I Become an Academy Award-Winning Villain chapter 217

217 - Chapter 9. S-class reader (2)

217 – Chapter 9. S-class reader (2)

I work as an agent of the association and receive money periodically, but of course the money entering my bank account is monitored by the state.

As the saying goes, the Internal Revenue Service is more terrifying than the FBI, so taxes are a major issue.

And the part the state pays the most attention to is black money, and it is money that suddenly pops out without going through tax payment procedures.

-Where did the 10 billion come from? A person with an annual income of 30 million won. No gift, no lottery win. Where did you get 10 billion won and bought a 33 pyeong apartment in Busan?

-Eh, I picked it up in the garlic field!

-So you got it illegally? You have to pay property tax.

– That, like that!

If you touch the black money complacently, the owner of the black money is also the owner, but if you use the black money recklessly, the National Tax Service will immediately investigate.

-Do you know when a villain is most absurdly caught? When you steal someone else’s money while hiding your identity, and then use that money to buy real estate, you use excessive money compared to your annual income.

Taxes are the most important part of the association for its agents, employees, and those who cooperate with the association.

-Don’t get caught in the back of the back of the government of each country only with tax issues.

Whether through a paper company or whatever, the leader’s guideline is to avoid being investigated by the tax authorities for suspicious money flows.

-Eight, why would a society hire accountants, tax accountants, and accounting staff! I’m not hiring you to legally handle that much money tax-wise!

so as not to be bothered.

-But then there is no way to stab the powerful with money.

-We have prepared a plan for that time. Whoop whoop.

Instead, in a reasonable way, a reasonable way, and a way for the tax authorities to say, ‘Kuh, I’m angry!’

-I figured out the rice cake stock through Mirae Yeji’s ability. It is said that this place will skyrocket in exactly 43 days, so hurry up and contact the agents to put the stock in.

-…By the way, can I use this ability? It’s a future prediction.

– It’s rotten when you save it, so it’s more profitable to earn money for the association’s activities with it!

or to buy a particular stock.

-Through the power of brainwashing, I confirmed the new town development project of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Now, cleverly buy real estate in this area!

-Here is an empty field.

-therefore. Trust me. I have already confirmed through the investigation that the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s relatives wander around the nearby Bokdeokbang.

Leave it for 3 years due to real estate redevelopment and come out later.

– Money, money, money. It takes a lot of money to run a huge organization called an association. And most importantly, you have to roll ‘Legal’. What do you think is the easiest way to attract people’s money, Mr. Do?

-…A mobile character collecting gacha game?

-Oh, I didn’t mean to reach there. Manager Do, prepare the PPT right away!

Or, it tells you how to make a huge amount of money within the legal realm.

The most representative example is the lottery, among which is the ‘Hero Toto’, a competitive lottery that is most suitable for the age of the talented.

for example.

Who would win in a match between the S-class gifted goblin and the S-class gifted Snow White?

It’s really rare that it actually happens, but if it happens regularly or becomes active, many people will watch it.

Gambling here?

– I can’t stand gambling!

Even if you bet real money, if it is a sports lottery legally operated by the state, you can make a lot of money even if you take a lot of fees or dividends as taxes.

– When are you going to take Neg too? Retired ww who can’t even start

-Toto Gazuaaa! ohhhhh! God! Also the best!!

-…Didn’t you score just one less goal? If you score a hat-trick as a substitute.

Even in general sports, Sports Toto is gaining immense popularity.

But is that a battle between people with special abilities?

– If you endure this, you are not human!

– Messy ball play is completely prohibited! Now is the era of hero battle!

– Tenipuri is… a surrealist cartoon!

You can watch the psychic battle in real time, which you only see in movies or cartoons, and you can even gamble with it?

Popularity is bound to explode.

Humans sell the water of the Daedong River if it makes money, and even the bone meal of dead people with special powers. Can we just pretend not to know the market that pays dividends by opening a gambling table over the existence of people with special abilities?

Is it even a government-approved ‘legitimate’ market?

“Hero Toto? Are you talking about that being legal 5 years ago?”

“Is there another hero Toto other than that?”

“Yes. A lot. Previously, it was illegal and secretly rampant, but it started operating as a government official five years ago.”

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Jumo was well aware of the history of Hero Toto.

“It was officially approved in 2020 when Hero Toto was officially held by the Hero Association. Full-scale implementation began in 2021, and the market is currently operating successfully in 2025. Finish reading the wiki.”

“2021 is…”

“Even if it’s Hero Toto, you can’t tell the kids to fight. It’s a little bit like adults playing for money in a confrontation between minors, so at least it’s only a battle between adults with special abilities.”

No matter how much money it is, it must have been embarrassing to have minors with special abilities fight each other to earn money.

In other words, it was popular only in the dark before that.

It is said that the system was equipped as soon as it came out in the sun.

“Looking at it, Chief Do doesn’t seem to be interested in the past.”

“The old things I’m interested in are just old stories. Or something related to the society.”

“Yes, yes. But, Chief Do, have you tried Hero Toto?”

“I’ve tried it a few times. I’ve only experienced how to do it once or twice.”

Even in real life, I have never played sports Toto, even if I have bought a lottery ticket or done so a few times.

My field of interest was fiction, not real sports.

“Then you don’t know the details of the most recent issue?”

“Isn’t it a great sports event if you say it’s a recent issue?”

“Yeah. Then…the world turned upside down, but Hero Toto’s world turned upside down too.”

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Jumo put the history of all kinds of Hero Toto that took place this year on the screen.

“Did you know that 120 billion won evaporated when Yun Yi-sun won the Great Sports Festival?”

“It seems like a specific figure, but 120 billion won was lost?”

“Everyone who bet on Lei Huang lost their money. Lei Huang was one of the favorites to win. The bet on him was 120 billion won.”

“…It was a one-day competition, but was there a Hero Toto?”

“Since the system was established, each round of the competition was observed on the spot and bets were put up. In the Great Sports Festival, Toto bets were made virtually on the spot.”

The reaction of the Hero Toto community that Jumo showed was a huge explosion.

-Those who tried to suck the traitorous coin hahahahaha!

– A Korean person went up to the finals, but there are no black cows who did not bet on patriotism?! Is there anyone who bets on the nationality Chosen who changed nationality three times?!

-This is a scam—- the dean of the academy bet on Yoon I-sun to win the championship. I had to leave in the middle because of Hayabusa, so what kind of championship?

Of course, those who congratulate Yi-sun Yoon on winning the championship are those who have made money, and those who deny Yi-sun Yoon’s victory are all those who have lost money.

“That’s why they talked more. People who bet on Lei Hwang lost their money, so Yun Yi-sun’s win was invalid.”

“That’s right. It was an uncomfortable victory, but I lost my money. But the housekeeper. Did the housekeeper also bet here?”

“I only bet on certain marriages. Yumir and Yoon Yi-seon. Thanks to you, I earned one card. Huhuhu.”

“The dividend is reversed?”

“To me, they’re spouses. The two of them, not anyone else, were the people Chief Do was aiming for. Huhuhu.”

“……Take a bite later.”

It is a world where betting is made to go up from E to D, and to determine the winner recognized as A+.

“Zoo Mo. Then now Armored Taejo has accepted the challenge. Then will Hero Toto be held?”

“Of course. It’s not just Hero Toto, it’s the moment when Yoon Yi-sun wins, the ‘8th S-class’ is born. Is it a reader’s victory or the birth of a new S-class. Even with the nationally certified gambling board, the stakes are rising in real time now. , The illegal site has raised the stake by 200 billion even though the confrontation is a week away?”

“…Certainly, it’s the answer to the age of supernatural powers.”

If this is the entertainment of this world.

I will use this entertainment to copy the money in ‘Do Ji-hwan’s account’.

“Jumo. I’ll bet 1 billion, the money in my account right now. Help me do it.”

“Who are you going to bet on?”

“Of course it’s Yoon Yi-sun.”

Beep beep.

I called.

[Yes, teacher. This is Yoon Yi-sun.]

“Are you available at 10:00 tonight?”

[…I can’t go outside.]

“It’s okay. Is the time okay?”


“Then, I’ll call you back then.”

I called Yoon Yi-sun.

“Jumo. Gather all the materials related to the armored Taejo.”

“…Chief Doo, can’t you?”

“You have to prepare.”

I reached for the spoon on the table in the distant kitchen.


The spoon flew through the air and stuck to my hand, and I grabbed it and shook it lightly.

“Dokkaebi does tricks, and Do Ji-hwan burns and eats money.”

A perfect plan.

“I will become the armored Taejo and spar against Yun Yi-sun.”


For Yun Yi-sun’s victory.

and for my account.

“It’s shameful. To say that you raise them yourself and eat money yourself.”

“It’s mean? It’s a strategic investment.”

There is no negativity.

“I’m just betting 1 billion on reverse with the heart of the beast.”

Investing is a personal choice.

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