The Barbarian Became a Necromancer chapter 27

The Barbarian Became a Necromancer 27


It is an unexpected encounter.

I tried to bind Gantrion’s soul to get secret energy and set out to find it.

Contrary to my expectations, the Warlock was holding a place in the Sanctuary.

To think that the mark was even an artifact of the demon lord.

“It must have come here after being led by the soul.”

there was no such thing

“What he said was true. Those who possess the demon lord’s artifact can see through each other. I didn’t believe it at first either, but I recognized and realized what you had.”

I didn’t even notice.

who else is he

I organized my thoughts.

Anyway, he has a forbidden book.

Whether or not this guy is a fragment of the real demon lord is something we need to find out now.

However, the fact that it had artifacts was a bit annoying.

‘The Black Child’s clan would think that only the Devil’s Fragment could handle the artifact, but that’s not true.’

The evidence I was dealing with without side effects was proof of that.

However, seeing that they say that they came after being led by the soul… .


Having reached a certain conclusion, I stretched out my hand.

Beyond him, he pointed to the entrance that was still pitch-black.

“Get out of the way. Because you have nothing to do.”

Warlocks were neutral.

The map that marked him in blue said so.

An opponent who may turn into an ally or an enemy at any time.

All I could show him right away was to act like an ally.

“also. You see right away. You take an immediate interest in Fragment, not a trivial sacrifice like me.”

“Are you dissatisfied?”

“I have never harbored such disrespect. That would be the same as rebelling against the Demon King.”

Looking at him gracefully bent over, he frowned.

My tongue is crawling dirty.

“Follow me. You said you came here to fulfill your role as a fragment, right?”

I don’t know what the role was, but there was nothing wrong with knowing it.

The more information you get about the Demon King, the better.

‘You have to take a risk to get a good return.’

Whether it’s a game or reality, it’s a common word.

The only life I bet on.

I woke up with the feeling of entering the jaws of a tiger.

‘An opportunity like this isn’t common.’

It’s not like simply confronting a warlock to get arcane magic.

A matter related to the resurrection of the demon king that no one has been able to dig up.

Now was the time to focus on this.


The warlock who was walking ahead stopped.

“I forgot what to do before the announcement because I was so excited about this.”

It is still a high-pitched, insidious voice.

I immediately recognized the dagger hidden in the language.

When secret black magic flowed from his mark, enough to be barely noticed even with mental power now.

I moved smarter than ever.

If there is something to be done before the guidance, there must be a degree of verification.

If so, evasion using secret skill would only instill suspicion.

Since we have to start a conversation, I can’t help it even if it’s a waste.


From nob le mt l dot com

Judgment and response were made simultaneously.

A tattered golem summoned in front of me before I knew it.

When amplification was added to it, the golem’s skin became harder and tougher.

It has risen from an intermediate level to an advanced undead.

However, the black magic pierced the undead who had risen to the upper ranks.

Still stealthy, but quick.

It wasn’t that I was slow.

so respond

After the golem, I set up zombies layer by layer.

Chae Chae Chae!

Due to the black magic facing the zombie’s weapons and armor, the metallic sound is loud.

Even that was soon pierced.


Quietly clicked his tongue and stared at the slower attack.

The tight pupils narrowed under the protection of Jinan.

What was captured soon was black magic, but it was a little different.


To be precise, fleas imbued with dark magic were flooding me.

Fleas were the only culprits that penetrated and attacked the undead.

Aside from Kim’s impression, curiosity arose.

What the hell is the demon lord’s artifact possessed by the author, so that he can inject such powerful dark magic into a worm and shoot it out?

I’ll try to clear my doubts later.


Summons Degrease and deviated from its trajectory with its claws.

It was good that I didn’t apply amplification on anything other than a tattered golem.

Even so, it should be used sparingly in the yard where the supply and demand of undead is difficult due to the situation on the continent.

“Please forgive my rudeness.”

After one battle, he handed over an apology.

“Even if it’s a fragment of the Demon King, not just anyone can take it. I also needed a separate verification.”

“Is this enough verification?”

“That dark magic and control power of the artifact. It was a skill worthy of a fragment of the Demon King. Qualifications are sufficient. I will let you see the fragments I serve.”

“What were you thinking if you weren’t qualified enough?”

I stood still and asked.

He only turned his head.

Literally, he said calmly with his head turned 180 degrees.

“You must have done that too, but of course you killed it, right?”

“Then it won’t matter if I kill you now.”

“Ha ha ha, someone who doesn’t need a sacrifice already makes a funny joke. Now, follow me.”

Well, the fragments that realized their own destiny are in a state where they don’t need a sacrifice.

Anyway, I don’t know if I can have a conversation with this guy.

I wanted to deal with it here, but as long as the demon king’s fragments were inside the sanctuary, there was no need to take the risk.

‘I don’t know if it’s one-on-one, but it’s dangerous to deal with two.’

Still, since we prepared an excuse for dialogue, is the goal achieved?

I entered the sanctuary while remaining calm.


“Sup. Hello. Are you still far away?”

The middle-aged man, who stole the sweat flowing steadily, kicked the guide who was walking in the lead.

Anyone could see that they were treating them disrespectfully, but the 20 knights and 82 soldiers in this room did not say anything.

I was only relieved by the guide’s servile attitude.

“Yes, we are really here. Baron. It’s around this time that His Excellency goes out to subdue monsters in the summer.”

“Huh, I wonder if His Excellency will recognize my hard work.”

“You will understand, lord.”

A middle-aged man, Therin Tam Mohanheim, shrugged at the words of the knight next to him.

“Heh heh, do you think so too? Cancer, it has to be. I’m going to go and tell you the news of Glaven’s revival on behalf of your busy Excellency.”

Terrin looked at his subordinates with calm eyes.

“So you guys just have to keep your silence. Let’s see what will happen if I spill useless words like a wanderer.”


Therin was satisfied with their disciplined answers.

By the way, they said they were almost there, so how many tens of minutes has this been?

It’s slowly reaching the limit of patience.

It was around the time I thought about it.

Whoa… .

Have you ever heard something like this in your life?

Therin shook her head.

It is such a huge and heavy sound.

It sounded like a giant stomping its feet.

thud… thud… .

When the sound, which began to be heard again, gradually grew louder, the guide stopped walking.

“There! there each… !”

Shake! Perseok!

The head of the guide, who had been speaking in an excited voice, disappeared.

It was because of the sudden flying stone fragments.

Yes, a piece of stone. A person’s head can be broken so easily with just a piece of stone?

“It is dangerous, my lord!”

The knight jumped in.

Terrin, who fell as it was, swallowed the smell of earth, reconnecting the broken accident.

It was only then that the buzzing noises in my head began to be heard clearly.

Kwaaang! bang!

Kyaaah! Queueek!

roar and roar.

The only sound that resisted it was metallic.

“Huh. Huh.”

Terrin couldn’t see the cause of the sound because of the knight covering her body to protect herself.

But the knights and soldiers were watching.

They held their breath and trembled.

Fear, astonishment, and awe are filled with two eyes that never close.

While constantly denying what he sees now, he sees it while unknowingly affirming it.

Oh, that would be possible.

dismissal. A hero of the Empire who defends the eastern forward city.

If it was Marquis Delat, that is.


As if announcing the end of the battle, a sound more than a roar hit my eardrums.

Therin, trembling with fear, slapped the knight on the shoulder as his son-in-law became quiet in an instant.

“Hey, get out of the way now! What kind of insolence is this in front of His Excellency!”

“I’m sorry.”

The knight hurriedly stood up and reached out to help Terrin stand up.

But there was an outstretched hand before that.

“Stand up.”

It is the hand of a warrior buried in blood and flesh rising steam.

Some would show respect, but not Therin.

‘I think I’m going to vomit.’

The thick scent of blood makes my nose crooked.

It’s something I can’t express.

He held his breath and put on a thrilled face.

“Thank you, Your Excellency.”

Terrin, who straightened her posture, looked at one of the five heroes of the Empire.

Exposing his muscular upper body, he was wearing only shorts.

Who would look at him dressed like this as a count?

But I have no choice but to know.

Look at those muscles that seem to have been trained to the limit.

The trapezius muscle rises like the peak of a famous mountain.

Like the Keploa Mountains that firmly protect the empire from external enemies, the three heads and two heads wriggled without losing their heat.

The pectoralis major under it reminded me of the impenetrable walls of an empire, and the split abdomen was like an iron wall.

“When the season gets warmer, this is a problem. Those who went into hibernation are hungry and run amok. You have to be quiet on a regular basis.”

Delart scratched his stomach and pointed behind him.

There were monsters that were so huge that you had to raise your head to see their heads.

I can see it at a glance.

“It’s a non-standard monster.”

“I want why the guys in the deep are running amok.”

It is a monster that is so strong that it cannot be ranked by grade.

I knew it was rampant in the summer, but I didn’t expect it to be to this extent.

“You have worked hard.”

“What, the hard work is just beginning.”


“Thanks to Sir Therin, it saved me time to bring the search team.”

“What is that… .”

His demand rushes in before he even understands the situation.

Without a moment to come to his senses, Delart turned around.

“Follow me, everyone. It’s time to work for the Empire.”

“Sir, won’t you explain?”

When asked urgently, he responds only then.

Delart finally let out a big smile as if he looked back at his words and actions.

“Ahh, I was so excited and in a hurry. Simply put, that’s it. A black magician is doing something in the phantom forest.”


“You guys have been given the glorious mission of chasing him with me.”

How about you, will you join me?

After hearing his back story, Terrin nodded quickly.

I couldn’t refuse the offer.

Glaven and Gravas had a close relationship as trade cities.

Therin, who imports most of her luxury goods from Gravasse, had to prevent her relationship with him from falling apart.

So I had no choice but to ask for mustard while crying.

“Wait, isn’t that dangerous?”

“Ha ha ha! I’m here, so stop worrying. Then let’s go.”

Terrin had no choice but to follow him as he strode forward.


The interior of the sanctuary was modest.

The end of the spiral staircase going down.

All that was left was a sarcophagus carved out of stone placed in the center.

It must have been intentional desolation to place various blessings that prevent undead.

‘Is the blessing broken?’

I grasped the condition of the sanctuary that followed him.

What should be noted was the top of the sarcophagus.

An intangible black substance wriggling in the air from earlier.

I felt ominous, but I was relieved by his introduction.

“This is a belated introduction. My name is Balik, the Archbishop of the Dark Lord, who enshrines the Demon Lord’s fragments. And that is a fragment of Demon King-sama waiting for the time of resurrection.”

“resurrection… .”

“That’s right. It looks like you’re self-aware. That reaction is understandable. One day you will realize your destiny and power. But the resurrection type is different. I couldn’t dwell in any soul. why? Because I don’t like it!”

bang! He stomps his feet as if expressing his intensified emotions.

I frowned at the heavy echo.

It’s dusty, so why don’t you talk quietly?

“Whoa, sorry. Excuse me. Without further ado, this is what Shard-nim wanted. A body stronger than his previous life. A vessel that can handle the status of the present soul.”

Is that why you settled here?

I quietly chinned the sarcophagus.

“The bowl must be sleeping in there.”

“It’s a kind of sacrifice, like me. You will know. A vessel with a great spirit is a good offering. Isn’t that why you wore it? The woman I threw away for fear that I would covet it. You don’t need a sacrifice, but it looks good enough to make a great meal.”


A question arose, but he hid it.

Maintaining a calm expression, Valik shook his head.

“There is nothing more precious than a quality soul in a living vessel. I hope you have a good meal in the future.”

Does that mean that Bella is a being with considerable potential?

I depend on this.

While I piled up various information one by one, I paid attention to the sarcophagus.

I thought the shrapnel would be a threat, but it wasn’t.

In other words, the only thing I had to be careful of was this archbishop from an unknown church.

‘Alone… .’

I still have to bind Gantrion’s soul, but I can’t let it go.

Determined to kill him before he fully resurrects the fragment.

‘It’s worth doing.’

I started leading the conversation in earnest.

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