The Butler of the Reverse Harem Is Crazy chapter 28

28 - 《 Excelion X Ruthfield 》 (1)

28 – 《 Excelion X Ruthfield 》(1)

Although the experience was not enough, it was overflowing.

I didn’t get to where I am today with my talent,

It is natural that the middle-aged man in front of him does not know that there was a lot of effort behind it.

Because Sir Ferdinand did not know that I was reincarnated.

“Isn’t that the massacre of civilians, that…”

When I replied in a snarky voice, the middle-aged blond haired man grinned and said.

“Look. Did you ask because I didn’t know? If you say foreign geniuses, they’ll be below you. They’re more genius than Sir Kaisel, who was called the continent’s best engineer, so there’s no way there’s a student stronger than you?”

“Then why…”

“Because the reward given to the winner isn’t too bad.”

“What is it?”

My ears were drawn to the word reward.

“The winner of the Interchange Competition is entitled to be taught by one of the observers belonging to the participating academy.”

“As for the observers, aren’t they strong like Sir Ferdinand? Are you being guided by such a person?”

“That’s right. Let’s assume you won the championship. Then you can point out one of the foreign sword masters who came to observe.”

The middle-aged man raises his left index finger and folds one of his fingers, continuing the conversation.

“For example, if you offer to be guided by an observer from the neighboring kingdom of Jamaine, he will have no choice but to accept your request.”


“The reverse is also true. As another example, let’s assume that a student from the Holy Religious Nation wins. If that student asks this Ferdinand for guidance, I must accept the request without hesitation.”

“By the way, isn’t it possible that the person being asked could be agitated?”

At my question, the dean of knights made a puzzled expression.

“Well, there is a rule. Observers who are guiding must not seriously injure students. Also, they must not faint, and they must give guidance under the supervision of the board of directors of the exchange country.”

“…I can see why it’s called a reward. It’s a sword master’s one-on-one practical training. It’s okay.”

“That’s right. That’s why talented people who are aiming for future sword masters and archmages are obsessed with that reward.”

That’s a pretty decent reward.

Fighting with a strong person stronger than oneself,

It will be the driving force that makes the challenger stronger.

It can’t stun, and it can’t seriously injure.

If it’s enough to call it guidance, it’s like a special tutoring class.

Of course, in my case, it would be a bloody sparring rather than a class… … .

“Anyway, this is a unique reward. Tutoring… no, one-on-one guidance.”

“You know, right? Sword masters are mostly high-ranking nobles, and those nobles are expensive and always busy.”

As Sir Ferdinand said, most sword masters are very busy.

He probably wouldn’t be as busy as the knight commander belonging to the imperial family,

They are the ones who chose honor instead of money, so it’s natural for them to be different.

In the first place, the sword masters belonging to the Imperial Knights could not be called.

The land mass of the empire is more than ten times larger than that of Korea.

In this wide territory, a swordsman higher than a sword master and a wizard higher than an archmage,

In addition to that, even if you include all the spiritists, the number of master level talents can’t exceed 150.

It is virtually impossible to receive one-on-one guidance from those who are always busy.


It’s not a bad idea to win an exchange match and call a strong foreign player and use it as my experience.

I don’t have any experience against guys weaker than me, but

Dealing with someone stronger than me will be one of the stepping stones for me to become a grandmaster.

“I’ll think about it for now.”

“Okay. There’s no need to take over right away, so feel free to think about it.”

Still, I didn’t feel the need to get stronger right away, so

Leaving some room for Lord Ferdinand’s proposal, he seized Catherine.

“We have arrived, lady.”


With a sad expression on her face, she tried to cling to me,

Since it arrived at its destination, the academy, it had no choice but to take it off.

“I’m sorry, but I think you’ll have to go with the maids today, lady.”

“Is it because of what happened yesterday?”

“Yes. I think it will attract a lot of attention.”

“I think so too. The lady should get off here first, and the two of us should go straight to the Knights Faculty.”

If everyone gets off at the main gate of the academy, there is a high possibility that excessive interest will be drawn to them.

Unlike the Faculty of Magic, which is attached to the main building of the academy,

The Knights Faculty had to run farther west.

Still, since there were headmaids, I decided that Catherine’s escort would be sufficient.

It was a shame that the butler didn’t get off the host when he did,

The broad-minded lady of the duke smiled warmly as if she understood.

“Okay. I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you a special look today.”

“It’s an honor, ma’am.”

“Then I’ll see you at lunchtime, Leon.”

“Yes. I hope you enjoy your class today.”

As soon as the conversation was over, the maids knocked on the wall behind the carriage as if knocking.

Then the two headmaids who were riding in the back car got off the carriage,

He came towards us and opened the front door of the carriage slowly and carefully.

“Huh? That wagon…”

“Isn’t it the carriage of the Duke of Roelheim?”

“Then, is that transfer student riding in there?”

The eyes of the students who were going to school in the colorful carriage that arrived at the front gate were young.

The anticipation of being able to see a sword master belonging to the duke’s family.

But after a while, when the carriage door opened,

She was the only one who got off.

Luscious silver hair flowing down to her waist.

It seems that the light is shining in the eyes with flowing blue waves and the pure white skin.

“You always look beautiful.”

“Compared to that person, I… uhh.”

The door of the carriage closed at the same time as Catherine got off.

Soon after, the carriage carrying Ferdinand and I hurried along toward the west.

“Uh, what is it? Why are only the duke’s daughters sent down?”

“It’s only the maid and the princess of the duke? Where did that transfer student named Leon go?”

Although it looked like it was created by God,

Unfortunately, she was not the person they were waiting for.

“Didn’t you drop it off? That’s why, the lady of the duke is in the magic department, and the transfer student is in the knights department.”

“Ah. Is that so?”


“To have a sword master as your butler. The ability of the Duke of Roelheim’s family is amazing.”

“The power landscape of the three dukes’ families will change a little.”

It was a bit different from the usual self-envying gaze, but Catherine wasn’t in a bad mood.

The headmaids who follow him look at the owner with puzzled faces and ask.

“My lady, you look in a good mood.”

“I see. You seem more excited than usual.”

To the question of the two, the young lady of the duke covered her mouth with her hand and answered with a chuckle.

“The fact that Leon is my butler is being imprinted in everyone’s heads, isn’t it?”



“The more you do, the more it will be difficult for stray cats like Lady Miya and Her Highness Laura to flirt.

A response that felt her strong obsession.



The two maids shook their heads and let out a deep sigh.


“Look at that.”

“What, you’re handsome…?”

“Was it him? I think I saw him at the end of the classroom on the first day, but I didn’t know it then…”

“He has good skills, but he also has a handsome face. Life is so unfair.”

“Now, everyone, please be quiet.”

Unlike usual, the classroom is a little noisy.

The professor’s words resound in the air, and the sound of conversation subsides in an instant.

“Now, let’s start the lecture. Normal etiquette is…”

Me, Miya, and Ugo were sitting at the back of the classroom.

I feel like I’m going to burst out of breath at the gaze of my classmates who are focused on the three of us.

But since it was class time, I swallowed a sigh and said,

I opened the first page of the book with the word ‘property’ written on the outside.

Miya is looking at me with bright eyes.

The woman with a red side ponytail whispers in a small voice.

“Hey, Leon. Didn’t you hate taking classes?”

“…that’s what happens.”

“It’s amazing—.”

Her eyes widened slightly, as if it was strange that I was in the classroom after skipping many classes for a week.

It’s also a manners class.

I hate to hear it either.

However, you have to listen to it.

It was because he was scheduled to enter the imperial palace in three days.

In the meantime, I had to study etiquette somehow.

At times like these, it would be best to seek help from Her Highness, Princess Laura.

More at noblemtl com

Just looking at it, I’m sure Miya or Ugo, these guys won’t help.

Ugo, like me, is a nerdy guy, so he probably doesn’t know etiquette.

Miya is also a tomboy who is far from manners, so I guess I should have asked.

But if you ask Catherine, she probably hasn’t been to the imperial palace either.

Of course, she would know the basic etiquette, but entering the imperial family would be something she had to study too.

“As expected, I’ll ask Her Highness Laura later.”

At my self-talk, Miya, sitting next to me, asks with a puzzled expression.

“What’s up?”

“Just talk to yourself. Just focus on the lecture.”

“Huh~. More than that, when are you going to do sparring?”


“Yeah, Dalian! I want to get stronger quickly too.”

Eyes brightened in an instant.

Miya looks at me with a slight blush on her face.

At that gaze, I faced her after putting on a rotten expression as much as possible.

Then, Miya, who understood my face as an expression of rejection,

After inflating both cheeks, he pinched my elbows with all his might with his fingers.

“Ugh! Hey, this…!”

“There, there!”

The professor’s voice sounded slightly angry.

I stopped arguing with Miya and looked around.

Again, everyone’s eyes were fixed on us.

“That’s right, transfer student Leon.”


“I know you’re excited to be the academy’s superstar, but please be a little self-respecting in class.”


“Shouldn’t we make progress though? Let me ask you a favor.”

“……Yes, sorry.”

“Okay, let’s do it again. The etiquette we know is divided into several types. The big one starts with the socialite etiquette…”

It was true that we chatted during the lecture,

If I rebel here, I will only become the bad guy.

Well, I’m a etiquette professor, but I can’t help but point out that I’m a sword master.

It’s contradictory for a professor who teaches etiquette not to point out people who act against etiquette.

In the first place, Miya, nothing would have happened if this guy hadn’t talked to me.

Let’s look at her with burning eyes,

Miya sticks out her tongue and turns her head while saying “Huh.”

I want to punch myself in the head, but I just decided to hold it in.

Because I did something a little sorry for her.


It won’t work.

Tonight, go to the special dungeon you’ve been putting off,

I think I need to relieve this stress by beating some monsters.



A sigh escaped my mouth.

I made a pair of index fingers and thumbs and squeezed the throbbing forehead.

Still tired, I instinctively rummaged through my pants pockets.

A call from His Majesty the Emperor.

Sir Ferdinand’s proposal to participate in the exchange war.

Things like being pointed out by the etiquette professor because of Miya.

I quit smoking from the day I fell into this world, so it’s been almost ten years.

I’ve never had such a craving for cigarettes.

I’ve had so many things happen, so I’m craving a lot of cigarettes today.

I somehow quit smoking because of Catherine, but

After being stressed like this, I think I will go back to being a smoker sooner or later.


However, this fatigue cannot be solved by looking for something that is not there now.

I just looked up and looked down with the thought of doing something.

oh oh oh… … .

A portal that vomits ominous darkness.

In a forest quite far from the academy,

No one would have expected that such an eerie dungeon would exist.

Even I would have had a hard time finding it if it wasn’t for the map Sir Ferdinand gave me.

A large size of about ten meters in diameter,

The entrance to a dungeon that pours ominous energy around.


When I was about to step into it,

A familiar voice came from beyond the bushes.




in my strange voice,

A woman with dark hair who appeared in a uniform.

Great mid and hips comparable to Catherine,

On top of that, he has a great body built through constant exercise.

Coming out and going in,

I tilted my head at the appearance of a glamor beauty with a familiar face.

“Your Highness, Princess Laura?”

I needed her for etiquette,

I didn’t expect it to appear at this timing.

“Joe, good night, Leon.”

Hehe, she smiles with an embarrassed expression.

I couldn’t hide the surging question.

“Why is Your Highness here?”

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  1. YoungNoble says:

    Tch. I don’t like it our protagonist learning etiquette because a dog mortal emperor wants to meet him when he fucking roast a goddess in the prologue.

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