I Became the Snow Woman I Made chapter 30

I Became the Snow Woman I Made 30

30 – Year 10

Year 582 of the Imperial Era.

Around the time when Sehangojeol fills up the ridge after the paralysis of Cheongo.

An exhibition was being held at the Art Museum in Lobrock, Jedo.

World Exhibition hosted by the Imperial Family. Celebrities from all over the continent were invited.

“It’s cold.”

Lasithea was one of them.

As an adult, she was surrounded by unprecedented leisure and dignity. She gazed at the white breath and passed the object in her hand to the person next to her.

“Come on in.”

Sorap, who was handed the silk cloth, spoke politely.

He was supporting the square frame wrapped in his shield with one hand.

Lassithea nodded and entered with a confident gait.


A sonorous voice could be heard as the high-heeled shoes rumbled on the marble floor.

I was an exhibition helper.

“Oh my, you really have a great style! From your flowery beauty to your natural elegance… May I ask your name?”

After the helper praised her style, she naturally asked her identity.

Although they are helpers, they are different from maids and servants. If she was a helper for the World Exhibition, she would probably be a maid.

As much as nobles are children, their eyes must be sharp.

Nevertheless, Lash Thea smiled and introduced herself.

“I’m Lassithea Crasse, the ruler of Euristia.”

“Uh… Ah!”

After thinking for a while, the helper expressed surprise.

It contained sincerity.

“You must be the head of Krasse! I saw it on the invitation list. Then that item…?”

The helper’s gaze turned to the silk cloth with the sorape.

Lasithea nodded in affirmation, and chattered happily.

“I see! I heard that it was rented, but I really wanted to see it!”

“I see, thank you. May I ask for guidance?”

Lassithea smiled and urged quietly.

Uncharacteristically, the helper who revealed her selfishness suddenly came to her senses.

“Yes, yes! Follow me!”

The fluttering dress fluttered, and the sound of her heels echoed. Lasitéa walked gracefully, keeping her smile.

······After the snake god disappeared, the war began.

The fight over the supremacy of the city-state was base and filthy. Both sides did not choose the means and methods.

There were times when I was on the defensive, and there were times when I was in danger. However, each time, a woman provided guidance.

A strong and lofty flower that does not break in any cold.

Keeping that image of her in mind, she persevered.

And now I am standing here.

Her last victor was Lasithea, and her world only remembered her.

“I feel like my aesthetic sense is coming back. Isn’t it, Sohrab?”

“I am new to art.”

Various paintings were displayed on the inner wall.

All of them were top-notch.

The guests were dumbfounded when they saw the two men and women walking around.

“Who is this? Anyone know?”

“Are they lovers? Is the man older for that…”

“It’s a face I’ve never seen before in the Empire.”

They were mostly noble ladies who liked to gossip.

As much as they talk, the two of them became a picture.

The woman was young and beautiful, and the man was upright and taciturn.

“I wish I had met that gentleman once…”

Most of the ladies showed interest in Sohrab.

The two didn’t even pay attention, and soon the helper cheerfully informed them.

“I’ve reached the boudoir!”

The door closed and Lasithea glanced around.

Her eyes widened.

It was a majestic scenery. It was wide and high, and its height of nobility was rather divine.

“Would you like something?”


The helper who took the silk cloth carefully untied the string.

When it was revealed, the helper’s eyes lit up.

It was a music box.

“This is an ‘automatic music player’…”

A ghost brought in by a woman.

Rashi Thea has been using it a lot, and she has now gained quite a bit of fame.

When I turned on the device, a melody came out.

“That machine is…!”

“That sounds so beautiful…”

The attention of the guests who were looking at the painting was focused.

The music box was to be placed in the boudoir for the VIPs.

Because it was lent to the Empire through a contract.

“The deadline is until the exhibition closes.”

“I know! You’ve got the ghost, so feel free to look around. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

“I will.”

Lassi Thea looked at her work beside her with a glance at her anguish.

It was a picture of a person riding in a golden carriage. Oddly enough, it was a servile expression.

As if sensing that question, the helper explained.

“It’s the work of Princess Bullize, a flower of the Griffeon family. It’s title is ‘A servile duck in a golden carriage’.”

A bright voice explained.

“It’s a very high-quality work! A satirical combination of a golden carriage and a coveted duck. Besides, since the man’s expression looks servile, there are many speculations about its meaning…”

It looked like that. I wasn’t very interested.

Lash Thea accepted it roughly and took her step. She scans the wall and pauses at one point.


I swallowed in vain for a moment.

A larger-than-average picture frame located in the center as if to announce its status. The title appeared first.

「Scenery of Mourning」

A sentimental title.

I don’t think much of it.

The problem was revealed when looking up.

“This is…”

A broken wagon.

A woman surrounded by people in black.

Her elegant touch stood out, but there was only one factor that caught her attention.

The woman with blue-white hair was… Very familiar.

Her expression was interpreted differently by the helper.

“Isn’t it amazing? It’s the work of the noble and dignified Prince Artan Pricus!”

Leaving her words in one ear, Lasitea blankly looked at her work.

It was definitely her.

It’s been ten years, but it hasn’t faded.

It was embarrassing indeed.

On that day, the day the body was killed, she left. She

She said she was going east. She was curious, but she was buried in the all-out war that soon broke out and did not have time to recognize it.

Interest and interest rose to the surface after a few years, when it entered a stable period.

“The broken carriage means trials! There are many theories that the woman in the center represents the deity of winter or the spirit of snow, but I don’t know exactly. However, her cold and lofty appearance and her fierce appearance even in a crisis……”

Unleashed the man.

He collected rumors and information from various places, and had him face to face with the Hosaga.

However, there was no income.

Days and days passed, even years passed. Quilière disappeared as if evaporating.

I didn’t understand.

In Lassitea’s eyes, she wasn’t something that could suddenly disappear like that.

As an analogy, a constellation.

She was a person who would shine wherever she was and show off her position.

“The black group is interpreted as referring to a certain unclean concept, while tying it to the popular absolute…”

In the past decade, there has been no confirmed trace of Quilière. If so, what is this work?

Lasithea’s eyes narrowed as if analyzing.

An off-white color that transcends its species and a unique white suit.

Even a fedora with a wide brim on his head.

Her description was only available to those who saw her.

Prince Artan Pricus.

She was convinced by Lasithea that he would have witnessed her in her. She may need to meet.

“Judging by the title, the dominant interpretation is that it is a work that ruminates on you in your childhood. The Crown Prince is of course a smart person, but he must have had a boyhood…”

“It’s a beautiful piece of work. As expected, tell the Crown Prince.”

He gave a simple compliment and gestured to Sohrab.

He removed the curtain from the picture frame she was holding and gave it to the helper.

“Would you accept my drawing?”

Lasithea smiled.

The helper looked at the picture frame he received and exclaimed in admiration.

“Wow… This is a painting that stands out with its delicate touch and grand scale! This is an expression of the Euristia incident a long time ago, right?”

“I’m glad you noticed.”

The background of the work was magnificent.

The rush of the giant black snake, the streets of the abyss.

A woman facing her alone and a blizzard that drenches her.

“What is the title?”

Looking at it again, I thought of Quilière with the thrill of that day. Where is she now

Something non-human, a hypothesis newly constructed by Lassithea… Where is she who might be a high-dimensional being?

Thinking over the question, Lassithea gave a bright answer.

“It’s ‘The Fallen God’.”

A cold snowfield.

A gray blizzard colored the world darker than ever. The white-eyed castle was immersed in gray light.

However, the ruins of the abandoned god were quite different.

Instead of gray, black energy was overflowing.


A huge being approached with a roar that shook the ground.

A creature like a work of art in which white and silver colors are mixed together.

As Mishra landed, the dark energy swayed and gathered in one place.

It formed a new shape by changing the body as if kneading it.


It was a ‘big lizard’ that showed off its sharp claws.

The Dragon King took it as a mockery.


The battle has begun.

A silver breath was released, but the lump of resentment tried to erode it while avoiding it.

[Unclean things…!]

Mishra also responded with skillful movements.

Hana narrowed her forehead.

It was a formidable enemy that neither bloom nor the dragon king’s barrier could pass.

It’s okay though. Because he’s only a small part of it.

The moment I was about to deal with it ‘as usual’, he frowned.


More energy flowed through the ground.

The size of the lizard has inflated.

Mishra was perplexed.

[Again… Isn’t it boring?]

She knows what it is.

Black Calamity. I don’t know what his real name is, but he was an enemy of the world that everyone called him that.

Throughout its long history, countless disasters have been scattered throughout.

But recently, things have been vague for a while.

For some reason, it reappeared and ran amok.

For the past ten years, he has shown off his presence on the continent.

[No matter how many times I come, it won’t go the way I want!]

Snowfield was one of them.

Disaster has been lingering in the snow right after Quilière returned.

At first, it was only at an extremely weak level, so it couldn’t even be used against the dragon king’s power.

Every time he came here, he got stronger. As if the sealed power were to be released.

When asked what his purpose was, two guesses were possible.

One is the ruins of a god.

It was a self-evident fact that the obelisk was one of Catastrophe’s top targets.

The possibility was high because it was in such a state.


The ruins to the east belong to the “Master”. He himself was ordered to protect the snow fields.

Still, it was better than the second hypothesis.

Because the second guess is…

[─Go away immediately!]

Even if there is no disaster, it has been sleeping for a hundred years.

It was ten years ago that we resumed our activities.

From noble mtl dot com

It coincided with the time when Quilière left for the continent.

Could this really be a coincidence?


The lizard moved swiftly and swung his claws.

It was a blade with erosion. Mishra took the damage and rushed.

[I will kill you again and again!]

If my guess was correct, even worse.

God has no fixed form. Even Mishura could not see the true face of the owner.

However, it was presently manifested on earth in human form.

I didn’t dare to ask, but there might be something wrong with that body.

He may have come back because of that injury…

Wooddeuk – Kwajik!


I snapped a lizard that was chatting and broke it.

The grudge dissipated and a black air current flew. Feeling the tingling on her cheeks from the erosion, Mishra groaned.

[… I will never touch it.]

A bloody battle with disasters that have already occurred several times.

Mishra did not inform Qulière of this fact. If it were her, she would know.


She must have perceived a threat to her, but she remained calm without mentioning Quillier.

Mishra regarded it as an expression of trust.

[It is the original woman’s destiny to protect the snowfield and it…]

Her own mission she has been carrying out since time immemorial.

She couldn’t disturb anyone or anything. She still did.

However, the disaster would only grow stronger.

She had already grown up and was different from herself. How long she will be able to block it, she wondered.

[… It’s not like that.]

I shook my head off the disturbing suspicion and cut it off.

I tried to open her eyes and stared at the other side of her.

Gray eyes struck the dragon king’s whole body.

A snow castle in the middle of a snowfield.

I was in my room on the top floor.


Like the old room, the bed, drawers, desk, closet, and so on were all packed, and it was spectacular.

I didn’t sleep and there was a dressing room for clothes. It was all useless.

One reason, though, was boredom.

That was it.

Surprisingly, humans can do meaningless things in the name of pastime.

“… Haa.”

I rested my chin on my chin and stared blankly out the window.

Because of the cloudy eyes, it was like muddy water.

“I wish the weather was better.”

A muddy day also disturbs people’s mood.

Of course, I wasn’t to blame for such sentimental reasons. It was a much more constructive reason.

······I had to leave sooner or later.

Then the door burst open.

– Quilly!


It jumped out reflexively.

Realizing that, Fricke went out again and knocked and came in.

– Quilly!

“…What’s going on?”

I swallowed a sigh and tried to be cool.

It was a scene that had already been repeated several times. No matter how frikka you are, it’s not like you can’t understand the horse.

I study, but every time another child comes.

– Everyone is making a snowman! Excited! Snow the same color as the wolf!

“It’s silver, and the snow it’s falling now is gray.”

I finally let out a sigh.

Freiques that can turn into silver wolves.

For those who haven’t seen other creatures, all wolves must be silver.

It’s because I’ve never been out in the snow. I can’t even go out

Fricke continued his talk lively.

– Yetis are having a snowball fight! I participated, but I was just beaten!

“Oh, is that so?”

– Yes! And… Sasquatch built a castle, but when he entered, it collapsed! It’s painstakingly made!

It deserved it.

It’s not a tolerable size for him to enter.

Anyway, that wasn’t the point.

“The body.”

-And again… Huh?

“What do you want to say?”

I expected it, but I asked out of courtesy.

The words that came back with a smile were as expected.

– Let’s play together with Quilly!

“Get out.”

– Wow…!

I used my breath to push it out.

For Freeke, who is immune to the ice attribute, it was just a strong wind.

“How many times do you say that?”

I’ve heard it countless times today alone.

Normally, I might not have bothered, but today I was quite disturbed.


“Close the door and go.”

– Yes.

Because I listen well to words.

Is this the feeling of parents raising twins?

In my case, I wasn’t at the level of twins.


I keep sighing. They say that if you sigh, you will grow old.

Well… I’ve been the same for ten years, so maybe it doesn’t matter.

I closed the window and headed for my desk.

I’ve been running away in fear of the world’s change, but I haven’t been confined to the castle.

This is because collecting information was essential to find out.

Occasionally, I would go to a village close to the Ice Mountains where I could escape at any time.

This ‘inconvenient information’ was also obtained at that time.

With strong doubts and a hint of annoyance, he opened the extra room on the desk.

I’ve seen it dozens of times, but it still bothers me.

〈Special News! Crisis of the Red Disaster!>

What the hell is this all about…?

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