Taming The Villainesses chapter 252

Taming The Villainesses 252

(EP.252) Birds in the Genus #7

252 – Bird in Cage #7

The lab on the 3rd basement floor was endless.

It even felt as spacious as if the entire space was extended to the bottom of the vast garden.

D, C, B—.

The deeper you go, the more the marked level changes. Of course, the higher the water supply, the more secretive and strict the security is.

“these are… .”

Mirna, who entered Building B, continued to admire the deeper they moved. What is reflected in her eyes is an aquarium filled with a blue solution and the people flailing in it.

bobble, bobble.

Their bodies trembled intermittently with hoses and ring gels inserted into their bodies while wearing an oxygen mask or the like over their mouths. All genders, races, and ages are all different.

“They are alive. The results are different from the previous samples. It feels like a very strong mana.”

Mirna’s words reminded me of the specimens I had seen in the entire area, so-called ‘logs’.

The corpses that kept them alive just to be alive. Contrary to that, the specimens in Area B make eye contact with us while blinking their eyes.


Some even hit the glass wall with their palms.

That’s creepy.

Mirna asked.

“What the hell did you prepare so many specimens for?”

At that question, Stella Belhawk, who was pulling the cart, stopped for a moment and looked around. Then he answered reluctantly.

“You are making soldiers. maybe. This third-floor laboratory is both an arsenal and barracks. When you get to Building A, you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

How long have you been walking like that? We finally arrived at the entrance where we can enter Area A.

There, some of the soldiers in black protective suits stood as if they were making a checkpoint, checking the passage of people passing by.

-Wait, stop. The Special Containment Protection Research Building is a Class A Airtight Area. We’ll check your ID.

Their demeanor was very kind, but the two knives they wore around their waists looked cruel. If there is even one deviation here, the soldiers located in all directions will ring the danger bell.

So what happens?

I and Mirna are also VIPs from the court.

But I had no idea that they would keep us alive, having learned so many secrets.

You have to do it well to deal with the disappearance.

If you are really unlucky, you may become one of the specimens lying around in the tank.

thump, thump.

It was when I was activating 《Calm Thinking》 as the trembling heartbeat seemed to be getting louder.

One of the soldiers in black hazmat suits looked at the IDs we had been given and said, “Umm?” a worried voice.

“Now that I see, this ID expired last month.”

It was the ID Mirna had submitted.

I had no idea what kind of situation the ID card expiration would bring, but it’s only natural that things would be troublesome in many ways.

Stella didn’t do things right.

When me, Mirna, and Stella were all tense for a moment without saying a word.

said the soldier.

“But if you issue a new one, that’s enough. Dr. Delton R.”

silkygoat was the goat. cry

Neither Mirna nor Mirna talked to each other at those words, but I was able to swallow a sigh of relief inside. Surprisingly, things are running smoothly.

But what came next was a problem.

“If you follow me to this clean room, take off your protective clothing and show me, I will issue you a new ID within 5 minutes.”

Take off your protective clothing.

Then you know who we are.

Because of that, Mirna shook her shoulders as if in bewilderment. How do I get out of this situation? The soldiers urged him to just keep silent because there was no reason to think.

“Come on this way.”

If you hold on like this, you will be suspected and eventually found out.

However, following them and taking off their protective clothing is suicide.

The thought of whether I should buy it with brainwashing magic suddenly ran through my mind. I opened my mouth with the feeling that I had to go down.

“Soldier, what are you doing? Can’t you see you’re busy right now? It’s just like letting them in and making them later.”

At my words, I could see the eyes of the soldiers and Mirna and Stella focused on me. Among them, the one who spoke first was the soldier holding my ID.

“you are… , Adams Senior Research Fellow.”

“okay. In the midst of a rush of poetry, you hold someone like this. Why don’t you open the door soon?”

“… … .”

Instead of answering me, the soldiers looked at each other’s faces. Then one of them talks to me in a polite manner.

“Mr Adams. But the policy is… .”

“If there is a setback while following the policy like that, will you take responsibility? As the policy, let me take responsibility once? I’m going to die because I’m busy, so do I have to argue with you guys with my ID?”

I could feel the embarrassment spreading in the attitude of the soldiers. If I told you to open the door recklessly like this, I would of course be embarrassed.

I know because I’ve been through a lot. It is right to follow the policy, but sometimes you have to let it go.

In particular, if someone who looks very tall comes and gets angry and raises his voice, the soldiers guarding the door will not be able to do this or that.

Also, I instinctively felt that my newly acquired talent <Charisma> was working well in its own way. Private and Senior Researcher. The hierarchical order that comes from the difference must have created a niche.

“Open it.”

And finally, the door to the lab in Building A was opened.


Hearing the soldiers’ apologies is a bonus.

* * *

“I was really nervous. I thought it was going to be a big deal.”

He made a weak voice that was not like Mirna. That seems to show how urgent what just happened was.

Stella also has a word.

“It was so reckless. I’m glad it went well, but it would have been a big mess if it had been twisted a little.”

“Either way, no matter whether you just stand still or follow what they say, it was the same thing. Still, the soldiers are not fools, so we have to finish the job quickly.”

The soldiers guarding this laboratory must also have a reporting system.

Especially since they are soldiers guarding the A-class research building, ‘I just had a situation like this. Beware.’ The report may have spread to the soldiers inside the lab.

Thanks, we needed to hurry a little bit more. There is no time to be immersed in the emotions of what just happened.

Area A, which I entered like that, was full of strange things. Liquids of unknown purpose are boiling in the tank. Weapons such as swords and spears, including armor, were also placed here and there.

It feels more like a barracks than a laboratory.

There are many more soldiers in black hazmat suits than in other areas. Mirna said a small word to the number of the numerous armaments and soldiers.

“Look at these. It’s a mana bomb. The shape is different, but it’s an ominous thing that can’t be explained without a mana bomb.”

What Mirna was pointing to was a fluorescent liquid in something like a small PT bottle. However, I did not know what a mana bomb was, so I had no specific answer.

Then Stella answered.

“With just this little bottle, it can produce firepower equivalent to that of a third-tier fireball.”

A third-tier fireball. There was a time when the sages showed a fireball in the arc. It really reminded me of a huge explosion like a bomb.

There must have been dozens or hundreds of such things.

“Why did you collect so many of these things? Are you trying to start a revolt?”

Stella shook her head at my question.

“I don’t know. But before he died, Opal was always terrified. afraid of something I just thought I had to be prepared. That’s why I’ve gathered a lot of weapons and soldiers.”

is it contrast?

“Contrary to popular tales, after Solomon’s death, his eyes were always filled with horror. Even though the Demon King died, I don’t know what he was so afraid of… .”

At Stella’s small words, Mirna frowned.

“Maybe it was because I was afraid of death. Even a mighty demon lord can’t avoid death. That cruel and heartless judgment.”

“is it… . Anyway, we’re almost there now. And bring some mana bombs.”

After walking among the numerous tanks, we were finally able to stand in front of what could be called a huge water tank. Its height is about 5 m. It is made of thick iron and looks very sturdy.

There were about five of them in a row.

“A device that produces specially refined mana oxygen. As far as I know, the oxygen needed can change, so it is extracted and used from time to time. Therefore, destroying this alone would be like putting a large shackle around the neck of an opal.”

“So, how do you destroy this? It looks like it has an anti-magic coating. The coating that takes hundreds of gold coins in an area the size of the palm of your hand is applied to the entire barrel… .”

Stella looked around at Mirna’s question.

“Basically, it is so hard that it cannot be destroyed by any force. I think it would be better to make a big explosion if possible. We can use the mana bombs we brought with us earlier.”

Stella’s opinion seemed reasonable.

So, Stella, Mirna, I, and Stella and Mirna piled up the mana bombs I had stored in my inventory, «Squirrel Storage», nearby while the nearby soldiers were away for patrol.

“What are there? Ouch!”

On the way, there were a few soldiers who noticed our travels, but Stella subdued them. Sooner or later, soldiers who notice the anomaly will come rushing in, but if they cause a huge explosion anyway, they will all be caught up.

“done. Now, all we have to do is draw a gang line with magic and ignite it.”

At Stella’s words, I scribbled the imp’s tail wands from the stacked mana bombs to the farthest shelters. A magical path created as a temporary measure.

Before detonating it, Mirna drew a circle around us hiding in cover.

“We created a barrier because we could get involved too. It’s a temporary solution, but it’s better than nothing.”

“Then I will blow up. Everyone, shut your ears.”

It reminds me of my experience as a combat engineer. After the roar of the bombing trio, I finally infuse my magic power with all my might.

Kwaaang ━━━─!!!

At the same time, a loud roar exploded in my ear, like a giant’s iron hammer hitting the lid of a pot.

Even though I thought I had kept a safe distance, the intense explosion filled my ears with tinnitus.

beep hey.

When you open your eyes, you see the darkly dimly lit laboratory and fire burning everywhere. And I could see people moving with fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers spraying from the sky.

read at https://noblemtl.com

Could this be hell?

That thought ran through my mind. However, when I saw Mirna’s face tapping my cheek, that thought was quickly erased.


Mirna seemed to be screaming at me urgently. But I can’t hear well because of the ears that got caught in the explosion. Maybe your ear hurts.

The power of the explosion was much greater than I had calculated. The good news, though, is that my psyche and hearing slowly returned.

“Kyung Tae-oh, we have to go quickly while everyone is working hard to put out the fire… !”


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  1. SenatorArmstrong says:

    SCP Foundation or Umbrella Corps? Wow

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