Labyrinth City Mesugaki Pawn Shop chapter 25

25. Method (1)

25. Method (1)

“Ah, that can’t be.”

When she asked if Floren hates me, I waved her hand.

It’s the first time I’ve seen a relationship with Floren, but strictly speaking, it was just a one-sided memory on my side.

“Why did you ask that she is hated more than that?”

“That’s right, your body smell… No, it’s not that bad.”

I lifted her arm or her top and sniffed it, but I couldn’t smell anything. Is it like that? They say they can’t smell themselves…

“Yerica, do you smell anything strange to me?”

“Hee hee hee!

Pulling on her top, I walked over to Yerica, her face turning white.

“Take a look at this… Just in case.”

Jerica, who stopped holding on to her top, brought her face slightly, and she fell behind her.

No… It smells like that? I’m not that dirty!


She tried to shake it quickly, but Yerica’s hardened body looked like a gargoyle statue.

“Eh, tsk tsk, you look like a guy who has no awareness. You will do something big someday.”

For some reason, Seonji Hayden clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“No, people can smell. I’m a person.”

It’s not like the smell of a beast.

She stepped back behind her again with her smirk on her face.

The overlap limit of Mental Pollution didn’t seem to have anything to do with Floren.

Listening to Hayden’s words, I vaguely guessed something.

[Sanity level]

[Boss Information]


[Hexahedral, Hundred-sided dice]

Perhaps the hatred is not from Floren, but from the gods.

In some sense, these f*cking information windows that are completely invisible to others and only visible to me can be called true mental pollution.

But that wasn’t the point, the reason I came to the Mage’s Tower to find Hayden.

“Even if it’s mental pollution… Do you know a way to solve this situation?”


How can Hayden, who has studied the monkey hand the most, know how?

“There are two things, which one would you like to hear first? Easy and hard.”

“Uh… Easy one?”

“Easy is related to what you have already done.”

Hayden pointed out his window.

Still, buildings collapsing from time to time along with thick dust, and rising flames were showing the fierceness of the battle.

“To kill Legarete.”


“No matter how great the monkey hand is, in the end it is a passive fetish that only fulfills the wish of the target. If there is no object to grant your wish, this situation will also stop.”

“…There is something I heard from Lucky, the head of the porters association. Anything that has been with the witch for a long time would have turned into a single creature, so isn’t there a possibility that things will get bigger even if Legarete dies?”

But Hayden shook his head.

“Isn’t the long existence a result of mental pollution? It would take at least 10 years for casting to change that much, so it doesn’t matter.”

Doesn’t include the false flow of time?

“So what if Le did not kill Lethe but cut off her hand? Wouldn’t everything be solved if the hand itself was removed?”

“The thing that was impossible even after the five witches came forward was the destruction of the hand, so how can you do it?”


Wouldn’t it be possible to do something…?

My eyes naturally moved to the holy sword in my hand.

“And if you touch it wrong, there will be an explosion that will blow up a quarter of the continent, just like that time. I’d rather kill Legarete than take that risk.”

“…Isn’t Legarete-sama Heiden’s apprentice?”

“I was a disciple. More than 10 years old. Not now.”

That was a very firm answer.

“Then what is difficult?”

If killing is the easy way, what the hell does hard mean?

“There are only three wishes a person can wish for in the hands of a monkey. And judging from the magic waves that have happened so far, there are two wishes that have come true, and only one is left. Then…”

“If I make a last wish, this situation will end naturally?”


“Uh… Isn’t that the easiest way?”

I don’t think there was any need to visit the association.

“If Legarete wishes to kill everyone in the world, can you handle it?”


I’m retracting what I just said.

“Well, it would be impossible to really kill everyone in the world. It’s because they’re not the only ones who will watch it. But at least the people in this city will surely die.”

I understood at once why it was difficult.

You can know the heat in the water, but you don’t know the people in the street.

“Then, what choice will Heiden make?”

“I’m not going to make any choice.”


It was an unexpected answer. Perhaps the only person who can solve the current situation is Hayden.

” It just stays still without killing or making a wish come true. In this tower until Legarete self-destructs.”

“Why are you still?! Even at a time like this, people outside are hurt and suffering…

“Because I am leading the Magic Tower branch right now.”

An indescribable heaviness began to weigh down the surroundings.

“The ones I have to protect are not the people outside, but the wizards here, here in the Mage Tower. If I had to give up those outside to protect the people of the tower, I would of course choose to give up. The only thing I can protect is this tower.”

This is probably the difference between an individual and a group.

Because those who lead many people have no choice but to act conservatively.

“Remember Einheri.”

It was just that each person’s position was different, and there was no malice in the story.

“If you confuse what to protect and what to give up, you won’t be able to hold on to anything.”


“Captain! Is this really true?”

“Shut up and shut up somehow! If you can’t block it, the back will be swept away! All team members and civilians die!”

The shield that was consecrated by the bishop for a large sum of money was crushed in an instant.

My mouth was completely dry at the scene of the boss’s blow on the 19th floor being laughed off and the object quickly turned into a lump of scrap metal.

I couldn’t help but scream as the protection pads on the back of the shield were torn in place of my arms and golden powder flew in all directions.

“My protection! They cost 20 gold each! There are only two of them!”

“I’ll pay you back later, so shut up and take out another one!”

To cover up a momentary mistake, Lucky Luciano’s sword struck the air and ricocheted something invisible.

From noble mtl dot com

The sword attack, which cut even the steel ingot as if it were paper, left only a few sparks on something unknown.

Using the repulsive force, he hugged his teammates and bounced them back, and the countless fireballs that rained down immediately turned the surroundings into ruins in an instant.

In the midst of the collapsing building and the swirling dust, Legarete, his hair still intact, raised his hands to his chest.

“Coming! Seren!”

“I’m ready.”


With the sound of Legarete’s hand clapping, the repulsive force created in the empty space began to oppress the members of the Alliance.

At the same time, Seren’s magic, which he swung, changed the direction of the force and managed to disperse it in all directions.

‘Kwa Kwang!’

The deflected force hit the 4-story townhouse and squeezed it in an instant.

If it hadn’t been dispersed, it would have been an instant death. Goosebumps rose up on its arms.

Until now, the alliance teams that had been spinning one by one, as if elaborate mechanical parts were moving, were slowly creaking.

It happened not because of the discord between the team members, but because the opponent was too difficult.

We’ve only played 20 minutes, but everyone is getting tired.

The promise I made with Einheri was to hold Legarete for an hour.

At the time, he accepted it with a snort, but now Lucky regrets it bitterly.

Wouldn’t it have been better if I had thought about it a little more and asked for more in return?

“…That doesn’t make sense.”

The supplies she brought were still there, but the speed of her consumption was so fast, more than twice what she expected.

When one of the teammates lost the sword due to the pressure, countless magic scrolls rained down on Legarete to make up for the single mistake.

Not only those in charge of direct combat, but also the fatigue of team members in charge of supporting roles was also in a short time, but it was never insignificant.

Most of Legarete’s attacks had no signs of apocalypse at all, and if it weren’t for Seren, it wouldn’t be strange even if she was defeated.

It was a very strange situation for a witch who had only been given the title of witch for a few years.

While all of the magic suppression items that had been prepared were sluggish, it was unreasonable for her to be a new witch with her quick recovery and overwhelming control over the battlefield.

Even assuming that she would kill rather than subdue, she couldn’t easily be assured.

The feeling of dealing with something other than a person, yes it’s like…

“…It’s like fighting a boss on the stairs.”

The thought that perhaps he had made a mistake on the contract kept running through Lucky’s head.

“Hey, what happened to the civilians?”

“Evacuation has been completed in the section, there is no one within a radius of at least 1 km.”

“Seren, what about the Mage Tower?”

“Unknown, the signal has definitely reached, but they are not sending an answer.”

“Are you just going to watch this? Is the city going like this?”

“Isn’t it that we should take care of what we did?”

In the meantime, how much money has the Magic Tower received from the alliance, but instead of pretending to help, they ignore the dog?

Like selfish bastards.

With a bang, Lucky’s teeth were grinding.

“Are you really going to continue like this? There have been no casualties so far…”

If you try to fulfill the one hour spent on the contract, you will definitely come out… But the contract had to be kept.

It is the same as the significance of the existence of the Union.

“…Seren pays attention to the wide-area skill as much as possible.

“Yes, I will try.”

Lucky looked at Legarete floating alone in the sky.

Isn’t it a foul to not even show signs of exhaustion, no matter how much stamina has been consumed by near-infinite magic power?

And above all, it’s just her personal thoughts, but somehow, the malice I feel from Le Garette seems to be gradually getting thicker…


Lucky hit his own cheek and shook his head from side to side.

Stop thinking about things, what are you doing when it’s not enough to just pay attention to the problems in front of you?

“Einheri, I will have to pay extra money other than the contract.”

Cleaning his teeth, Lucky Luciano stretched out his hot sword forward.


Hayden’s heart seemed firm.

The position is to focus only on defense for the people inside the Magic Tower, and not to touch anything outside.

“Then why did you tell me the solution?”

“Well… It’s just vague expectations.”

Hayden just smiled slightly.

“If it’s you, I think I’ll find something. Options other than killing or making a wish.”

“No, how can I find something that even Heiden-nim, who studied, doesn’t know-“


[Find an alternative target!]


It was an unexpected alarm.

Goal: Defeat Legarete

ㄴThe third wish is fulfilled (replaced)

B??? ?? ??? ?? (How)

A completely different thing floated in front of me, not a cure or a third wish.

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not work with dark mode