The Butler of the Reverse Harem Is Crazy chapter 7

7 - The protagonist of a reverse harem (3)

7 – The protagonist of a reverse harem (3)

Still, he’s a servant of the duke’s family.

I will not vehemently refuse.

There is not just one gymnasium, there are many, so it should be fine.

“Nine hundred and seventy-two…!”

I went to the gym closest to my current location.

From the faint sound of cheering, it seems that there are passengers.

The engineer in charge of guarding the entrance to the gymnasium looks at me and asks.

“The butler… is it?”

“Are there any seats left at the gymnasium?”


what else is this guy doing?

The security engineer narrowed his eyes and looked the young man up and down.

Usually, butlers must wear the family crest they belong to on the left chest.

This red-haired man was not wearing any markings.

‘Are you an apprentice butler?’

no, it can’t be

Academy students can bring up to three entourage.

For some, isn’t it a lot if there are three attendants? You might think that, but from the point of view of the nobility, it is less.

This is because the three attendants have more roles than expected.

So, no one can set foot in the Prüch Academy.

“As a rule, commoners cannot use the facilities of nobles. Don’t you know that?”

“Is that so?”

The knights don’t even care about the duchy.

“I didn’t know because it was my first time here.”

“…Can’t you figure out the subject?”

The middle-aged knight frowned disapprovingly.

“It’s not even funny that a butler or something like that is trying to set foot on a sacred gymnasium.”

The world is dying. How much did a butler have to learn about swords?

Are you trying to step that lowly foot into the arena where the knights are sweating?

“I don’t know which family the butler belongs to… but if you’re a butler, be like a butler, and do housework well.”

The middle-aged knight clicked his tongue with a disapproving face.

“The owner will serve you well.

“I roughly understood what you were trying to say…”

If you’re a commoner, shouldn’t you use the gymnasium?

You shouldn’t discriminate against status when it comes to becoming strong.

And, no matter how low you are, you shouldn’t talk like that.

I smiled as I tilted my head slightly to the side.

“You’ve been talking like a f*ck since before, mister.”

“What? You bastard, what are you saying now…”

“What’s happened here is that you’ve been f*cking around since the first day you came in.”

“How dare you… how dare you insult a noble from a commoner’s subject!!”

“Insult? Sounds like an insult.”

I raised both hands and wiped my face.

“You were the one who looked down on me with a f*cking attitude and made people feel dirty when I first met them.”

He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a small ring.

When I put it in front of him, I somehow look at it even in my angry state.

Soon after, the face of the knight, who confirmed the identity of the ring with his own two eyes, was stained with astonishment.

“This, this…”

The figure of a blue dragon roaring on top of two crossed staffs.

It was a ring engraved with a pattern symbolizing the Duke of Roelheim.

“They say it’s a ring given to an important guest of the duke’s family.”


written on the side,

The knight’s face turned pale when he saw the phrase ‘the greatest respect for a guest in the family’.

“Ho, by any chance… the butler has a false identity, and is actually a guest of the Duke of Roelheim’s family…?”

what bullshit is that?

“Is there a problem with the color of my eyes? Can’t you see what I’m wearing?”

“Jeong, are you really a butler?”

“A guy who’s not an idiot and isn’t even a butler in common sense would wear a butler’s uniform like this?”

“Then this ring…”

“I received it directly from His Excellency the Duke. They say that if you take it out when something like this happens, it will be effective.”

The knight’s gaze went blank for a moment at my absurd reaction.

Then, he twists his expression viciously, and soon starts glaring at me.

“Yeah man-!!”


“It’s not enough that a mere commoner scorned me as a knight!”


A knight who takes out the greatsword from his back and strikes the ground.

The man’s face was contorted like a bust, and he opened his mouth wide and shouted.

“To steal the things of the grand duke! You must have gone mad!”


“I don’t know where the ring was stolen, but the crime of impersonating a great nobleman is very heavy!”

He said that if I showed him this, everything would be resolved.

The duke is not one to lie… … .

No way, is that bastard showing off his guts now?

“Are you just going out because you can’t handle it?”


“Everyone, shut up!!”


I also use this method often when there is no solution, so I know the psychology well.

When complicated thinking is annoying, it’s best to use force.

But the uncle is wrong.

Even such a foolish thing can only be done with strength.

“Pay for that sin by dying!!”

You step on the full accelerator.

Did you judge me as just an ordinary butler?

He took out the double-edged sword he was wearing at his waist.

In a polite voice,

I said to him in a very polite voice.

“Have you ever heard of that?”

“What nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“A small fight that ended with just one word, ‘I’m sorry,’ turned into a big fight with ‘You crazy man, you were wrong.’ I’m asking if you’ve heard of it.”

“I’ve never heard of such a bizarre story!”

Of course you’ve never heard of it.

If the uncle knows the story,

It’s because you’re a reincarnated person like me.

“I’ll give you just one chance. If you apologize right now, I’ll give you one special chance.”

“This guy… to the end…!”

“When you say nice things…”

“Die! Tsuaaap!”

The knight, angry at my words, rushes forward with a spirited spirit.

My two eyes, which had been looking at the scene indifferently, were stained with blood.

Eventually, when the huge sword cut through the air as if to end me, my body had already disappeared.

It deviated from the trajectory of the swinging sword and burrowed into the inside of the knight’s body, like a boxing ducking.

“Your uncle jumped in first.”


I turned my body half a turn as I gave strength to my lower body.

Then, the leg loaded with magic exploded on the man’s waist,

The armored knight flies off like a bullet and crashes into the wall inside the gymnasium.



A middle-aged man passing out while vomiting a bowl of blood.

Shaking my head, I entered the gymnasium.

“What is that knight putting all his strength on his shoulders, won?”

In the distance, you can see the fainting figure of a knight impaled against a wall.

As I was stepping down the stairs to look after him, I heard a woman’s voice in my ears.


A dark-haired woman looking at me from the center of the circular arena below.

It seems that she was the owner of the faintly audible scream.

“What the hell is this?”

“Oh, never mind.”

I put my hands in my pockets and approached the wall where the knight was impaled.

“He’s not dead.”

not dead,

I’d rather die than be miserable.


It was because the kick had the principle of kicking it, so that the mana could spread all over the place.

It will take at least a year or more just to get your body in order,

Even if a skilled cleric or healing magician sticks to it, it will take several months of recuperation.

Besides, no matter how hard you try to recover, nothing will change.

Since he has ruptured all the veins in his body where magical powers circulate, even if he wakes up again, will he be able to live as before?

‘Absolutely impossible.’

All the money you earn will be used for treatment,

I’ll never hold a sword again, so I won’t be able to keep my knighthood.

“Now you’ve become a commoner like me? Congratulations.”


As the red-haired young man smiled brightly, the middle-aged man passed out and trembled all over.

When you’re feeling so refreshed

“Who are you?”


A feeling of intimidation that I don’t know why I feel from the insipid tone of speech.

A black-haired woman standing alone on the dance floor stares at me with indifferent eyes.

I think he’s staring at me because his eyes are sharp.

“Ah. I’m sorry for causing a commotion during your training. There was a small quarrel for a while, but it’s all settled, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“How could I not care.”

As if she were an apostle of justice, she took a step forward.

“He’s a guard at this gymnasium.”

“Hey, I think you’re saying that because you don’t know the current situation.”

I held up the sword that was strapped to my waist in its sheath and pointed at the man with the tip.

“In the first place, this man started a fight with me.”

“…even so, this is an overkill.”

“I think it’s generous enough that I didn’t kill him by first taking out his sword and attacking him.”

“Is it lenient to never let a knight hold a sword again?”

Checking other people’s veins on that street?

Are you fooling around because you have a corner to believe in?

“Are you friends with this man?”


“Then why are you making useless nonsense?”

“It’s not useless fuss. I just can’t stand the injustice in front of me.”


Leon’s eyes narrowed.

“I think the meaning of injustice I know and the injustice you know are very different.”

“No, it’s like that.”

She raised the sword she was holding and pointed at me with the tip.

“That man is also one of His Majesty’s people. His Majesty’s people were attacked, but as a knight, we can’t just stand by.”

“If you think about it that way, I am also a citizen of His Majesty.”

An answer that does not come back to those words.

I was troubled.

You shouldn’t buy more here.

It’s the rudeness committed by that knight. Even if I had a cause, it wasn’t that woman.

Look at that. Rumors spread because I got into a fight with a suspicious woman who seemed to be hiding something at first glance.

That’s a problem.

The butler to serve the lady,

Even rumors of a fight with Grady could affect Catherine’s reputation.

No matter how crazy I am that I can’t control my anger and rush out, I’m not that sensible.

“……Where are you going?”

“It’s the main building.”

As she turned around and tried to climb the stairs to the outside of the gymnasium, her firm low voice echoed from behind.


“I don’t want to argue with a girl who is a third party with no relationship. I’m busy, so stop…”


Right next to the stairs I was climbing, a blue sword flying towards the middle seat.

Unable to withstand her pure magic, piles of stones fly from the place where it exploded.

“I told you to stop.”

No, this crazy woman.

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