Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 148

Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 148

148: One glance and see (5)

Cheol-woo, who took the steering wheel on behalf of the driver, drove the car in a hurry. The driver followed them in the company car that Cheol-woo had driven.

“How about the Han River Park, did you hear that the scenery there is nice these days?”

“Are you thinking of going on a date with me?”

“haha! I don’t think I can go on a date because I have a busy schedule, so I asked the chairman if he would like to show the night view of the Han River. I don’t think there’s any place to talk quietly, so…”

“···Good! Let’s go see how good it is.”

It was not far from the hotel to the Han River. Cheol-woo, who parked his car in a quiet parking lot, talked with Chairman Kang.

“Then I understand that your team will be in charge of the Pharaoh Hotel. Of course, there will be no additional support other than the promised support…”

“If you deposit only the amount I suggested, I will not say anything more. Instead, as promised, all stakes in the hotel and casino will be owned by Kangho Construction.”

“Don’t tell me that. Are you done now?”

“yes! More than that, no expectations. Wait, shh!”

Cheol-woo responded lightly with an expression that he did not expect much from Chairman Kang. Then he suddenly stopped speaking and signaled to be quiet.



“It seems to have started.”

“···People are very fresh… haha!”

Chairman Kang followed Cheol-woo’s gaze and smiled absurdly. A car swaying up and down came into their gaze.

The place where Cheol-woo parked his car was the parking lot of Han River Park. Several cars in the parking lot were spraying white vapors from their windows.

Cheol-woo was watching their movements even while talking with Chairman Kang. Then, at last, the car started to shake.

Chairman Kang’s ears stood tight while giving a pint to Cheol-woo’s absurd behavior. Where would you go to see such an interesting sight?

The passion of youth was lost over the years, but the man’s instincts did not disappear. There was silence in the car for a while.

“I think the other vehicle also started?”

“Do you come here often?”

“It’s my first time too. It’s really fun to see the truth of the rumors in person. Huh!”

The scene the Warrior showed was being projected through Cheolwoo’s retina. The scenery inside the car was drawn with a human figure based on infrared mode and body temperature.

It was fun to watch the strange postures unfolding in a narrow space. Chairman Kang’s question came to him as he turned his head left and right and watched the performances of several teams (?).

“Then do you accept the second offer?”

“yes! Both agree. However, there are two more conditions.”

“What are the conditions?”

“One is to get a physical waiver, or a life waiver, for those I will educate.”

“I don’t think you’re asking me to get it from you, do you mean to get it from their parents?”

“yes! It would be better if I got my own too, but no one will use it.”

Cheol-woo answered Chairman Kang’s question while keeping his eyes out of the car window. Now the movement of other cars was approaching its climax.

“Is that really necessary?”

“of course. If he doesn’t write a memorandum, he’ll never take it.”

“I guess that’s how dangerous it is…”

“I’m going to stop taking the drug. If that was easy, you wouldn’t have asked me to do this.”

“I get it!”

Chairman Kang agreed to Cheol-woo’s resolute answer. In the case of the youngest, Min-seok, it was truly a miracle.

Even though he didn’t live his whole life as a drug addict, he made him into a normal person in a short time, to the point of being grateful. His acquaintances, who heard of such a rumor about Minseok, have been asking for treatment (?) of their foolish children one by one.

The people who made the request were all great people, so I couldn’t say no. If they became new people like Min-seok, it would definitely be of great help to Chairman Kang.

However, it was unclear how many would agree to get a memorandum to give up their children’s lives. Even if it wasn’t possible, half of the people who asked for it seemed to be rejected.

“I think it’s almost over now, so I’m going to leave. Please contact me as soon as you are ready.”

Cheol-woo got out of the car with a light greeting. It was impossible to ascertain whether what he said was over was a negotiation with himself or what was happening around him.

“Wait, aren’t you talking about the second condition?”

“Ah! It’s not a big deal, give me a long paid vacation after work. As much as I want…”

“I know that you have already found and ate all of your vacation this year…?”

“Isn’t there such a thing as a special vacation? Does the president have someone to give directions to?”

Cheol-woo said it was natural and walked away from the car. The driver got out of the car he was driving.

Cheol-woo, who broke up with Chairman Kang, was driving his car to CEO Baek. After checking out his rough plans for the future, he sent a warrior to call McKay.

“Didn’t you wake up the sleeping person?”

“no. I just went to the office.”

He glanced at the car’s watch. It was time for the morning to come to New York.

“Is nothing special?”

“Yes, everything is going well. We are reorganizing the organization led by Linda. When this is over, I think I can take a breather. Huh!”

“It sounds like you’re being beaten for saying I’m too fussy. Huh!”

“no. I was only in the shade, but just coming out like this in the bright field gives me strength. However, the organization is so vast and stretched out like an octopus, it’s just a little difficult to organize traffic.”

There was a strong sense of motivation along with tiredness in his voice. It was evident that this workaholic was enjoying the work he wanted.

Like a tuberculosis patient who saw a messy living room, he must have turned on the lights on his eyes and was enjoying tidying up. It was his greatest pleasure to see the organization of his own hands run neatly and efficiently.

Its form has only changed from a financial system to a general business type. Maybe he wanted more than a number, but a visible creation.

If I had a personality like that, I would have lived a very comfortable life in the world… Cheol-woo was a work-hater.

“The two guys below are silent…?”

“Steve and Brian are happy with their respective areas. First of all, they do not touch their authority. Looking at it for about twenty years or so, the authority was designed to be reduced little by little. If they stray already, there is no hope for both of them. Whoops!”

They did not immediately tie the reins to those with strong self-esteem. This was also what Cheol-woo had instructed him to do. He intended to let the two go on their own, guiding the two in a planned direction without tying them up roughly.

This method was also possible because of the existence of Cheolwoo. All the gangs in New York were on their knees to Cheol-woo.

In fact, New York’s underground economy itself was confined to an invisible fence called iron rain. In this situation, the two did not even think of a reaction.

Rather, it was a situation where they were wary of each other and competed for allegiance to Linda. The two of them caught fire like that and turned on their eyes in search of new food.

New York’s money was running so fervently that it was joked that they were swept away.

“But Brian keeps asking when the boss is coming. What a torch to wipe out the area outside the Bronx and start large-scale development…”

“Ignore that. And the investment in Korea that I talked about last time…”

“Yes, tell me.”

“I think we should turn it into a big business.”

“On what scale?”

“Pharaoh Hotel and Casino. I wish we could take over that between us…”

“Are you talking about a business near Incheon Airport? The former president Thomas was managing . . .”

“Yeah, I wish we could do it ourselves. What do you think it would look like…?”

“We will have to review the details to know for sure, but for now, I have a positive view. Considering the location and previous business performance, the investment value is definitely there. but···.”

“But, what…?”

“These rights are too complicated. With a normal approach, I couldn’t even come up with a solution…”

Hearing McKay’s opinion, Cheol-woo laughed silently. Seeing that he was able to identify problems at once, he was also a great talent.

Even McKay, who had reviewed all of his previous projects, saw the pharaoh as the most troublesome of all Thomas’s projects. He would have thought of wiping his hands and running away early if there was no such thing as Cheol-woo.

Because business has to be alive. The slush funds and powers of each country were intricately intertwined, so it was a business with so many problems that it was impossible to know where the bullets would come from.

“Isn’t G Company still in charge of managing Pharaoh?”

“Yes, casinos do.”

“Then the reason is enough. Domestic powers of interest will be quiet once they step out of G Company. The rest of the foreign powers will have to be sorted out one by one…”

“Aren’t you saying that too easily? The former president even died from that problem… haha!”

“What is difficult? After all, they’re the ones with the back… It’s okay if you look after your hand.”

“It is very convenient to do business with the boss. First of all, there is no need to worry about the powerless part… Whoops!”

Mackay smiled broadly. He seemed to understand why Brian kept coming to him and begging him to redevelop it.

Redeveloping New York’s outskirts into downtown areas would turn it into the world’s most expensive land. Even though they knew it, because of the residents there, they all turned away from it.

Even if a police commando attacked immediately, it was a town where a civil war-level battle would take place. There was no institution to take over the task forcefully, and politically it was advantageous to leave it alone.

‘But if it’s a boss…?’

No matter how much he thought about it, a single word from him could solve the problem. But Cheol-woo didn’t seem to have any intention of doing that. Unless ordered by Cheol-woo, Mackay had no intention of touching on complex issues such as redevelopment.

“Anyway, know that and make a plan. On the Korean side, if Kangho and Daeyoung join forces to form a consortium, the rough composition will come out. Let’s leave the casino to Steve, and let two domestic groups be the operators of the hotel. Let the building be rebuilt, and ask the state banks and creditors for debt relief. To the best of my ability, very tenaciously.”

“That’s probably what I’m supposed to do. Whoops!”

“Yeah, we’ll have to hold an opinion poll in advance. Korean politicians are very sensitive to public opinion.”

“Would you like to take over a media company at this point?”

“…not a bad idea. You do it yourself!”

“Yes, leave it to me.”

“If you have any difficulties, please contact me at any time . . .”

“Yes, Boss. Oh! Yesterday Mr. Pietro came and asked for the boss’s contact information.”

“He…, what’s going on…?”

“I don’t know why, but it was a very urgent expression. She asked Linda-san to ask her, and she was rejected at once, so…”

To Linda, it was Pietro with the hairs firmly embedded in it. She had a gentle personality, but whenever she looked at him, she raised her eyebrows.

I would not have been able to make a call because the phone number used in Korea was different. Only Linda, McKay and Carlos knew his number in America.

“okay. let me contact you hard work…”

“Yes, Boss. We will contact you as soon as it is ready. then···.”

After finishing the phone call with McKay, Cheol-woo drove the car as it was. It was morning in New York, and Pietro would never be a morning person.

After meeting President Baek, I decided to make a phone call. In the meantime, if you forget… Well, you can’t.

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not work with dark mode