I’m the Only One With a Different Genre chapter 109

I'm the Only One With a Different Genre 109

109 – The Way to Overcome Weaknesses!

“Ugh… you idiot…”

In the empty field of the dark forest, Lian muttered curses while covering himself with a blanket.

“Why are you acting like such a fool?”

Lian had already noticed that Noah was worried about him. She also knew that he was trying to speak up for her.

But even though she knew, her actions didn’t go as planned.


At that moment, the sound of laughter from the blood-sucking sword could be heard from the thigh.

“I understand, I get it!”

“What do you understand?”

“I understand why my partner is in so much pain!”

The sword laughed softly and spoke in a subtle voice.

“It’s because ever since you saw that naked woman last time, you’ve been like this, right?”

“Oh… I wasn’t talking to you, Gargando…”

Since there was no one to consult with, Lian had once confided in the sword, unable to talk to anyone else about his worries.

At that time, he was so frustrated that he did it, but now he regretted it after hearing the sword’s blatant words.

“hehehehe, if it’s that kind of problem, the solution is simple!”

“T-The solution, there is one?”

Lian held onto a small hope as he waited for the words of the Dark Sword. When the message finally came back, it contained information that exceeded Lian’s imagination.

[Just keep watching until you get used to it!]


The advice was completely unhelpful, so Lian decided to ignore the words of the Dark Sword.

[- If you do this, everything will be resolved. Are you listening, partner?]

“Yeah, I’m listening. Mhm.”

[Hoho, the most helpful thing for the partner is this body, Gargandoa!]

Hearing the enthusiastic voice of the Dark Sword, Lian let out a small sigh.

“I have to walk all day tomorrow, so I should sleep now.”

After Lian pulled out the Dark Sword embedded in his thigh, he immediately tried to summon it back. At that moment, the Dark Sword transformed into a round sphere.

If it were any other time, it would have immediately returned to its original form with a backhand, but when it changed its shape, Lian looked down at the smooth sphere with a perplexed expression.

“No one saw that, right?”

Lian glanced outside the blanket. The entire group, including Noah, was fast asleep, and he could see the silhouettes of people standing far away, tending to the campfires.

He could also see the bonfires, one for each group, crackling and emitting light.

Lian flipped the blanket back over his head and turned his head to look at the Dark Sword.

“Why did you suddenly become round..”

As he shifted his gaze to the Dark Sword in his hand, Lian froze in place.

The black spherical object he was holding had suddenly transformed into a delicate hand.


Like a robot that had melted away completely, Lian rolled his eyes and looked at the warmth that had taken up space beside him.

[How about it, partner?]

A bald woman with black hair and red eyes smiled at Lian.


Lian instinctively blocked the scream that escaped from his mouth with his right hand. Lian stared in disbelief at the fair-skinned beauty who exposed her white flesh like a statue.

“Why, why can I see everything?”

Gar-Gandoa was lying on her side, covering the important parts, but it was still a precarious state, as if it might be visible.

Usually, in this situation, when a sudden event occurred, the exposed parts would be covered. But nothing happened now.

His stiff brain managed to find a plausible answer, while it grumbled.

“Could it be… because she’s not human, but a magic sword…?”

Since a magic sword was a weapon and not a person, it could easily happen…

“No way… that’s impossible!”

In the world of comedy, there have been similar situations many times, but there has never been a case where the exposed figure was shown.

Trying to think about what happened by shaking his head, he couldn’t continue his thoughts because of the dizzying scene in front of him.

[Once you get used to it, it will be resolved. Now, come and touch this body!]

As she said that, the magic sword pressed her body against Lian. The moment the large, soft thing touched his forearm.


Phuhahahahak! Blood poured out of his mouth. Lian felt like he was about to faint, but when he saw the blood spatter on the magic sword’s face and the blood dripping from her mouth, he suddenly became afraid.

Something… it felt like he was in a dangerous situation in many ways. Just as Lian raised his hands to free himself from the cloak, his wrist was grabbed by the magic sword. Naturally, his exposed upper body came into view.


Blood poured out once again. And then, the magic sword blushed adorably and approached Lian.

[Do humans eat dessert after a meal?]

The dangerous words spilled from Ma-Gum’s lips as she pursed them. Her red tongue, as vibrant as the flush on her jade-like face, captivated Lian’s gaze.

Like prey caught in a spider’s web, Lian could only stare blankly at the approaching red lips and pupils, unable to move a finger.

In that moment, when their breaths were almost palpable.



Noah’s voice echoed from outside the fur. Simultaneously, the image of Gargantua in front of him vanished.

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Unable to keep up with the rapidly changing situation, Lian blinked his eyes.

Flap! The fur that covered his head was suddenly pulled back.

“…! As I thought…”


Noah looked at the fur, now soaked in blood, with a grave expression. Lian finally regained his senses. When he turned his gaze towards where the Ma-Gum had been, the demonic blade had transformed into a thin needle, a common sight in the Hanbang Hospital.

[But still, I can’t show such a pathetic sight to other humans.]

Unable to grasp the meaning behind the Ma-Gum’s words, Lian couldn’t say anything. It was because of Noah’s loud voice that the people who had been unconscious began to open their eyes, one by one.

Lian noticed the eerie movement of the tongue and the floating white flesh in front of him, but now was not the time to dwell on such things, so he quickly got up.

“I’m sorry, Noah. For causing a disturbance. I’m fine.”


Noah stared at Lian with a face full of words he wanted to say, but eventually lowered his head.

“…If you feel like you’re going to vomit blood, let me know in advance, because monsters in the forest can be attracted by the smell of blood.”

“Ah! I’m sorry…!”

Lian immediately apologized to Noah and then looked around, her gaze wandering in all directions. It was because the scene she had just witnessed seemed to overlap with Noah’s body.

“Um, can you tell the others that it’s okay? I’ll clean up this blood.”


Noah suppressed the urge to explode in anger and got up from her seat. Lian sincerely appreciated Noah for doing so.

“I’m sorry for causing a disturbance at night, and thank you.”


Noah’s eyes widened like lanterns at those words. Countless indiscernible emotions crossed her face before dispersing.

“Alright, leave the rest to me.”


Noah conveyed her intention to the companions who were staring at her with a dazed expression, indicating that it was nothing important.

Meanwhile, Lian put the blood-soaked cloth into her bag and took out a fresh one. She changed into the bloodied top, wet a rough cloth with water, and wiped her face.

Before long, Lian regained her neat appearance.

As the situation calmed down, Lian stole glances at Noah, who was calming down the awakened people. Soon, her gaze fell to the ground.

Lian couldn’t meet Noah’s eyes as directly as before.

Over time, she had absorbed the new information about something soft, gentle, and pure white. And this time, it had even touched her skin.

‘If this continues, it might even appear in my dreams…’

Lian recalled her own appearance secretly doing laundry by the riverside in the early morning with a pale face. It was something she didn’t want to experience even if she were to die.

“Hmm, as expected, one experience was not enough. Don’t worry, I’ll help you a lot from now on, so you don’t have to worry!”

“No! Please don’t! Just don’t do it!”

“hehehehe, are you embarrassed? Indeed, even though this body has become human, it cannot hide its greatness.”

If it had been any other time, Lian would have brushed it off with an indifferent face, saying, “Yeah, whatever.” But this time, he couldn’t say anything. Just as the Black Sword had said, ‘it’ was magnificent and… great.

Lian remained silent for a while, finally managing to form a negative response in his mind.

“Oh, anyway! Don’t ever transform into a human form again!”

[Running away from your own weaknesses is unmanly! A true man knows how to face them head-on and overcome them!]

It sounded like a cool line from a boy’s comic, but in reality, it was just a vulgar statement, telling him to get used to women through his own nakedness.

“But it’s still not right!”

[You’ve been touching yourself all over the place, changing forms.]

Due to the beautiful girl with crimson eyes and long black hair that reached her waist still lingering in front of him, Gar Gandoa’s words sounded provocative.

Lian grabbed his head and let out a groan.

“Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it… Just a moment…”

Lian realized something and spoke urgently.

“By the way, Gar Gandoa… You’re a woman?”

[If you’re talking about the gender for the purpose of reproduction, then no.]

“Then that form was just an arbitrary change…”

[But it was a female form.]

Lian collapsed onto the fur.

“That appearance from earlier…”

[It’s one of my forms.]

Those words meant that the terrifying thing that had touched Lian’s arm was also the actual body of the Black Sword.

Lian wanted to faint right there.

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