I Became a Servant the Dragons Are Obsessed With Chapter 323

323 - Each Person’s Role

323 – Each Person’s Role

I was really cold earlier.

I didn’t know that Rayleigh would be isolated alone.

Immediately after leaving the line.

All the monsters surrounded Rayleigh as if they were waiting.

At that time, it really sent a chill down my spine.

Because I thought I was going to lose Rayleigh like this.

Anyway, as expected, the target of the monsters was Rayleigh.

Under the circumstances, it seemed like the demons had attacked due to the demonic power contained in Rayleigh’s right eye.

Moreover, I vaguely heard that he tried to kidnap Rayleigh, saying that the right time had come. This may be deeply related to the resurrection of the demon dragon.

If Rayleigh had been taken away by the monsters, the demon dragon would have appeared right away.

In any case, it was fortunate that we were able to rescue them safely.

‘You’re just bigger, but you’re more of a troublemaker than a first grader?’

ㅡTurp, trudge… !

Rayleigh was currently being supported quietly without saying a word. Leaning tightly into my arms.


Seeing Rayleigh’s quiet appearance like this gives me a new feeling.

I just kept my mouth shut,

The image was completely different from usual.

It felt like I was supporting a shy girl.

She was always strong and confident, but she couldn’t even make eye contact with me…

I guess she knows what she did wrong,

It was the most calm thing I have ever seen.

When I look at her like this, her face stands out even more.

Does it seem like the femininity that was hidden behind the image of a rough and radical warrior has finally been revealed?

“Tch… ! Ah, what have you been looking at since a while ago?!”

Oops, I guess I was looking too closely.

In the end, our eyes meet.

Rayleigh immediately averted her gaze and lowered her eyes.

Still, I couldn’t take my eyes off.

Should I say that it was amazing to see it for the first time?

Rayleigh is so embarrassed… ?

Her reaction is both cute and surprising, so I deliberately look at it more.

“Now, where are you looking?” … !!!”

Sometimes, whenever you make eye contact with me, a blush blooms. Riley must have been embarrassed by that, so she screamed for no reason every time it happened.

ㅡKkook… !

Still, he couldn’t escape my embrace.

Rather, I dug deeper and deeper.

Holding on to my collar tightly.

She buried her face to avoid awkwardness.


I didn’t bother to say anything more.

Because I didn’t want to provoke her for no reason.

And he was still distracted by the monster attack that had just ended.

She was dizzy just from sparring with Rayleigh, but who would have thought that she would suddenly turn into a real fight?

‘… By the way, I didn’t know you could mix and use the power of the Dragon Heart.’

The wooden sword I had used until now was broken in half and lying on the floor. Seeing this reminds me of the dizzying situation from earlier.

He probably would never have been able to cut down the monsters with simple sword skills alone. Because the situation was a little different from when she encountered the monster at the observation post.

Still, the last time I faced a monster,

Although it was old, it was a gullet with a blade attached.

But this time, all I was given was a wooden sword with a blunt end.

Nevertheless, with just that wooden sword, I was able to cut down a huge mass of demonic energy that was fused with dozens of monsters in one blow.

The method was much simpler than expected.

In some ways, it was no different from cooking.

All I had to do was utilize the Dragon Heart’s ability accumulated in my body.

‘Of course, I was out of breath just from swinging it once… It was an incredible power, wasn’t it?’

Sophia’s light properties.

Leylin’s fire attribute.

Representative attributes that are the opposite of demonic attributes.

When I pulled these up at the same time and infused them into the wooden sword, there was nothing I couldn’t cut through. It was only for a moment, but it was no different from a holy sword, which is the ultimate in demonic attributes.

Of course, the wooden sword broke with just one swing.

‘I can’t believe I’ve only used this incredible power for cooking… ?’

I am so dumbfounded that I just laugh.

ㅡTurdeul, truddul…

Anyway, after experiencing the true value of Dragon Heart, it was almost time to escape from the ruined sparring hall.

“Mr Breeder? Thank you for your hard work… ! “Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Ah, Sophia. As you can see, I’m fine.”

“Ha, I’m really glad. How worried I was…”

Sophia lets out a heavy sigh and lets go for an hour.

“Sophia? Rather than me, Rayleigh’s condition is more…”

“Oh? Okay. “Then would you please leave the treatment to me?”


As soon as I found Rayleigh in my arms, Sophia immediately grabbed her by the back. As if she didn’t like the fact that she was being supported in my arms.

“So, Sophia… ?”

“Khaat-?! Sophia, you… ! What are you doing to the injured person now?!”

“Hmm, Rayleigh? “Did you call yourself an injured person just now?”

Sofia, who took her Rayleigh away from me, glares at her with suspicion.

“Yeah, yeah… ! I just used so much strength that I couldn’t even walk properly… !”

“Don’t be funny. Does it look fine to me? There doesn’t seem to be any injuries…”

ㅡUgh… !

Sophia holds the power of light in her palm and examines every inch of Rayleigh’s body. She is probably checking and healing her minor wounds with her ability, Purification of Light.

That was when Sofia’s hand was about to reach Rayleigh’s face

Teu… !

“It’s okay. Because her head her her her she is fine.”

Rayleigh blocks Sofia’s touch her her her.

While checking her own bangs.

Maybe there’s something that’s holding you back.

“Look, are you okay? “I had no idea it was this severe.”

“Under…” ! I had a really hard time-?!”

“No, at this level I didn’t even need help. But she was being held in her arms like such a delicate girl… ?”

“Why why… ! What’s wrong with that! What, is there a problem-?!”

As Sophia casts her doubtful eye,

Rayleigh fusses and sticks out her flippers.

The funny thing was that it was true that she was fine as Sophia said, and she was standing upright and chatting away without my support.

“Raylee? Didn’t she always call herself a warrior? But what is that ugly look just now?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Everyone, shut up!” You don’t know..! What I just went through… !”

“Wouldn’t that have happened if you hadn’t acted alone in the first place?”

“Profit… ! That’s why—!”

The women argue as soon as the battle is over.

After all, I don’t think anyone would have a rivalry.

It seems like things are finally back to normal.

Seeing things like this makes me feel a little relieved.

“ White-headed-!!!”


ㅡCome on!!!

As soon as Sofia and Rayleigh get far away from me, their arms are filled with someone else.

Something big, bouncy and hot.

“… Cough! Le, Miss Leylin?”

“Leylin, get off now! “You must have been having a hard time since you used your power just now, that’s rude!”

ㅡPook… ! Water!

At the same time as she said those words, Seirin gently hugged me from behind.

In front, the Hwaryong gives a warm hug,

In the back, the water dragon is giving gentle skinship.

This is a perfect sister rice bowl… ?

No, there was no sandwich since we were pressed back and forth.

“How~? “Why don’t you leave your sister and have a baby?!”

“Oh? What are you saying you don’t know? “You think I hugged him for an insidious purpose like you, but I’m wiping away Mr. Yongin’s sweat?”

“Joy-! In that case, I was just relieving the albino’s fatigue with a warm compress?”


The sisters continue their war of nerves while hugging me.

I thought our relationship got better last time,

I guess there is nothing like that in front of me.

A war of nerves breaks out to take over me.

ㅡPaanhi… .


By the way, I can feel the eyes of the second graders watching this in silence from afar.

It was like that.

Sonya and Eros can be seen in the distance.

Both guys were looking at me at a distance.

And with eyes full of envy and jealousy. In particular, there was a coldness that was difficult to express in words around Sonya.

“… Sonya? And even Eros?”

To change the mood, I deliberately called out Sonya and Eros’ names and waved. I thought that Leylin and Seirin would separate if they noticed the uncomfortable gaze of their juniors.

“Seo, the teacher looked at it… !”

“Hehe-♡ You’re strong against monsters, but you’re infinitely weak against women… ? As expected, pervert& This should be like the teacher I knew-!”

When I pretended to know, each person reacted and came towards me.

“Miss Sonya? Miss Eros? Is the battle over? Are there any other monsters… ?”

“The situation is over… ! All they did was flock to the sparring hall!”

“You idiot♡ You didn’t notice even though you personally took care of the last monster?”

“That’s a fortunate thing among misfortunes. By the way everyone… “Did you really come running straight to me like this?”

ㅡSrurruk… !

As Sonya and Eros approach, Leylin and Seirin reluctantly leave my body.

That was because Sofia and Rayleigh had also finished their nervous war and were coming towards me.

“Of course… ! Everyone came running, worried about the teacher.”

“Don’t even tell me, you don’t know how surprised I was during class~?”

“Haha, is that so? Anyway, thank you everyone for your concern.”

It was a sudden attack by monsters, but I thought everything would end well in a rather friendly atmosphere.


‘Ah, but wait… ?’

I feel like I left out something important.

Was the main target of communication limited to 6 people?

Is that possible?

Now that I think about it, I was leaving out the most important one—


At that moment, a cheerful voice was heard from far away.

“Oh, Derke?!”

Derke’s voice that I had forgotten.

He calls me and runs from far away.

He was probably hiding alone while the battle was going on.

That’s because Derke didn’t have any skills that could stand up to monsters. Even the ghost army under Derke’s command was weak to fight against monsters.

If I had to classify the position, it was suitable as a supporter.

“D-Derke… ?”

But that Derke…

“I collected a lot of death dragons for my brother!”

He runs toward me with his arms full of things.

And while hopping around in that adorable 200-year-old hatchling form.

‘Well, what is all that… ?’

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