I Dumped Her Not Knowing That She Was My Favorite chapter 77

077. Prohibition

077. Prohibition

“…You don’t like it?”

My brother slowly approaches me while kneeling.

My brother’s hands covered my cheeks.

“…I like it. “Doya.”

My heart is beating so fast that I can’t handle it.

My brother’s face gets closer and closer.

My face, which was already hot due to intoxication, could no longer heat up.


What would happen if I didn’t reject him here and now?

My brother pulled my face towards him and pressed my forehead against his.

“Why aren’t you answering?”

The distance between us has become too close.

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When I froze and didn’t say anything, my brother complained to me like a grumpy child.

“Kim Do-ah. “Are you ignoring me?”

“Ah. No? “It’s not like that…”

“Mr. Lee.”

My brother threw his head back and frowned at me.


What follows is a strange pain that I have never felt before.

My brother’s lips began to ravage the nape of my neck mercilessly.

Reason blurred by alcohol.

I had mixed emotions.

A burst of dopamine at the fact that he is craving me.

The fear of what awaits beyond here.

However, there is a feeling of futility that all of this may actually be an illusion presented by alcohol.


When my brother’s teeth lightly pressed against my skin, a strange voice that I couldn’t believe I made came out of my mouth.

His lips were exploring the nape of my neck with even more passion, and my fingers were constantly repeating the clenching and unclenching to the rhythm.

After a series of joys, my boyfriend’s lips left my neck, leaving behind a burning wound and the moisture that his tongue had swept over.

“Haa…Kim Do-ah.”

He calls my name again.

Flush face and heavy breathing.

The light from the lamp that was turned on for ambiance further heightened the atmosphere.

“Now answer me.”

I could no longer resist the look in his eyes.

“Okay… I do it…”

It is not for nothing that they say that the beginning is difficult.

Once I was able to speak, I felt like I could freely reveal my dark desires that I had been suppressing for so long.

“…I like it. Brother.”

I lost my fear and pulled the collar of his shirt towards me, and my brother lifted me up and placed me on the bed.

And my boyfriend was looking down from above as if he was going to eat me at any moment.

My bangs couldn’t overcome gravity and fell down, but that couldn’t stop my brother’s good looks.

My brother’s upper body began to sink lower and lower, and I closed my eyes tightly.


It was the moment when his and my body overlapped.


“I’m so sleepy.”

I knew that Midge would come and I opened my eyes again after hearing his words.

My brother deviated from the trajectory I had drawn and lay down at an angle, right against the wall, showing no sign of opening his closed eyes.


I felt relieved but also filled with cruelty, so I poked his cheek for no reason.

My brother, who had been motionless, soon started making regular breathing noises, and I, who was left behind, could only watch him quietly from the side.

“Hey. “Han Taemin.”

I thought that if I spoke informally, I might get angry and wake up again.

“Hey. “Why are you really sleeping?”

If I do this, what will become of me?

I got hit again.

Again. Also.

Be divided. Really.

After glaring at him, I decided to pull out my sword.

Yes. I can’t stand it anymore either.

I slowly push my face towards my brother’s face.


For a man like that, he would be too greedy for bright red lips.

This man, who always gives me expectations and pretends not to know, has suffered enough.

I definitely made up my mind to do that, but…

When our noses touched, I was so nervous that I thought I might die.

In the end, I compromise with myself.

I placed my lips on my brother’s forehead.

I thought this wasn’t that difficult, so I kissed my brother’s forehead so many times that I made a sound.

“Mr. Lee…”

Actually, I wasn’t angry, but I decided to just look at it like this for today.

Instead, I’m not going home today.

I will sleep here.

I squeezed into my brother’s arms and snuggled into his chest, trying to sleep.

Unexpectedly, my brother’s body temperature was incredibly warm, so my eyes closed so quickly that I couldn’t tell when I fell asleep.

* * *

What I feel is a headache that feels like my head is about to explode.

My body was violently sending me signals to go and drink water.

It was that moment when I felt like I had to get up and rubbed my eyes.


Movement was not free.

I couldn’t help but be shocked when I realized what the big obstacle that was restricting my movement was.

My girlfriend.

This was because Doa was sleeping soundly right next to me.


Why is he sleeping here?

No. Previously.

I couldn’t even remember how I ended up sleeping.

As I tried to wake her up without waking her up, Doa also started tossing and turning along with her movements.

When she turned her head, what caught my eye were bright red marks that I couldn’t find until yesterday.

There were lip-shaped scars left here and there on the nape of Doa’s neck.

Numerous question mark pings appear in my head.

Why? How?

Going one step further, the question that comes to mind.

…Surely I?

I definitely remembered bringing alcohol to the house with me.

I think I ran around in the middle of the act.

Just came home like that, and then… And then…

The film was completely blown away.

Anxiety was quickly eating away at me.

Good. Let’s just say I might have done some strange things when I was drunk.

But since both of them are wearing the same clothes they wore yesterday, they haven’t crossed the line, right?

Doa’s eyebrows furrowed as she reached out her hand and caressed the area where her marks remained.

You seem bitter.

I woke up, went to the sink, drank water, and then rummaged through the drawers.


I think I put the stuff I bought here somewhere.

A small box that I discovered only after rustling around and looking inside.

I opened the lid, took out the ointment, and even prepared a band to attach to Doa.

I sit on the computer chair and look at my sleeping girlfriend.

I sat like this the day I played the horror game.

Only the location changed, our house. That day too, I fell asleep holding Doa’s hand.

Still, I was in better physical condition than before, so I sorted out the traces of yesterday that had been erased from my memory.

Potato chips that don’t look like you’ve even eaten a single bite.

An unopened bottle of soju.

In the meantime, almost all of the remaining bottle was consumed, so there was almost no clear liquid left inside the bottle.

As I folded her legs to remove her table, I heard her voice from behind her.


Doa, like me, was thirsty and her voice cracked, so I set her table in her corner and gave her a glass of water.

“Are you awake?”


Doa, who had raised her body with her messy hair, looked truly defenseless.

Eyes wide open.

Even though she stretched once, her eyes still showed no sign of widening.

“…Is your hangover okay?”

“Uh…Her head hurts a bit, but I think she’s okay.”

“That’s a good thing.”

Doa yawned and rested her head against the head of her bed again.

“Ah… I’m going to die…”

I have to ask.

I could hardly keep my mouth shut.

The red marks become more clearly visible as she bends her body at an angle.

After reminding myself that it is better to get hit first, I took a deep breath and called her name.



“To be honest, it was yesterday.”


Ah. I wondered what if she had done something weirder than she could have imagined, but I closed her eyes and told her the truth.

“I don’t remember much?”

At my confession, life slowly began to appear inside her eyes.



I don’t know if it was because she was still drowsy or because her thoughts were deepening, but Doa was silent for a while.

“From where?”


“I don’t remember where from?”

“Ever since I came home.”

A helpless laugh flows from Doa’s mouth.

“Ah… Really…?”

“Ah. Really sorry. “Maybe I made a mistake.”

“Then I guess you don’t remember this either?”

The place she touched with her finger was the nape of her neck, which was pure white.

Her cold eyes were filled with contempt.


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She had no intention of pretending to vaguely remember.


My girlfriend touched her forehead as if her head was in pain and let out a sigh that felt like the ground was falling.

“Just come here and sit down.”

As Doa patted the seat next to her, I obediently followed her words and moved to my seat.

“…Be patient.”

She suddenly wondered what he was talking about and tried to ask, but Doa explained it to him with her actions instead of her words.


Doa’s lips suck my neck strongly.

I guess she was imitating a squid sucker or something, and she bit my neck hard enough that it hurt.

I was holding her in that awkward position.


She opened her mouth, wiped the saliva with her arm, and glared at me fiercely.

“My brother.”

What follows is a rather bland request from my perspective.

“From now on, I will never drink with other people.”

I couldn’t tell him that I didn’t have a friend to drink with.

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