The Academy Needs a Real Education chapter 18

Episode 18. Student Council

Episode 18. Student Council

“Yes, Princess Frill. Free magic and unique magic are different.”

“Professor, what is the difference? Aren’t both of them, after all, bringing what is in my heart as it is?”

“You are correct. Inherent magic, however, is manifested when the imagery thus embodied is clear and intense enough to dominate or distort reality. Don’t you remember Mina’s unique magic?”

“… yes.”

How can I forget the Emerald Garden?

After being fascinated by the flapping of its blue wings, I live a completely different life than before.

I still get a shiver running through my body when I think of that time.

“Nature dwelled in everything that was directly hit by student Mina’s electric current, and butterflies came and went. It’s just unrealistic. This was possible because Mina’s clear and unique world view overlaid reality.”

“Freedom magic, its power is not to the extent of distorting reality.”

“That’s right.”

“… thanks. professor. There are no questions now.”

Professor Ian’s office.

Ian had put Frill where he should have been.

Even though Frill said it was all right, Ian’s eyes didn’t disappear.

The frills were somehow unfamiliar, but I was happy.

I had a feeling that he would be cool-headed and prickly, as he was so tightly blocked that even the royal family would be forced to impose school rules, but it seemed like I was seeing another face of him.

But I can’t be complacent with his worries and consideration forever. Frill decided in a strong voice for no reason.

“It’s okay, Professor. I am fine.”

“… I’m really glad if that’s the case.”

“The professor was going to send me to Paideia right away. To use magic, to learn more even though my legs are a bit weak. As much as I came here because I was stubborn… . There will be no disadvantages for the professor.”

“Of course I wasn’t worried about that. However, I wondered if you were overdoing it today.”

“it’s okay! I am the daughter of an invincible emperor.”

“I wholeheartedly support the beautiful passion of the princess.”

“Continue to teach me. Because I am a disciple, and the professor is a teacher.”

“… hahahaha.”

At Frill’s joke, Ian laughed bitterly.

It would have been a situation where ordinary people would tremble and kneel down and pray, but between the two of them, who had a little bit of time today, the words passed as a joke.

“I was sorry then.”

“no. That’s what I was thinking briefly. After all, I was disrupting class.”

“I’m in trouble if you go somewhere and say that… .”

“Don’t worry about that. Now, we must stop disturbing the professor. I’ll just go.”

“Wouldn’t you like another cup of tea?”

“I don’t feel dizzy anymore, and it’s worth walking.”

Frill stood up vigorously, waved briefly at the professor, and opened the office door.

The time when Frill was about to leave without regret.


Professor Ian called her over.


Professor Ian gracefully bowed to Princess Frill, who turned around at his call. perfect example.

The cold look of the first meeting, I can’t remember well anymore.

“I wish you peace.”

“… relieve awe professor.”

However, Professor Ian did not raise his head.

“I bow my head in respect. I will do my best to make sure that you will be rewarded for your precious efforts when you are the most beautiful.”

“ah… .”

“Because I am the master and you are the disciple.”

Somehow heartbroken, Princess Frill hurriedly left his office.

Not awe of the imperial family, but someone’s sincere respect… . Have I ever received

Frill, who almost shed tears like an idiot at the thought that it was good to stay up all night reading, ran to the Paideia dormitory as if to run away without being able to properly thank him.

* * *

The dormitory fee in Paideia is so expensive that even some aristocrats cannot live for more than three years without scholarships or subsidies, but the students living there have never insisted on reducing the dormitory fee.

because it’s expensive

Student welfare at the Paideia Dormitory is so excellent that even those of high standing who have grown up with dignity do not feel the need to return to their parents’ homes. It’s about the same as the treatment of full professors at Kiruna Magic School.

This was possible because of the daily overwork of Paideia’s dormitory director and the astronomical dormitory operating expenses given to him.

To that honor, the student council was also making a big contribution.

99.9% student satisfaction.

The student council, which has a tradition of over 100 years, must catch even the slightest inconvenience that occurs during dormitory life and report it to the dormitory director.

This achievement was possible because he was responsible for planning and supervising the construction of new rest facilities or the progress of the unity festival every year.

The Student Council always approaches the students first. Even if they don’t ask, they kindly answer, and they do it before they ask.

‘The reason why we are here today is also for the sake of the students.’

It is a natural duty as a student council to respond first to issues that students react to hotly, investigate, and then respond.

Feeling great pride in that fact, Lise Indigofera, Vice President of the Ministry of Magic and Vice President of the Ministry of Magic in 3rd year, savored the aftertaste of black tea at the cafe where she personally instructed the construction site.

From the cafe’s management team to the baristas, Rize personally selected them, and luckily, to ensure that her hard work was not in vain, this place became a meeting place for students from prestigious families, just as she had hoped.

As such, the flavor of the black tea was great, but Rize wasn’t feeling well right now.

It was two hours after Professor Ian’s class ended.

After receiving the breaking news that his first class was creating a big sensation among the lower-ranking students, the student council executives decided to directly observe the second class.

So, I did observe Professor Ian’s class… .

For more than two hours, the student council executives only vomited useless 10 minutes about Professor Ian’s class, which was quite shocking.

So, in the end, it was a situation where there was no conclusion as to how the student council should respond.

“What do you mean our school is rotten, why are there professors like that!? Is it okay for a professor to say that to students?”

“I didn’t say it was rotten, Felix.”

“ha… . Rize, that’s what it says. Anyway, it’s true that you cursed Kiruna! Does he have no loyalty to the school as a professor?”

“Please. We are not here to share our grievances.”

It was Felix Bellhound, the lead manager, who was acting the most emotionally.

He was the unified second-in-command of the 3rd year knight club, and he was a monstrous man who could break an opponent’s entire armor with his strong stamina and weapons made from the special steel unique to the Bellhound family.

The hair wasn’t that good.

‘How is this guy second? Did I cover the insufficient writing score with an overwhelming practical score?’

“But Felix… . Didn’t that professor look very close to Princess Frill?”

“Heril, what does that matter?”

“What does it matter? Felix, too, because the princess is paying attention in class. Didn’t you just watch Professor Ian in class without saying a word of protest?”

“that’s… .”

“Among the 200 people gathered in the auditorium, were we the only exemplary students who loved this school? As a student member representing the students, I could have requested the suspension of classes right on the spot, but… . I couldn’t say a word because the princess was tying her hair tie in the front seat.”

“Ugh! Then let’s go find Princess Frill! I don’t know what kind of brainwashing you were subjected to by an unlearned soldier who rolled in from the backcountry, but-”

“Felix, go alone. I don’t want to be annihilated.”

“… Rize, would you like to go with me?”

“Go alone.”

“… Ugh!”

Heryl Freiril, the head of the general affairs department, who scratches the inside of Felix, who is easy to understand, but does not give a proper opinion.

She was the top of the Department of Elemental Research and the 7th in the Ministry of Magic in the 3rd year, and her understanding of the compression and expansion of flames was said to be challenging even for full professors.

Perhaps his passion for flames had gone astray, and it would be a problem to enjoy setting fire in others, but he and Felix had a good relationship.

Even if Haril doesn’t have to openly sarcastically or gossip about the other person while consuming his emotions, Felix is passionate enough to satisfy Heril with just casual conversation.

With these two at the head, the remaining four leading members and three general affairs members.

They were watching Felix and Haril’s talk, talking about Princess Frill’s beautiful snowflake magic.

In fact, Rize knew the atmosphere would be like this from the beginning, that is, from the time she was given the list of student council executives who had time to scout Professor Ian’s class.

The reason why Rize was in a bad mood wasn’t because they kept talking nonsense. She never wanted anything from them in the first place.

However, I tried to come to a conclusion while thinking about Professor Ian, but it didn’t go well, so I didn’t feel good.

“Rize, what’s wrong? Are you mad?”

Rize’s best friend of 3 years, who is at least more trustworthy than them… . She was being stroked and combed by the General Affairs Department staff.

‘At that level, isn’t it like a doll… ?’

“… no. or. Even if you’re just breathing, it helps.”


Ina, who sat next to Rize and started rubbing her head on her shoulder as if trying to make her feel better, is more famous for being the cutie representative of Paideia than for the flashy specs of 3rd year special combat unit integrated deputy chief and student council publicity department head… . It was the mascot of the student council.

She, as pure and bright as a puppy on the first snow, is a werewolf.

A werewolf who comforts and serves the souls of the dead, a descendant of the Blue Tribe, the most sociable and friendly to humans among the Lang Tribe.

Rize stroked Ina’s head and wolf ears a little. The vigorously shaking tail struck Rize on the cheek one after another, but it didn’t hurt. It’s literally a cotton ball.

“or… . I’m okay. Leave it alone and go get a brush or more. You like it.”

“How can you be so depressed? Rize, I’ll help you! Tell me about your worries!”

“… Do you mean I have to organize Professor Ian’s class that I just had and report it to the student council president?”


“No, no. You know who the student president is.”

“know! You are the third princess. Why?”


“… no. done. Even if you breathe, you help this world. This is true.”

“Don’t do that.”

“… You know that? If I report Professor Ian as an eccentric person, what will happen to the image of Princess Frill, who followed the professor alone to his office to learn more. I don’t want to touch either princess.”

really… . to be destroyed

The smell of the blood of ‘the family’ designated by the imperial family to study forbidden magic has not yet been properly erased, so I have to crawl in front of the imperial family.

The world was too hideous, and Ina was too pure.

“I see, the kind Rize was considerate of Princess Frill! After all, Rize is amazing!”

“Well… .”

“Then, should we find out what kind of person Professor Ian is? Do you want to find out what kind of relationship he has with Princess Frill?”

“right… ? for a moment? or? Where?”

“I’ll find out and come back!”

Rize tried to catch her tail as she suddenly jumped out, but the hairball slipped out of her hand.

Rize cried out sadly to Ina, who was already far away with the speed typical of the Lang tribe.

“Ina, please don’t do that! If we tell him that he’s from the student council, he might check us out too!”

“it’s okay-! I don’t talk about that, because I personally want to ask him something, so I’m going. I will scout soon, so trust me and wait!”

There is something I want to ask the professor I saw for the first time today… ?

‘Let me know what it is.’

Rize stared in vain at Ina’s back, which was rapidly becoming a dot.

Ina’s bouncy hair, which seemed to have been brushed over a thousand times by the general affairs department, was already back to its usual, spiky look.

‘Dog hair is dog hair even if you comb it… ?’

* * *

smart smart ♫

“Excuse me~ Is Professor Ian here?”

… There was something unsettling about the innocent knocking sound.

“Who is it?”

“It’s called Ina Yeonparang! In the auditorium earlier, the professor said that students who have questions can come separately, is it still valid?”

Hearing her name made the warm air turn cold again. Because she is a character I know, a character who often appears in novels.

or light blue.

A member of the student council. Pretty werewolf.

Now I see, on the other side of the slightly open door, something gray is shaking rapidly.

‘A tail or that.’

It is a character that appeared quite often in novels as a strong senior and as a mood maker of aegyo in the student council.

Was it because he spent his warm and white childhood buried in the warm arms of his fellow countrymen in the widest snow field in the world?

Throughout her appearance in the novel, she stood out for her innocence that seemed to never fade. The way she gets angry, to the extent I’ve never read.

Ina, a girl from the Lang tribe who serves the wolf god “Florane” who comforts the spirits wandering in this world, her specialty is necromancy.

The necromancer, which fights by borrowing the power of the necromancer in service, is, of course, the specialty of the Lang tribe.

Here are her specs as far as I know. It wasn’t the lead role.

‘I know that the special combat department is quite elite, but why did you come to take a lecture in another department, especially for juniors? Did you come after hearing rumors about me?’

What should I do? After thinking briefly, I allowed her to visit. She wasn’t a villain, and I didn’t see anything bad about meeting her.

“Hello Professor Ian Laver! 3rd year special combat team Ina Yeonparang!”

When Ina bowed her head to me, I could see her wild, lush hair.

Like a wolf in winter, her black and white hair fell below her waist, and it stretched out so wildly that I couldn’t tell if it was hair or hair.

“Can I ask you a question?”

She smiled, revealing sharp teeth. Even if you look at the sharp nails that can’t be hidden even if you try to hide it, you can feel the charisma that seems to have a hunting instinct inside… .

When I met her blue, innocent eyes, those thoughts vanished. I cannot refute the analogy in the novel.

‘It really looks like a puppy.’

“Why did you come more than two hours after class ended?”

“Ki-ing… . I came a little late because Princess Frill went first. Did you excuse me?”

Ina’s tail and ears drooped at the same time.

exactly… . It deserves a student council mascot. I’m not the PR manager for nothing.

“… No questions allowed.”

“thank you!! Professor, there is a commanding officer next to you!?”

“… ?”

for a moment.

Wasn’t it a class question?

“Your professor has that cute girl under the command! How did you wash it so clean?”

“… What?”

Ina’s eyes, wagging her tail and sticking her face in, seemed to really shine.

“Of all the spirits I’ve seen so far, I think the thoughts have been washed away the cleanest! I’d believe that this is a real Guardian Spirit. No matter how excellent a cleric or necromancer is, it is impossible to completely remove the evil thoughts of the necromancer. No matter how much I wash it, it gets a little twisted… . Wow, he’s brand new!”

Oh right, could the Lang people see ghosts?

‘uh… . It’s amazing how clean your thoughts have been purified?’

That’s why I purified Meriel… .

“It’s really amazing! You are so great! How did you do it? Can’t you just let me know once? please!”

‘Can I tell you that?’

* * *

Paideia dormitory 2nd floor bathroom.

In the Paideia dormitory, where everyone uses private rooms, few people bother to use the public bathroom unless it is really urgent.

Five leading members standing in front of such a bathroom.

“Aren’t you around?”

“There is not.”

“Lise and Heryl.”

“They left separately to discuss the student union fee bill.”


Felix, the lead manager, folded his hands and laughed.

“Did you catch her?”

“Yeah. Today, it was hiding in the warehouse cleaning toolbox.”

“I am, indeed. Why are you hiding so badly? It’s dirty to touch. Wash and lose.”

Scared of his words, one of the leading members quickly dragged the toilet hose and turned on the water.

Along with the sound of dripping water, a woman’s boiling scream rang out, but there were no other students in the hallway controlled by the leading members.

Even so, Felix, the ringleader of the mass lynching, could not help but be anxious that someone would listen.

“Hey, didn’t you cover your mouth?”

“I blocked it, but it seems to break through it.”

“That is really poisonous. Please shut up.”

Shortly thereafter, a louder than screaming sound leaked out from the bathroom.

After that, let there be a dead silence.

He listened carefully to what he said, and Felix laughed cruelly.

“That’s right, you X-year-old lives quietly. Go crazy and touch the third princess?”

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