Incompetent Academy and Failed Heroines chapter 26

26 - Blue (1)

26 – Blue (1)

Arriving again after a week, the atmosphere of the arena has changed a bit. Because Ein Kamphund has come. The professor in charge of the lecture only explained the plan for the future in the last lecture. Moreover.

“Hey, pig burl. Why do you keep sweating?”

It seemed that everyone who knew that she was a princess knew that rumors had already spread as they would have. I pretended not to know when I heard the anchovy, just pretended to nod her head.

“Let’s play a game here too.”

“What do you knit, am I a scarf?”

“This bastard, is your tongue really a loach?”

It’s so f*cking annoying. It’s so damn annoying. At the same time, he is making noise himself. Of the cadets I saw the day I hooked up with the crazy b*tch, nine out of ten avoided me like sh*t, and the other one had a hard-to-explain expression. Are you envious?

“Hey, the professor is coming!”

Certainly more lively than magic. The current shout was not informed by the teaching assistant, but by another cadet while watching. As much as they are territorial, they have a deep bond that cannot be compared to other families.

“I have to destroy all of those b*tches. First, I’ll turn you into a blood clot.”

─You unify the continent with your teeth.

From noble mtl dot com

If you try to answer them one by one, you will be stamped out by everyone and become the object of avoidance. My head felt hot and I stopped thinking. Soon, the professor rose to Yeonmudae, the center of the arena.

“Nice to meet you, gentlemen.”

He looked around us all the way, then fixed his gaze on Ein Kamphunt.

“Isn’t that a face I haven’t seen before?”

This time, he looks at me and asks why you guys are looking at me.

“Pre-evaluation today. The bottom 10% will be considered unqualified and sent back, so find a lecture that fits your level and listen to it. If basic swordsmanship is difficult, you can take physical training or archery classes. There is no way that a guy who can’t handle a bow would have the strength to handle other weapons well. First, build your lower back muscles and then come back.”

Unlike Rega, Carlson seemed like a professor who was much more theory-focused. Not only does he explain properly, he also points out which lectures to take to improve his skills. It still feels good.

If you think about it, Mr. Ybor taught me in a similar way. Catapults, *shortbows, compound bows, longbows, longbows, and sniper longbows were taught in that order, and they even passed on techniques for improving bows. Next came the sword, axe, and mace, and he also taught me how to manage them one by one. It was perfect except that the corporal punishment was too harsh.

“First of all, let’s explain and let you know the structure of the test you guys are going to take.”

Carson told me how the battles of the past and the current battles have changed. It looks a bit arrogant, but it’s certainly clear and easy to understand. Haoden’s faculty is of a higher standard than I expected.

“Before battle wizards became the protagonists of the battlefield, battles using spears and squares were the main focus. Even two hundred years ago, it was common for a single spear to exceed four meters in length. There are lances for cavalry weapons that are rarely used now, and halberds for anti-cavalry weapons. A combination of an ax and a spear, often seen in the arsenals of historic families. These types of weapons are rare now. It is not worth learning, as it is only likely to be given to conscripted peasant soldiers.”

With that, the explanation continues.

“The main role of battle mages today is to break squares. It induces riots with flashy magic and hinders the organized action of soldiers. It can be seen in the same context that the cavalry was in decline and horses were degraded to supply. In particular, air and earth wizards facilitated this change. Because cattle and horses react very sensitively to Earthquake and uplift magic. The flame serves as a check for the archers, and the *tidal water fulfills its role in Mercury. In particular, when I see the scene of building an ice wall during a sit-in, I run out of things to say. Everyone knows it, but everything that was created is an illusion. It’s just to create a sense of psychological satisfaction and fear, so it’s called an assistant.”

So, air and earth magic deal with bogeys, and flames keep archers in check. On the other hand, the assistant…… Therefore, water magic can be summarized by saying that it is specialized in defense warfare. Roughly, I know the magical properties according to the elements.

“For this reason, the current battle is a confrontation between Nanjin and Nanjin, and it has no choice but to flow into a contest of strength on an individual level. Heavy Infantry, Paladin, Shield Archer, and Long Spear Infantry are common types of soldiers. There are Hobarn and Guho as special types. Among these, paladins use only blunt weapons for religious reasons, but usually a mace with the symbol of the church engraved on it. You guys will use swords or axes rather than this, and are classified as heavy infantry. This concludes an overview of the theory.”

Soon, at the professor’s call, the teaching assistant came up to Yeonmudae.

“Today, I will teach you how to pair up and attack.”

Then Ein Kamphunt raised his hand immediately.

“Shouldn’t we learn to fight one-on-one…… Yo. This?”

“Didn’t I tell you not to ask questions while I am speaking in the last lecture?”

Contrary to her thoughts, the princess sat quietly. It’s just that she’s an asshole, she muttered inaudibly.

“The weapons covered in this lecture are limited to swords. I’ll show you how to attack and defend in combat right here, so you guys should see and apply them. I don’t expect much, so I just imitate it. Did everyone understand?”

The lecture continued with loud agreement. However.

“Hey, are we supposed to do that?”

“I can’t even pretend!”

The cadets are agitated. Still, if they’re good enough to enter the academy, they’ll probably have some real combat experience, but they’re full of crying. However, unlike the name of the lecture, Basic Swordsmanship, I think it requires a somewhat difficult level.

“Can I ask a question now…… Yo. This?”

As soon as Carlson’s demonstration was over, Ein Kamphunt raised his hand. The professor’s gaze is challenging.

“I allow it.”

“So, when are we sparring…… These clothes?”

─Crazy b*tch, even scratches the professor.

“Do it now.”

To do karate, you have to build a pair first. Ask the two of you to form a team, and choose the person you want to form a pair. I looked around. The combat-type cadets formed groups while chatting among themselves. Those who were sure to be in the lower ranks seemed to have a hard time finding a mate. Because that’s me too

“Hey, pig burl.”

—Yes, pig teeth.

“Why does this bastard keep looking elsewhere? Who else are you going to do with me?”

I want to say that anyone other than you is fine, but I don’t think anyone will pair me up.

“Yes, or not. No, let’s do it.”

“What are you going to do, do you really want to kill me?”

It’s okay for women to practice archery, but there are many cases where swordsmanship isn’t like that, so I took a closer look at the princess’ body shape. Her butt is fat and her thighs are muscular too. Even the chest is flat, so there shouldn’t be a problem with swinging the sword. Not to mention her momentum or personality, she has the skills to burst nosebleeds with her fists in case of emergency, so she is a reliable pair.

“Does this pervert roll her eyes weird?”

Looking at my lower thighs, I immediately made a rotten expression. I am proud did not stand be proud I can show you five minutes here and now.

“I will call you by name.”

Carson looked down at the cadets and said that those who couldn’t form a team would have to come out alone and face the two. It just meant to go away, so everyone started busily looking for a mate. Among the hurriedly moving people, I could see the curly hair surrounded by several cadets, and I secretly looked at them. I guess he saw me too.

─Did you listen to this lecture the other day?

Looking at the stop, it’s also not favorable. There is nothing that can be called a bad relationship with Chan Gallery. The Zhang Fan brothers are also quiet. If I got a perfect score and got sick to my stomach, that’s something to argue with Rega.

“Help me.”

I tried to speak quietly, but I didn’t seem to understand. The back of my head felt like it was on fire. When I turned around, Ain Kamphunt’s eyes smelled burnt. The princess must have thought that Chan Gallery stopped her, and that she was provoking her. She stimulates him by pretending to slit her throat with her long finger blades. She messed up Can we calmly evaluate these fighting dogs?

“I will call you.”

The teaching assistant started calling his name. Most of the combat cadets, so they went up first and started competing. It was a very different type of confrontation from the one the professor had taught me. An inelegant, inexperienced former helmet. Roughly so.

“Hey, I came up with the tactics. You just have to follow my commands like a dog.”

Ain kamphunt who came to my side before I knew it was an open command.

“Wasn’t that our motive?”

“I am the offense and you are the defense. I’ll beat you all up, so support me from behind.”

Listening to it, he surprisingly knows how to do karate well. I wondered if he had really gone crazy because he only said things that were so normal. If you turn around twice, it will be in place.

“Because we’re mixed and I’m a girl, those idiots are going to attack me first?”

──No, it’s because you’re f*cking crazy like a crazy b*tch.

“Yeah, princess.”

“You bastard, are you squeaking honorifics?”

“If you keep doing this, I won’t stop you. Let’s embarrass ourselves together!”

He pulled her hair and quietly lifted it up. It’s a great operation. Everything is perfect, from the target to be prey to the analysis of weaknesses. Since Ein Kamphund is a woman, she must have overcome her weaker strength than men in this way.

“Did I understand correctly?”


“By the way, why is his expression like that? No, this bastard keeps looking down?”

─I was thinking of saying that even dog poop can be used for medicine.

I don’t even look, but I’m f*cking conscious of myself. I’d never even thought of those thick, bouncy buttocks and thighs that were softer and more pleasant than I thought. I think my body smelled good, but it must have been an illusion, so I forgot about it for a long time. All I remember is that a piece of turkey came out of the princess’s throat.

“But, what good is it when we don’t know who we might fight?”

“You idiot. It’s all obvious at the cadet level, so if you observe a few, you can apply it to anyone. Don’t you have a heavy head? Why the hell do you carry a lump of scrap metal that you can’t even think of on your shoulder? Ah, pairing it with something like this!”

─You’re not a loach, you’re a poisonous snake.

“Perku die Frau.”

The teaching assistant called the princess. Since I was a pair, I got up very weakly. Somehow, it seemed like people around us were laughing at us for making a pair of men and women. Ein Kamphunt stomped alone and cursed all the way up the stage. I suddenly became curious and asked Carlson a question.

“Aren’t there any cadets joining us?”

Then, the professor summoned another female assistant and threw a wooden sword.

“Kill each other from now on.”

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