……

Lu Jingyao wasn’t surprised that Xiao Feng would make such a choice, because just when she failed to snatch the sword, she clearly saw a flash of disappointment in Xiao Feng’s eyes.

A sense of unprecedented despair surged up in her heart.

At this moment, she finally understood the true meaning of the phrase “I was going to offer my heart to the bright moon, but alas, the bright moon shines on the gutter”.

She closed her eyes, no longer looking at Xiao Feng.

It seemed as if something in her heart had broken……

On the other side, Xiao Feng didn’t have the face to say anything like “I’ll definitely avenge you” at this time, but instead slowly got up from the ground, dragging his heavily injured body towards the outer courtyard of the Wei Manor with an extremely dejected expression.

He walked very slowly, seemingly without any defense against the people behind him…… actually, he didn’t have the ability to defend himself at all.

Now, he could only hope that Wei Changtian would keep his promise.

“Son, do you really want to let him go?”

Qin Caizhen, who was standing aside, was somewhat anxious.

“Of course.”

Wei Changtian smiled slightly, turning his head to look at Wei Xianzhi: “I keep my promises!”

He intentionally emphasized the word “I”, and Wei Xianzhi, who understood the meaning, burst out laughing:

“Heh heh heh!”

“Xiao Feng, my son may have let you go, but I didn’t say I would let you go!”

“Prepare to die!”


An invisible palm wind howled towards the stumbling figure, and it was estimated that the next second would be a bloody and gruesome scene.

Watching this scene, everyone present had different thoughts in their minds.

Xiao Feng: Damn it! I should have put on a more heroic act earlier!

Wei Changtian: I finally heard the “heh heh” laughter of the villain!

Wei Xianzhi: Changtian didn’t show mercy, great! He has a bit of my old flair!

Qin Caizhen: Humph! The master actually called me old! Annoying!

The guards in plain clothes: Commander, you’re shameless!

Lu Jingyao: The pain in her heart was suffocating……


No matter what emotions the people present were feeling, the void palm with three-product might wouldn’t change, and it would mercilessly strike Xiao Feng’s back in an instant.

It was over.

Wei Changtian let out a satisfied sigh, but the next second, something happened that made him widen his eyes again.

It turned out that the expected bloody scene didn’t appear, and a green light suddenly emerged from nowhere, enveloping Xiao Feng’s entire body and neutralizing Wei Xianzhi’s palm.

Everyone’s jaws dropped, staring at this unprecedented and bizarre scene in shock.

“Whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!”

Before Wei Xianzhi could give an order, several guards in plain clothes rushed towards that direction.

However, before they could even run halfway, the green light suddenly disappeared.

The original location was empty, and there was no sign of Xiao Feng’s figure.


In a certain dark room.

Wei Changtian sat beside a wooden table, with a constantly lit night lamp on the wall, and two halves of a broken jade in front of him, the fracture lines aligning perfectly.

“Changtian, I’ll order someone to search through the ancient books in the imperial library tomorrow to see if we can find any clues about this object.”

Wei Xianzhi’s brows were tightly furrowed, as if he couldn’t recognize what this jade token was all about.

Not only could it automatically protect its master and block a three-product boundary attack, but it could also perform a “Great Shift of Heaven and Earth.” This was simply a legendary treasure of the immortals!

Luckily, judging from Xiao Feng’s reaction, he probably didn’t know how powerful this thing was either, and must have obtained it by chance.

“It’s nothing, Xiao Feng has already been hit by Mother’s Residual Palm. Even if he temporarily escapes, if he doesn’t receive immediate treatment from a top-notch Danxin Saint Hand, he’s still a dead man.”

“And even if he manages to survive, it’s only a matter of time before his powers dissipate and he dies.”

Qin Caijuan saw Wei Changtian’s worried face and softly consoled him a few times.

However, the husband and wife didn’t know that Wei Changtian wasn’t worried about not being able to kill Xiao Feng, nor was he worried about what this jade token was.

At this moment, he was thinking about one question – where did this jade token come from?

If he didn’t remember wrong, Xiao Feng should have obtained his first life-saving artifact in the middle of the novel, and it was an iron ruyi.

As for this ordinary-looking jade token… he didn’t remember it appearing even until the end of the novel!

Was it possible that he had forgotten? After all, reading web novels was a quick scan, and it was normal to forget some details.

Or… had his “abnormal” behavior already caused a butterfly effect?

It seemed that there were only these two explanations.

After pondering for a while, Wei Changtian finally looked up at Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan.

Regardless, killing Xiao Feng was still the top priority at the moment.

Dead or alive, he had to see Xiao Feng’s corpse!

For this, he didn’t mind revealing a little more of the plot ahead of time.

“Father, do you still remember the case of the private salt smuggling that the Flower Guard dealt with three years ago? They even wiped out an entire family.”


Wei Xianzhi was taken aback, not understanding why his son was bringing this up, and didn’t remember the “private salt smuggling” case.

The Mirror Guard dealt with countless cases every year, killing many people. As the head of the organization, how could he possibly remember them all?

“Why are you asking this? What does it have to do with Xiao Feng?”

“That family was surnamed Xiao.”

Wei Changtian paused, and in the shocked gazes of Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caijuan, he replied in a deep voice: “When the Flower Guard raided their home, Xiao Feng just happened to be traveling outside…”

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