I Become an Academy Award-Winning Villain chapter 102

102 - Chapter 4. Prove the strongest (2)

102 – Chapter 4. Prove the strongest (2)

One day, I had a conversation with the gunman.

“Calling out the technical name, do I have to do it?”


the gunman said.

“Don’t you sometimes feel like that? It’s childish. Advertising to others that I’m going to use a certain skill.”

“Calling out the technical name is autosuggestion.”


“Yes. It is to use my skills more clearly, stronger, and not weakened.”

To my question, the gunman gave a new answer somewhere.

“Give this technique a name.”

The shooter wrapped his fist in flames and swung forward.

“Um… Fire Punch?”

“We call it ‘Fire Punch’ to make it look rough.”

I deliberately changed it to flame and called it, but the gunman said it was a fire punch again.

“Let’s say there’s a hero who’s been using this skill since E rank. He’s been using fire punch since he defeated the first villain, and he’s been using fire punch since he got stronger.”

“It’s consistent.”

“And what if the last, last second, clenched fist and unleashed attack was a fire punch?”

“…If you’ve been watching it for a long time, your heart will ring.”

As a reader, I am weak in numerical correlation.

In particular, it is quite weak to see such stubbornness of the protagonist, who is stupidly honest, succeed.

“There is such a thing, but as a person who uses technology, it is a self-suggestion that you can use technology accurately with the output you want without being shaken by any other environment.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. Think about it. Suppose an S-rank fireman from Northern Europe… Surt developed the ‘Ragnarok Punch’, for example.”

After that, he actually used the technique.

“Someone say ‘Noryangjin Spicy Fist’ at a really important moment after the flame fist that has been exhausted. What do you think?”

“…I think you’ll feel pretty bad.”

“That’s right. It shakes. Momentarily, my technique got a name that doesn’t suit something? It’s just a little bit, but the output is weakened.”

“In other words, shake the mentality of the user and weaken it?”

“That’s right. The basis of the skills that people with special abilities use is imagination. I call this ‘power of will.’

The gunman stretched out his fist at me.

“My fire punch has the destructive power to pierce the universe. Just by thinking that way, you can unleash close to 99% of your power.”

“Every time I hear the commander’s way of thinking, I think it’s very unique.”

“It’s a lecture that you won’t be able to listen to anywhere even if you pay money, so listen carefully. Manager. Oh, really. In that sense, our manager will take a step to avoid awkwardness with such a problem.”

“…Sir? Hey, what are you trying to do…!”

“Stay quiet.”

The gunman used magic and forcibly put a ‘gimmick’ on me.

“Huh-huh. If there are people who use a technique that looks very strong in the future, tell me about it. Subtly arguing with the name of the technique will shake your mentality. There might be a time when you can survive with that, right?”

the commander’s words.

always right

* * *

Snow White’s frozen punch, or rather, an attack with full power, was slightly weakened at the last moment.

How dare you give my attack a name like ‘Ice Punch’! or think

Or, among other ice barrier heroes, your mental power is disturbed while comparing your strength with someone who uses a frozen punch.



Following the commander’s advice, I slightly weakened Snow White’s attack with a single word, and I took advantage of the gap to immediately deal with Snow White.

The fastest attack is to swing the sword at Baek Seol-hee.

If you wield the sword blade with the flame of your archery, you will surely not be able to avoid the snow white coming down from above.



I was reluctant to use attacks that would bleed or injure Snow White, just as Snow White would only use techniques to subdue me.

Because it’s a heroine?

Do you have a fairly deep relationship with Do Ji-hwan?

Well, there are things like that.

Although that has a little bit of an impact.

You can’t hurt an innocent, innocent hero, and even a female hero.


I received Snow White’s fist with my left hand.

In an instant, Snow White’s eyes shook greatly, and I countered Snow White’s attack from the front with one hand.

Kagaga River!

In an instant, a chill hits me as if my hands would freeze.

Because I concentrated my arcane magic on the flame sword I was holding in my other hand, I couldn’t neutralize Snow White’s chill with my shallow magic power.


My hands, which held Snowwhite’s, began to freeze.

Snowwhite’s eyes widened, whether he was surprised that his attack worked, or that I held his hand instead of attacking with my sword.


[You can’t hurt a patriotic hero.]

I parried Snowwhite’s attack and pulled her.

All of a sudden, she fell head-on toward me, and I pulled my frozen hand over my arm and turned my body to the side.


In an instant, Snowwhite twisted and tried to get away from me, as she almost tipped over and landed on the ground.

However, I don’t know if it was because she was determined to hold on to me, but the ice in her hand that was connected to mine did not fall off, and she plummeted to the floor.

Of course, I made sure she didn’t land on the ground.

Momentarily, I put my feet under her back, sprayed magic power to reduce the impact, buffered the impact of the fall with magic power as much as possible, and allowed Snow White to fall lightly to the floor.


A question flickers in Snow White’s eyes.

Of course.

Why didn’t you attack with a knife?

Why did he allow himself to be attacked until his body was damaged?

Why are you treating yourself so well ‘again’?

Why does the villain executioner, who kills all vicious villains unconditionally, treat himself in such a gentlemanly way?

“you are…!”

[Don’t get me wrong.]

I held the tip of the sword in one hand and aimed it at Snowwhite’s throat.

[I didn’t look at you. If the hero collapses, the world becomes more chaotic, and I don’t hurt you because I’m a nuisance.]


[People have said that. I keep looking at you because I think of you rationally.]


A slight displeasure shows in Snowwhite’s eyes.

It seems that I was upset when I directly mentioned the part that I was most concerned about.

[I think she is an attractive woman. But that’s it. You are a hero, and I am a villain.]

I pulled back the foot I was supporting behind Snowwhite’s back.

[If you are prepared to kill the villain, the wicked, then I will come to you. Personally, I’m looking forward to it immensely. If Snow White stands by our side and wants to kill villains and demons, it will greatly aid our cause and ambition.]

“Who’s on your side…!”

[You don’t know the world.]

I retrieved the sword and thrust the magical energy into the hand that gripped her.


White smoke leaked out of my arms, and the magic power of Snow White that eroded my arms was pushed away by the magic power of archery.

It looked like melting ice, and I backed away from Snowwhite.

[by the way….]

If this woman really doesn’t know I’m a goblin.

Would it be helpful for me to secretly appeal that the goblin is Do Ji-hwan?

‘What do we do?’

The woman responded in two ways.

One is being shaken by emotions and continuing a close relationship with me without reporting it even though I knew my identity.

The other is a goblin with a strong sense of betrayal, Do Ji-hwan, Nabal, and trying to kill.

But what is clear is that even if I act like a goblin against this woman now, if I treat her with her personality broken, I could get scolded later.

– Then why did you do that? Why did you treat me so rudely? yes? Answer me.

…The risk is great, but I decided to follow my lead.

[Excuse me.]

I reached out to Snowwhite and helped her get up off the floor-

“Don’t touch me.”

Snow White quickly slashed my hand with her sharp eyes.

The attack was so ferocious and fast that it was the sharpest and most ferocious of all the attacks Baek Seol-hee had ever made against me.


My hands are sore.

I must have hit my hand with the back of my hand, but even though I stretched out my hand with the magic of archery, my fingers hurt as if they were cold.

“Don’t touch me again, never again.”

Snowwhite raised herself up, warning me in a cold, subdued voice.

“Because I am a possessed body.”


I am the owner you speak of.

[That’s good. Are you a good person?]

“Of course. He’s a handsome, cool, and kind man who can’t be compared to the likes of you. He must have a bigger bat than you, right?”


Shall I take it off?

So how will this woman react?

I’m looking forward to it a bit, but unfortunately I don’t have time for that.

coo goo.

The glaciers that separated them disappeared with the fog.

The time the magic held its form was over, and I stepped back from Snow White.

[It’s about time.]

Gradually, it attracted attention in moderation, and now all the work to be done was done.

If you have to fight more here, you will scratch and boil, and if you show this level of sight, you have shown enough to people with ‘showmanship’.

[Don’t expect it, Snow White.]

I canceled the union with the ultimate skill.

Returning to his usual formal gentleman goblin appearance, he put on a gentleman’s hat and rode on the back of the gunggi, who had become a winged tiger.



Gungi flapped his wings and soared into the sky, and I left the airport.

“That, there–!”

It sounded like someone was shouting loudly from below, but no one was able to chase the archery that soared into the sky.

[there. it’s okay?]

[Well. Looks like a broken bone. It hurts.]

[Ah, stupid.]

He asked me in a worried voice.

[Return to the dorm and immediately release the transformation. Ugh, that’s why I took it by hand for no reason! Why didn’t you just cut yourself with a knife?]

[It can’t be.]

I grabbed my sore left hand.

[I play with a woman’s heart, and I don’t hurt her body, but it’s cheap enough to break my hand.]

It was a stupid act.

[I have no regrets.]

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  1. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    This is the end of the fight, bittersweet but personally, i like it

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