Restarting Life After Forcibly Marrying the Demon Queen chapter 71

Restarting Life After Forcibly Marrying the Demon Queen 71

071 Artifact’s Protest [Additional]

Until evening, the rain stopped.

The sunset light leaked from the remnant clouds and leaned on the ground.

Luo Ning walked out of the earthen house, there was some silt and water on the ground, and the soles of the shoes would quickly sink into the soft mud when they stepped on them. It took some effort to pull them out.

This was the first time Luo Ning saw the sun since he came to this world, but at this time he didn’t miss it at all.

After confirming the route with the enthusiastic villagers, Luo Ning simply thanked the other party.

In fact, the other party persuaded Luo Ning a few more words, saying that such a place is extremely dangerous, and a single-handed adventurer will only go there and never return. But no matter how persuaded it could not be persuaded, I had to give up.

There was a bag of dried sweet potatoes in his pocket, which Luo Ning exchanged with Mozu’s coins. If he couldn’t find food at night, he would use it as emergency food.

Going forward along the muddy road, the road becomes steeper, and it is not a normal road itself. There are bushes everywhere, and it is very strenuous to walk.

Going forward, it was the edge of the Demon Race’s barrier. Luo Ning wanted to see what the black rain the villagers were talking about, and then go back to the Demon Race’s territory.

After going to the Demon’s territory… Lilulu should find him right away.

Probably, maybe.

It is true that Luo Ning came to the territory of human beings with great difficulty. This is also the place he had been thinking about in the past, but when he really came here, Luo Ning did not want to stay at all.

Not to mention, such remote hamlets are neither suitable for survival nor for gathering intelligence. The most important thing is that Luo Ning felt that he was already a member of the Demon Race. At least his wife was still there, so he had to go back.

He patted Levatin on the back, this guy has been fully rested, and the sickle is full of energy everywhere.

The more Luo Ning walked up the mountain, the dimmer the light became.

The hillside in this direction is not only backlit, but the sky itself has become darker and darker. Overlooking the land below from the mid-mountain, the villages and fields are gradually shrouded in darkness.

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Only then did Luo Ning realize that the Levatin on his body…why was it shining?

The smooth side of the sickle blade emits a faint fluorescent light, which is slightly lower than the light of fireflies, but in the darkness, it is particularly dazzling.


It is an artifact with dark attributes, why does it shine!

And this light… how does it look like the holy light on the angel race? It’s just too much of a weakened version.

“Brother, are you alright?”

Lorning patted Levatin with his hand.

This guy can be said to be the only strength for him to wander between humans and the Demon Continent. Whether he can pass the test depends on Levatin.

If this little thing has three longs and two shorts, Luo Ning feels that he will almost have three longs and two shorts.

Levatin sensed Lonin’s contact, and a big blood-colored eye widened.

It blinked as if to say ‘I’m fine’.

At this time, Levatin was not only in high spirits, but also mischievous.

When Luo Ning grabbed it with one hand, he could clearly feel a pulling force.

Levatin led Luo Ning to move forward, as if urging Luo Ning to hurry up.

It feels like you’re walking the dog on a leash and the dog walks faster than the human.

It seems that it wants to return to the Demon Race’s territory as soon as possible. Maybe the human side is too uncomfortable for Levatin.

Although Luo Ning also wanted to go back quickly, he still had more important things to do.

He wanted to find out about the black rain from the villagers.

If the black rain here and the black rain of the demons are the same substance, then what is in the cloud layer… what is it?

Luo Ning frowned and glanced at the night sky that was about to fall into darkness.

“Forget it, don’t go.”

Luo Ning stopped and muttered.

Levatin was instantly unhappy, and he had to go to the top of the mountain both vertically and horizontally.

As long as you cross this mountain, you can go back!

Luo Ning seemed to have heard Levatin’s heart.

It struggled a few times in Luo Ning’s hand, and Luo Ning’s arm also pulled as it moved.

Then Luo Ning let go.

With a “bang”, Levatin fell to the ground.

It hit the stone, the stone shattered, and Levatin bounced half a meter away.

This is the consequence of disobedience.

Levatin was extremely aggrieved, the corners of his eyes were slightly bent, and there was a look of grievance.

But without hands and feet, it can only shake twice on the ground, like a sticky fish.

“Go back tomorrow. It’s dangerous to break into the Demon Race’s territory at this point. Just be patient.”

Luo Ning squatted down and touched Levatin’s handle.

Leviathan is actually not such an unreasonable artifact. If it’s just one night, he can still endure it… right?

‘Crack, click…’

It was not until Levatin found that Luo Ning actually used himself to chop trees and chop wood, Levatin began to struggle to express his dissatisfaction.

But its struggle was useless, Luo Ning grabbed its sickle and split the next piece of wood.

Hmm… the artifact chopping wood is very useful.

Just stick a sharp point into the wood, and that piece of wood will naturally split and split into two halves.

After finding a flat and dry place, Luo Ning sat on the ground.

Start using his ancestral old craftsmanship.

Drill wood for fire.

This is not the first time he has done this in this world. When he was on Earth, he thought it was very difficult to make fire by drilling wood, but since he successfully raised the fire in the humid environment of the Forest of Bamelis, It doesn’t feel like this is difficult.

But tonight, Luo Ning grinded for a long time.

After grinding to the point where my hands became numb, and after several pieces of wood were drilled, I didn’t even see a spark, let alone fire.

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Obviously he used some dry wood, and also equipped with a handful of hay to help burn.

No matter what the conditions are, it’s much easier than in the Forest of Bamelis, but no matter what, it won’t ignite…

After tossing to exhaustion, Luo Ning gave up.

After eating some dried sweet potatoes, I lay down in the hollow of the tree covered with hay.

Gradually, he remembered many details.

The wet wood that he would easily get out of sparks, the little white rabbit that would inexplicably run into him in front of him, and the monster forest that would let him fall asleep unscrupulously.

The living environment in the Demon Territory was undoubtedly the most difficult, but for Luo Ning, it was relaxing and comfortable. Because he would always be silently protected by Lilulu.

Woohoo, I miss my wife.

Looking at the bright moonlight above his head, Luo Ning was filled with emotion.

The moon on the human side is silver, beautiful and bright, the most beautiful moon Luoning has ever seen.

But he was already familiar with those scarlet moonlights, and was not very interested in the silver moonlight in the sky.

Levatin was still braving the holy light that didn’t match it. Luo Ning knew that this was most likely the magic light effect of the Angels, but he couldn’t interfere, he could only let it shine.

Thanks to this light, Luo Ning was not blinded the whole time.

With his legs crossed, he didn’t plan to really fall asleep, and Levatin was in his palm, so if there was a sudden situation, he would be able to report it in time.

Without Lilulu’s protection, Luoning himself had to be vigilant at all times.


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