Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero chapter 3

Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero 3

EP.3 Well, twice is not too much of a hero, is it?

There are five human countries in the game ‘Brave’s Party’.

The kingdom of Alitia, famous for its nightlife and crime.

Prona Kingdom, famous for its wide breadbasket and peace.

A kingdom of Carta, lined with upright knight families.

The Principality of Polycia where a princess called the Ice Witch exists.

Finally, the empire called the center of the continent.

The Empire, located at the center of the continent, is the center of continental trade.

Thanks to this, it was the most developed among the five countries and had the most expansive territory, and its national power was strong enough to be checked by the other three kingdoms.

I think it was something like this…

“It’s different to actually see it.”

The walls are white and the roofs are red, and the houses that you can only see in the Renaissance period are spread out widely. The brick-paved street was teeming with people like a market floor.

‘I put the expression that there is a cultural gap with other kingdoms in the game… but this is a different level.’

If you look at the cultural level, it seems that the guards carry even an old-fashioned rifle.

Of course, seeing that he was wearing a sword around his waist, he knew that wasn’t the case.

“Soldier, what are you doing? Come on.”

Ophelia asked why.

The other two, including her, seemed unimpressed by the appearance of the imperial capital.

Well, they’ve been there a few times, so they’ll get used to it.

I walked behind the three heroines.

As we crossed the crowded streets toward the center of the city, the number of people gradually decreased.

Instead, there were a lot of well-armed guards walking around, and the surrounding buildings were also more ancient than the ones I had seen before.

‘Is it really a rich neighborhood?’

As we were about to enter the old-fashioned street, a young guard stopped us.

“Wait, who are you? A face you’ve never seen before? Those who are not clearly identified cannot enter this place.”

“we are…”

“You idiot!”

Before Neria could finish speaking, a thick fist slammed into the head of the guard blocking us.

The guard who had been hit turned around with a sharp expression on his face, and when he saw the person who had hit him, he saluted in surprise.

“Hey, Captain of the Guard! What are you doing here?”

However, the figure of the guard captain bowed his head towards us, not paying attention to the young guard.

“The warrior and his companions. long time no see.”

“It’s been a while, Hex. How are the children?”

“These days, my hair is getting bigger, so it’s not a big deal. Thanks to you, my head is rotting.”

“All children are like that. And it’s cute to see him like that.”

“Yes. Oh, sorry about this guy. We don’t know anything about this guy since he joined the guard.”

“Even if you don’t know anything. A Social Gathering is being held at the Imperial Palace today, shouldn’t you be aware of Dragon Sarang and the party members?”

“It’s a wise thing to say, Eri-sama. I’ll train this guy properly later!”

The young guard’s complexion turned pale blue when he said that he would properly educate him.

It seems to be a very strict relationship.

He must have been terrified at the thought of breaking up when we left.

‘There was a time like that, too.’

When I was first summoned to another world and trained in hell, I put on a show in order to be seen by the instructor.

That didn’t change the training intensity though.

“But how did you come on foot without coming in a wagon? Would you like me to arrange a carriage right now?”

“I just came here after a long time, so I wanted to take a look around. Don’t worry about it and do what you have to do.”

“Yes, then…”

The captain of the guard bowed his head once and withdrew.

With a devilish face, he dragged the guard who had stopped in front of us earlier.

We walked down the old-fashioned streets and headed to the Imperial Palace.

* * *

The Social Gathering is one of the most important positions for the nobility.

It is the only opportunity for the nobility of low status to catch the eyes of the high nobles, and the high aristocrats can check each other’s acquaintance and secure the safety of their territories.

In that sense, the imperial Social Gathering held in the imperial capital is nothing short of a dream place for the nobles.

Not only the Wu Dukes, the five pillars of the Empire, but also the chance to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

As such, the number of people who can participate in the Imperial Social Gathering is extremely limited.

High-ranking nobles of the empire, the subjects of the continent, and at most the royal family of the kingdom.

Even the nobles of the kingdom could not even look into it.

There are a few people from commoners in such a place.

That’s the hero Gis and Cloud. And a few, the party members of the hero’s party.

They eat, drink and laugh in the same place as they are insignificant bloodlines that are not allowed to even look at them by nature.

It was absolutely unacceptable for noble nobles, but… What should I do?

The hero was chosen by the holy sword, and the holy sword was crafted by the one and only god Iries himself.

The choice of the holy sword is the heaven’s choice, and they, mere mortals, could not resist.

However, he could not erase the unpleasant feeling that came from deep in his heart, and that unpleasant feeling was directed at the weak.

And the weakest among the commoners participating in this Social Gathering was Cloud.

“You eat savagely. After all, low blood doesn’t go anywhere.”

A young man in a neat suit clicked his tongue. It’s loud enough to mumble and too small to speak out loud. But it was clearly meant to be heard.

The woman next to the young man responded.

“That’s it. Really, as long as a man is doing well, he is not the only one.”

Cloud is good looking. He looks skinny and weak, but if you look at his appearance alone, there are only a handful of men on the continent who are more handsome than him.

However, for women, even women of high-ranking aristocrats, a man’s appearance was not everything.

origin, character, ability, wealth.

Everything was to be weighed.

And Cloud had nothing to offer except for his handsome appearance and the characteristics of being a hero.

He came from a humble origin, his personality was indecisive, and his abilities as a warrior were a little… no, he lacked a lot.

Even though there is a hero named Gis from the slums of the Alieta Kingdom here, the target of the nobles’ gossip is only to Cloud.

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Gis is strong and Cloud is weak.

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Gis has a remarkable achievement, and Cloud doesn’t.

Some even say that the three warriors can defeat the Demon King even without Cloud.

“The authors…!”

Next to Cloud, Neria bit her lip. Her fists under her table were trembling with strength.

It’s an insult I’ve already experienced a few times.

Still, I can’t get used to it. I felt like I wanted to bang their heads on the floor right away, but I had to put up with it.

She is also from a commoner.

And when she did the work, all the backing was on Cloud.

“Oh my, is that low-key bitch looking at us now? Are you covering up with the lowly ones? After wrapping the cloth with a cloth, it is cloth after all.”

This is a woman’s filthy jealousy.

The first thing a human race sees in a person is their appearance.

Even if he covers himself with a shield that says he is noble, noble blood, he is a human in the end.

It was natural for a woman to like a handsome man, and it was also natural to be jealous of the woman sitting next to him.

And the more you have an edge over your opponent, the easier it is to put that jealousy into action.

However, it could be said that the timing was not good this time.

“Oh, lady. Isn’t it bad to insult others so openly? Because if you do that in our kingdom, you never know when you will be stabbed.”

A handsome man with blonde hair and copper skin naturally placed his arm on the woman’s shoulder. She was startled and tried to strike her arm, but when she found out who owned her, she was frozen.

“Gi, Gis warrior…”

“Hello, miss. How beautiful are you today?”

“Hey, we’re first meeting today…”

“It’s not important. The important thing is that we met like this.”

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Gis gently stroked the woman’s cheek. That alone made her cheeks reddened.

“What are you doing to my fiancee…!”

A sword that suddenly appeared in front of the young man who was about to rush in in rage blocked it.

“What, what?! Who dares to bring a sword to me… Lorian!?”

What stood in the way of the young man was a handsome man with brown hair.

The first prince and hero of the Kingdom of Carta, Lorian.

Even the son of an imperial nobleman can’t be reckless.

“Don’t be afraid. This sword is an unedged ceremonial sword.”

“Who are you saying you are scared! And why did you stop me! Can’t you see what that bastard is doing to my fiancee?!”

“There is a misunderstanding. I stopped you because I was afraid you would get hurt.”


Lorian sighed at the young man’s incomprehensible voice.

“Can you fight the gis and win?”


The young man shut his mouth. Growing up in a good place, there was almost no chance of him defeating the hero, Gis.

“I had no intention of fighting in the first place! This is the Imperial Social Gathering. There’s no way you can do something like a fight, right? Even if it’s a hero!”

“Hmm, putting that aside if you’re right, once you let him move, you’re going to get his enmity.”

“How about that? You don’t know, but my father…”

“I know. Count Cortell. The wine from his estate is famous on the continent. I have heard that the income from wine is quite large.”

“You know what? if so…”

“There will be many people in your hometown who will protect you. But that’s it. Do you really believe they can protect you?”


“Gis is a master of stealth. Even though he is a hero, he does not choose all kinds of mean numbers. If he makes up his mind, how can he do nothing about you?”


The young man’s eyes, lost for words, turned to the floor. He felt resentment in his clenched fists.

Anger at being defeated as a male!


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Gis laughed at him and tried to kiss the woman. between the lips and lips. The ceremonial sword dug into it.

“You do it in moderation. This is not a market street. A place where the giants who lead the continent gather. That kind of behavior doesn’t look good.”

“Sheesh, you idiot. Okay~ I honestly didn’t mean to do it either. Goodbye then, ugly girl. I hope I never see you again.”

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Gis removed his arm from the woman.

The woman was startled by the sudden change in Gis’s attitude, but she had no choice but to be dragged away by the young man’s wretched hand.

“What will happen to those two in the future? I’m really curious about that.”

“You really don’t change no matter how you look at it. It’s low-key.”

“Well, how about it? This is how people live. And how noble are you?”

“At least I think I’m much better than you.”

“really? Then why did you come this way? Didn’t you come here for the same purpose as me?”

At Gith’s sarcastic sarcasm, Lorian was silent. As he said, the purpose was the same. Gis smiled and walked over to Cloud’s side.

Until then, Cloud had been eating smoked pork.

“Hey, warrior! What are you thinking?”

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Gis put his arm around Cloud as if he was treating an old friend. Of course, the two are not friends. It was an action that Gis could do because he looked at Cloud lightly.

And Cloud was not in a situation to care about that now.



“It’s salty.”

Cloud threw the fork with an annoyed face.

chin cham cham. The bowl and fork collided, making an unpleasant noise.

At that action, not only Gis, but also Lorian and Cloud’s party members looked at Cloud blankly.

Meanwhile, Cloud looked at Gis and said.

“Hey, let me ask you one thing.”


“Isn’t the imperial palace chef one of the best chefs on the continent?”

“Uh… what, right?”

“But why is the food so salty? No, it’s just not salty. This isn’t a fucking idea, it’s just pepper pouring in. Not just one, but two or more. Wow, are you really going? Is there no such thing as moderation in this world? Eating at a private house is bland, and eating at a palace is salty. If so, where should I eat? Should I buy the ingredients and eat it myself?!”

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Gis has been rolling for years in the slums. He could read the emotions of most people, and now that he has read Cloud’s anger is real.

So I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

“No, this is my friend. It goes without saying that the dishes eaten in the palace are salty.”

“Why is that normal?”

“Isn’t that all because of the vanity of high-ranking people? We are rich enough to waste this much spice! It’s an indirect way of expressing something like that.”

“Oh, luxury?”

I didn’t think of that.

In the world where Cloud was summoned in the past, no matter how royal, they could not afford to indulge in luxury.

“Okay, so let’s calm down and…”

“Then you are saying that this world serves salty food to guests and eats delicious food among themselves, right? Then I! where! rice! Eat! to do!”

Cloud buried his face in the palm of his hand and screamed.

Not only Gis but others could see that there was sincerity in the scream. So everyone looked at him with half astonishment and half astonishment.

The despair Cloud was experiencing was incomprehensible to those who were born and raised here.

Just a month ago, you could eat delicious food full of msg with just a few lifts of your finger, but now you are in a situation where even beggars on the street have to spit and eat food that will pass…

Cloud wanted to cut it in half if he could meet the real Cloud that brought him in.

“Haha… Shit…”

If there were any souls left, I would grab it and throw it to the Lich.

When he was possessed, the true soul of Cloud had long since disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, he finally turned his head.

“therefore? What are you, have you been shouldering me since before?”

“…are you asking that now?”

“You eat this smoked meat. Do you have any other thoughts?”

“Ah, yes. Try it next time.”

It was Gis who didn’t want to waste his time with smoked meat any longer, so he passed Cloud’s words.

“What did you ask for? Hear it from these kids.”

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Gis giggled and pointed his thumb behind his back. Behind him, Eri, Neria, and Ophelia were standing in a row at some point when they got up.

Neria is restless like a poopy puppy, Ophelia is looking at the floor with a guilty face, and Eri is looking the other way.

“What are you guys doing? Should I tell you?”

“The Cloud is…”



The three women hesitated and could not speak properly.

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Gis looked at it with a happy expression, and Lorian waited for them to speak without expression.

Cloud, on the other hand, spit out as if it was bothersome to wait.

“You want to go to another party?”


The faces of the three women contain various emotions.

surprised. Embarrassment. guilt and so on.

Not good feelings.

Seeing this, Gis smiled cheerfully and tapped the table.

“Ha ha ha! what? did you know I thought it was stupid, but I guess it wasn’t. so? Your girls want to go, so what do you do…”

“If you want to go, go.”

A light, light answer that did not contain even the slightest bit of heaviness.

The faces of the three women hardened.

His reaction was not what they expected. He thought he would catch them in one way or another, begging with tears and earnestly begging, screaming and angering.

There is such a thing as travel time. While traveling, we cross the road together, eat, sleep, and save people.

I can’t help but listen

Moreover, isn’t Cloud a kind-hearted and gentle personality?

I thought I was going to catch them somehow, but I never imagined that I would respond so lightly as if I was giving away my devotion.

“Ha… ha ha ha!”

And it was the same with Gis who did not anticipate this situation.

He was born in a slum and lived his life looking at all kinds of things, and he has a crooked personality. It is his greatest pleasure to steal what he belongs to and to see the cry of the lost.

And the situation of stealing a fellow warrior must have been the most enjoyable entertainment he had ever done.

…should have been.

“Are you deliberately pretending to be shy? You think it’s for those girls? Whoa, that’s cool. You are a very good warrior.”

wow. The arm that rested on Cloud’s shoulder gained strength. Bring Cloud and lay his head on his shoulder.

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Gis whispered in Cloud’s ear.

“But isn’t it? Are your girls already fucked by me? There’s a bitch named Ophelia. He said he had to keep her chastity and pulled it out and said he likes being pierced with her ass? And do you know how many times your childhood friend sucked my d*ck? Oh, did you two say you haven’t even kissed yet? I’m sorry. You have to come and kiss me now, it’s not kissing the lips that sucked my d*ck.”


“Why? have nothing to say? yes i have nothing to say Because you’re an asshole who can’t protect a single woman. So don’t pretend to be rude, you bastard.”

All of a sudden, the smile on Gis’s face was gone.

Cloud looked at him pathetic.

“You should go and suck this more.”

He showed the gesture of putting the thumb between the index and middle fingers.

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Gis frowned.

“what is that?”

Cloud whispered in Gith’s ear.

“Your mother’s nipples.”

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  1. I don't like NTR says:

    Didn’t you read the synopsis where it said he was put in the mid-game? All the girls have already been NTR’d, and MC is taking the last plane out of Vietnam.

  2. D says:

    What is this sh*t?
    I thought the MC didnt get ntrd, that he was the one doing the ntr
    And instea hes in some weak wuss and the girls have already been stolen?

  3. Makotosenpai says:

    Lmfao, that was epic

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