I Dumped Her Not Knowing That She Was My Favorite chapter 155

155. Her circumstances

155. Her circumstances

Yoonje was a friend who was more sincere about music than I thought.

[Hey. Is it better to put this here like this? Or is it better to just cut it off with a single note?]

I wondered if these questions had any meaning to me, who can’t even figure out a single code, but I just followed whatever I felt.

I just chose the option that would be pleasant to listen to from the general public’s point of view.

[I think I like the one at the back better. But is it a little more gain than this? I wish the crackling sound was louder.]

[ㅇㅇㅋ I’ll send it again.]

Perhaps it was because of the pile of autographs, the process of inserting the guitar was proceeding smoothly.

Remaining sessions. Drums and bass also had to add sounds.

After hearing this, I was told that I could easily do it with just the app I use.

Actually, there was a version of the drums that I made as a basis.


I thought it was Yoon-je and wondered if he needed anything else.

This time, it was our idol who we wanted to be a vocalist, not a composition assistant.

[It’s my brother.]


[What are your plans for the 13th?]

13 Days… 13 Days…

I checked the calendar and sent a reply.

[Nothing. Why?]

In the first place, I was not doing anything except making songs.

When I run out of money, I make up for it with short-term part-time work. The monthly rent was paid with pocket money received from home.

[Ah. There was talk of a double date…]

I feel very uneasy when I blurt my words.

[…With whom?]

Actually, this is probably the most important question.

If Humoringne wanted to film part 2, I wanted to politely decline.

Isn’t it? Still, Doa did something for me, so should I still leave?

I pretended to look at the liver, but in the end, I thought I might have to leave.

The reply that came back went beyond what was expected and was from a rather unexpected person.

[Clover says she wants to see us as a couple with her boyfriend?]


Although I only watch DoAh’s broadcasts, I often watch other members’ clips as well.

If you look at videos that only have highlights, there were videos that showed chemistry with Doa, so they naturally appeared in the algorithm…


[Yes. It seems like something is very desperate…]

It’s possible to meet Do-ah, but does she have a reason to be so desperate to drag me out?

[Does he even know who I am?]

[No. You don’t know? She only knows about Muringi, and she told me that she never told him about Muringi.]

At that moment, the words “I don’t know” Almost came out, but I managed to control myself.

And it’s also a bit suspicious.

[Okay… Um… I understand. I’ll go out.]

[Yes! Thank you! Thank you~]

Doa suddenly disappeared after receiving my permission.

Mr. Lee. Now, is it just saying business and leaving?

I thought it was a bit vulgar, but I was also busy right now.

Still, it was a much more enjoyable day than when I was taking an actor-related class.

It was visible that the more I touched the music, the more the quality improved.

Also, it was fun to analyze other music.

I was able to find out what instruments were used here and what post-processing was needed to achieve this effect.

“Tiriririri~ Ririri~”

As expected, working alone like this suited me well.

Ah. For no reason he was taken to a crazy filming location.

No matter how many times I thought about it, I felt like learning was not my aptitude.

After organizing a few melody candidates so that I could send them to Yunje, I lay down on the bed.


A name I had never searched for before.

I watched the videos one by one in no particular order.

A classic, calm older sister character that only appears in real comics.

Unlike Luca and Mooring, who were prickly, their gentleness seemed to come through the monitor from the moment they interacted.

This is the boyfriend of this person…

What kind of man is this?

I wasn’t interested at all, but I was a little curious.

* * *

“Ah! Brother! “What if I show up this late?”

I told you that you can’t show up late just because you have a reservation at a restaurant.

My boyfriend seemed to have overslept on a day like today.

“I’m sorry. “Alarm, but really, why didn’t it ring?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Eight! “Come quickly.”

I grabbed my brother’s wrist like I was leading cattle and dragged him to the bus stop.

I sat down next to him and began a thorough inspection.

“Look at my face.”

“Ah. Huh.”

…They say you can’t win if the game is different even if you just fake it.

Nothing was done properly and my hair was dried, but my brother’s selfish genes were showing off his good looks.

After roughly running my hand through my hair like this, I decided to kiss again about today’s settings.

“Where did we meet?”

“School group assignment.”

“What is Taemin Han doing these days?”

“I am looking for a position to intern.”

“What if there is talk about entertainment industry activities?”

“I left because I didn’t agree with the company.”

But it looks like you are fully aware of everything that was said on the phone.

After getting off the bus, we followed the directions on the mobile phone map and headed to the restaurant that Clover told us about.

As expected from the picture, this restaurant looks very luxurious.

As we went inside, the staff asked for the name of the person making the reservation.

“New lyricism.”

I thought that his real name was a person with a true personality.

“Please come inside.”

After following the instructions, we went in and there were dishes set up in front of the brazier where meat was being grilled.


I think it was the first time for both my brother and I to be overwhelmed by the atmosphere.

“So, Clover, where are you?”

We didn’t come that early either, but her sister didn’t leave a single message for her.

I thought she would definitely come first.

“Wait a minute. “I’ll try calling.”

I just keep hearing the beeping sound.

My sister didn’t answer the phone.

“Wow. “Is this really a no-show?”

As his brother spoke playfully, I stabbed him in the side with my index finger.

“Is that really possible? “It’s not a second-hand transaction scam, and we see each other all the time.”

After five minutes had passed, the staff member asked when my companions would arrive, and I started to get really nervous.

“Try calling again.”

I nodded to my brother’s answer and took out my cell phone.


The door that opens at that moment.

What was waiting for us.

“Ah… I’m sorry… I was very late…”

“Uh… Sister…!”

Rover comes in with bright red eyes.

My boyfriend, who I thought would come with me, did not show up.

“What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

“Ah… Sorry… Ah. “I don’t want to be like this on our first day together.”

My slender fingers picked up a tissue and wiped my eyes.

“…I just got dumped.”


Taemin and I looked at each other with dumbfounded expressions at the unexpected answer.


“No. “It wasn’t all of a sudden…”

When the employee came in and asked if I wanted to place an order, she avoided answering my question and instead ordered the food.

“I’m late to say hello. Hello. Clover. “It’s called new lyricism.”

“Hello… I’m Taemin Han, Doah’s boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry. “I really wanted to treat Luca to a delicious meal, but they made the atmosphere like this.”

“Ah. No! Could that be… No. It’s really okay.”

I don’t think it’s time to eat now.

“Sister. Do you mind if you eat with us? “Isn’t it better to go in and rest?”

“Ugh. How did I call it out and it’s happening again? Also, if I’m alone right now…”

Sister Rover’s eyes looked out her window.

“I think I would be very depressed.”

I haven’t heard the whole story yet, but I thought the boyfriend was really rude.

If I thought Taemin had done that to me, I would be so angry that I would be jumping around.

I thought the problem was that my sister had a very gentle personality.

“Sister. Shall we have a drink?”

I used to restrain myself when my brother was with me, but it seemed necessary given the current atmosphere.

“…Is that so?”

“If you want it, order it!”

The three of us decided not to get too carried away and started with beer.

I strictly told my brother to drink in moderation, just enough to not get drunk.

“Ha… It’s refreshing…”

My sister wiped away the pure white foam with her fingertips.

She looked at me and her brother Taemin alternately and gave me a faint smile just by looking at her.

“How long has it been since you two met?”

“It’s been 6 months now…”

“It’s a really good time.”

Although her older sister was actually older, the way she spoke gave the impression that she was dealing with a child.

“Did she say her sister was with him for 5 years?”

“Yes. It was our 4th anniversary just yesterday. “In terms of years, it’s 5 years.”

“Wow. But how can you do that?”

It’s been so long since our anniversary that we said goodbye.

Does that mean they are notified in this way?

“Okay. “How can you be so heartless?”

I couldn’t even imagine what that felt like.

“Doya. Mr. Taemin. “If you don’t mind, could you please listen to my story today?”

My sister’s words are so realistic.

I couldn’t give you a proper word of comfort.

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