I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 91

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 91

Wei Changtian!

Like a thunderbolt on a clear day, these three words, although not loud, made everyone’s heads buzz.

This year, there was no internet, nor was there photography technology.

Everyone had only heard of Wei Changtian’s name, but they didn’t know what he looked like.

In many people’s imaginations, such a ruthless and lawless villain was probably someone with a fierce and cruel face, perhaps with a hint of lewdness.

Who would have thought that the elegant and refined young master standing before them was none other than Wei Changtian, the sole son of the Wei family who had killed the prime minister?

“This, this…”

The fat county magistrate jumped up, his face filled with shock, and asked Liang Zhen for confirmation: “Liang, General Liang… is he really the young master of the Wei family?”

Perhaps due to the extreme shock, the fat county magistrate momentarily forgot to use formal titles and directly exposed Liang Zhen’s identity.


This Liang gentleman was the general of Shu State?!

The people present had previously suspected that Liang Zhen was a high-ranking official, but they never expected him to be a major official on the same level as the governor!

What a surprise! What was happening tonight?

First, Liang Zhen and Peng Benzhong had gambled away nearly 20,000 silver coins just to compete for Su Yu’s “first night”.

Then, there was Song Dajia’s poem worth a thousand gold coins.

Who knew that Liang Zhen’s casual curse towards Wei Changtian would bring out the real deal?

Now, there was even a general present!

The series of surprises had left everyone stunned, and they all stood there, unsure of who to look at.

But Liang Zhen didn’t care about the crowd’s gaze and didn’t bother to respond to the fat county magistrate.

He first looked at Song Zhengming’s pale face, then opened his mouth to ask Wei Changtian:

“Changtian, how do you plan to deal with this person?”

As a warrior, he had always looked down on scholars, and now that both sides had already torn off their masks, he was completely unbridled, his tone filled with killing intent.

With one sentence, the atmosphere in the decorated building seemed to instantly drop to freezing point.

Even with Song Zhengming’s literary pride, he couldn’t help but shiver, and unconsciously cried out:

“What, what do you want to do?”

“What do I want to do?”

Wei Changtian nodded at Liang Zhen, indicating that he would handle the matter, then took slow steps towards Song Zhengming.

“Stability” and “tolerance” were two different concepts.

Although Wei Changtian had always sought “stability” in his actions, he was not a person who could “tolerate” things, neither before nor after his rebirth.

Since you dared to curse me, and I happened to hear it, you’ll have to pay the price.

Five steps, four steps, three steps…

Wei Changtian’s pace was not fast, nor were his footsteps heavy.

But each of his steps was like treading on Song Zhengming’s heartbeat, making the latter’s breathing more and more urgent.


The table between the two was kicked away by Wei Changtian, and Song Zhengming’s legs went soft, making him fall back into his chair.

Luckily, there was the chair; otherwise, he might have fallen directly to the ground.

The crowd, who had already retreated to a safe distance, watched this scene with expressions of surprise, perhaps wondering why a great scholar would behave so cowardly.

They couldn’t fully understand the pressure and fear Song Zhengming was experiencing at that moment.

After all, few people could remain calm and composed when their life was in danger.

“Scholar Song…”

With a crisp sound, Wei Changtian crushed a teacup and stood before Song Zhengming.

He slightly lowered his head, his face bearing a hint of ridicule.

“You and I are talking, but you’re sitting down. Didn’t your family teach you what courtesy is?”


Song Zhengming’s face flushed red instantly, his blood boiling.

However, he stuttered for half a day, unable to say a word, until Wei Changtian finally waved his hand indifferently and said:

“Never mind, I don’t have as many concerns as you do. If you want to sit, then sit.”

“But you just scolded me in public, what about that?”


Song Zhengming was speechless.

If he had known Wei Changtian was here, he would have rather died than said those words.

However, since the situation had already unfolded, he was left with only two options.

Grovel and apologize, or refuse to back down.

The former would give him a certain chance of survival, but he would be ridiculed for the rest of his life, with people pointing fingers at him.

As for the latter… he could only bet that Wei Changtian wouldn’t dare kill him in public, considering the “Killing Aura” incident hadn’t passed, and Wei Changtian himself had said he didn’t want to stir up trouble.

Furthermore, if he chose the second option, even if he really died, he would at least leave a good reputation behind.

Was it better to swallow his pride and live, or to die with honor… Song Zhengming gritted his teeth, quickly making up his mind.

“Words spoken can’t be taken back, water spilled can’t be gathered!”

Although his legs were still weak, his back straightened a lot, and he stared at Wei Changtian with unwavering determination, shouting:

“I’ve already scolded you! What can you do about it?”

“What I said earlier is what everyone thinks!”

“If you can’t take it, kill me or dismember me, I won’t even frown!”

Song Zhengming’s performance finally earned him respect from the onlookers, even Wei Changtian was slightly surprised.

However, Wei Changtian quickly regained his composure, smiling faintly:

“Song gentleman indeed has a strong backbone, but he’s also a bit too self-righteous.”

“Everyone thinks… how can you represent everyone?”

“Hmph! Justice is in people’s hearts! Right and wrong have their own public opinions!”

Song Zhengming grasped the armrest, finally standing up: “Lord Wei, don’t you know what kind of person you are in the hearts of the people?”

“Hmm? I really don’t know.”

Wei Changtian smiled: “Then let me ask.”

“Ask?” Song Zhengming was stunned.

Wei Changtian didn’t care about him, instead turning to a bystander and asking with a smile:

“Do you think I’m the kind of villain Song gentleman said I am?”


The person being asked was directly stunned, not daring to say “yes”, shaking his head like a rattle drum.

“Of course not!”

“Very good.”

Wei Changtian nodded in satisfaction, then asked another person: “What do you think?”


The second person directly chose to play dumb: “Lord, I really don’t know what you’ve done… but as the saying goes, ‘face reflects heart’, you look so handsome, you must have noble character!”


Wei Changtian’s smile grew thicker, asking a few more people before finally turning his head back to Song Zhengming.

“Song Ju Shi, is this what you meant by ‘the people’s thoughts’?”


Song Zhengming let out a cold laugh, saying, “They’re just afraid of you, that’s all. What’s the point of Wei Gongzi’s self-deception?”

“Oh, so it’s because they’re afraid of me that they didn’t tell the truth…”

Wei Changtian’s smile on his face slowly faded, and his tone turned icy cold in an instant.

“And what about the Emperor? Does Song Ju Shi think the Emperor is also afraid of me?”

“You, what do you mean?”

“What do you mean?”

Wei Changtian glanced over with a slanted gaze: “I killed Liu Xiang, and the Emperor is not unaware of it. Since I’ve committed such a heinous crime, why hasn’t the Emperor executed me or imprisoned me?”

“Following Song Ju Shi’s reasoning, could it be that the Emperor is muddled?”

“You, you…”

Song Zhengming stuttered, pointing at Wei Changtian, his face completely drained of color.

But Wei Changtian didn’t give him a chance to speak, instead continuing to press on step by step:

“I understand, it’s not that Song Ju Shi thinks he’s smarter than the Emperor, more aware of what’s right?”

“It must be, after all, you just said that your words can represent the thoughts of the people.”

“It’s truly impressive that Song Ju Shi dares to say what even the Emperor wouldn’t dare to say!”

“You’re really something, kid!”

Wei Changtian said, even adding a playful bow towards Song Zhengming at the end.

This gesture was originally quite ordinary, but at this moment, it was like a heavy hammer brutally smashing into Song Zhengming’s chest.

He only felt a sweetness in his throat, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.


From noble mtl dot come

The fresh blood stained the pure white scholar’s robe.

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