I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 95

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 95

Half an incense stick later.

A group of soldiers surrounded the stone pedestal, their mouths agape in shock.

They alternated between gazing at the dagger stuck in the stone and Wei Changtian, as if they were looking at a three-legged frog.


Li Zhen occupied the most advantageous position, stroking the dagger’s blade, and asked incredulously, “How did you do it?”

“I don’t know, Uncle Li…”

Wei Changtian was also bewildered at this moment.

He never thought that the “Returning to Dust” knife technique would be so powerful.

Damn, if he had known, he would have held back some strength…

“Maybe… I’m just too talented?”

Li Zhen was stunned, unsure how to respond, and after a moment of hesitation, he grasped the hilt and pulled out the dagger with a burst of strength.

Not a single stone powder fell, and from the dagger’s entire length, it was estimated that it had penetrated about two inches into the stone.

Good, good, not too exaggerated…

Wei Changtian secretly let out a sigh of relief, and Li Zhen, after glancing at him, didn’t ask further questions. Instead, he took a deep breath and commanded the soldiers in a low tone:

“Disperse, do what you need to do!”

“No one is allowed to mention this, or else don’t blame me for being unforgiving!”

“……Yes, General!”

The soldiers hesitated for a moment before scattering in all directions.


After the crowd dispersed, Li Zhen returned the dagger to Wei Changtian and said seriously, “It seems that the martial arts you’ve learned are quite formidable, but they’re not your father’s Ghost Slayer technique… I wonder where you learned it from?”


Wei Changtian didn’t expect Li Zhen to guess half the reason so quickly, and after thinking for a moment, he didn’t hide the truth.

“Uncle Li, this knife technique is called ‘Returning to Dust’, which I randomly picked up from my family’s martial arts hall.”

“Ah, I see. Your luck is indeed quite good…”

Li Zhen nodded, glanced at Li Qian, who had a look of admiration on his face, and continued, “Cough, nephew… I have an unreasonable request.”

“An unreasonable request…”

Wei Changtian’s voice paused, and he immediately understood: “Uncle Li wants me to teach this knife technique to Qian’er?”


Li Zhen scratched his head, seemingly a bit embarrassed: “I know this is a bit of an imposition, but…”

“No problem, if Qian’er wants to learn, I’ll naturally be willing to teach.”

Wei Changtian smiled and interrupted, “Uncle Li has been taking care of me all the way, so I won’t refuse such a small favor.”

“Ha ha ha, great!”

Li Zheng’s face lit up with a bright smile, and Li Qin’s face also revealed a surprised and delighted expression.

“Long Tian ge, you’re really willing to teach me?”

“Of course.”

“Then let’s start right away! We still have some time before lunch!”


Wei Long Tian was taken aback, not expecting Li Qin’s learning desire to be so strong.

But he quickly understood.

This feeling was probably similar to waiting for express delivery after online shopping, eager to get the desired item in hand the next second.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Wei Long Tian nodded in agreement, and Li Qin, hearing this, immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him towards a distant location.

“Dad, we’re going over there! We’ll come back to eat lunch!”

“Got it.”

Li Zheng watched as the two disappeared into the woods, feeling increasingly satisfied with Wei Long Tian.

This kid was really good, both literary and martial, and decisive in his actions.

The key was that he had emotions and a sense of justice.

Teaching such an exceptional swordsmanship without any hesitation was truly impressive.

The only question was how to repay such a favor.

Forget it, they would be family anyway, and there was no need to think about it…

Hmm… how many tables should they set up for the wedding? What gifts should they prepare? As the Wei family had a single heir, if his daughter could give Long Tian a few more sons, that would be great…

Li Zheng had already started fantasizing about Wei Long Tian and Li Qin’s life after marriage, while the two were currently in a clearing in the woods, having a serious “lesson”.

Any martial art required understanding its principles and advantages before practicing, and Wei Long Tian was explaining these to Li Qin.

“…The Returning Dust sword technique requires precise control over one’s strength, concentrating power at a single point when striking…”

“…The advantage of this technique is that it doesn’t overly rely on internal energy, so even those with low cultivation levels can unleash great power once they master it…”

“The downside is that it’s difficult to practice, requiring at least 10,000 repetitions daily to make progress, and needing to do so every day…”

“Long Tian ge.”

Li Qin suddenly looked puzzled and asked, “Did you practice like this too? Why haven’t I seen you practice in the past half month?”


Wei Long Tian hesitated for a moment before “composing himself” and saying, “I usually practice alone after you all fall asleep, so you wouldn’t see me.”

“Ah! So that’s how it is…”

Li Qin whispered, a scene unfolding in her mind.

Under the hazy moonlight, Wei Long Tian stood alone in the empty courtyard, repeatedly swinging and sheathing his sword, his forehead glistening with fine sweat, but his eyes shining with unyielding determination…

“Long Tian ge…”

She felt a surge of respect and emotion, softly lowering her head to say, “From now on… I’ll accompany you.”

From noble mtl dot come

“What? Accompany me?”

Wei Long Tian almost blurted out, “That’s not necessary at all.”

Although he didn’t know why Li Qin wanted to “practice together” with him, he was definitely not going to idle around and practice swordplay with her.

Wasn’t “Dream Dao” enough?

With its 1:5 time flow rate, he could even sleep and cultivate without worrying about time.

It’s not like I’m practicing swordsmanship with a bitter smile one slash at a time!

“Cough, Liang Qin…”

Thinking of this, Wei Changtian hurriedly rejected, “I appreciate your kindness, but I usually practice swordsmanship alone.”

“After I teach you all the techniques of the Returning Dust Sword, we can each practice on our own, and you can come ask me if you have any questions.”


Liang Qin suddenly raised her head, her expression puzzled and slightly hurt: “Brother Changtian, do you…dislike me?”

“What are you thinking?! I’ve already said…”

Wei Changtian hastily comforted her: “I’m just used to practicing alone.”


Used to, alone.

Liang Qin stared blankly at Wei Changtian, recalling that dagger stuck two inches deep into the stone boundary…

Even if the Returning Dust Sword technique was that powerful, Brother Changtian must have practiced for a very long time to reach this level.

Everyone said that Brother Changtian was a spoiled, idle rich kid, but they didn’t know that he had been silently working hard all along…

It’s just that no one could understand or acknowledge this process.

So Brother Changtian could only endure the world’s cold gaze, bear the insults and ridicule, and persist on his own.

Until loneliness became a habit…

Poor Brother Changtian…

“Brother Changtian, I understand.”

After a while, Liang Qin slowly tucked a strand of long hair behind her ear, speaking with a very sincere tone: “I’ll listen to you, but…”

She hesitated slightly, then blushed and took a step closer.

“But you have to promise me, no matter what, you’ll always be strong.”

Wei Changtian: “???”

What’s going on here? Did I not used to be strong?

He really couldn’t understand Liang Qin’s thought process. Just as he was about to speak, he heard another sentence.

“Brother Changtian…at least, you have me.”

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