Labyrinth City Mesugaki Pawn Shop chapter 21

21. Porter Association (2)

21. Porter Association (2)

“So… You want us to kill the witch Legarete?”

“I am not asking you to kill me. It means ‘catch me’.”

Be careful with what you say about different and different.

Of course, killing might be the best move. Because there was enough power in the alliance.

They stay on the 20th floor simply because they don’t know how to get to the 21st floor, not because they lack the qualifications.

If I had known the method, it would have been the porters association, not the former possessor Nigisingkungkkoto, who got the Philosopher’s Stone.

“So, what are you going to do with Legarete? Oh, do you have anything to get from the witch?”

“There is nothing. Just, that’s it. To hold on to Legarete.”

Killing Legarete will make everything go back to normal?

Then, what happened to her hand that clung to her?

It was a question deep in my heart.

Yerika said that before.

Because of this wish, the power of the monkey’s hand gradually deteriorated – and, voila, a cursed chanting device that was unique in the world was born.

“Can I ask you one question?”

“As much as you like, you’re a great customer.”

Before I knew it, the sword pointed at the nape of the neck was removed and everyone was back to their places. It’s a bloody shop.

“I want to know what happens to the remaining Jubeopgi when the person with the Jubeobki dies.”

“Are you aiming for the witch’s magic trick? You say so in the first place. He said he didn’t have anything, so hey.”

“It’s not like that.”

“Huh, that’s what everyone said at first.”

Lucky smiled meaningfully, as if he knew what it meant, and shook his hand.

“Usually, only the casting spells would remain without much effect, but if it was a witch’s casting spell, the texture would be wrong. God dwells in old things, did you know?”

If it’s a tradition, I’ve heard of it at first glance.

It must have been a Japanese myth, but what was it? Tsukumo…Something, anyway.

“If a witch with strong magical power and will had been around for a long time, it would have already turned into a creature rather than an object. I don’t really recommend trying to get something like that. Because nine times out of ten you will die.”

I must have taken it out before I knew it, and there was a contract on the table.

“Is this a contract instead of an oath to the goddess?”

At that, Lucky pointed to his ear. It was unreasonable to expect devotion from a dark elf with long ears and tanned skin.

“I don’t know if it’s an oath to the world tree, but an oath to a goddess is a bit like that. Well, the oath to the world tree doesn’t mean anything, though.”

Lucky handed over the pen, saying, ‘What is certain is paper. Paper.’

The problem is…

“Uh… I can’t write that.”


Even in the contract with Yan, only the abbreviation EHR was engraved.

It is only reading with the help of the information window. The writing is also a lot of work.

I gave the pen back to Lucky, who muttered, ‘The person who works at the witch’s shop… Illiterate?’


“What the hell is that guy?”

1St floor of the Porter Union, today’s bartender- Lucky looked at the door Einheri had left with an absurd expression.

A request for a bomb dropped out of nowhere.

‘I want you to capture the false witch, Legarete White.’

It was absolutely not something a 17-year-old child would say. For some reason, goosebumps rose at the words he said calmly, as if he had to do it.

“So, what are the reading results?”

As Lucky muttered into the empty air, a puffy sky blue robe appeared. Inside a robe twice as large as his body, was a sleepy-eyed little boy or girl who could hardly tell.


“Catch a witch?”

“Yes, 300% true.”

A kid who suddenly asks to catch a witch.

He even held something he desperately wanted from this side.

I wondered if he coveted something Legarete had because he asked about the magic technique, but it didn’t seem like that.

If it was really like that, the main request would have been to rob it, not just capture it.

The main content of the contract was focused on neutralizing Legarete.

It was too good to be a coincidence. I wondered if it was a trap, but it was enough to throw a gamble if Jan Estoria’s trust was backed up.

Should you say that luck rolled in by itself, or is luck grabbing your collar and leading you?

“Then why didn’t you order me to capture it? It would have been enough to just capture and interrogate without having to trade.”

I turned my head towards the little wizard who was still floating around.

“Seren, didn’t you see those eyes?”


Lucky remembered the first time he met Einheri’s eyes. The unwavering appearance reminded me of someone from the past.

And above all…

“It was a look that crossed the line. It’s not something a normal kid would have.”

It wasn’t the kind of common, lifeless look you get by killing countless people.

A deceit that could only be seen in people on the brink of death was lingering in their eyes.

A deceit enough to believe that he died over and over again.

If you could only see through the eyes with the screen on, you would have mistaken Einheri for the undead.

“Wouldn’t it have been okay if it was just that?”

“Arthur, if you forcibly tie a guy with eyes like that, you’ll get sick.”

Her belly was too big to touch Einheri anyway.

Even if the contract between Jan Esttoria and Einheri seemed trivial on the outside, it was just right that the Mage Tower notarized and guaranteed it, so that the entire Porter Union would be ruined if touched incorrectly.

I wasn’t stupid enough to pretend to be with the magic tower. And-

“Besides, if Yan starts messing with the union, we’re really screwed.”

Living with a witch’s hatred was a big enough thing to decide the rise and fall of an organization. I would rather go out if I had a good relationship, hostility was the worst number.

“But the contract to capture Legarete was readily accepted.”

“…Honestly, what do we do with something we covet so much?

I tried everything I could to get over the stairs, but nothing worked.

I wonder if he even contacted a group of cults that were taboo in the church.

In the meantime, the request from Einheri was like the first rain of a drought.

“And most of all, if you’re a young witch, it’s worth trying, right?”

Unlike other witches who have formed their own faction and experienced countless experiences, Le Garette is a witch who has not passed 20 years at best. No matter how gifted she is, she still stands before the absolute value of time. There’s nothing you can do about it.

“Tell those who have cleared the 19th and 20th floors to come out immediately. It’s finally time to pay for the meal. Serene, where is Legarete?”

“The mighty magic source… It doesn’t look like you have any intention of hiding it. I am slowly walking eastward at a distance of about 800m.”

“Good, good. Go ahead and block it Seren. We will have to divide the space so as not to harm the citizens.”

Lucky looked at the signature line of the standard contract on the table with a meaningful expression. Perhaps, it was a contract of the century that could change the entire alliance.

Once this task is finished, the road to the 21st floor will open.

The long-cherished wish of the past 100 years is finally coming true.

EHR. Einheri

LLC. Lucky Luciano Porter Chief of Union.

The contract covered with magic glittered.

“By the way… Why did you include that condition at the end?”

At the end of the contract, Lucky looked carefully at one clause that Einheri had hurriedly asked to write down.

It’s not like there aren’t people who occasionally insert conditional obligation clauses into their contracts, but this time it was very unusual.

A clause with an oath of secrecy so that you cannot ask even Seren, the wizard in charge of the upper floors of the alliance.

-[If, after an hour, Legarete is still a witch…

She spoke as if she had never been a witch before, and I couldn’t understand her intentions. It has been before, and it will be the same in the future.

…You must kill Einheri.]


There are too many crazy b*tches in the city.

I guessed from the flow of the conversation that he wasn’t an ordinary bartender, but he was definitely the head of the association.

No, he said he signed the last contract there?

Ah! The chairman is going to experience the temple today without the guests knowing!

It’s not like I’m filming some kind of undercover boss, but a human called the head of the association is working as a bartender on the first floor!.

Besides, he glared at me so much that I just did what I had to do quickly and jumped out.

From noble mtl dot com

“You only have 3 minutes left…”

The main purpose of bringing the Porters Union into this game was to subdue Legarete, but there were other targets mixed in as well.

“I hope you can take a little longer.”

If the number of people who could clear the 20th floor repeatedly would have passed level 90, it was judged that they would be able to endure enough for an hour.

Although an hour is the last line anyway.

Even within the game, the battle time in the boss room was limited to one hour. The structure in which GAME OVER automatically pops up when it exceeds that limit, probably the same applies to Legarete.

What I needed right now was absolute time.

The original 30 minutes was not enough, so it was reduced to 15 minutes due to the penalty for loss of reason.

You have to accumulate information to be able to do something, but without a chance to do that, you keep getting beaten up, so there was no answer.

However, it was too painful for me to continue to die and accumulate information.

It was only twice.

At -10, 15 minutes, half of the waiting time, evaporated.

At -20, Legarete escaped the boss room and started moving.

In -30, -40, it was stupid to repeat death in a situation where it was impossible to even guess what kind of penalty would be applied.

Resurrection lives exceeding 100 times, I thought there were a lot of them, but they were all rice cakes.

It was a contract that was written under the assumption that it would last an hour. In the meantime, what I had to find out was about the monkey hand.

If the words of the Lucky League leader were true, there was a possibility that simply killing Legarete would not end there. Rather, the possibility that the monkey hand would go on its own seemed more likely.

“Anyone who knows about that hand…”

I thought about it, but as expected, there was only one person.


It was Yerika who first told me about the monkey’s hand, and also the one who told me about the rumors circulating in the Mage Tower.

“If I run, I think I’ll be late…”

It was unknown how long Yerica and Floren would be together with the party members in that plaza. I wondered if there was a way, and when I left the main gate, I saw countless wagons built around the building of the Porter Association.


It was obviously empty until I went in. What happened?

My eyes met with the coachman who was leaning on the carriage in front of me.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to stop by the plaza first… No, the money to ride that carriage…”

“I don’t need money, I’ll just give you a ride, tell me where you’re going.”

It’s better to be wary of unreasonable favors.

“Are you that person? Who stole the Union job?


“There was a lot of rumors about some crazy guy going into the union building to commit suicide.”

No, that’s what makes it famous? Enough that rumors spread all over the neighborhood?

“But how did you know it was me?”

“Since you’re the only one who joined the union after rumors spread, I made a bet on whether the coachmen would come out as corpses or not.”

Then the coachman lifted a thick leather pouch from her waist and smiled.


As I climbed into the wagon, I saw the other frowning drivers booing.

“Uh woo woo woo woo”

I wasn’t mad at the bet itself. So many people wished for my death?

These motherf*ckers. He looked out the window and stopped his anger.

“Haa… Hurry up, go quickly… There’s someone to pick you up at the plaza.”

“Huh? Can’t you build it in the square? It’s a no-parking zone there. Pay a written fine.”

No, damn, there are no parking zones in this world too?

It was strangely similar to reality in a strange place.

“Then it doesn’t matter if you pass?”

“It doesn’t matter if you pass through it… But what’s wrong with going slow enough for people to ride?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

I had a trump number that I could ride no matter how fast the wagon was, no, I had no choice but to ride it unconditionally.

Looking through the open window at the front, I could see Yerica and Floren’s party still stretching out in the middle of the plaza. Still, I was getting ready to leave.

You only get one chance.

Taking advantage of the empty gap next to the carriage, I opened one door wide and stuck out my upper body.


Everyone’s eyes were focused on the door that was blown open by the strong wind.

She stretched out her hand toward Yerica, her eyes wide open.

Then, regardless of age or gender, she shouted a magic spell that had no choice but to ride in her carriage.

“I don’t have time to explain I don’t have time!Come on Ride!Go Explanation Give!”


Yerica’s hands were entangled.

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