The Engagement Was Broken Off and I Became a Munchkin chapter 35

Episode 35 Gate (8)

Chapter 35 Gate (8)

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Louis I looked around her as soon as I entered her gate.

She was so dark that it was difficult to tell what was in front of her. She

She decided to wait a while.

Because the cadets from the Faculty of Magic who will follow will light up the surroundings.

‘This time, the team is lucky.’

First of all, it was because there were two cadets with higher entrance grades than me.

The cadets of the Faculty of Magic, the brothers Kaltain and Carltheon.

The entrance rank is 8th and 9th.

They are the magical geniuses of the Croa family, who had a reputation even before entering the Legion.


Just then, two swings entered the gate and lit up the surroundings.

Aside from them, an unknown female student from the Faculty of Magic and a male student from the Knights Faculty like himself.

They are not worth paying close attention to.

Looking at the rank, it was like that,

Looking at it, it didn’t look like it had very good skills.

Instead, Ruina thought about Eugene.

After the sparring with Rossi the other day, that thought continued to linger.

Unexpectedly, his skills were outstanding.

The reason for the sudden rapid development… ‘

I don’t know.

Maybe what Eugene said as a habit of hers was the truth.

It was hard to believe because it was so absurd, but the results now add credibility to the story that I thought was a bluff.

“Once… How about going this way, Lady Louisa?”

A cadet at the Faculty of Magic.

One of her twins, Caltheon Croa, cautiously asked Ruina.

Embarrassed and unable to meet eyes.

And the awkwardly positioned hand.

Irregular breathing and heartbeat.

Judging by Ruina, he was making himself ‘difficult’.

And there weren’t many reasons why male students usually reacted like this.

“Yes. Please.”

“I will take the lead.”

And sometimes he acted recklessly.

Especially if you have some confidence in your skills.

Is it crazy that a cadet from the Faculty of Magic would take the lead?

Ruina politely declined.

“No. It is more efficient for me to stand in the front line.”

“Ah… As expected, bravery… No, you are dignified and elegant.”

… Grace and elegance.

She doesn’t know what that has to do with taking the lead, but Louis and I soon took interest.

She was thinking about something more important than that.

Before entering her gate, Louis I handed Eugene her apology.

She felt the need to keep the relationship open.

It was because she was becoming more and more confident about Yujin’s ability, which she had only had in her heart.

The more I think about it alone.

The more you exclude emotions and think rationally.

I couldn’t help but admit that he was actually of an outstanding level.

‘It was a mistake.’

Thinking that way makes me regret breaking up with him.

Her heart was impatient with some family problems, but… It was a decision to break up after careful consideration.

She never expected that she would regret it so quickly.

Of course… It was still something to keep an eye on.

If Tarancio tests him in this gate practice, it will be a fait accompli.

Since Tarancio is a top-notch among first-class knights, it was an appropriate word to measure Eugene’s skills.

However, his talent will not be comparable to Eugene’s.

When he was 20 years old, he was only in the 3rd grade like me, let alone the 1st grade.

“…… “

Thinking about it, Louis I was biting her lip.

Because I was not satisfied with my skills.

From noble mtl dot com

It wasn’t a lack of effort.

Since he was young, he has worked hard every single day.


His talent was lacking.

My talent was inferior to my two brothers.

And… He was always compared to his two outstanding brothers.

‘… Eugene.’

To her, Eugene’s talent was dazzling.

Of course, when he fell, he felt a great sense of disappointment.


“This is a crossroads. Lady Louisa. Which would you prefer?”

As I walked while thinking, I came across a road that split to the right and left.


Wouldn’t it be nice to go in any direction?

I thought it would be nice if it was the way to face Eugene.

* * *


I cut down a giant ant that came right around the corner.

The black carapace is cut like tofu, and a huge body three or four times the size of a human falls over.


This is the monster in the dungeon I encountered several times.


If you cut it into 8 equal parts, it won’t last long.

This means that half-baking is impossible, perhaps because the life force of insect-type monsters is tenacious.

“You… amazing.”

Erika approached me as I was shaking off the green blood.

I ask in a joking tone.

“Did you understand now?”

“… How can you slash like that on sight? I expected it after seeing the entrance exam, but… It’s on a different level.”

It was a joke that I couldn’t understand.

Come to think of it, she hasn’t been out there much since the entrance exam.

There were several stages where I could show off my skills, but I didn’t feel the need.

Wouldn’t an opportunity to show off your skills come along anyway, even if you stay still?

“Joe, a little bit… !”

The undergraduates from the Faculty of Magic, who did nothing but real light magic and followed behind them, turned the corner and joined them.

I didn’t expect anything from them in the first place.

Ah, there was a minimum expectation.

As long as you don’t interfere, that’s enough.

Fortunately, nothing bothered me yet.

It’s a bit annoying to have them appear in my field of vision every time, but it wasn’t to the extent that I couldn’t stand it.

Generally, the way to clear this dungeon is to follow the ants and defeat the boss, the queen ant.

But I had no intention of clearing dungeons in general.

“Let’s take a short break here.”

Since we had been walking for more than 4 hours, I unpacked the dead ant’s carcass by pushing it with my foot and dropping it from a distance.

I was given a bag of food and basic survival items before entering the gate.

The members nodded and sat down one by one.

After sitting like that for about 10 minutes, there was a sign approaching this way.

It is the energy of knowing.

“hahahaha. As expected, the skills of our cadets are amazing. I don’t know if I just followed you or not!”


When Yandela appears, the two girls from the Faculty of Magic shout in unison.

I’ve been observing Ju-Uk Yandela since she entered the gate and I noticed two things that looked suspicious.

First he would disappear quite a distance when we moved and he would come back.

And every time he returned, though faintly, his aura was mixed with demonic energy.

It looks like he hid it somewhere, but unfortunately he couldn’t fool me.

Especially, my talent, which is inherited from the Taranhilt family, was certain because I was able to see magic directly.

Secondly, in a similar vein, since entering the dungeon, Yandela secretly caught using magic on two female students from the Faculty of Magic.

“I was scared, sir!”

“hahahaha. This this… It’s embarrassing to be fooled like this. Cadet Maria.”

It was like that even now.

Pretending to pat Sofia and Maria on the shoulder as they run to Yandela, she secretly uses her magic.

To be precise, she didn’t use magic… It was just a way to secretly spill that little demonic energy.

Anyway, it was clear that he was doing something suspicious.

I didn’t know what kind of magic it was because my knowledge of magic was low, but it seemed highly likely that it was mental restraint magic.

No matter how much I think about it, it’s hard to think of Maria or Sophia as sane.

First of all, it was very suspicious that he was hostile to me for no particular reason.

“How long have you decided to rest? Cadet Eugene?”

He asked calmly.

“About an hour would be adequate. I’ll catch my breath, eat some preserved food, and move on again.”

I’m a bit worried.

About whether to subdue Yandela and find out what’s behind him or wait a little longer.

And my choice was leaning towards watching a little more.

First of all, the biggest reason was that Yandela used Magi.

He behaves suspiciously at this gate, and if it has something to do with Magi, it made me speculate that he knows some way to summon the demon sealed in the space sword.

If that’s the case, Yandela is unintentionally doing my job for me.

Whether it’s summoning a demon or fusion, it’s best for me if it only appears in front of me.

I didn’t think I’d lose with my skills because the demon that broke through the seal was the weakest at that moment.

Of course, the strength of demons would be overwhelming if it wasn’t a master level, but force was always a relative law.

It’s rather severe, but it’s something I have to be wary of when a demon is summoned and takes enough time to recover its strength.

Of course, unexpected variables may occur.

Something like how the demon is so strong that I can’t even block it.

However, we judged that the possibility is not high, and if there is a sign of that, we plan to deal with it by revising the plan in the middle.

For now, I kept it that way.

While sitting down and resting, I decided to answer some questions.

I moved next to Erica and asked after forming a curtain.

“Erika, what do you think of Professor Yandela?”

“Huh? Why?”

“I was just curious.”

“… The cadets of the Faculty of Magic obey strangely well? It doesn’t look bad, but it’s true that it feels a bit pretentious.”

She didn’t seem to notice anything strange about Yandela.

Han Yoo-chan, the other cadet of the Engineering Department, also looked similar.

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