Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 334

Success Story of a Master Level Mercenary Chaebol 334

334: Reroll and look (1)

“How much will you get on this ship? It is said that a round trip from Incheon to Hong Kong alone is 100 hours.”

“It’s free. Anyone with a passport can ride.”

“What, for free? why not?”

Hwaryeong made a surprised expression. As far as she knew, the lowest price for a 5 days 4 nights cruise between Busan and Hong Kong was around 400,000 won.

Of course, that included onboard programs, meals, and taxes. However, the 400,000 won is just a temporary bait product, and the actual price at which you can enjoy a comfortable cruise trip exceeds 1 million won for a 100,000-ton boat.

“If you want to attract Hong Kong and Macau gamblers to the Pharaoh Casino in Incheon, you have to invest a lot. Instead, you have to pay for everything from eating to washing, except for sleeping. It will cost about the operating cost of the ship, though.”

“Then, if there are no guests…”

“Put those worries aside. Even now, there will be a lot of customers waiting. Huh!”

“Sheesh! what? There is another plot.”

She looked at him with a sullen expression. As ridiculous as it may sound, there is no better weapon for latecomers to beat the incumbents that have dominated the market than free services.

Using that as a bait to attract new customers within a short period of time has always worked. However, it seemed that Cheol-woo had other calculations besides that method.

“The rich in China are trying to get their wealth out of the country. That’s what we’re going to do with this boat.”

“…how are you going to do that?”

“As we pass through the high seas, we will exchange all the cash on board the passengers for virtual currency.”

“Then how about currency exchange?”

“In Pharaoh, you can do it anytime, and we should set up a money changer in Hong Kong. But how many people will turn to cash again?”

“. But will anyone ever turn their entire fortune into cryptocurrency? Except for BCoin, everyone is anxious and anxious. Because there is no floor.”

“I will make a new coin. Of course, we also developed a route to divert cash in the traditional way.”

“That wouldn’t be legal.”

“It’s not illegal either. After all, there will be no risk of extorting property abroad.”

“Will the Chinese authorities really let this happen?”

In the end, the biggest problem was the Chinese government, which was sensitive to the outflow of national wealth. They were confined within the confines of the law and the media and beat up foreign funds at will.

“They never do anything to me. Huh!”

“What is that confidence…?”

She looked at him with more curious eyes. The Chinese government was the only organization that did not even see the pieces of suits that Cheolwoo spread.

The local military forces, who have already been silent, have obtained effective weapons for local warfare. However, only the central government, which had to suppress them with force, did not have those weapons.

‘But you dare touch me? Then it would be obvious what it would look like? Huh!’

If a civil war breaks out, nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers become useless. Even if you overwhelm the battlefield with an airplane, you will eventually have to release the occupying forces organized into the army and subdue the area yourself.

If the local military releases the guerrillas in suits here and there… Even if you put the tank in front of you, you cannot guarantee that it will be suppressed.

‘And if I continue to support the suit…?’

In the end, it was a matter of whether the rich Chinese would turn their eyes on their wealth, or whether they would risk a civil war. The worst-case scenario, which the Chinese government considered the most terrifying, was in Cheol-woo’s hands.

‘Thanks to you, my work will increase. It’s still savory, so it’s worth a try.’

Before long, the Chinese government had no choice but to contact him. Looking at the still unsupervised news, it was clear how incompetent they were.

“Come on, let’s stop talking about hard business and enjoy the night view. Shall we go out?”

“What in the middle of winter… Are you going to freeze to death?”

“Still, you’re not very moody. I even took a cruise.”

“Okay, tell me where to wash. Soak yourself in warm water…”

Whoops! Whoops!

At that moment, fireworks exploded in the sky. A pre-prepared event lit up the night sky as soon as the ship went out to the high seas.

“Let’s watch it for a while. Then, the two of us take a bath . . .”

Cheol-woo took her to the window and hugged her tightly from behind. At that moment, she also admired the brightly blooming flame without her speaking.

“I have prepared a special room for you.”

“Is there anything like that? You said everything was remodeled like a gosiwon?”

“Still, I left the special room. There will be VIP customers who want to gamble with a lot of money. Alright, the show is over, let’s go downstairs! You’ll be tired today, so just hold my hand and sleep.”

“Whoever likes. I haven’t seen you in a long time, but do you think I’ll just let you sleep?”

“I will accept that challenge. Huh!”

Cheol-woo lifted Hwaryeong with both arms and headed for the special room. His words told me to get away from work for a while, but it seemed like I slept a long time tonight.

“Hey! You will see the sea at dawn like this.”

Hwaryeong, who sat in front of the table installed in the front of the ship, admired the view of the open sea at dawn. The quiet and marvelous dawn seascape, which can only be seen by renting one of her boats, deeply moved her.

Cheol-woo came to her with a blanket and a cup of mixed coffee. She placed her paper cup in front of her and asked as he looked at her.

“Are you all right?”

“yes! Because my stomach is big, I hardly ever get seasick.”

Although it was a cheap mixed coffee, just enjoying it on the sea made the taste unique. She put on her blanket he had brought and she draped her slippers bare feet over his knees.

“Did you talk on the phone?”

“Hmmmm! then.”

Since dawn, Dain and Linda in the US have been calling. Because of the 13-hour jet difference, it was evening in New York now.

Since he was the one who usually answers the phone from dawn, they called without hesitation. Of course, there were many times when the Warrior received it, but they did not notice it at all.

“You must be very tired. If you want to live with three women…”

“So, I think I’ll send you one every now and then…”

“This is going to die…!”

puck! Ouch!

She hit Cheol-woo’s thigh with her heel. It was obvious that she was a mastermind trying to tease her.

“I think I’m going to fall fine, huh! Then we could all die together. Be mindful!”

“Yeah! Bear in mind.”

Deliberately pretending to be sick, he stroked her ankle. Her feet, which had been cooled by the cold wind, slowly loosened by his warm touch.

“When are we going back?”

“I will be arriving in Incheon in a few hours. Why do you want to go back soon?”

“no! The human heart is so strange, it’s like this all of a sudden, I hate working so much. Ho Ho!”

“Then shall we go to New York just like this?”

“Sheesh! that’s too silly Why do you want to see other bitches?”

“yes! I just want to see soft-headed women who don’t use violence.”

“huh! Dain would have hurt her more than I did because she was strong.”

“My Dain never kicks me. I tend to throw things.”

“I hope you like it. Playboy Jang Cheol-woo.”

“What are you talking about, I’m a pure man again. I went to China for a while, and I had a hard time refusing to give each other a daughter.”

“This child! If you cheat again, then you will die and I will die.”

“Honestly… I think my affair is with you.”

Puck puck! Ouch!

She frowned and kicked again. He deliberately pretended to be sick and adjusted it to her rhythm.

“When are you two going to have a meeting?”

“Well, Director Yang, you can leave at any time, so only Secretary Kim needs to prepare.”

Hwaryeong said as he loosened the passenger seat belt. After a short one-night cruise back to the Incheon Passenger Terminal, she seemed to feel better.

And as I was about to part in front of her company, I suddenly remembered the date of the meeting. We have already agreed to introduce you to Director Yang and Secretary Kim.

“Then let’s make an appointment next week. I’m so busy this week that I don’t think I can take the time.”

“anytime. There’s not much to do here, so it’s always loose.”

“OMG! If a yangban who has moved a couple of years plays like that, the company will do well.”

“it’s okay! Because there are so many directors like Kangho and Daeyoung that they overflow.”

“…it’s not like that. The problem is that there are so many that make me angry.”

To her, an executive was like an old toolbox. It’s like custom tools that are of no use normally, but can be used once in a while if something goes wrong.

The fact that they were useless was, on the one hand, proof that the company was running well. She wouldn’t have hated her so much if she hadn’t bet on her every single thing about what she was doing….

As she opened the door and left, she kissed Cheol-woo lightly. As much as she always lacked time, it was sad to part with him.

“I will call you when I have time. I have to do a fashion show that I have been putting off for a while.”

“OMG! do it again I’m sorry, but I will politely decline.”

“Even if you don’t like it, you have to! Our Lady Kim is looking forward to that time more than me. Ho Ho!”

Their interlude hobby, who was hit by work, was choosing Cheol-woo’s clothes. I picked out the favorites among the new luxury items that had just entered the department store and waited for him to try on them.

“Do whatever you feel like! I just write it all down and put it back in its place…”

“child! Now, I’m talking about this sister’s favorite thing.”

“Then go in. Work leisurely.”

“okay! go well too Drive carefully.”

The two exchanged greetings that seemed like it would never end like that. Seeing the car of Cheol-woo disappearing in the distance, she made a brighter expression.

“Then let’s focus on work again. You bastards, you’re all dead now. bastard!”

She pressed her face again. When she thought of entrusting Cheol-woo with executives like Wen-su, she seemed to gain power that she did not have.

“President! Director Jang… No, Director Jang has come.”

Geumryong’s office opened and Cheolwoo entered. After breaking up with Hwaryeong and going to work, Geumryong contacted me to stop by for a while.

Looking at the time, it was already past lunch time. So, I decided to skip the day today.

“Come and go, someone who is busy.”

“Girl! what are you busy with What, are you busy playing?”

“Did you give me a wiretapping device? How do you know so well? Huh!”

It was a golden dragon who knew Cheol-woo very well. He could tell just by looking at it that he had come and went.

“rice is?”

“I came here to eat. Coupons are almost full.”

“You should have eaten it. I order this every time I come here.”

The food that suited Cheolwoo’s taste was the company restaurant’s rice and the Chinese food he ordered here. Even Hwaryeong, a picky eater, praised the Chinese food eaten here.

“Then, shall we have dinner first?”

“I already told Dengji to do it when I came in. Yours too…”

“Wow! Then let’s get to the point. There are some members of the legislature who have been caught by us who don’t listen to what they say.”

“I told you to hold on to the money line. And I only told one guy to push it, but you haven’t done it yet?”

Cheol-woo said while drinking the coffee he brought. I changed the sofa and the cushioning was pretty good.

“No, I already did what you said. I gave Rep. Hong all the money they vomited, and they all figured it out and became obedient.”

“Then what’s the matter?”

“I think some guys have other pockets. So, Congressman Hong said it was difficult. Do you keep making excuses?”

Cheol-woo put down his coffee cup and looked at him with curious eyes. He cut off Japanese funds first, and then he cut off all the funds that would go to them.

The large corporations noticed the change in the atmosphere and took a step back and looked around. The media did not cause any major problems after the newspaper closed.

“Did you know the source of the funds?”

“Captain Huh found out yesterday.”


“That’s true. They said it came from the head of the intelligence community.”

“like! Look at this.”

Again, the name of the Chief Information Officer came out. Clearly, it was the sound of someone planning something behind him.

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