I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 92

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 92

Song Zhengming was so angry that he spat out blood, but he didn’t die immediately, only staring wide-eyed as he fell back into his chair.

But no matter what would happen in the future, Wei Changtian had already pinned the label of “insulting the monarch” on him, and it couldn’t be shaken off.

Everyone didn’t expect things to develop like this, and they all stared blankly, until Liang Zhen’s loud laughter erupted from not far away.

“Hahaha! Good!”

Liang Zhen jumped up from his seat and walked towards them, clearly very pleased.

He even felt that Wei Changtian’s move was far more satisfying than killing Song Zhengming with one sword strike.

“Liangtian, let’s go!”

Since the matter was already settled, Liang Zhen was delighted to prepare to leave.

Who would have thought that Wei Changtian wouldn’t budge: “Liang Shu, there’s still one more thing to take care of.”

Liang Zhen was taken aback: “What is it?”

“Of course, it’s Miss Su Yu.”


Liang Zhen never expected that even at this point, Wei Changtian would still remember his affair with the woman.

Although Su Yu would definitely choose him now, it still felt a bit like bullying…

“Liangtian, this matter…”

Liang Zhen was hesitant, but Wei Changtian cut him off with a smile: “Liang Shu, this is a separate matter.”


Li Zheng glanced at Su Yu, who was still standing on the stage, looking bewildered and unsure of what to think. He shook his head and said, “Let’s just forget about it.”

“Why do we have to forget about it?”

Wei Changtian’s expression turned serious. “Is it because of that broken poem?”

“Uncle Li, you’ve been fighting for decades, killing countless demons and enemies for the sake of peace in the world. Yet, your heroic achievements can’t compare to a single poem written about a woman?”

“I refuse to accept that!”


Wait, what’s going on here?

Li Zheng was initially speechless, but at the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of emotion.

Indeed, he had joined the army at the age of 16 and had fought for so many years, dedicating his life to the country. Now, he couldn’t even get a woman to sleep with him?

Sleep! He must sleep!

He immediately stopped refusing, and Wei Changtian continued, “Besides, it’s just a poem. I have one too!”

“If Song thinks his poem is worth a thousand gold, then I’ll give Uncle Li a poem, and let Song evaluate its worth!”

“Paper! Brush!”

With a wave of his hand, Li Zheng’s personal guard immediately brought over a table with paper, ink, and brush.

“Swish! Swish swish!”

Wei Changtian wrote a short poem of four lines without hesitation and handed the paper to Li Zheng.

“Uncle Li, this poem is for you!”


Li Zheng took the paper, thinking it would be a sentimental poem like “Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of faces.” But who knew…

“Hahaha! Good poem! This is a real good poem!”

His loud laughter was even more enthusiastic than before, and his face looked genuinely pleased.

Everyone was confused, including Song Zhengming, who was still staring at the thin paper, wondering what kind of poem Wei Changtian had written.

However, although everyone was curious, no one dared to urge Li Zheng, and they all just looked at each other silently, waiting.

Until the laughter subsided, and the thick voice slowly recited the entire poem, everyone’s expressions began to change gradually.

Some were excited to the point of being overwhelmed, some were shocked with their mouths agape, and some had a fervent look on their faces…

“A hero doesn’t need to carry a sword from Wu.”

“He stands tall with his horse, ruling twelve states.”

“Please, temporarily ascend to the Lingyan Pavilion.”

“If a scholar becomes a lord of ten thousand households!”

There was no doubt that this poem, filled with disdain for scholars, was not written for Su Yu, but for Song Zhengming to hear.

However, Wei Changtian had modified one sentence.

The original second line was “Receiving the five states of Guan Mountain,” but it was changed to “He stands tall with his horse, ruling twelve states.”

This “twelve states” referred to the twelve states located on the borders of the Da Ning Empire, which didn’t affect the overall atmosphere of the poem.

“Song, do you understand this poem?”

After Li Zheng finished reciting the poem, Wei Changtian smiled and looked down at Song Zhengming: “Do you want me to explain it to you?”


Song Zhengming stared with wide eyes, his body trembling uncontrollably.

“Looks like you don’t understand.”

Wei Changtian pretended to be shocked, shaking his head and explaining, “This poem is saying that a real man should do more heroic deeds, not just show off his literary skills in this place of wine and song.”

“Don’t believe me? You can go to the Lingying Pavilion, where the imperial court honors its meritorious officials, and count how many scholars are there?”

“Right, that’s basically it. Do you understand now?”

“Huh? Didn’t Song Gentleman just speak so eloquently? Why is he not saying anything now?”

“Want me to explain it more straightforwardly?”

Wei Changtian leaned in, almost making Song Zhengming’s ears spin, and whispered, “My point is, someone like you, a hypocrite…”

“is not a real man.”



A blood arrow shot out, flying high into the air.

After spitting out that mouthful of blood, Song Zhengming actually fainted, his eyes rolling back.

“Uncle Liang.”

Wei Changtian smacked his lips and stood up, saying to Liang Zhen, who was still lost in the poetic atmosphere, “We can leave now.”


Liang Zhen came back to reality, turned his head, and looked at Su Yu on the stage.

The latter was already too scared to speak, but the fat county magistrate reacted quickly, urging, “Miss Su Yu, what are you still doing?! Hurry up and follow Lord Liang!”


Su Yu hastily agreed, but her legs felt like they were filled with lead, making it hard for her to move.

She looked around for help, but the maids and old prostitutes had already fled, leaving her alone.

Luckily, a woman wearing a veil appeared from below the stage, reached out, and gently pulled Su Yu.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Yang Liu poetry supported Su Yu, smiling softly, “They won’t eat you.”


Su Yu, although knowing that this woman was with Wei Changtian, felt a lot more relaxed after hearing her words, at least enough to take a step forward.

She walked alongside Yang Liu poetry, whispering her thanks.

“Thank you, madam…”

“Hehe, I’m not a madam.”

Yang Liu poetry laughed happily, saying softly, “I used to be a courtesan like you.”

“It’s just that later, I was won over by a poem from that young master Wei.”


Su Yu was taken aback, asking unconsciously, “Which poem, sister?”

“It’s the one you admire so much…”

Yang Liu poetry ignored Su Yu’s shocked gaze, quietly looking up at Wei Changtian in the distance.

“Clouds think of clothes, flowers think of faces…”

“With a horizontal sword, standing tall in the twelve states…”

“Sir, one day I will understand you…”

After a stick of incense.

Wei Changtian and the others sat in the horse-drawn carriage, taking Su Yu back to the inn.

However, just as the carriage drove a short distance away, Wei Changtian suddenly seemed to remember something, shouting, “Oh no! I forgot something!”

“What’s wrong with the young master?”

Yang Liu Shi was originally lost in thought, staring at him, but now felt a surge of tension: “What did you forget?”

“Rainy Girl!”

Wei Chang Tian’s expression was extremely anxious: “I forgot to bring her back! Wasting a hundred silver coins on me!”

Yang Liu Shi: “……”

The young master… was truly hard to understand.

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