I’m the Only One With a Different Genre chapter 98

I'm the Only One With a Different Genre 98

98 – If You Eat Something Strange, You’ll Get an Upset Stomach 2

She began to reveal one fact after another that she knew. Lian piled up new questions and resolved the points of curiosity.

If we summarize the long conversation briefly, it went like this:

Who are you?

– I am a faithful servant of the Master and a god from another realm.

Where are we?

– This is my mental space. It is a place where powers can be strongly manifested. Since I only brought your mind here, it is similar to dreaming.

Why did you bring me here?

– ..My colleague disappeared, and the trail was cut off here, so I wanted to investigate properly.

Who is your colleague?

– Hamulina. But now, I’m not curious anymore.

What was Hamulina’s purpose in approaching me?

Upon the last question, the deity, not a living being, remained silent for a moment, unable to withstand Lian’s intense gaze. Then, they began to sweat profusely and started to reveal unnecessary facts.

The term “god from another realm” refers to gods who perished or were expelled from their world and were thrown into the gap between dimensions.

There are many types of gods from other realms, and just like humans, there are both good and evil gods.

She is a god from another realm, but her status is not particularly high. Therefore, she lives as a servant, serving the Master.

The gods of this world made a foolish mistake, and as a result, the wall between dimensions weakened. In order to gain power, the Master decided to take over this world.

There are other gods from other realms besides them, and they are in a competitive relationship.

Therefore, she, as a servant of the Master, considers gods from other realms who do not follow the Master as enemies.

There is an even more hostile relationship than that with the gods from other realms, and that is the gods of the dark fantasy world.

No matter how much he messed up the world, this world was a dark fantasy god’s world, so if he were to step forward in earnest, things could become difficult.

In the midst of all this, Lian appeared, wielding the power of a dark fantasy god. Therefore, she could only be a target for all the gods from other realms invading this world.

However, so far, the only gods from other realms who had discovered Lian were her and Hamulina. As long as gods from other realms didn’t discover Lian, there would be no threat.

She hesitated for a moment before saying there was a real problem.

“A real problem?”

“Hamulina is a faithful servant of the deity, so she must have passed on information about you to the deity.”

“What? What does that mean?”

“It means that the deity will take action.”

She deliberately didn’t mention that ‘the deity’ was the real power behind the Demon King’s Army, but Lian had already caught on.

It was because Potensien, who had been with Hamulina, knew that he was one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

“At first, I didn’t recognize him because he looked different from what I knew…”

In the original work, Potensien was closer to the appearance of a sea creature than a human. It wasn’t until later, when she had the time, that she realized that his weapons and unique way of speaking were exactly like the Four Heavenly Kings in the original work.

“In conclusion, the Demon King’s Army is targeting me?”

The situation was more serious than she had thought. The Demon King’s Army itself didn’t scare her. It was because Lian had already witnessed the areas that had been hostile to her and had collapsed.

What worried her were the other people.

“Other people could get caught up in this.”

No matter how much Noah held power within Cardician, the land they were staying in belonged to the Demon King. It was like saying that they were in a state where they didn’t know when or where any threat could come from.

“If I run away alone—… No, no. I can’t guarantee that the Demon King’s Army will only chase after me.”

Noah, Iris, and Jess, who were about to join the future hero party, were all included in the Nest. Even if they didn’t show the appearance of a hero party right now, as time passed, they would inevitably show a resemblance to the saying “the wise one among the masses.”

By then, they would either turn into the Demon King’s Army or be killed by the Demon King’s Army. Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they wouldn’t be in perfect condition.

‘Although I haven’t found the Duke’s knight yet -…’

Lian made up her mind with a determined face.

‘I have to leave the land of the Demon King, not with everyone, but with Cardishan.’

As her thoughts settled, her narrow vision widened again. The deity from the other world, who looked like a mascot, rolled its eyes while keeping an eye on Lian.

‘Considering that it tried to target me and the fact that it’s a deity from another world, I should deal with it right away. But… there’s no way.’

Apart from whether to deal with the being in front of her, she couldn’t even tell if she could leave this space or not.

Lian looked down at the back of her hand. The seal was engraved, but even when she called for Gargandoa, nothing was summoned.

She suspected that it was because this space was a special one.

‘Ugh, I need to quickly come up with a plan to leave the land of the Demon King.’

After thinking for a moment, Lian couldn’t come up with a suitable answer and said to the deity from the other world with a frustrated expression, ‘I don’t know!’

“How can I get out of here?”

「If that’s what you want, just go that way.」

The deity from the other world raised its chubby arm and pointed to one side. There, something black was undulating. It looked similar to a portal for moving to another location.

「If you go in there, you should be able to wake up.」

“..Why are you telling me so willingly?”

「Benefit! Because of you, I ended up like this! If it weren’t for my appearance, I would have banished you myselfffff…!」

As the deity from the other world once again got angry, Lian reflexively shook the deity up and down. Due to the vigorous shaking, the deity’s pupils started spinning around.

After letting go of the taunting deity from the other world, Lian moved towards the direction of the portal. Once she thought about wanting to go towards the portal, her body automatically moved forward.


“Well then, I’ll be going now. If possible, I’ll try to live a good life from now on.”

After saying that, Lian hurriedly threw herself into the portal. In these kinds of mental worlds, where the flow of reality and time could be different, she felt anxious.

As Lian disappeared into the portal, the deity of the other world, who had been floating in the dark space, suddenly burst into laughter.

“hehehe! hehehe! Foolish human!”

As Lian disappeared, the deity of the other world began to gradually regain its original form. If a human were to face the deity of the other world with their own eyes, it would take a form that was beyond dimensions, to the point of gouging out their own eyes.

The cute voice of a child changed into a strange sound, mixed with the voices of a woman, a man, a child, and an old person.

The deity of the other world looked towards the portal, feeling its body returning to its original form.

“hehehe, let me enjoy devouring you.”

The portal that Lian had jumped into was not a portal that would return her to reality. There was no such thing as a portal that would return her to reality in the first place. The only way for Lian to return to reality was to kill the deity of the other world. This place was that kind of space.

As the deity of the other world made a light gesture with its hand, the portal disappeared. Lian, who had entered her body, could no longer escape.

“Perish in the infinite darkness and be broken. And thus, become my nourishment.”

The inside of the deity of the other world was filled with endless darkness, causing one to wander forever until their mind gradually went insane and their soul shattered.

In a place where an ordinary human couldn’t endure even for a second, Lian seemed to be enduring quite well, and the deity of the other world keenly felt her presence inside its stomach.

“Now, what kind of despair shall I feed you?”

As the deity of the other world drooled, waiting for the feast ahead, it burst into laughter.



A part of her stomach tore open, and something popped out. She looked at the part of her stomach that could be called her “belly.” There, a part of a symbol was present.

A part of the symbol started moving.

A part of the symbol tore her belly apart.

A part of the symbol began tearing her into pieces.


▉ swallowed her whole.


“Hnng-nyang-nyang, nyang-nyang punch-nyang…”

On a soft bed, there was a 170cm-sized Dakikumara. Dressed in pajamas and wearing a rabbit-eared blindfold, the god of the comedy world was sleep-talking.

“Ang-nyang-nyang… delicious… slurp..”

As she sleep-talked, she let out a small snore. But she was unaware of it, as she was already asleep.


Squeak-squeak, chirp-chirp.


Lian opened her eyes and woke up from her sleep. As she sat up, she saw the rising sun and the scenery outside.

“I… cough, cough. How long did I sleep?”

Her head felt groggy, but unlike when she slept for a week, she felt energetic. It seemed that she hadn’t slept for that long this time. Thankfully.

With a dazed face, she looked out the window and shook her head vigorously like a wet dog, shaking off the water.

“Now is not the time. I need to prepare to leave this land.”

Lian, filled with more determination than ever, quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. After a refreshing shower, she immediately headed to the study desk in one corner of the room. Sitting on the chair, she unfolded a piece of paper and picked up a pen.

“Thinking about how it’s been already three years since I stayed here… It wouldn’t be strange if the knight has arrived in Cardishan by now.”

Lian had asked Noah to check the knight’s whereabouts from time to time. It wasn’t difficult to investigate since she knew the name and face of the knight who was active here.

The investigation results were always the same. ‘Cannot be found.’

Afraid of missing out if she searched haphazardly, she relied on her original knowledge to deduce when the knight would arrive. That time was this year.

‘As the knight is about to arrive, I need to investigate whether the knight has arrived in Cardishan and select the people who will leave together. I also need to prepare supplies and provisions accordingly.’

Lian had no intention of leading all the members of the organization to escape the Demon King’s territory. Even among the regular members, there were quite a few who didn’t consider crime to be a big deal, even if the higher-ups didn’t know.

Since the land where he was born and raised was such an immoral place, that aspect stood out even more. After filtering out such individuals, it was necessary to choose only those who wanted to escape from the Demon King’s territory.


Lian continued to organize his plans step by step. As if the world was cheering him on.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Hyung! Noah hyung has returned!”

Just in time, Noah returned from the trial.

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