My Ex Is Out of Stock chapter 40

My Ex Is Out of Stock 40

A week ago.

I watched Shihyeon and Yerin mix bodies, and I comforted myself according to my instincts.

As a result, I was able to feel ecstatic pleasure at the time, but the only thing that came to me after that was the wise time and endless emptiness that always came.

After Shihyeon and Yerin got together, I became a mere bridesmaid.

When I lost Si-hyeon, my life completely dried up. A life without will or purpose. Losing hope, I only had the question of why I was alive.

‘Heh.. Sihyun-ah.. Sihyeon-ah..!’

Every time I bruise, an auditory hallucination mixed with moans hits my ear. When he falls asleep, he sees the two of them clashing in a dream.

So I covered my ears all day and watched the sun rise and set without sleeping because I was afraid of dreaming.

In the meantime, the sense of date disappears altogether. How many days have passed now? I don’t even know how long I took a break from school.

If it was only morning, I could hear Sohee’s voice and the sound of the doorbell, and I refused, not in the mood to meet.

In case u have any questions u can refer to uwumtl dot com for references

Because now I want to be alone.

Until the burning unrequited love cools down. Until this infinite emptiness is filled with something.

‘..Is it fate that Shihyeon and Yerin were dating?’

Soul mates. I didn’t even know that the relationship that the sky decided meant the same kids as Shihyeon and Yerin.

A long relationship of 15 years. relationship with their parents from there. From dating to the speed of progress.

Everything in the past was so superior that I couldn’t be a match, and I even thought that Shihyeon’s woman was supposed to be Yerin.

And I was just the tool the two needed to connect.

As a rare villain who acts as a powerhouse and threatens love as a hostage, the sense of victimization that she was used to make the bond between the two stronger haunts me.

‘I’d rather… how much better it would have been if I was Yerin.’

Even though I know that everything is a meaningless family, I dream every time. If I were Yerin If only I could meet Si-hyeon from a young age, build memories together, get most of the knowledge about Si-hyeon, and get along like I do now.

Assuming that the devil exists, you may wish to make a wish even if you sacrifice your soul. I was desperate enough to lean on such a virtual existence.


As I hugged my knees with a depressed mood, my stomach, who had been starving for three days, screamed.

I wanted to ignore it as usual, but my stomach felt so bad that maybe my body had reached its limit.


It’s just too much of a pain to pass. As my stomach churned along with the burning pain in my stomach, I felt the need to eat a little.

So I searched the kitchen to eat porridge, but I can’t see if it was the last time I ate.

“I’m going to go buy it.”

To go out, I wore a black hat, a black T-shirt and black shorts. Everything is black except for the exposed parts, as if looking into my inner heart.

Afterwards, when I looked in the full-length mirror in the shoe closet, the appearance had changed so much that I wondered if this was me.

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Maybe it’s because I didn’t take care of it, so my white skin has blemishes, and purple dark circles are dancing next to the bridge of my nose.

Above all, the gloomy atmosphere that comes from his expression. If any of my acquaintances had seen this kind of me, they would probably have been shocked.

‘it’s okay. I’m not going to meet anyone right now…’

If Shihyeon looked at me now, would she take pity on me? Or would I just ignore it because it was someone else’s business?

With meaningless thoughts, I left the house with my shoulders drooping. As you step out of the elevator, the cool summer night air brushes your arms.


It’s only been out for about a week, but the sweetness isn’t new. it’s just dull

jerk. jerk.

In the section where white and red sidewalk blocks were mixed, I stepped on only red blocks.

This kind of nonsense is good. It gives me a break from gloomy thoughts for a while.

widely. widely.

So… towards the end of the sidewalk block section we were moving forward on.

“Baby, what do you want to eat?”

I listened to the voice of a passing man.

“Um… I want to eat spicy tteokbokki.”

At the woman’s charming reply, the man smiled kindly.

“You said that last time, and since you ordered it, you only drank culpis because it was spicy.”

“Woo, can we all eat this time?”

“Hmm… Okay, then let’s go to a nearby snack shop.”

“Oh yea!”

A view of a lover passing by.

If I had seen it in the past, I would have ignored it by saying that I also have a boyfriend.

I was so envious now that I can’t even describe it in words. If only I could be with the one I love, how wonderful it would be if I could return to a relationship like that with Sihyun.

I looked at my lover until it disappeared, and I shook my head belatedly.

‘Calm down.. Why do you keep dreaming dreams that can’t come true?’

On the way, for fear of running into other lovers, I detoured to a road with relatively few people. It’s because Shihyeon and Yerin’s images overlapped each time they saw the sweet scene, and it made me feel heartbroken.

So I just wanted to go home and rest after looking at my chores.


The automatic door of the hypermarket, the destination, opened, and I headed to the corner with instant porridge.

In addition to porridge, there were various instant foods such as curry, meatballs, and hamburgers in the section.

However, he couldn’t digest anything other than porridge, so he ignored everything else and swept the porridge into the cart.

And after getting some ionic drinks to quench my thirst, I headed to the cash register.


mixed crowd. I found Sihyun holding a shopping cart.

‘Why is Shihyeon here?’

Come to think of it, the answer was simple. Since this mart is just halfway between Sihyeon’s house and ours, there is a high possibility that the places they use overlap.

pounding. pounding.

Touching a cell phone while crossing her legs. Just by seeing it, my parched heart was revitalized.

Even Yerin wasn’t by her side, so it was a perfect chance to go with her.


Stomach twisted even more than when hungry. With the sensation of his heart beating violently, he stood in the back row.

“It’s 40,600 won.”


Shihyeon’s nice low-pitched voice echoed in her ears. As I lowered the shopping cart that was covering my face, I saw him putting his hand in a coin purse.

good bye good bye

Is the coin not holding well? Or is it a mix of 10 won? It was so cute to see him rummaging through his coin purse with an anxious face.

So when I looked at him as if possessed.

Ting! Titing!

A 500 won coin dropped by Sihyun started rolling towards me. And as the distance drew nearer, my heart was enveloped in a constricting sensation.

‘At least now!’

I didn’t even wear makeup because I thought I wouldn’t see anyone. If he saw my face like this, I didn’t know that Si-hyeon would despise him.

That’s why I hoped the coin wouldn’t come…

tick. Tyrick.

Unfortunately, the rolled coin stopped at my feet. Even though she is covering her face with a shopping cart, she can feel Shihyeon’s gaze pointing towards her.

I hurriedly held out the coin I had picked up, in order to get rid of that gaze as quickly as possible.

“Oh, thank you.”

As soon as Sihyun’s warm hand touched her, a shiver went through her body.

I didn’t answer anything because I was afraid my voice would be heard.. I wonder if he had any doubts about me, and Si-hyeon, who finished the calculations, lingered around me for a while.

And after a while, heading towards the exit, I put the porridge on the counter just in time.

“It’s 29,500 won.”

“Here. Well, you don’t have to give me change.”

I paid 3,000 won and finished the calculation. Then he swept the porridge into the shopping cart and glanced towards the exit.

‘Fortunately, I can’t see Shihyeon..’

A feeling of relief that I am glad I did not show my ugly face and the feeling of being upset because I could not have a conversation lingers in my heart.

Desperately, I took the shopping cart in my hand. Even a light porridge is worth 30,000 won, so it is quite heavy.

to let u know that i been through a lot then i been going non stop with this practice for nothing

No. I haven’t been able to eat properly lately, so just holding it makes my legs tremble.

‘I’m going to take a taxi.’

He whimpered with both hands and approached the exit. With every step you take, it feels like your arms are being torn apart.

That’s why every second is precious, but why is the automatic door opening so late? At that time, I was thinking about what to do with the sliding door that should be opened later.


Someone opened the door just in time for me to leave.

“Ah, thank you…”

I raised my head to say thank you to the other person. And the moment I found out the identity of the person who did good, I froze in place.

“Shi, Sihyun-ah…”

Why is Si-hyeon, who I thought was going home, in front of me? Terrified, I dropped the shopping cart on the floor.

And when he faced Si-hyun with a sense of blurred vision, he saw his eyes looking down with an expressionless face.

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