The Academy Needs a Real Education chapter 67

Episode 67. midterm exam (9)

Episode 67. Midterm (9)

Not long ago, the two girls faced each other at the same place where she had been defeated by Yuri.

The girl who couldn’t sleep at night, looking forward to the day’s celebration of justice, glared at Yuri with bloodshot eyes.

Yuri was taken aback when he saw Eugene, who was more damaged than he could have imagined, but he soon calmed down and solved the words he had put together.

“… I can’t fight with all my heart against you anyway. If I beat you in a practice center with so many people gathered, then really-”

“Don’t sympathize! Who are you to look at me with those eyes? Not other people, you, me?”

“That day, I didn’t fight to put you in that situation. He must have tried to protect Jun from you-”

“Shut up! You just ran away because you were afraid of me… . Know? Eup, ugh… .”

Yu-jin, whose lips turned white, vomited black blood.

“it’s okay? Are you sick!?”

“Why is this so… ? No, that’s okay. anyway-“

“Behind you.”


At some point, a black fog covered the promenade.



For a moment, I thought that Eugene’s shadow seemed to stretch out in the fading landscape.

The figures of the two became more blurry, as if they had disappeared far, far away, and the sound seemed to resonate sparsely, but soon it hid its existence.

A figure rose from behind the walkway, where the fog had begun to form.

“That one has just begun.”

Hiding in the shade and watching the two face each other, Filetta suddenly wakes up the sleeping moth in her body and raises her body. Indigo wings bursting from her back colored the surroundings purple and scattered dark powder.

As it sucked the blood of Filetta, it gradually swelled up.

Indigo Moth. It mainly lives in the 3 water pressure, but at the same time it is one of the exceptional individuals that can survive outside the pond.

It has the ability to store mana for its own use in its stomach, so a demon that lives by hunting creatures weaker than itself by rising to lower water pressure than where it lived appeared in Kiruna outside the pond.

The fully self-contained moth was staring straight ahead with the eyeballs on its wings rolling madly in search of prey even in a pond without a light source.

“Students are very interesting creatures. I think I know why you care so much about them.”

The drowned body looked at the man who appeared in front of him and laughed.

“I’ve been waiting for the day to meet you in person, Ian Laver.”

my master

* * *

There was no sarcasm in the voice of the guy who called me teacher, which made me even more repulsed.

“Ian, the most menacing entity among humans. Imitating you, I am completely reborn. If it weren’t for you, I would have looked down on you humans and been doomed.”

The pink eyes of the drowned body stroking the fur of a grotesque moth that had landed on its shoulder shone eerily in the purple smoke.

“I thought I had completely caught up with you this time, but it seems that my learning is still lacking. The evaluation of this magic duel ended up with your victory… .”

“Even if you rate me highly, the existence of you doesn’t change.”

“What is the difference between you and me? In any case, isn’t it like giving students free help?”

“… you?”

“Human potential shines most brilliantly at the moment when each person strives toward the goal they desire. Aren’t you the professor who understands and uses this the most?”

“uses… . That’s a word choice that suits you.”

“Human beings grow up and achieve their desired goals, and I naturally take what they want in the process of achieving their goals. Are you different?”

Can giving a knife to a boy full of hatred be called growth?


He could only hurt someone, but the boy’s dark self hadn’t changed at all.

“Human beings grow over their immature past. Carol and Ina have overcome the limits that were blocking them.”

“… .”

“Because of you, the student council officers will be able to use stronger magic than before, but you can’t bring out their true value at all.”

There must be a reason why she didn’t approach straight-minded students like Mina and Frill.

The drowned bodies merely used the young minds of immature students for their own purposes.

As if hitting the point, the drowned body gave up the sophistry and suddenly started to laugh as if it were enjoyable.

“Ian… . Yes, there is no stain on your teaching. You are right. By the way.”


“You are overlooking one important fact. It seems that he came to me to protect the students in order to fulfill his responsibility as a proud educator… . Really, did you think you could stop me alone?”

“No way. No matter how outside you are, you are also a monster in the pond. Even if I stop you, by the time the faculty come here, I’m sure only my corpse will be left.”

“Knowing that-”

“By the way… . Why do you think I’m the only one here who knows about you?”



Instead of answering the question, a single magic firecracker flew across the shady walkway to the drowned body.

“Kuh… !”

pop-! Puff-!!

The firecrackers exploded, melting the walls touched by the luminous paint sprayed together, and a bright fire was set on the floor.

In the middle of a landscape where even the bright sky and clouds are dyed with bright yellow light.

In the intense heat, I quickly distanced myself from the drowned body as I thought that even I, who was right next to the drowned body, would ripen as well.


The moth, which was covered in paint instead of a drowned body, could not overcome the high temperature and struggled to emit light.

As the bizarre eyeballs and wings coated with fluorescent light started to catch fire, smoke with a terrible smell flew in the wind.

On the alley of dazzling luminous light that seems like it would go blind… . The clear voices of the waiting reinforcements were heard.

“It’s the pinnacle of light science, magic using artificial sun!”

‘Crazy dog Dana.’

Dana is famous for being a madman that even the headmaster can’t control, but as much as Kiruna’s ability, no one in Kiruna can doubt it.

‘You’re a complete loser… .’

“Today I will stop here… . I look forward to seeing you again next time. Master.”

The drowned body, silently watching me under the wings of a moth dripping with glowing paint, disappeared the moment I looked up at Dana.

“… Thanks to you, I lived, Professor Dana.”

“I never thought the day would come when I would use this in practice… ! But it’s very dizzy, wait a minute… .”

In the middle of the promenade, next to the melting moth, Dana sat down.

3 After expelling the ‘indigo moth’, a water pressure inhabitant, her luminous paint boiled over with stronger light and heat as time passed, and soon the entire school was enveloped in dazzling brilliance.

* * *

<The duel is stopped. An abnormal flow of magical power has now been discovered. Suspend all assessments until the situation is understood. For guests->

Only the evacuation announcement echoed amidst the hum and shouts, but all the fuss did not reach Dana’s ears.

“This is how it works!?”

With her eyes shining, she recorded the results of the experiment unfolding in front of her eyes without missing a single one. I couldn’t miss the case of successfully applying artificial sun magic in practice.

“This will be recorded as the first magic application of artificial sun, right? That’s right, what’s wrong with a dragon that can’t use Sharp’s magic!”

It has been known that only Elder Sharp and his direct descendants can handle the light and mana of heavenly bodies shining in the sky.

Aspect magic, the world’s last line of defense and also called the utopia of magic and theology.

Human wizards couldn’t even dig up the secret.

Dana, who had constantly imitated Aspect Magic to unveil the mystery at the stake of her dragon pride, was finally able to reap the desired results in her recent research.

Although it was not completely composed of the form of a star, the nature inside it was clearly the same as that of the sun.

He developed artificial sun magic that materialized the celestial body in the sky, which was thought to be far away and no one could reach, on the ground.

“I couldn’t even conduct a safety test because the Imperial Society kept making a decision not to test it, but the day to try this has finally come… !”

According to Professor Ian’s explanation before coming here, the indigo moth that lives in Pond 3’s water pressure has durability that does not scratch even if it is hit directly by advanced magic.

No matter how much Dana is a dragon, she is now polymorphed into a human mage.

Even if I used normal magic in my current form, I wouldn’t be able to even scratch it.


I started to see several people coming from the practice field far away.

“It seems difficult to handle the back, but… . I don’t know. My junior will do something for you. Junior… . sir?”

When Dana came to her senses, she looked around. Ian disappears, leaving Dana alone at the scene of the accident.

“You are too… .”

Soon, the professors arrived at the scene of the accident faster than Dana expected, but they were embarrassed by the heat as if a small sun had fallen and could not get close.

After discovering other professors, Dana first tried to remove the luminous paint that was still giving off heat, but then realized an important fact and fell into trouble.

“Wait, how do I turn this off? Why is it still not turning off? Ha ha ha ha ha?”

Dana seems to have completely forgotten, but the Imperial Society did not ban her artificial sun magic experiments for no reason.

Her reason for rejecting the experimental protocol was clear and simple.

‘It is difficult to find a way to remove or cool the paint.’

With the entire school paralyzed by her magic, a blue dimensional door opened in front of Dana, who was finally starting to find a solution.

“Oh, principal. long time no see. It’s a bit hot, isn’t it?”

“Dana, you prepare to resign your professorship. A day like today. There are many customers from other places, but this mess… . I will never let you go this time.”

“Am I getting fired? Pond researchers gave permission to use it.”


Dana rummaged through the pockets of her study uniform and handed over crumpled papers.

High-ranking magic use plan, imperial secret security oath, pond 1 hydraulic ecology research paper… .

“And this is the unidentified creature of Pond 1’s water pressure that Professor Ian infiltrated inside the school-”


Skillbeck quickly looked around, relieved to find that no one was there.

“… Doesn’t sound like something to talk about outside. I’ll call you and Ian separately later.”

Right now, the normalization of the school is a top priority.

Skillbeck, who put off grasping the situation, first put all the senior professors in to remove the paint, and moved the rest of the faculty to control the students who were flustered by the urgent change with the guards.

<Information from the lab. Please evacuate all students in the training center to the main auditorium until the situation in the Agoge dormitory is over.>

<All guests on campus are requested to calmly respond to the control of the faculty.>

It was a situation where professors couldn’t care about all students.

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