My Fiancee Was the Villainess of This World chapter 77

My Fiancee Was the Villainess of This World 77

77 – Soleil’s Dungeon

In the Flying Dragon Hall, there is a separate room where gifts sent from all over the continent are stored.

If you are in a position like the crown prince of an empire, you will be sent gifts that are close to bribery, to the extent that you cannot afford it if you do not have a room like this.

But these days, it is said that more gifts are sent to the kitchen than to this room.

… These are ingredients that are rumored to be particularly good for men’s stamina.

This is probably a gift from nobles, led by Duke Trista.

From Noble mtl dot com

These are truly annoying things.

Thinking like that, I tried to laugh it off.

‘What is this?’

Until those ingredients are prepared to the point where the upper legs break.

‘Priscilla… !’

I glanced sideways at Priscilla, who was eating her food, pretending like nothing had happened.

When Priscilla made eye contact with me, she smiled brightly and started eating the food without a care in the world.

This was a protest.

‘This is the emotion.’

The people who became parents in the past life were good at heart, but sometimes they fought as a couple.

Every time that happened, the wife would get a little revenge on her husband, and that would be playing with food like this.

Now that we had been separated from each other for three hours, Priscilla, as expected, headed to her kitchen and began preparing my breakfast.

With the excuse that it was her duty as a maid.

But who would have thought that she would use her duty as a maid to vent her anger like this….

“The morning is a little heavy.”

I said this as I glanced at Priscilla.

Then Priscilla wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and looked at me.

“It is said that the food eaten in the morning is digested in the evening, but the food eaten in the evening is not fully digested, so it is easy to cause indigestion.”


Priscilla smiled as brightly as the freesia that blooms in spring.

“It means that the material is heavy. What is all this? !”

“She moved her body so violently… “Of course I should eat this much, right?”

Priscilla said this and smiled with a meaningful expression.

The boy, who still felt young, became even more charming now that he was a year older.

Perhaps because of her acting skills, which were originally developed through situational dramas, the maids who misunderstood her took out her notepad and began to write something down, with her face turning red.

Priscilla just smiled softly, as if she welcomed it.

“… Yes, my morning training got a little more intense. “I guess they receive the same training as knights.”

I quickly added an explanation to Priscilla’s words before any unnecessary rumors started to spread.

‘Is that how it will come out? .’

She trampled a woman’s pride, so she will come out with her revenge for it.

Is she more of a protest, asking if she can endure having her plate laid out like this?


‘Don’t climb, Priscilla!’

I am not the type to be broken to this extent!

This strange and obscene thing!

How could the guy who was called Kigi by the imperial officials see the trees instead of the forest?


It was a situation that made me sigh, but Priscilla woke up early in the morning and prepared the dish.

There was no option not to eat in the first place.

‘I’ll quit when I get sick of it.’

Thinking like that, I filled my stomach with heavier food than usual.

I don’t know if it was my mood, but I felt like a hot energy was welling up throughout my body.


After Priscilla aced her further exams, she began to have numerous ladies show interest in her and send her letters.

“Is it a tea party…? .”

“Yes, the owner of the Dragon Pavilion is Maximilian.”

“I understand. “Don’t think about it.”

I said that and saw Priscilla leave with her head down.

Then Martin, who was checking research data on the increase in agricultural production in the eastern region with me, looked at me with a mysterious expression.

“Couldn’t you allow that much? “Miss Priscilla is a noble lady.”

Martin is right.

When noble ladies are bored, they hold tea parties and talk about various things and become friends.

Priscilla, my wife who will soon become emperor, also needs to build up some connections.


‘Tea time for noble ladies… “In other words, it’s a regular meeting at Mom Cafe, right?”

Even now, Priscilla has been colored in many ways by the maids of the Flying Dragon House.

If the noble ladies’ tea time were to happen here, I couldn’t even imagine how far Priscilla’s rampage would go.

“Oh, is it because of mana? Sorry. “I was short-thinking.”

As I was lost in thought for a moment, Martin came to his own conclusion and nodded.

“It’s a terraced agricultural land… Certainly, if this method is adopted, the food self-sufficiency rate in the eastern region, which has more gentle hills than flat areas, will likely increase significantly.”

“Yes, but first the tunnel to the east has to be opened.”

All of these questions were also questions that appeared on Soleil’s additional exam.

Only Priscilla was able to give a normal answer, and it is said that Ludwig, who had picked up a bit from the chancellor who was allowed to return to her parents’ house every weekend, wrote down a plausible answer.

“It is said that Miss Katarina gave a fairly good answer in terms of the fishing industry.”

I still don’t know where the information came from, but according to Martin, Katharina got high scores in the fishing industry.

“It would be nice if there were more talented people like that.”

“hahahaha, even the officials seemed disappointed. So, they said they would prepare separately for the basic entrance exam and the advanced exam starting next year.”

He was trying desperately to apply saliva to any student who looked even the slightest bit suspicious.

It gave me goosebumps.

“Then, first, we will dispatch an expert to test whether this terraced farmland is effective. “This concludes today’s agenda.”

“Now I can drink tea leisurely.”

I sighed as I drank the tea Priscilla gave me.

“What are the movements of the Holy Kingdom?”

“So far, there is nothing in particular. However, we have received new information from Soleil.”

“In Soleil?”

“It was a request to accept new students. “They say there are two people, a man and a woman.”

Soleil does not accept commoners.

Only children of nobility or higher are accepted.

It is not possible for a noble to request special admission during this period.

‘Are you coming?’

Saint Cynthia of the Holy Kingdom and her escort knight John.

Out of the 5 people targeted, 3 have entered Soleil.

I guess they decided to enroll in a hurry.

‘It’s becoming a nuisance.’

He was raised in an orphanage from the beginning, so you can just talk about his age.

“I guess we should admit Dior as a special exception.”

“Are you talking about His Highness Dior?”

“Yes, Dior is probably hoping for it too.”

As Dior also participated in the government management meeting, we were able to improve our relationship little by little, even chatting.

So, after listening to the story, it seems like Dior received a lot of help from Cynthia.

I didn’t hear the details, but it seemed clear that Dior had feelings for Cynthia.

So, wouldn’t this be a golden opportunity to give Dior to Cynthia?

After that, after hearing various stories from Martin, I finished work a little earlier than usual.

Then, as usual, I warmed my body in warm water and headed to the bedroom.

‘Is there about a week left?’

It is said that new students at Soleil will arrive in April.

Unlike the game, the time has been advanced by about a year, but the general scenario will probably be followed the same way.

‘I guess I should hit the player first.’

I sat on the bed, leaned against the backrest, and checked Soleil’s internal map.

‘It’s quite spacious.’

This is a place where the heroine often visits with a group of target targets.

It has to be a suspicious place without drawing the attention of others….

‘I guess I’ll have to get Kyle’s help.’

As I was thinking that, I heard a knock on the door.

“Is it Priscilla? “Just come in.”


“Yes, Maximilian.”


Priscilla sat down at the dressing table in my room and started combing her hair.

It was a truly feminine act, but it was uncomfortable to look at because the clothes she was wearing were her own.

‘A terrible thing.’

I believed it would just be a momentary vent.

I believed that my diet would soon return to its original state.

However, as Priscilla went on, she began to appear more openly.

She began to work harder on her diet than ever before, and she began crawling into bed in non-functioning pajamas.

Probably testing my patience.

It felt like the competitive spirit was demonstrated with a truly useless direction.


“Thank you for your hard work today, Maximilian.”

As Priscilla said this, she gently placed her hand on my chest and closed her eyes.

It was an act of requesting a kiss before going to bed, which had now become a promise.


Priscilla smiled softly and traced her lips that had been touching just a moment ago with her finger.

It was a gesture that felt truly provocative and pretentious.

‘I made up my mind.’

I guess this is the ‘camel’s nose’.

When I give her a step forward, she pushes me without stopping, like a girl from the countryside.

‘Maybe we should change the topic.’

“I heard that new students will be arriving in April.”

“Are you a freshman?”

Priscilla gently stroked my chest with her hand and asked that question.

It was such a strange movement that it gave goosebumps all over her body, so it was difficult to be careful not to react.

“Okay. “It looks like a saint from the castle kingdom and her guard knight will come visit.”


Perhaps because she realized that she was talking about something important, Priscilla’s flirtatious touches also became less common.

I let out a sigh of relief and held Priscilla gently in my arms to prevent her from doing anything wrong.

“I plan to order Kyle to search for Soleil. “The goal is to find the gate connected to the dungeon before the saint.”

As soon as Priscilla spoke of her saint, she shrank back as if she was somehow uncomfortable.

I guess it’s because it reminds me of the story about him appearing as a dark figure in the Garden of Thorns.

I gently rubbed Priscilla’s back and calmed her down.

“It’s okay. “Everything will work out well.”


Priscilla smiled softly and hugged me tighter.

Then, she felt heat spreading throughout her body and blood rushing there.

This was because I was wearing pajamas made of much thinner fabric than before, and I could feel the vivid texture of the skin I hugged.

To me now, Priscilla felt more dangerous than the saint.

‘Something strange… !’

If it weren’t for the food that was good for my energy, I would have been exhausted and fell asleep by now….

‘Starting tomorrow, I will have to increase the intensity of my morning training.’



“Is this a place checked on the map? Good job, Kyle and Ludwig.”

“Yes, Your Highness…” “No, Chairman!”

“I only helped Kyle, student council president.”

I was safely selected as the student council president, and now I was exercising that right and coming to Soleil on the weekend.

During the week, we explored Soleil using Kyle and his network, and we received reports that we had found several places that seemed quite plausible.

“Guide me.”


Kyle and Ludwig took the lead, and Priscilla and I followed behind.

“Was there no detailed explanation in the Garden of Thorns?”

Priscilla asked in a low voice so that the two people walking ahead of her could not hear.

“There was none.”

To be exact, there was an expression called ‘Moon Guidance’.

As Saint Cynthia walks down the hallway, she feels a strange energy coming from somewhere, and she begins to explore Soleil.

The setting was that a gate leading to the dungeon would appear.

In the first tutorial, only Saint Cynthia and her escort knight, Johan, appeared, and she showed us how to proceed and how to operate the game.

After that, more targets will be added, and a party of up to 5 people, including Cynthia, will be formed.

From Noble mtl dot com

First of all, it is clear that Soleil is the entrance, so if you search in places that look suspicious, you will find it somewhere.

It was close to the feeling of searching with that kind of thought in mind.

“Here we go, Chairman!”

Kyle has done quite a bit of research.

To a certain extent, we were able to find a place that even the Chairman of Soleil could not identify.

However, no matter where I looked, I couldn’t find a place that seemed to be connected to the dungeon.

It’s probably because the time hasn’t come yet, or because Cynthia isn’t there.

‘Is there no choice but to wait for the conclusion?’

The appearance of Saints Cynthia and John.




“I have raised my voice, Your Majesty. No… “Student President.”

Saint Cynthia said so and bowed her head to me.

Even as I accepted Cynthia’s greeting, her consciousness could not help but turn to her man, her escort knight.

“This is my escort, Myles.”

“This is escort driver Miles.”

The name of the escort driver I know is Johan.

… Who the hell are you?

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