The Butler of the Reverse Harem Is Crazy chapter 15

15 - The transfer student is too strong (1)

15 – Transfer students are too strong (1)

“I-I didn’t mean to ask you to do that.”

“If you look at what the dean said and what I said, wouldn’t the destination be the same?”

It is true that I am lucky to have met my parents well. That is an undeniable fact.

But it was not achieved through self-effort.

It is said that it happened because of the luck of the rise.

You met your parents well, but you did better because you have good abilities, or because you vomited blood?

Then you can understand even if you push your shoulders.

But the guys who have no ability, but simply go around saying that they met their parents well?

You have to hit the heads one by one with a wooden stick to bring them to their senses.

There is no other talented person like me in educating such people.

Of course, the biggest problem with this part is the fact that I am a butler.

“It’s quite appealing, but as you know, there are three problems.”

“Tell me.”

“The first is how I, who did not take the knight test, enter the engineering department.”

“The second is that if I go to school and mess with them, will you be able to take care of them?”

“Finally, thirdly, if I fall out, the penalty goes to Lady Catherine.”

“The parts were expected to some extent. Of course, about that part… Last night, the dean gathered and had a meeting in advance.”

meanwhile? already?

How far does this man want to take me?

“I’ll start with the conclusion. There’s no problem with you enrolling.”

“Is that possible?”

“Do you know that there is a clause in the Imperial Law that says ‘sword masters are treated as nobles as soon as they prove their qualifications’?”

“Yes, I’ve heard of it.”

“Then it’s easy to understand. The sword scar on the left arm of the assailant confirmed your skill, and the three deans agreed unanimously. That’s it.”

Leon’s pupils widened in surprise at the knight dean’s readiness.

“If there are people who don’t understand, you’ll have to convince them with your own skills.”

“Convince with your skills. I like that one.”

“And this must be a story that appeals to the princess of the duke.”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

At Sir Ferdinand’s sudden remark, Catherine tilted her head with a puzzled look.

“You’ll know if you go to the Faculty of Magic…the male to female ratio there is around 2:8. In contrast, our Knights Faculty is around 95:5.”

“Why are you saying that now…”

“The Department of Magic has a lot of personal time, so everyone is in love.

“……Leon. I really, absolutely, unconditionally, want Leon to enter the Faculty of Engineering right away.”

Katherine stared at me with slightly blackened eyes at the knight dean’s move and said,

That was the decisive blow.

“Is that really okay?”

Leon, who had suddenly decided to enter the Knights Faculty, asked the princess of the duke if he was really okay.

I’d rather swing a sword at the Knights Faculty than stand by her side all day.

“Yes, it’s okay. I don’t think it will make much of a difference whether Leon is present or not.”


Even though I’m not good at my job as a butler, her honest answer hurts my heart a little.

“Rather, it would be helpful for him to be in the Knights Faculty. It’s because the performance of the attendant’s role well is also an evaluation factor.”

… … Wouldn’t it be better to just go to the Knights Faculty?

It’s because I feel like I’ll only cause trouble if I follow her around.

“Take off the horns as well, why don’t we start right away?”

“Then I’ll just bring you the lady…”

“Leon. I’m fine, so come back with the dean. Instead… you should come to school on time.”

“Don’t worry, Lady Duke. Leon-kun will always end an hour earlier than the young lady’s dismissal time. I’ll do it at my own risk.”

“Please take good care of Leon, Count.”

“……Are you really going to be okay without me?”

“It’s okay. The maids will help you as much as Leon is gone.”

Leon nodded his head at her answer, smiling softly as if telling him not to worry.

“Then, the princess of the duke. We’ll go first. Take care of your magic class.”

“Have a good day, Leon.”

“I’ll pick you up in the afternoon, ma’am.”

As soon as he heard her answer, Leon and the Head of Knights immediately ran to the west where the Knights School was located.


If you leave the area of the sports hall, such as the ‘Swimming Hall’ or ‘Fencing Hall’, you will find a paved road heading west of the academy.

If you follow it all the way to the west end, you will see the building of the Faculty of Engineers.

Unlike other places in the academy, the Faculty of Engineering does not have tall buildings,

There was a large site that looked like two huge soccer fields joined together.

Entering the majestic entrance like a triumphal arch, Leon’s eyes widened slightly.

‘Ascetic Hall’, which efficiently builds muscles with exercise methods tailored to each individual, ‘Patience Hall’, where professional nutritionists create perfect diets, and ‘Hugeun Hall’, which relieves muscle fatigue through hot springs, saunas, and massages. Until.

In the Faculty of Knights, it is not a barbaric training method that only tells you to die sparring,

The state-of-the-art method of caring for articles by professional managers was applied.

Of course, it was not a mechanical and modern design like the Earth.

Because the crude and primitive medieval design remained.

If you ask me if the training method here is inferior, I want to answer that it is not.

The instruments are all magical tools made by good brands,

It was because there were many things around him that would help him train his magic.

You can feel with your skin how much the Academy in Prüch is investing in the Faculty of Engineering.

I thought it would be poor in this area because it is a world based on a woman-oriented novel.

Leon’s admiring voice comes out of his mouth at the completely unexpected scenery.

“This is kind of surprising.”

“How do you see it? Our engineering department’s facilities.”

“It’s very good. At a glance, it seems that there are all specialized equipment, and it is very systematic to see that the areas are divided according to the purpose.”

“It’s the pride of Fruhi. I can assure you that the facilities of our Knight Faculty will be the best among all the Knight Faculties of all academies on the continent.”

Leon nodded his head in agreement with Ferdinand’s confident words.

As he said, this facility was shockingly good.

It’s an obvious fact, but simply swinging a sword doesn’t make you stronger.

First of all, eat high-quality protein and grow the necessary muscles through systematic exercise.

By doing so, the aisle through which magical energy travels widens, allowing you to accumulate more mana.

It is no different from an Awakener or a Knight.

As soon as you become an Awakener, do you beat everyone up?

You didn’t do anything, but your face looks good and your body gets better?

More at noblemtl com

Just pull out the sword and pour out the magic?

It’s nonsense.

Whether it’s the earth or this world, all those who are called strong have risen to that position with their own bone-breaking efforts.

The summit that can be climbed depends on the talent one has, but in the end, a warrior becomes stronger through bone-breaking efforts.

It was the only unchanging truth.

“Because there are no shortcuts to becoming stronger.”

“That’s right. Only training, and training is the only way to become stronger.”

As the two of them walk while having a conversation about the unmanned road,

The knights who had been training in the wide gymnasium ran towards this direction as a group.

“Dean! Are you here!”

“You’re here!”

“Looks like everyone was working hard.”


“That’s right!”

The hierarchical order seems to be clear, as they greeted each other with moderate gestures.

Actually, his name is Sword Master.

Their eyes were full of respect, probably because they were the swordsmen they were aiming for.

Such young men looked at the butler standing next to Ferdinand and expressed their interest.

“By the way, is this the dean’s butler?”

“Heh heh. Of course not. Come to think of it, I guess I should introduce it to you guys.”

Saying so, Sir Ferdinand tightened his stomach and shouted with magic in his voice.



The shout that burst out reminded me of a lion’s roar.

At that terrible cry, the knights who were training everywhere rushed to the front of Sir Ferdinand.

A total of five hundred knights gathered like that.

The new students arrive an hour later, so all of them gathered now are current students in their second year or higher.

In a word, the knights in front of me were the elite of the Knights Faculty.

Leon looked over the well-trained faces and stopped at a familiar face.

It was because there were several knights from the Duke of Roelheim in the leftmost line.

As I smiled at the familiar faces full of joy, they began to tremble with a stunned look on their faces.

“Hee, hee!”

“Why is that human here…”

“Boo, I heard that you went as an attendant to the lady?”

“Why are you in the Faculty of Knights and not the Faculty of Magic…?”

Let’s look up past those who act incomprehensible,

He saw Princess Laura standing there, looking at him with trembling eyes.

With an expression like a wounded lamb, she looks at Leon’s gaze with sorrowful eyes.

Seeing those incomprehensible eyes, the young man tilted his head.

‘I feel like people have changed a bit. Is it my mistake?’

Leon, who had been staring into her eyes, turned his head away.

At the same time, Princess Laura’s complexion darkened slightly.

Leon looked at the dean of knights with the feeling of not wanting to run into her as much as possible.

Then Sir Ferdinand spoke to the students in a still loud voice.

“To the soldiers who are shedding valuable sweat today, first of all, I would like to give words of encouragement that you have worked hard!”

“thank you!”

“I’ll do my best!”

The appearance of students shouting their spirits to leave the surroundings.

The dean of knights nodded as if satisfied with the sight.

Then, pointing to the red-haired young man standing next to him, he continues.

“The reason we gathered you guys today is to introduce you to the young man here.”

… … I thought it would be like this since I said it was a set.

It is a bit burdensome to have hundreds of pairs of gazes on me at once.

Sir Ferdinand, whether aware of my feelings or not, opened his mouth while looking over the crowd.

“If you’re the one who sharpens and polishes the way of the sword, you’re probably familiar with it.”

“In the history of our Faculty of Engineering for more than 200 years, there has been only one transfer student other than a regular student.”

“Your Excellency, Duke Kaisel!”

The name that was shouted out unanimously before Ferdinand’s words were finished.

Duke Kaisel, the strongest swordsman in the Empire and one of the top 10 warriors on the continent.

A superman who became a sword master in his late twenties and reached the great stage of being a grand master at the age of sixty.

Originally a slave, he was the first and last transfer student in the history of the Knights Faculty of the Fryg Academy, which boasts a long history.

“His Excellency the Duke proved his qualifications with his own strength when he was young.”

All the knights nodded as if Count Ferdinand was right.

“After that person, not a single transfer student was allowed by our academy.”

A middle-aged man who looked at them with an extremely serious look,

He raised one arm and placed it on the shoulder of Leon standing next to him as he spoke.

“Today. The red-haired young man here will change that history.”

“What did the dean say?”

“Did we hear it wrong?”

“I, Ferdinand, the dean of knights, will inform you on behalf of Isabella the dean of magic and Sir Antonio the dean of magic who are not here.”

The knights looked at me with questioning eyes.

Facing their eyes, Sir Ferdinand declared in that loud voice.

“In accordance with the Academy’s special transfer rules,”

“I will accept Leon here as a transfer student to our Faculty of Engineering.”

“I will announce it here.”

The headmaster’s melodious voice echoed everywhere.

The faces of the knights who heard it without exception were stained with astonishment.


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