Possessed in a Game That Is Full of Mods chapter 271

271 - Catastrophe - 1

271 – Catastrophe – 1

“Are you sure, Goddess?”

“Yes. I’ve checked hundreds of times. The outer, broken dimension is distorting only certain areas, and the distortion is moving towards this place at high speed. That means only one thing. The only thing that exists outside this world is the immortal centipede and that.”

I gritted my teeth as I strode down the corridors of the imperial palace. That was a very bad sign. Because the difference between me looking for him and him looking for me is heaven and earth.

At that time, I fought in the world of Eclipse, so it ended with only me getting hurt. If the World Eater came here, I had to worry about the continent being destroyed before worrying about winning or losing.

“The fact that he came here must mean that the wounds have been healed. No matter how vengeful he is, he won’t be beaten twice.”

“…… Yes. I think so.”

A small group of lights floating next to me answered with a crawling voice. Perhaps because it could not continue to float in the shape of the sun and moon, its size had shrunk to one tenth of its size.

“By the way, where are you heading, you?”

“It is a magic tower.”

“A magic tower? Why there…….”

“Why? Don’t you remember the gimmick that the Goddess put in for Brunet 4?”

In Brightest Darkness 4, there were a total of two gimmicks that had to be destroyed in order to fight the World Eater boss battle.

One was a gimmick that had to be destroyed in order to turn off the invincible essential that protected his body, and the other was a gimmick that had to be destroyed to block his flight.

But the former was no longer needed. He wouldn’t have put his weakness in this world like a game, and even if he couldn’t do damage with normal weapons, he could use his requiem.

I decided not to consider the number of cases where the World Eater became resistant to requiem or could not be eaten at all. If that’s the case, there’s no hope anyway.

‘The way I use verbs is also a bit ambiguous.’

As for the second gimmick, even I, who devised the method, wasn’t convinced yet. It was doubtful whether the one who would overwhelm the creator god of this world from the front would be bound by the laws of the world.

‘Still, I have to do as much as I can. I can’t just leave my hands like this.’

Whether it works or not, that’s a good thing. All that can be written must be written.

Especially when he’s not as arrogant and careless as he used to be, but rather full of rage and trying to kill me with all his might.

“Miss Parnari! Are you in Mr. Parnari?”

As soon as I entered the Mage’s Tower, I erased all the wizards’ perceptions with the power of the Eclipse, and then went to find Parnari. Parnari’s room was right under Minerva’s room, so it was easy to find.

Farnari, who was sitting at his desk and grunting, looked at me and widened his eyes.

“I am surprised that you came to see me first.”

“What were you doing?”

I glanced at the notebook on Farnari’s desk. At first glance, very complex formulas were written.

“Oh, this? No big deal. Studying magic to cool your head. I do it whenever I have free time, so you don’t have to think that I interrupted you. What did you come for?”

It was completely incomprehensible to me to cool my head while studying, but I decided to do it. Cooling one’s head by studying in this mage tower was a very normal category.

“I came to ask how far the dragon I spoke of last time has progressed. We don’t have much time left.”

“…… That is.”

At my words, Farnari hesitated.

“Almost finished, but there are some problems.”

“What problem?”

“One last word is not enough.”

“One last word…… ?”

“Well, I think it would be faster to show this in person. Come here.”

With a quick stride, Parnari opened the door to her studio and stepped into the middle. Parnari’s workshop was large enough not to be pushed back much compared to Minerva’s, but instead it was much simpler.

Farnari brought one of the target boards lined up on one side of the room and placed it nearby.

“As you asked, it is a dragon that can create the laws of the world and enforce them according to your will. Look Carefully.”

The bright red lips were sweet. Waves generated by the vibration of the vocal organs flowed out along with breathing. Waves became words filled with power, and words filled with power became dragons and swallowed the target board.

The target board, swept away by the dragon, floated into the air.

“After creating the laws of the world to float in the air, they forcibly overlaid them on the target board. It has been successful so far.”

“Then isn’t it already finished?”

As soon as I said that, the target board that was floating in the air fell to the floor.

“As you can see, the retention time is too short.”

Parnari made a melancholy expression.

“If it was a term used for other purposes, I would have been satisfied here. But it’s not. You say it’s a word for a huge dragon?”

“…… Yes.”

“Since it was said to be the size of a small mountain, there is a high probability that this retention time would mean nothing to him. And the dragon won’t be hit twice by the dragon’s words. In the worst case…….”

“So you can use it?”

“Exactly. No matter how hard I try to solve this, I think I will have to hold it for over a month…… Didn’t you say you didn’t have time earlier?”

“Yes. The guy came right in front of me. It is about to arrive in this world.”

“As expected.”

A sigh escaped Parnari’s mouth.

“I know things are bad. I know that it is something that needs to be dealt with urgently. But I can’t do anything more than this. It is the first time I have ever made a term for the concept of creating and enforcing the laws of the world.”

“Can you tell me exactly where the problem is?”

“There are too few standards to distinguish between correct and incorrect answers. I have to pioneer all areas by myself, but I am the only one who judges whether the pioneered areas are correct. Even if you use your brain to improve your vocabulary, you don’t know if it’s the right way or the wrong way.”

ㅡIf that’s the case, I can help.

Suddenly, the sun and moon appeared in the studio. Parnari’s eyes widened when she saw the heavenly bodies in the sky appearing to have landed intact.

I wondered why it had suddenly appeared, but I decided to stay quiet. It must have appeared because he had an idea.

ㅡDragon who has lived the longest, I want an answer. If you could see the process of creating the laws of the world right in front of your eyes, would you be able to complete the words for this person?

Eclipse’s voice echoed and echoed softly, as if he were talking in a cave. Looking at it this way, she really looked like a goddess overflowing with divinity.

‘Well, first of all, it’s because she’s a goddess.’

Most of the eclipses I’ve seen have been women who are far from divine, so I’m more used to her sloppy look, like a couple of screws missing, rather than that kind of look.

I don’t know what she thinks of herself.

“Uh…… Uh, what? Is it, is it, is it, isn’t it? If there is a clear standard, it is possible to distinguish between right and wrong…… Yo. This.”

As if honorifics kept coming out instinctively due to her overwhelming light and sanctity, Parnari stammered, mixing short and honorifics.

ㅡIf so, please take a look.

The sun and moon shone brightly. Then Parnari’s body floated into the air. As if it was the first time she had ever levitated in human form, Farnari flogged her limbs.

ㅡI changed the laws of the world for you. Do you understand now?

“I understand! I’m gone, so now-“

Before she could finish her words, her feet touched the floor. Parnari, who had been staggering for a moment, managed to keep her balance and panted, catching her breath.

The sun and moon, which shone so intensely that they lit up the studio, slowly faded. She drew close to Parnari.

“Are you okay?”

“Ugh, yes. Maybe…… ?”

“You seem a bit surprised. How did you feel?”

“It felt like you had to ‘fly’ towards the floor to reach it. No, she was much more complex than that…… I don’t know how to express it in human language. I don’t even know how to express it in words.”

Parnari took my hand and looked around him, stretching his back. He seemed to be looking for the sun and moon that had just appeared. But Eclipse had already settled down near my shoulder.

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“Hey, you know. What just happened?”

“I am the god of the holy kingdom.”

“God?! Did God appear before me?!”

“You don’t have to make a fuss about it, Mr. Parnari. In fact, I don’t feel particularly sacred. On the contrary, it feels a bit sloppy. It’s all a trick.”

“… ….”

Eclipse made no objection. He knows maybe he didn’t.

Farnari, who did not know the details of the story, put on a puzzled expression for a moment at the sight of me explaining that the god was sloppy.

“…… Okay. Since the standard was set with the one I just had, I’ll try again.”

The confusion was brief. Parnari closed her eyes and began to mutter something I couldn’t understand. It was a contradictory and strange word that seemed to be understandable but difficult to understand.

Instead of attempting to interpret Farnari’s murmur, I asked Eclipse a sneaky question.

“What did you just do?”

“I did the same thing you would do to it. I am the one who created the laws of this world, so of course I can reverse those laws in a local scope.”

“Then I’m not going to use the dragon language, but maybe the goddess won’t let it fly?”

“I have already tried several times, but all have failed.”

Eclipse’s voice gradually faded.

“Still, the terms you use may be different. I have failed, but you have wounded the very nature of it.”

“… ….”

Judging by the size of the voice, it seems that the person who said that was not sure. It’s only natural that he said that he couldn’t foreknowledge things related to the world eater.

“It’s over. Verb.”

Parnari opened her eyes shortly after.

“So fast?”

“Yes. It was easy because I could tell what was right and what was wrong. Instead, the last one needs your help. Are you fine?”

“There’s no way it wouldn’t be okay. Something?”

“Right now, only the last stroke of the dragon is left. It’s about putting the rules you want. It is up to you to draw that stroke, that is to say, to put the laws of the world in your words.”


I quietly left the magic tower. The wizards of the Mage Tower did not notice that I had arrived until the end.

“Do you think you can make it, do you?”

“Okay. I do not know.”

I’m not kidding, I really don’t know this time. In the past, I thought my life would be infinite anyway, so I pushed on while dying, but that’s not possible now.

“It’s okay. Because I believe in you I believe in you, who always brought hope out of despair, and who turned the impossible into possible, and you will surely do the same this time.”

“Well, we’ll have to wait and see. How long until he arrives?”

“The concept of time doesn’t exist in the broken world, so it’s hard to say. Still, if you calculate the speed at which the Distortion is approaching…… Probably less than an hour left. Maybe faster or slower.”

“That sounds like the last time we have left.”

The taste was slightly bitter. It was because I still couldn’t get back the memories of my first birthday. I’m not in full condition, but over there, in addition to full condition, I’m loaded with vengeance.

Last time, the World Eater was in a state of arrogance, so even if you take advantage of that opportunity and catch yourself off guard, what about this time?

“It’s good that you have some time left. Go back to the audience room before he comes—”

While talking, the surroundings were covered in red. As if a red filter had been applied, everything my eyes could see was red. I stopped what I was about to say and looked up at the sky.

“… ….”

And then I was quietly astonished.

Like the eyes of a world eater, a bright red color covered the sky.

That was a color that should never appear now. Because, he said there was still about an hour left until he showed up.

“…… As for why the sky is like that, is that the reason I am thinking right now?”

“Yes…… I think so… ….”

“Didn’t you say you had an hour left?”

“It was like that just a moment ago…… I don’t know either. Sorry… ….”

Eclipse kept repeating his apologies in a voice almost on the verge of crying.

I calmed Eclipse down and brought out immortality. Although it was ahead of schedule, it was the result that should have come in the end anyway.

The sky dyed red.

It was a phenomenon that appeared during the boss battle with the world eater in Brunet 4.

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