Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 3

Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 3

003: Live and see (3)

“Who are you?”

Instead of verifying your identity with a question.

When the character contrast was finished, a large man took a step forward and smiled.

It wasn’t a nice smile.

“We came from Kangho Group.”

black suit.

A height of 180 cm or more and a waist circumference the same as tall.

100 kg is a weight that seems to be easily over.

Short kkakdugi hair and a bloody cold weapon in his arms.

It didn’t look like an employee of a large corporation from anywhere.

You would believe it if you said you were watching prayer on ‘Kangho Night’.

I looked him up and down with my eyes.

In terms of size, Cheolwoo was second to none.

188cm, 90kg, short sports hair.

He weighed 5kg more than the mercenaries, but his agility and stamina were higher than those of the mercenaries.

He was in a state where he could easily find the explosive power he had in his prime by increasing his muscular endurance through brief training and losing a little more weight.

That’s why youth is good.

Now his destination was a gym in the neighborhood.

As a mercenary, he found a place to exercise like his instinct to create the best physical condition.

When he said with his eyes, ‘You say something that won’t work even with seeds,’ he held out a business card.

The name and logo of Kangho Group were clearly written on the sweaty business card.

And in the center was a picture of a man and the title of deputy engraved.

Like the face in front of him, the man in the photo was also touching it with an expression on his face.

‘I’m sure I’ll be able to get into a large company by putting this picture on my job application.’

This was his conclusion.

Either this guy who digs business cards from big companies is weird, or the company that hired these guys is weird.

It was one of the two.

“What’s going on?”

“I came here to negotiate about compensation for the previous car accident. I just want you to quietly follow me… or talk in a quiet place.”


what kind of bullshit are you talking about

It’s not an agreement, it’s a negotiation.

The intentions of these guys were pretty much understood.

Even when he was playing as a mercenary, it was a masterpiece that many rich jomsaengs did.

A refurbishment that scares you back and freezes you to reduce the amount.

“Will the insurance company take care of that?”

“How can you trust them? Negotiations are best done face to face. Good words…, no, let’s be comfortable and nice to each other. It’s hot too… hehe!”

Slowly, he began to reveal his true colors.

The guys blocking the way back and forth showed sly smiles.

‘Is it different?’

I usually only look at the bloody guys who roll on the battlefield, but seeing these innocent (?) gave me a fresh feeling.

Mercenaries aren’t good at making threats.

Just point the gun at it and grind it to pieces.

“It’s good. Where shall we go?”

Surrounded by them, they were led somewhere up the town.

As I remember, there was a construction site for a medium-sized villa that was built up there.

Although banal, a different experience intrigued him.

For the first time in my life, I didn’t know if I would be threatened.

“Let’s go easy, go easy. What the fuck are you doing, you keep putting up fisheries. You should just eat what you give and close your mouth, but why do you keep saying, ‘You took the drug, I saw it.’ Are you bothering me?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know, or are you checking?”

“I’m just checking, you bastard!”

“Then what you think is right.”

“Tell me what it is, you teen!”

“If I say, what will change?”

As expected, they dragged Cheolwoo into the abandoned construction site.

At the abandoned site for several years, no one was seen even during the day.

There were five people around, and the atmosphere was quite set.

The big man who seemed to be the boss scratched his face and yelled at the pig.

I think this guy thinks this is intimidating.

‘You bastards like amateurs. There’s no tension, there’s tension…’

Compensation for the accident was in progress through the insurance company.

Since it is the bloodline of a large corporation that is known to the public, the media has been persistent in its coverage.

Kangho Group even has a new team to deal with this case.

I was planning to shut my mouth quickly because I was noisy because of the illegal inheritance and stock price manipulation that occurred before the car accident.

However, against the reporters or the negotiating team, Cheol-woo shed a nuance that the suspect may have used drugs.

As expected, it was not even reported in the media, but it became a secret circulating story among the parties involved.

It’s not a clear fact, nor is it a statement that he witnessed it.

The thief just stabbed me enough to make my foot numb, and I got a bite like this.

His intentions were very simple.

It was a calculation to touch a small amount of money with this edition.

Being a mercenary was originally a job to work and receive the balance.

Of course, it was a short-term contract with a short contract period, but the amount was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Most of the men the mercenaries had to sign a contract with or deal with were powerful and sloppy ones.

It was rare for such guys to simply pay the balance after the contract period was over.

Of course, if you put the enemy in the PMC (Private Military Company), the contract ended neatly.

However, the commission taken by the company in the middle was considerable.

It was very dissatisfying to the mercenaries that they risked their lives to get rid of the middle fee.

So, the famous mercenaries often contracted directly with their clients on a case-by-case basis.

In the end, even after successful completion of the work, the post-production work took place again in which the client vomited the remaining money.

In such a tedious and difficult process, the smart mercenaries had to pay more than the original down payment.

It was like adding a fine for the client for breaking the contract.

It was also common to deal with the client if he did not pay the down payment in full with his life as collateral.

The fact that his reputation as a mercenary had built up meant that he had to deal with it many times.

And Cheol-woo was the best mercenary in the world.

“You bastard, this is pure evil.”

“Hearing things like that from you guys makes me a little nauseous.”

“Shut up, you bastard, you keep flirting.

“Yeah, look forward to it.”


“Your brother!”

It’s something I’ve always done, so even if I omit the backstory, the rest of the guys came to me on their own.

Is it some kind of automation?

I wanted to compliment the inconsistency of the top and bottom clothes, but the direction and timing of the attack was a failure.

“Die, you bastard”

school break!

The flesh on the back fluttered his cheeks, and his fat arms scrambled to and fro.

As if he ate only protein powder, the mussels sloshed like flour dough.

Whik! Tickle!


He blew the fist of the flying man with one hand and struck the man’s jaw with the palm of his hand.

The taste came right.

His jaw was broken.

His jaw fell out without even feeling the pain.

They were startled by the so natural counterattack.

But he had no intention of waiting.

I approached the guys on the other side of the one I dealt with in just one step.

And then he smashed them in the face with both palms.

“Aww, my eyes!”

The reason he was grinding his face with his palms was not for the sake of hitting.

The purpose of scratching their faces with their fingers was to lose their sight.

After just two gestures, the three fell to the ground.

And in the middle of ‘uh-uh’, another fell down.

Bubbles flowed out of his mouth.

“Dammit, what are you…?”

“I’m a victim who deserves money, you bastard!”

Hit by an invisible fist on the chin, the giant rolled his eyes and fell backwards.

His memory was there.

Until the next scene…

I was awakened by the sound of the metal scratching my nerves.

The world looked upside down in his eyes.

“Hey, it looks like you’ve come to your senses already. Still, I think the nerves are pretty thick. Let’s see how long it will last.”

“You, what the hell are you doing… Kurureuk!”

The guy came into my eyes.

He was still single and smiling.

I hated that smile looking backwards.

When you’re serious, it’s normal to put on a serious expression.

That smile that seemed to have all the free time in the world was really mean.

The moment he was furious again and was about to ask his identity, his head fell into the water.

Unprepared for his prayer, tasteless water rushed in non-stop.

Whoops, whoops!

It was taken out of the water just in time to die.

Just by breathing, it felt like I was happy without any hope in the world.

It was then that I realized the situation properly.

It’s not that the world is upside down, it’s that you’re hanging upside down on chains.

Underneath was a black drum.

Clear water filled the open tub.

Water was constantly leaking out through the eyes, nose, and ear cavities.

It kept interfering with breathing, so I had to inhale with all my might.

Heh, heh, heh!


Without asking or questioning, his head was plunged into the water again.

I struggled with my body, trying not to get in, but to no avail.

“I will only ask you one thing.”

“Just speak. Heh heh!”


‘Fuck, I ask. But why do you keep putting yourself in the water? I’m ready to say it all.’

A silent roar was heard from the water.

“Only one…”

“I’m Kang Min-seok, and I’m the youngest member of the Kangho Group. The cub sucked drugs and had an accident. The media was blocked by advertising expenses, but I keep hearing strange rumors…”

Unanswered words came pouring out of the giant’s mouth.

With the logic of a doctoral level from the mouth of a gangster who did not want to study, he recounted the circumstances before and after the incident in a concise manner.

Human potential is also limitless.

To summarize what the guy said:

The youngest man had an accident while the group president was asked whether or not he should go to jail for various corruption charges.

Under this circumstance, if it was revealed that he had been involved in drugs, it would have been fatal to the group.

In a quick response, I blocked it with drugs everywhere, but the story of drugs came from an unexpected place.

The chairman was furious, and the youngest who had an accident decided to take care of it.

However, the youngest son was too lazy to spend his money, so he tried tricks.

I tried to solve the problem at a low price by having the usual thugs.

So now, this shape became this shape.



After diligently completing all the briefings, the hunk came down to the ground roughly.

He wouldn’t have known that hard floors could be so cozy.

I looked around, with my wrists still tied behind my back.

All his children were on their knees, exhausted.

Their hair was wet as well.

‘Dragon-led cub.’

All of them were tortured with water for cross-validation.

While swearing inwardly, when he loosened the chains, he went to his subordinates and quietly knelt down.

“Hey, this bastard. It’s an eye-catching piece of art.”

Cheol-woo admired the behavior of the dwarf.

His agile response, which rose to the rank of action leader with one big deal and one eyeball, reached the level of art by anyone looking at it.

“What are you doing, go ahead!”


“Take the lead.”

Even the eyes of a large figure who reached the state of art could not grasp his intentions.

Where are you going to take the lead?

“The youngest member of Kangho Group. You’re telling me to lead me to where the bastard is.”

“Ah yes! ···Yeah? Hey, why are you there?”

“You don’t have to negotiate as you said. All in very good condition. is not it?”

He narrowed his big eyes and smiled fiercely.

Since he bit the bait properly, I was planning to cook it wildly.



As he took a step toward the still-wandering hunk, he automatically stood up and guided the way.

“This is it. The van we were riding in was waiting over there. It’s new, so the air conditioning is full and the seat cushions are dead. I’ll take it easy. older brother!”

Pointing in the direction with both hands, bend the waist so that it touches the ground.

It was his own special move that brought him to this position.

The rest of the guys moved around, watching them too.

Before he got into the van, he had to open the door and turn on the air conditioner.

“Ah, one man left and fill the drum with some water. Because you keep drinking, a lot of water has decreased.”

At Cheol-woo’s instructions, the gangsters’ spines cooled.

Today was probably going to be a dirty day.

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not work with dark mode