I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel chapter 97

I Am Actually the Main Villain in the Novel 97

In this situation, anyone could see that Ah Chun had a problem.

From noble mtl dot come

Ying’er’s face was filled with confusion, Yangliu Shiyu’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, and Zhang San had already discreetly grasped the knife handle.

However, Wei Changtian wasn’t too worried.

Although he still didn’t know why Ah Chun was reacting this way, considering her previous behavior, she shouldn’t be a demon or some kind of “rejuvenation” expert.

The reason for this judgment was that Ah Chun’s gaze was similar to Wei Qiaoling’s, both possessing a childlike clarity and purity.

Logically, it was because neither Fox Demon Yangliu Shiyu nor practitioners like himself and Zhang San had any discomfort when in contact with the Locking Heavenly Stone.

This also explained that the Locking Heavenly Stone didn’t have an obvious suppressing effect on demons and martial artists.

“Ah Chun…”

Wei Changtian held the Locking Heavenly Stone a little farther away and asked softly, “What did you feel just now?”

“Cough, cough…”

Ah Chun struggled to calm her breathing, answering fearfully, “Old, old master, I couldn’t breathe, it felt like something was blocking my throat…”

“Couldn’t breathe?”

Wei Changtian thought for a moment before asking again, “Is it that you get this feeling whenever you’re close to this stone?”

“Yes, yes…”

“And now?”

“It’s a bit better now.”

Ah Chun hesitated, admitting in a small voice, “But, but I still feel a bit short of breath.”

What was going on?

Wei Changtian’s eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Human inner strength and breathing were two separate systems, barely influencing each other.

This Locking Heavenly Stone could suppress inner strength, but it shouldn’t affect normal breathing!

Moreover, Ah Chun hadn’t cultivated her inner strength, her meridians weren’t open, and she wouldn’t have any inner strength in her body…

Wei Changtian wasn’t the type to leave a “time bomb” by his side. Since he couldn’t understand it himself, he could only ask Liang Zhen.

After a stick of incense, Ah Chun was tossed about again.

Liang Zhen initially wore a puzzled expression.

However, after he grasped Ah Chun’s wrist and sensed the breath within her body, his expression suddenly turned astonished.

“Changtian… Ah Chun might be a congenital Dao body.”

“Congenital Dao body?”

Wei Changtian was taken aback: “What is that?”

“It’s an extremely rare physical constitution.”

Liang Zhen explained, “From birth, all 64 meridians are open, and every breath is a practice in qi cultivation.”

“Ah Chun might have been accustomed to this breathing method since childhood, which is why she’s feeling short of breath when close to the Locking Heavenly Stone.”

There was such a physical constitution?

Wei Changtian exclaimed in surprise, “Then wouldn’t her cultivation progress be extremely fast?”

“Not just fast.”

Liang Zhen’s eyes even held a hint of envy: “It’s simply a thousand miles a day.”


Upon hearing this, everyone’s gaze converged on Ah Chun’s body.

The little girl didn’t quite understand what Liang Zhen meant, instinctively hiding behind Yangliu Shiyu, asking fearfully, “Madam… am I different from others?”

“Ah Chun, don’t be afraid.”

Yangliu Shiyu stroked her head, softly comforting her, “This isn’t a bad thing for you.”


Achun grasped the hem of her clothes, hesitating to look up and ask again, Then, can I still serve the mistress and master in the future?”


This kid is really afraid.

Yangliu Shi didn’t respond immediately, instead looking at Weichang Tian, waiting for him to make a decision.

Weichang Tian didn’t continue speaking, just gazing at Achun with a thoughtful expression.

Although Liang Zhen said Achun had a pre-heavenly body, it was just a guess.

It was still difficult to make a definitive judgment about Achun’s situation, and it might remain a mystery forever.

Because even in the original novel, this kind of physique had never appeared before.

Weichang Tian remembered that the novel only mentioned a special physique called “Xuanyin Holy Body,” which was probably something the author fabricated for the sake of the later plot where “women with special physiques would die if they didn’t have s*x with Xiao Feng.”

So, when dealing with someone who kept secrets and had an unclear background, the safest approach was to distance oneself as soon as possible to avoid potential harm.

However… if Achun really had a Xuanyin Heavenly Body, she might become a great asset in the future.

Was it worth taking the risk?

Weichang Tian thought for a while before finally speaking up:

“Achun, do you want to follow us?”

“Yes, yes!”

Achun nodded eagerly, like a chick pecking at rice: “I want to follow the mistress and master!”

“Then are you willing to cultivate?” Weichang Tian asked again.


Achun was unfamiliar with these two words, although she had heard Weichang Tian and the others mention it occasionally over the past few days, but never thought it had anything to do with herself.

Being able to eat her fill and not having to sleep in a leaky house was already her highest aspiration.

“I’ll listen to the master…”

She replied weakly, essentially agreeing.

“Okay… but cultivation requires hardship.” Weichang Tian warned seriously.

“I’m not afraid of hardship!”

Perhaps feeling that her words were unreliable, Achun glanced fearfully at the Locking Stone on the table, hesitated for a moment, and then took the initiative to pick it up, trembling as she held it out to Weichang Tian.

“M-master… if I don’t listen or… uh… if I’m lazy, you can use this stone to punish me…”

Achun’s words were spoken with great effort due to her breathlessness, but she still persisted in saying them, then looked up at Weichang Tian with a pleading expression.

The little girl was really afraid of returning to her previous life of uncertainty, and had already started to regard Weichang Tian and the others as her family.

Master might be intimidating when he was stern, but most of the time, he was very kind and would even tell her interesting stories.

The mistress was not only beautiful like a fairy but also had a gentle temperament, and had even bought her several new clothes when they passed through Pei State City a few days ago.

There was also Uncle Zhang, who didn’t like to talk, and older sister Yinger, who took special care of her…

Because she couldn’t catch her breath, Achun’s hand holding the Locking Stone trembled even more, feeling as if the stone was getting heavier.

However, she still gritted her teeth and used all her strength to push the Locking Stone towards Weichang Tian again.


Achun wanted to plead with Weichang Tian not to abandon her, but she couldn’t speak a complete sentence due to her breathlessness.

Just then, as her hand felt a sudden lightness, all her discomfort suddenly eased, and her blood flow recovered instantly.

Weichang Tian finally took the Locking Stone.

“Alright, I’ll personally teach you cultivation from now on.”


“Thank you, thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!”

Achun couldn’t wait for her body to recover a bit, and with tears in her eyes, she knelt down and kowtowed.

Wei Changtian didn’t stop her, and after she kowtowed three times, he signaled to Yang Liushi to help her up.

“Achun, since I’m going to teach you cultivation, from now on, you’ll be my disciple.”

“The three kowtows you just did will serve as your initiation ceremony… are you willing?”

“I… “

Achun was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly and said, “I’m willing, Master.”

“Call me Shifu.”

“Shi… Shifu…”

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