The Butler of the Reverse Harem Is Crazy chapter 9

9 - The protagonist of a reverse harem (5)

9 – Reverse harem characters (5)

Laura Dian Rodenberg.

The 6th princess of the empire and the furthest from the imperial line of succession.

Although he distinguished himself with the sword early,

A woman who was afraid of being checked and lost her life, so she gave up her sword and chose to become a doll herself.

A day’s work is to read a love story while enjoying refreshments on the terrace, or to look at the rose garden outside.

When they got tired of the familiar scenery, they bruised themselves while looking at the fountain, or watched a play near the imperial palace.

On weekends, I went to a social event where only women could participate and showed off my meaningless presence.

With that painstaking effort,

In the end, she was no longer checked by other princes.

Rather, they laughed like old times.

Childhood, knowing nothing

They all laughed as if they were playing together.

Every birthday is full of presents,

He even supported her to do whatever she wanted to do.

The princes who only think of killing each other when they meet,

When talking to Laura, she put on a pleasant smile.

And Laura, who was dealing with such princes, had already noticed.

The reason why they don’t kill themselves is because they still have useful value.

The value of that use was her body.

To be exact, to draw it to one’s side,

He was trying to make her a victim of an arranged marriage.

When discussing beauty in the Empire, she is always the one that never falls out.

I let go of black, but I took care of my body through steady exercise,

Her clean skin and shiny black hair were popular with all men.

Truly a model of a well-groomed woman, itself.

Even being friendly with the princes, there was no way that such a Laura would not be popular.

To the extent of sending hawks to kings of other countries and even high-ranking people in the country.

But she turned down all the offers that were pouring in on her.

Because I wanted to have true love through a natural encounter, not an unnatural encounter.

That is the reason why she rejected all the numerous men who rushed at her only by looking at her face and body.

However, the princes could not force her into marriage.

The arranged marriage of the royal family was always the emperor’s inherent authority.

So I waited.

The one who will bring you out of this suffocating imperial palace that has turned into a prison,

In the fairy tale I read as a child, I hope the prince on a white horse appears.


of course,

That didn’t happen.

It was because a monster so fearful that even a prince riding a white horse had to run away had appeared in this world.

Demonic spirits that attack mankind with incomprehensible malice, as if they think of them as their enemies.

It was they who invaded the interior of the continent three years ago and brought us to the present, which has driven humanity to the brink of extinction.

Because of that, all the judgments that Laura had built so far collapsed.

choice of sword. Even the decision to live as an emotionless doll.

The power struggle between the princes was nothing more than playing house compared to the great war caused by the monsters.

“Uh… ugh…”

“Ahh! It hurts, it hurts!”

“Stop! Kkeaaagh!!”

An eardrum-shattering scream.

The appearance of people being torn off limbs.

Knights lost their lives fighting to protect the people,

The determined wizards exploded the magical energy of their hearts and blew themselves up with them.

I still couldn’t keep it.

The people shed bloody tears and became their prey.

And, a nation that has lost its people can no longer be called a nation.

Everything the princes wanted was destroyed.

watched it closely,

The girl who became a fool and chose to survive somehow,

As an adult, he regretted the choices he made in the past.

There is no such thing as a prince on a white horse anywhere in this world.

that fact,

The princess realized too late.

So I raised my sword again.

He swung it like a madman.

However, there was no meaning to it.

Nothing changes just because her talent isn’t just extraordinary, it’s so great that it’s natural.

You became a middleweight mana user within three years of holding the sword again?

so? what about that?

A middleweight knight has been added to the world, will that monster blink an eye?

Dozens or hundreds of them gather and attack that monster’s skin?

If so, how many thousand?

If you have a thousand middleweight knights,

What can we do with that monster when we have 10,000?

The woman muttered as she dropped the sword she was holding onto the floor.

“Such… such a thing, how…”

As she sat down, she raised both hands and cupped her face.

A black figure slowly approaches the woman.

Tuck-, Tuck-.

Princess Laura raised her head and looked up at him with dead eyes.

‘Person… … ?’


That’s not a person.

can’t be a person

Although naturally assimilated with the surroundings,

That’s why it’s an existence that bleeds a foreign energy somewhere.

It looked like a human on the outside, but that was ‘something’ covered in human skin.

“you are…….”

A black-haired man with a pair of folded wings.

Scattered hair covers half of her face.

However, in contrast to him, he is wearing a very neat suit, and he looks like he has gone out of his mind somewhere.

He was looking down at Laura with a jagged gaze.

Eyes as if they were holding the raging black sun in their eyes.

Looking straight at it, the princess’ whole body froze.


Chicken skin sprouts all over the body.

It feels like facing an abyss wide open in an underground abyss.

Her eyes fluttered mercilessly at the fear that welled up from her instincts.

obviously in human form.

This is the most familiar look.

However, this man’s existence is several times more creepy than that huge monster that is trampling on the imperial castle like a toy.

Her instincts scream for her to get away quickly.

But Laura couldn’t move her body at all.

that eye

Those eyes that can be seen through the hair covering the face.

It was because of the gaze of that man with the black sun floating in the center of the whites.

That didn’t allow Laura to move her body.

I did not allow myself to avert my eyes from the horror that gripped my heart.

Laura trembled and continued to meet that gaze.

I tried to move my body somehow by pulling up the little remaining magic power, but it was useless.

It wasn’t until after her nervous breathing stopped, that the man slowly opened his mouth and let out that nonchalant voice.

—-Princess, Laura.

An emotionless tone to the point where you can’t even feel a piece of emotion.

He who has never met him knows his name.

Took, took.

A golden stone fell to the floor and rolled in front of Laura’s lap.

She grabbed it with trembling hands, as if possessed by something.

Whoa ah!

Then, the golden energy flowing from the unknown stone instantly covers her whole body.

As if that wasn’t enough, it soon soared up to the end of the black sky and began to brighten the surroundings.

A golden aurora that illuminates the world.

Even the monster that destroyed the imperial castle stopped moving and looked this way.

However, the guy just stared at the light and didn’t take any action.

—-It is an item that turns back time.


—-It’s a treasure that will send you to the happiest moment of your life.

The princess’s eyes widened at the man’s words.

It’s something that turns back time.

And besides, it sends you to the happiest moment?

There’s no way such ridiculous artifacts exist in this world.

Laura put on a look of disbelief.

—-Anyway, you’ll find out soon.

“what if…….”

His body was still stiff, but fortunately his mouth was open.

“If that’s true, if this is really a thing that turns back time…

She mustered up the courage to ask.

“Why are you giving me such a precious thing…?”

ㅡBecause that part would be more fun.

“What, the sound…”

—-Contradictory, hypocritical, and nothing more than a dreamer, you have.

You were born with fangs sharper than anyone else, and you broke them yourself.

Even though you were determined to protect the people, you who survived alone through their sacrifice.

Will it be able to hold on to the end without breaking?

—-When that belief is broken, what will this world look like? That’s because I’m very curious.

“If, indeed, I go back to the past… even for your sake, I will never give up.”

straight eyes.

This time, he made a firm determination to protect his precious things.

The corners of the man’s lips, visible through the messy hair, rose faintly.

ㅡDo not look forward to it.

As soon as the man finished answering, a brilliant light burst out and engulfed the world in an instant.

With him, the wheel of time begins to turn in the opposite direction against the predetermined destiny.

She closed her eyes tightly at the sudden light, and carefully opened them in the silence that soon came.


When I was a child, I raised my fern-like hand and held onto my father’s firm hand and walked with him.

A precious place that touched her heart whenever she was upset.

The rose garden in memories that I thought I would never see again,

It unfolded beautifully before her eyes.


Is that Ojirapper?

That woman is the main character, the princess, and the regressor?

I asked with disbelief in my eyes.

“No, no way. You? Really?”

“……Why are you doing that all of a sudden?”

The princess asked in a puzzled voice at a word that came out without me knowing.

But there was no time to answer me.

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Just accepting this confusing situation was too much for me.

The main character of this reverse harem world is a princess who is a regressor.

In the first place, it is absurd that such a thing is a regressor.

Isn’t a regressor someone who returned to the past?

How can someone like that be screwed out like that?

I don’t know what kind of environment he grew up in, but it’s probably not a normal place.

We stood face to face on the gymnasium.

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Just as we were glaring at each other silently, someone’s embarrassed voice broke the silence.

“What kind of situation is this?”

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  1. Markan says:

    For being a regressor she is very naive.

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