I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 96

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 96

Half an hour later.

The chef following them had already prepared lunch, and Wei Changtian and Liang Qin walked out of the forest, one after the other.

Wei Changtian had already taught Liang Qin the basic practice methods of the Returning Dust Sword, and she could start learning the techniques after practicing for a few days.

But that wasn’t the point.

The point was why Liang Qin’s attitude towards him had suddenly changed so much?

What did “at least, you have me” mean?

This sentence was ambiguous no matter how you listened to it!

Wei Changtian had no idea that this was the result of Liang Qin’s own imagination, and no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t figure out the reason. In the end, he was too lazy to think about it anymore.

Forget it.

It’s not a big deal, just another bed at home.


After lunch, everyone rested for a while before preparing to continue their journey.

They still had two days’ worth of travel to reach Shu State City, but since they had already entered Shu State territory, Liang Zhen didn’t want to dawdle like before and hoped to return to his old nest as soon as possible.

However, just as everyone was busy preparing for the upcoming departure, Wei Changtian sneaked back to the boundary stone, grasping the hilt of the Dragon’s Roar sword.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, the Boundary Stone.

This is a great item!

I don’t know about its other uses, but at the very least, it can be used to create a protective armor with excellent effects!

It can block the true energy of heaven and earth, which means all internal energy attacks will be ineffective against it.

Isn’t this a magical immunity effect?!

I already have the inner armor I obtained from the Zhang Manor, and if I add this protective armor… Ah, I’ll have both physical and magical resistance!

The more Wei Changtian thought about it, the more excited he became. He gazed at the boundary stone, searching for the perfect spot to strike.

A small protrusion, quite thin; with a few more strikes, he should be able to chop it off.

After making up his mind, he didn’t hesitate. He glanced at the busy people nearby, then directly drew his sword and struck the protrusion with all his might.


“Clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Without time to examine the depth of his strike, Wei Changtian swung his sword seven or eight more times, each strike landing on the same crack.


Finally, a stone block the size of a fist broke off from the boundary stone, its surface reflecting a blue light like metal.

Wei Changtian beamed with excitement as he picked up the stone block, wondering if it was large enough to make an inner armor.

If he could grind it into powder and mix it with other materials, it should be enough.

But the effect might be reduced… wait a minute!”)!

No way!

Wei Changtian stared at the stone block in his hand, suddenly realizing that it was already difficult to cut, let alone grind it into powder?!

Damn it! This was a complete waste of time!

If he couldn’t grind it into powder, it would be hard to make even a small protective mirror with this little piece!

Unless… he cut a larger piece.

But that would make too much noise…

Wei Changtian furrowed his brow, feeling conflicted, and didn’t even notice Liang Zhen approaching from behind.

“Liang Uncle, what are you doing?”


“Liang Uncle…”

Wei Changtian forced a smile, awkwardly turning his head to explain: “Cough, I was just trying to see how deep I could cut, and then I accidentally chopped off a small stone block…”


Liang Zhen glanced at the stone block in Wei Changtian’s hand, chuckling: “This doesn’t look like an accident…”


Wei Changtian saw that he was exposed, so he didn’t bother making excuses anymore. He took a deep breath and directly said: “Liang Uncle, I actually wanted to get a stone block to make an inner armor.”

Liang Zhen was taken aback: “Make armor? With this Boundary Stone?”

“That’s right!”

Wei Changtian replied matter-of-factly: “It’s both hard and resistant to internal energy. This stone is simply the best material for making protective gear.”


Liang Zhen sucked in a breath, stunned for a good while, before suddenly clapping his hands loudly: “That’s right! I didn’t think of it earlier!”

“Longtian, this block is a bit too small, isn’t it?”

“Come! I’ll help you!”


Wei Changtian stared blankly at Liang Zhen, who had already drawn his sword, and unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“Changtian, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and join in!”

“Coming, coming…”



When the dense horseshoe sounds echoed again, it was already dusk.

As the sun set, over a hundred horsemen and seven or eight heavily loaded carriages quickly disappeared from view, leaving behind only a few piles of extinguished bonfires and a boundary stone.

The boundary stone was about one zhang high, with an uneven surface, and a single character “Shu” carved on it.

If it weren’t for Wei Changtian and Liang Zhen being too exhausted in the end, this “Shu” character would have been gone too…

But one can’t be too greedy, and taking half of it was already sufficient.

“…This is the Locking Immortal Stone. Think about whether there’s any other use for it.”

In the carriage, Wei Changtian casually tossed a small stone to Zhang San, despite being extremely tired, his face was filled with joy.


Zhang San carefully examined the Locking Immortal Stone, and after using his inner strength to test it, he thoughtfully said, “This stone, apart from being used as a defensive tool, might also be used as a poison.”


Wei Changtian was puzzled: “Is this thing poisonous?”

“I don’t know if it’s poisonous or not, but since it can block inner strength…”

Zhang San’s eyes narrowed: “If we grind it into powder and have cultivators take it, it might cause respiratory disorders at best, or even block their meridians at worst.”

“That makes sense…”

Wei Changtian nodded slightly, praising, “Zhang San, I don’t know if the Locking Immortal Stone can be used as a poison, but you’re indeed toxic enough!”

“Thank you, Master, for your praise.”

Zhang San maintained a straight face and handed the Locking Immortal Stone to Yang Liu Shi.

Yang Liu Shi, on the other hand, didn’t have such sinister suggestions, but thought that the stone might be used for storing items, to block some of the heavenly spiritual energy emitted by treasures themselves.

Yeah, this idea wasn’t bad either. It was indeed true that many minds were better than one.

Wei Changtian nodded in satisfaction, just about to take the Locking Immortal Stone back, when he suddenly noticed that Ah Chun’s face next to Yang Liu Shi looked off.

It was a pale color due to lack of oxygen.

What was going on? She was fine just a moment ago.

“Ah Chun, what’s wrong? Where do you feel unwell?”

Wei Changtian asked immediately after taking the Locking Immortal Stone, and Ah Chun seemed to have finally caught her breath, hurriedly waving her small hand and saying, “Master, I’m fine, I just suddenly felt a bit suffocated, but I’m okay now.”

“Is that so…”

Wei Changtian exchanged a glance with Yang Liu Shi, while Juan Er had already poured a cup of hot tea for Ah Chun, adding a piece of sugar to it.

“Thank you, Juan Er sister…”

Perhaps feeling that she had caused trouble for everyone, Ah Chun looked embarrassed and lowered her head, taking a long time to pick up the teacup and start sipping her tea slowly.

As they watched Ah Chun’s face gradually return to normal, everyone let out a sigh of relief, except for Wei Changtian, who suddenly furrowed his brow, slowly taking out the Locking Immortal Stone again and placing it directly in front of Ah Chun.


It was as if some strange chemical reaction had occurred, and Ah Chun’s small face almost instantly turned pale again.

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