I Became a Captain of the British Empire chapter 2

I Became a Captain of the British Empire 2

The ship’s name is Repulse?

sing again I’m f*cked.

It’s like a worldview that’s going to be like this…

First of all, this is England in the 1930s. To be precise, Scapa Flow, a British fleet anchorage. Nine years before the outbreak of World War II, the time of last peace in the interwar period.

I was reincarnated as a captain in the British Navy. It seems that he is not the captain of an ordinary warship.

“The name of the ship is Repulse?”

He was appointed as the commander of a battle cruiser.

“Yes, do you remember?”

“… No, I remember. Aren’t they the proud battlecruisers of our Navy?”

I checked my eyes with a nervous feeling to see if I had said something wrong. Fortunately, the guy answered in a bright voice as if he were sure of the captain’s memory.

“That’s right.”

I guess my knowledge is correct.

HMS Repulse.

The second ship of the Renown-class battlecruisers, it was one of the flagships of the Royal Navy at the time. It’s an ordinary battlecruiser, but the reason I know its name is because it’s a ship that made a page in the history of the Pacific War.

On December 10, 1941, the battleship ‘Prince of Wales’ and the battlecruiser ‘Repulse’, which sortied from Singapore to block the Japanese army’s southern advance, were sunk after being struck by dozens of Japanese naval land attack aircraft flying from Vietnam.

This is called the Battle of Malay and the Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse in the English-speaking world.

It was an event that symbolized the loss of British influence in the Far East along with the end of megapollism.

Shortly thereafter, my head began to ache little by little.

“Are you all right, Captain?!”

As I grabbed the back of my head and frowned, Kirk stood up in surprise.

“Oh, that’s fine. Nothing.”

Strange memories come to mind. Things I’ve never seen before. All sorts of memories or memories come to mind, jumbled up like a jumbled mess.

It seems that the more we learn facts about this world, the faster our memories synchronize.

After a few deep breaths, the headache gradually subsided. He gestured to Kirk, who still blinked anxiously, to take a seat.

“It’s okay now. More than that, I will ask you one more thing.”

The ship called Repulse is, as I just said, a very dishonorable ship. But the real problem is not that. Anyway, that’s 10 years from now. The fact that really rots my brain right now…

“Is it true that Roosevelt is dead?”

“Yes, it was already 9 years ago, but… .”

“Franklin Roosevelt, right?”


I asked just in case, but there was still only a firm answer. Conversely, Kirk said with a puzzled expression.

“Captain, I’m presumptuous, but you seem to like taking a break.”

At this point, it’s clear that no matter how good it is, you won’t believe it. actually not okay.

yes i am very tired

“Yeah, I’ve been through a lot lately.”

I got up and lay down on the bed on one side of the room. My whole body is sore.

“I’m going to sleep, so can you go out for a bit? I need to take a nap and wake up.”

“I see, Captain.”

He gave me a worried look for a moment, but then he calmly left the room. Only a sigh spread in the quiet room.

What now?

“I will turn around.”

The road ahead is daunting. It’s definitely what I’ve been hoping for, but after getting caught up in it, it’s really ambiguous. An unknown captain who had never heard of it while passing by. this is so…

First of all, if you want to go about your daily life, you need to synchronize your memories quickly. With that thought in mind, I picked up a history book from a corner of the study.

The first thing to check is World War I. I’ll have to see if anything has changed since the most recent major incident.

“In 1915… Lusitania was sunk by submarines of the Imperial German Navy. The sinking of this ship, with 128 United States passengers aboard, caused the United States of America to protest strongly against the German Empire.”

I understood that it was a world where history had changed, but it was a dog-like situation. The world was very different from what I knew.

“Germany has handed over reparations to the United States and abandoned unrestricted submarine operations… .”

Contrary to expectations, the Great War deviated greatly from the history I knew.

“… The United States only made huge profits from the sale of military supplies, which caused a great boom in their economy.”

America did not wake up.

“Damn it!”

He threw the book and collapsed on the bed. It’s a completely wrong world.

World War I without America! It is unimaginable. It was the participation of the United States in the war that drove the biggest wedge in the end of World War I…

But that doesn’t change the past. Can not help it. I need to find a solution that fits this situation. Well, even if that’s the case, you’re not going to fight the US.

The only concern is the Great Depression. Depending on how we deal with this national crisis, the fate of the United States will change, and the international situation will change greatly.

First we’ll see who will fill Roosevelt’s vacancy. There are two main candidates that can be nominated.

First of all, Herbert Hoover, who is currently in the presidency. Before being elected, he was praised as a competent politician, but he was an unfortunate person who faced the Great Depression during his tenure. He’s probably really dying by now.

The second is Huey Long. He is a radical liberal politician known for his slogan, “Every Man a King.”

Among them, it can be seen that Hoover will go out due to the influence of the Great Depression… However, Huey Long is still a bit too early to run for president.

The key will be whether he wins the presidency early, or whether Hoover will remain in office despite the Great Depression. Either way, it’s questionable whether he’ll be as competent as Roosevelt.

Of course, they are by no means incompetent politicians. However, it is a future that no one has ever easily predicted, and of course I have no clue.

Then a knock was heard.

“Lieutenant Colonel Peter Andrew. Is it okay if I come in?”

What’s going on?

After a moment of hesitation, he opened his mouth.

“come in.”

A middle-aged officer with experience opened the door and came in and saluted. The years of service in the army were visible in the wrinkles on his face, but his salute was clean and tidy nonetheless.

“What is it?”

“I heard a strange noise. Are you okay?”

“Sounds strange?”

Did you hear the sound of books being thrown? This is a bit embarrassing.

Embarrassed, I coughed and closed my mouth, and the lieutenant colonel spoke.

“no. It seems I didn’t hear well.”

“uh… okay. It’s okay. Things like that happen, too. Thank you for your concern.”

A moment of awkward silence followed. It’s so uncomfortable. If you have nothing to do, go back quickly, you bastard.

“Do you still have business?”

When I said this to alert him, he let out a deep sigh and replied.

“Actually, I’m worried about the captain.”

Looks suspicious too.

Well, if you’re not worried, you might be upset about it. It means that the previous owner of this body lived without much respect. Still, there are people who care.

Sitting on the sofa in the drawing room, Andrew took a sip of Kirk’s black tea and suddenly opened his mouth.

“Captain is someone who will do great things.”

I only blinked my eyes at the sudden praise.

Why is this all of a sudden?

Fortunately, as if he wasn’t expecting an answer, Andrew continued on his own.

“Thirteen years. I have been seeing the colonel for 13 years already.”

“uh… Has it already happened?”

He nodded calmly.

Well, even when the memory synchronization wasn’t going well, it seems that we were quite special to the extent that the name came to mind.

As I looked at Andrew in case something came to mind, my head started to hurt little by little.

“Do you remember? When you’re riding in the Princess Royal?”

The back of my head throbs like it’s going to explode. My vision blurs little by little, and the tinnitus I hear for the first time rumbles in my ears. Soon, a ship of a shape I had never seen before appeared in my mind like a picture.

Huge hull, two main turrets in front, one in the middle and one in the rear… It looks like a battlecruiser similar to Repulse.


“Oh no. don’t remember It was a very nice boat. Not as good as our Repulse.”

I barely opened my mouth with memories that floated like fragments. Something is strange about this synchronization. Why are you reacting so harshly?

“The ship was already over 20 years old when we boarded it.”

“That’s why the smell pervaded the officer’s office.”

“No, I think it’s because the captain didn’t clean it.”

It’s not a very funny story, but my face naturally twitched as I resembled the original owner’s mood. The two officers’ mischievous laughter filled the captain’s room. But I couldn’t get rid of the creepy thoughts.

If the two become one… Wouldn’t that owner not be me, but the original owner of this body, Samuel Lewis?

Both eyes flashed open. It should be blocked.

I struggled as if I had just woken up, and convulsions occurred as if my whole body was twisting.


“Oh, you look a little tired. I think I’m not getting enough sleep.”

“You need a break. sorry. See you again next time.”

“No, let’s talk here and go. What is it?”

He grabbed him as he was about to get up and said. It’s a bit risky, but it’s still bearable. Besides, judging from Andrew’s expression, it seemed that a very important story was going to come and go.

Now we need more information.

“If that’s the case, I’ll be honest here.”

He was about to stand up, but sat down again and let out a shallow sigh. It was a very tired face. My eyelids swayed like an aspen tree, as if I could feel the burden resting on his shoulders.

It seems that the body is at its limit. Should I quit right now?

However, the voice that followed was not at a level that could not be overcome.

“Please step down as captain.”

Looking at me with a blank face, he spoke quietly but clearly.

What do you mean?

Simple words. But I didn’t understand it even more. Thanks to you, my mind was blown.

Did you tell the captain to resign?

Rubbing my eyes and shaking my head, I shrugged my shoulders with a suspicious look. Looking at him again, he was terrified, his eyes quivering and his mouth tightly shut.

Anyway, this isn’t it. this is not Something is strange.

“Hey, what the hell is that… !”


– jump

Someone burst through the door with a loud noise. Before long, Kirk’s eyes met as he leaned against the doorway gasping for breath.

“Who asked me to come in without knocking!”

The loud roar belonged not to me, but to Andrew, the vice-captain. Kirk jumped up like a fish at the voice that could be called a lion’s hooves and saluted.

“Sin, sorry! Stop because it’s urgent… .”

“Stop it.”

I witted the second captain, who was glaring at Kirk as if he was going to throw him away, and approached him.

“What’s up, Kirk?”

“Urgent call from Fleet Command!”

“At headquarters?”

What call is it? It’s sudden, but judging from Kirk’s attitude, there’s no doubt that it’s urgent.

I looked back at the vice-captain for a moment and said.


it was better Synchronization can be accelerated by looking at the faces of the command staff. Organize your thoughts while you go.

“We’ll talk about that later.”

Before leaving the door, he said to Andrew, who was still standing by the parlor sofa.

“Let’s take care of the ship for a while, Vice Captain.”

“All right.”

Before he could answer, he came out into the hallway. The air was cold.

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